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Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft

July 3, 2024

By Brandon Smith

In a national poll last month Americans were asked if they believed a new civil war was likely to happen within their lifetime. The establishment media was shocked to report that 47% of the population said yes. Those of us in the liberty media were not so surprised; I believe according to the evidence that we were already a short step away from civil war in 2021-2022.

There were A LOT of guys (millions) getting ready for the possibility of vaccine passport enforcement. Gun ownership in the US hit record highs during that time period and conservative/patriot groups saw a spike in public interest. As it turned out, the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along, there really was an organized agenda to eliminate constitutional protections…

If we had allowed the vax passport policy to take hold, our liberties would have been officially erased forever. Economic freedoms would be abolished. Access to the jobs market and trade would be impossible for anyone refusing the vaccine. Real-time tracking of the population along with a social credit system would have become the norm using mandatory cell phone apps. After that, America would essentially turn into a Chinese-style concentration camp.

A lot of people woke up during that period and realized that an attempt at a totalitarian state in the US was not only possible, it was happening right in front of them. Luckily, anti-mandate conservatives were loud enough and the majority of red states passed legislation to block lockdowns and vax passport efforts. The Biden Administration, the CDC, the WHO and globalist groups like the WEF abruptly backed away from their draconian programs and gave up on the mandates by the end of 2022.  And to anyone who actually believes the CDC numbers on total vaccinations are accurate, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you…

That said, the same people are still in power today and those people are looking for another avenue to institute sweeping controls on the populace. One tried and true method for them to achieve that goal is to start a global war and then use the inevitable chaos and fear to bring in authoritarian measures. In other words, WWIII might be Plan B.

The signs of this plan are everywhere, but perhaps most disconcerting is the growing discussion among western nations about military conscription (the draft).

The most recent passage of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) included a measure to automatically register all males ages 18-26 for the selective service list. To be clear, signing up for the selective service was already mandatory, the new NDAA only made it immediate instead of relying on young men to sign up on their own accord. There has also been a drive to automatically add women to the draft database.

Critics argue that the public is “overreacting” to the bill because it changes very little in terms of the draft scenario. What these people don’t understand is that it’s not the minor revisions in the NDAA that have the public concerned, it’s the overall increase in rhetoric surrounding the draft that matters. Numerous military officials in the US and Europe have mentioned conscription in the past year.

Chris Miller, the former acting Defense Secretary, publicly suggested that the government should bring back mandatory service.

Last month, a Washington DC-based think-tank group called Center For A New American Security (CNAS) released a report in which they war-gamed several conscription scenarios for a large scale mobilization against China. The Department of Defense used to run conscription simulations but has not done so in over 50 years (at least not any simulations that have been made public).  It should be noted that the CNAC’s financial supporter list is basically a Who’s-Who of globalist foundations and corporations from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation to JP Morgan.

The group found that the mobilization of a force of 100,000 new recruits within 200 days would be nearly impossible under current cultural conditions. They noted that the internet and social media present a significant obstacle, ostensibly because it allows people to share unfiltered information.

Even during the covid lockdowns, the insane level of control alphabet agencies and Big Tech companies used to throttle information was not enough to stop Americans from spreading the truth.

The think tank also suggested that any significant draft could only succeed if the public knew they could face real punishment if they refused to comply. Interestingly, in a recommendation to the president the report mentions that ‘older recruits’ should be targeted for conscription FIRST. It doesn’t cite a specific age group, but I find this suggestion highly suspicious – Older American men are more likely to resist any draft effort. Why go after us first, unless the goal is to remove us from the equation and throw us in prisons before we have a chance to organize?

If you think that these kinds of discussions are limited to smoky backrooms in Washington DC among military analysts, think again. Far-left media outlet Vox just published an article titled ‘The World Is Running Out Of Soldiers’, and it’s written as if that’s a bad thing.

Vox seems to be in favor of the war machine and they examine an extensive list of issues showcasing why a draft might be necessary. They specifically mention the Center for a New American Security report and even discuss why drone technology simply isn’t enough to fight the next big conflagration. These people want men (and women) to fill the current gaps in military recruitment and conscription is a built in measure, not only in the US but also in Europe.

Most Americans know that when the government and the media start talking about a sweeping societal change they know the citizenry isn’t going to like, they are trying to incrementally acclimate the public to the eventual enforcement.

The US government and media warnings about low military recruitment numbers have been endless, while “experts” assert that war is coming soon with Russia, China and perhaps renewed conflicts in the Middle East. European governments have also been promoting conscription propaganda while doom mongering over a possible Russian invasion.

