Alt-Market has gone through some dramatic changes this past year. We have a brand new website which is far more user friendly and mobile friendly. We have an account on social media website Parler, and we are expanding into some new projects which I will be announcing in the near future. The goal is to get the truth to as many people as possible as effectively as possible before such information is shut down for good by Big Tech corporations and governments.
Alt-Market’s traffic has also seen a HUGE jump this year, and I think it is because many of my predictions made on the pandemic situation, the economy as well as the election have come true. It’s hard to argue with success. In other words, we “conspiracy theorists” are being proven right more and more everyday, and now people who once ignored us are becoming interested in what we have to say.
Thanks to the support of readers I have been able to publish the facts and plant seeds of truth for around 15 years now; from the days of Neithercorp.us, to Alt-Market.com and now Alt-Market.us.
Every summer and winter I hold a donation drive for Alt-Market in order to keep the project going through the year. It’s about that time again and for those that are able, I greatly appreciate your support.
As 2020 ends and 2021 begins, there is incredible uncertainty and instability in the US. Mainstream propaganda and disinformation are worse than ever. Cutting through that propaganda and breaking it down into facts vs. lies is paramount. I will continue in this effort and there is nothing other than complete shutdown that will stop me (even that probably won’t stop me). I will also be expanding into some new areas soon and I’m excited to announce these projects once they are ready.
Also this winter, anyone that donates $15 or more will receive a copy of the Alt-Market Archive – Over 100 pages of Alt-Market’s best articles and best predictions in one convenient PDF with table of contents and cover. Just be sure to include an email with your donation.
If you would like to support our efforts, you can visit our DONATION PAGE HERE.
Or you can send a donation by snail mail to:
Brandon Smith
421 US Highway 93N
Suite 209
Eureka, MT 59917
Thanks for your patronage.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market
Just donated. Thanks for all you do, Brandon. Can’t wait to see the new projects you mentioned.