The reality is that global elites aren’t “predicting” a war, they are preparing to CREATE a war from thin air. And, in order to create a global war they have to get people to show up and fight. But what if no one wants to fight? What if no one shows up? Conscription is the only answer. The question is, what will the population do when faced with forced military service and forced participation in a war between major national powers?

Public trust in the US government is at all time lows in 2023-2024. Less than 20% of the US population supports a return to the draft similar to what we witnessed during the Vietnam War. People have to care about motivations for a war before they’re willing to die in one. This has never been more true than it is today. Beyond that, we have to take into account who the war fighters are – Who does America typically send to fight and die?

In the past it has always been majority conservatives who joined the cause; the people who had the mental and physical capacity to fight along with the patriotic motivation. These are the front line combat soldiers – Not the rear echelon people. Not the logistics people. Not the mechanics and cooks and people working at a desk; the guys who actually pull the trigger.

The US military has spent the better part of the past seven years driving conservatives away from military service in favor of woke ideology and DEI propaganda. So who is left to do the real fighting? Well, what about progressives?

As the DC think-tanks are well aware, social media outrage over the mere mention of a new draft shows clearly that Gen Z isn’t going to comply with conscription. Progressives are terrified of the idea while conservative are highly suspicious. Not to mention, 70% of Gen Z is physically or mentally unfit to meet basic training standards anyway.

What about adding women to the draft? Doesn’t that double the conscription pool? No, it actually weakens the conscription pool because in order to draft women into combat roles basic training standards would have to be lowered dramatically. As the Marine Corp discovered experimenting with mixed gender units, inclusion of women in combat roles greatly reduces unit performance.  Any military that fields a large number of women under front line conditions will lose, badly.

The men that are qualified to fight are mostly conservatives and they aren’t going to go to war for the current administration. They certainly aren’t going to die for Ukraine and I doubt many are interested in dying for Israel either. If they fight a war it’s going to be here at home to remove pervasive and corrupt puppet officials along with their globalist puppet masters.

Now, whenever I bring up this possibility there’s always a contingent of government-stroking shills that claim this outcome is impossible. Next week I will be publishing an article outlining exactly why any administration seeking to go to war with a conservative citizenry will lose. To summarize, it’s a numbers game and the numbers are in our favor.

Recent surveys show that around 30% of adult Americans are now preppers. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported a 50% increase from just 2017 to 2020 in people capable of up to 30 days or more of self-reliance. That’s a HUGE concentration of liberty minded people, tens of millions. Along with the 50 million+ gun owners in the US, it’s the largest army in the world by far.

To be sure, there are foreign threats out there. But, it’s hard to take the government’s cries for military readiness seriously when our borders are wide open and they are allowing millions of foreigners into the country every year without knowing who they are. No, the fight is going to be here at home, not overseas, and I think there are a number of political elites that understand this. A global war and forced conscription is their attempt at removing the “malcontents” before we cause them too much trouble.


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Brandon Smith

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  • Rodster July 3, 2024 at 4:34 am

    I think people around the world are starting to feel the same way because it’s becoming too obvious that it’s them versus us. Conservatives are winning big in elections in different parts of the world.

    What is more concerning for those in power is that people are finally waking up that they have been lied to. Chris Martenson posted a followup preview video and he shows how in Australia, citizens have had enough with the so-called experts, medical professionals and the media.

    And the narratives can also be applied to Ukraine, Israel etc as people begin to collectively pull back the curtain on those that are in charge. It’s becoming a Wizard of Oz moment in history.

  • JoeInMissouri July 3, 2024 at 7:39 am

    What a change Americans have mindlessly submitted to slavery for every war that the globalists have wanted to wage in the past.

    • Avatar photo
      Brandon Smith July 3, 2024 at 8:29 am

      Things are very different now. No one wants to join the military under the current conditions.

      • Naatok July 3, 2024 at 9:46 am

        I concur.
        After 9/11, until I began to understand more clearly what was going on, I entertained re-enlisting. Ultimately I did not go due to family considerations.
        Now? Under this administration and these insane globalist puppets?
        No chance in hell I would, even if I wasn’t “over the hill.”

      • Justin July 6, 2024 at 4:17 pm

        That’s a good thing too, is it not?
        As for those ‘malcontents’, there will be no one else enlisting, so who is left to enlist? No one?

        Colonel MacGregor sums it up quite well.

        That’s the main reason no one will enlist now.
        It’s good to see the young people everywhere refusing to enlist or be ‘conscripted’.
        Let the old politicians who start these wars fight them, and see how that turns out.
        We may yet see a war that no one showed up to fight?

        • Avatar photo
          Brandon Smith July 6, 2024 at 4:50 pm

          Well, lets not forget about the millions of illegals they have allowed to cross the border in the past few years. I strongly believe they intend to offer those people easy citizenship in exchange for military service. But they will most likely want to use migrant troops here at home, not overseas. The main reason conservatives are not enlisting is more to do with the wokification of the military along with the threat of pointless wars. Biden’s mental decline is a secondary issue.

    • Jonathan N July 3, 2024 at 4:54 pm

      Their lies are easier to expose and counter than ever before. It’s too bad people of the past didn’t have the abilities we have now to share factual information about the corruption and plans of the psychopathic ruling class. So many have woken up to who they are and what they’re trying to do, and they’ve had no choice but to be more open about it as well and to try and convince people that their agenda is good. This is all coming to a head, it’s obvious.

  • Buratta July 3, 2024 at 9:01 am

    i would rather see my son help lay siege to the imperial palaces on the potomac than serve as their cannon fodder. the enemy is perpetually eroding my freedom, and he does not reside in Gaza. the enemy has made my son’s future economically unviable, and he is not in Beijing. the enemy has forced depravity down my throat, and he is not in Moscow.

    it is interesting you mentioned that many will not want to serve “the current administration.” I hope the young men evaluate deeper than who is president at that moment. Although Trump and his team talk a good game (and at this stage i will crawl over broken glass to vote for him if for no other reason than to toss one last molotov cocktail through the establishment’s front door), his track record suggests he is unlikely to keep us out of the same conflicts – and frankly, we all understand that the “elected representatives” are not the ones in charge, regardless.

    point being, the choice is not whether to serve on behalf of an administration; it is whether to serve this empire or not.

    i will NOT lay my children at the altar of this dying empire.

    • Billy Bob July 3, 2024 at 1:11 pm

      Amen. If my son is drafted, they will have to contend with me as well.

    • Davy Crockett July 6, 2024 at 5:38 am

      Very well put.

    • HockeyGuy July 7, 2024 at 1:24 pm

      I’ve been saying this for a couple years now: as an average American, my enemies are not in Moscow or Beijing. My enemies are in Washington DC, the military industrial complex, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Wall street, and corporate media.

  • King Leonidas July 3, 2024 at 10:15 am

    As a veteran I would never again voluntarily join to fight for this empire. And, knowing what I now know about our govt I would not have joined back in the day. Guys my age (60s) will fight to protect and defend our nation from an invading force and, if needed, throw out any tyrant. Honestly folks I’ve even started looking at alternative places other than the USA to move to. Not that there’s any place better but there may be safer places to live out my final days.

  • Serge July 3, 2024 at 11:41 am

    Another brilliant article.
    As I said and wrote, this show is very, very relevant and – i add – realistic:
    We are living in critical Times.

  • Jay July 3, 2024 at 11:48 am

    When the propaganda machine gets cranked up and all sound reasoning and morality are banned from internet and public discussion, lots of circumstances change. Those internet and media censors who would stop public discussion and resistance to leftist politicians very likely learned much about where alternative information comes from during the plandemic and they will know how to shut such discussion down next time around. Prepare accordingly.

    • Avatar photo
      Brandon Smith July 3, 2024 at 2:42 pm

      That’s what people said during covid, and their agenda failed. You don’t think they already knew BEFORE covid where the alternative information was coming from? The next time around it’s war. Period.

  • Jerry Davis July 3, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Well done, Brandon Smith. I agree with what you wrote, and want to add that the people can see that the United States government in particular, and the NATO flunkies in general, are the antagonists in the “war” VS Russia. It’s a resource grab, as the West oligarchy wants to steal Russia’s resources. The Minsk Agreement was constantly violated by the USA and Ukraine was the last straw with Russia, and Russia went in to Ukraine to fight for their land and their Russian civilians unnecessarily trapped in Ukraine. I will fight conscription. The greatest threat to America is the Deep State and the government, which is the puppet of the Deep State. Russia is not our enemy. Washington clearly, obviously and materially is. Before we fight a WWIII, we will fight a CW2.

    • Davy Crockett July 6, 2024 at 6:27 am

      What if we look a little further back than the Minsk Agreement?
      What if we look back to 2014? What if Maidan started out from grassroots because people were really fed-up with corruption and having a Russian (globalist) puppet in charge? Sure – it was co-opted and they got Western (globalist) puppets instead.
      What if we look back to 1994? What about the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, where Ukraine gave up their nukes and heavy weapons to Russia and disbanded their military? Perhaps it was dumb (or treasonous) to give away weapons in exchange for promises of peace?
      What if we look to back to the Bolsheviks? What if they created the three artificial Holodomor famines in Ukraine and put Russian people into the homes of dead Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine? Does that give Russia a reason to invade Eastern Ukraine to protect the people they put into those homes from speaking Ukrainian?
      What if illegal immigrants settle in the US (even without South American countries Holodomoring the US to open up some housing for them)? Will that give those countries a reason to invade the Southern or Western areas of the US to protect Latin-speaking people if the US issues a law that the official language is English?
      It seems people are unaware of the history of how Russian people ended up in the East of Ukraine.
      What if Brandon is right and both Russia and China are both also in the globalist team?
      What if Russia and China pushed the same vaccinations on their populations (with different names of course)?
      What if a lot of the devlopment was done in China in collaboration with and funding from Fauci’s NIH?
      What if Russia and China are both calling for a global CBDC, based on the SDR and issued by the BIS and the IMF?
      What if China is the chosen globalist manufacturing centre?
      What if fake Putin and the Comedian work for the same bosses? What if the war in Ukraine is a meatgrinder, kept in balance to ensure maximum death and getting rid of old military hardware that the people should not have? Why is Russia not targeting the leadership in Ukraine?
      There are many Ukrainian men who see this and do not want to be drafted. They are physically abducted to be thrown into the meatgrinder. There are many Russian men who also see this. Unfortunately, it does not look like they are standing against the globalists operating the meatgrinder.

  • Roundball Shaman July 3, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    Truth be told, We the People have always been at war with those who purport to lead us over the centuries – and also amongst our own selves. It’s always at least a low-level war like an annoying noise that you always hear that just wont go away. And sometimes it’s a flash-bang orgy of death that makes the Dark Powers so happy and pleased with orgasmic delight.
    Lots of wars going on around us from our own homes to the schools to the churches to the town to the State and Nation… and the World.
    Why? Because The Dark Powers are always finding ways to pervert our lives and ruin our human/divine state of being. And – people being what we are – we just find all kinds of others we just can’t or wont get along with.
    And the most basic reason for war: We are not at peace within our own self. We have allowed Life to distort our thinking and arouse our negative emotions and stoke unhealthy cravings and we fall to the Dark Magic of the Dark Side to get us to do everything They want us to do all the time. Mindless submission to dark hypnotism.
    There is something deep within the human spirit which causes many of us to want to intrude and dominate and use and abuse and dehumanize others. This is a deep sickness that one can spot a thousand or more times a day in people and events in our daily lives. This sickness is embedded within government, education, religion, State Media, our workplace, and within our very own families. Everywhere.
    Some wars like those to protect our families and personal freedoms are absolutely necessary. This is to protect our core human need of bare basic human survival which is an existential foundation of natural law and basic human right of being.
    All these other wars? The human family must have one clear and concise answer to them each and every one of them as they come up: WE JUST AREN’T PLAYING THIS GAME ANY MORE. GO THE EFF AWAY AND LEAVE US ALONE…
    God did not intend for anyone to be someone else’s tool or fool. The Bible teaches that the human family was made in the image of God. And I don’t think God is on the Military Industrial Complex’ Staff or payroll.
    And Our Creator never will be. And neither should we.

    • Luke July 3, 2024 at 10:52 pm

      You’re a gem Roundball. Am searching from an introspective angle. I don’t believe I’m like any of that and neither is my family or close buds. I always hated bullies. But still I had to self diagnose.

      “There is something deep within the human spirit which causes many of us to want to intrude and dominate and use and abuse and dehumanize others.”

      However and unfortunately you are correct. Another brilliant post. It rings true. Got me looking at myself but I don’t believe I fall into that category. There’s some strong ones out there. The kind of people we need for what is to come.

      “They” are no longer going to be able to dictate our demise and pop up with CBDC (programmable). Too much friction out there for our betters to pull it off. But still we will fold, just not on the elite’s timeline.

      Ugh I don’t see us lasting much longer than a year. Of course I have been wrong before.

  • NetRanger July 3, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    War is a rich man’s trick. All wars are banker’s wars.

  • NetRanger July 3, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Wow! GoDaddy sure doesn’t like it when you turn on privacy settings.

    There is nothing more corrupt than conscription. …and watch how the patriots stop such an effort. After a few thousand corruptocrats and paid conscription thugs are, shall we say, “disabled” the movement will stop in its tracks. If they have to call the Special Weapons And Thugs unit every time they try to pick up a “dodger”, think how slow that’s gonna be. …and after a few of the Special Weapons And Thug members “quit”, well, there won’t be much conscription going on. People don’t want war. Elites, corporations and corrupt government want war. They should grab a rifle and volunteer. War is a rich man’s trick. All wars are banker’s wars.

  • John B July 3, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    “Smart Veterans are advising young Americans NOT to volunteer to become enforcers for the horrible policies of what is BY DEFINITION an inherently coercive, wasteful, & inefficient territorial monopolist of ultimate decisionmaking and violence: The US Federal Government.”
    “A TRUE Patriot protects the people from Government”

  • Quatermain July 3, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    I spent over 5 years of my life successfully beating the Vietnam draft. It was not easy, but there were a large number of us who successfully did it. I, then, used that knowledge and became a draft counselor helping a lot of others do the same. I worry that the zoomers lack the resolve to successfully beat conscription, but there are still enough of us around who can and will help any who will try. The thing that is not widely known, now, is how badly the “deep state” of that time was shaken by the end of the draft. It was not ended out of magnanimity, it was ended with massive non compliance and creative monkey wrenching.

  • Scott July 3, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    The draft officially ended the same month I enlisted in the “New All Volunteer Army” in the early 70s. The argument AGAINST stopping the draft then was that men were “drafted” from all types and intellects providing a good cross-section of men that could do things from peeling potatoes to operating air defense artillery (missiles) equipment, such as I did. In other words, the draft force-ably brought in a broad range of people that could man all needed levels of military positions. That is NOT true today! Today, the general population of our 18-26 age men might be able to peel potatoes, if they can put down their gaming device, but not much more for many of them. I am not saying that I am in favor of reinstating the draft in the U.S. — just that we’re in trouble IF we draft — and not many with any smarts WANTS to enlist on his or her own. . .IMO. As for me — I will defend from withIN my country and am still able to do it!

  • Jonathan N July 3, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    They may just attack the USA (with nukes via Russia and/or China) and cripple us and descend the country into chaos rather than try to get us to comply further with the NWO.

    If Americans are the biggest obstacle due to having the most believers in not being slaves, then they may just try to remove us entirely from the equation and then implement their worldwide NWO.

    • Irritable Farmer July 3, 2024 at 6:00 pm

      The U.S. government _is_ the NWO.

      • Avatar photo
        Brandon Smith July 3, 2024 at 8:11 pm

        The US government is more like a subsidiary of the NWO – Like a franchise.

  • Irritable Farmer July 3, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    Forcing kids to kill? Just kill those who are forcing them, fewer dead that way.

  • DWEEZIL THE WEASEL July 3, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    The only time you go to war is to defend your home and defend the Bill of Rights. – H/T to Smedley Butler. I drank the “Kill a commie for mommy” Kool-Aid in 1969. It is by the Grace of God I did not end up with my name chiseled on the Black Granite Wall in DC, and my remains fertilizing some Dink’s rice paddy. I did everything I could when I worked as a schoolteacher to tell the unvarnished truth about the involuntary servitude of military service for the enrichment of the Banksters, as in Gangsters. If this abomination comes to fruition, I am ready to go full Samuel Whittemore at age 76. This cannot and will not stand.

  • JohnF July 3, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    “We Made a Lot of Enemy’s Around The World – Maybe A Few Of Them Teamed Up”
    Keven Bacon – Leave the World Behind (2023)

    They (Democrats & Republicans) Are All Following The Same Plan Since 911 False
    Flag Event – Permanent War Mode.

    “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five
    years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing
    off Iran.” Gen W. Clark

    Both Parties Are Two Wings of the Same Bird – Headed by the CIA/Mossad MIC
    Complex of Too Big To Fail/Jail Corporations & Banksters (Epstein Gang).

    America Is Bankrupt – National Debt 34+ Trillion – No Audits.??

    Taking Control of Middle East Oil Supply & Pipeline Networks – Control Oil and
    You Control Nations – Henry Kissinger

    Which Is the Reason Why Russia Now Backs Syria & China Now Backs Iran To
    Counter That Move – Lebanon is the Wild Card.

    The Secretary-General of NATO Made a Formal Statement Explaining the
    Purpose of NATO in the Post-Cold War World – Control Global Energy Systems,
    Pipelines, & Sea Lanes. That Means – Control the World. Noam Chomsky

    NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) Vs BRICS (Global South).

    • Avatar photo
      Brandon Smith July 3, 2024 at 8:27 pm

      That’s the way it used to be, now the false left/right paradigm is unraveling and there are true patriots in politics in some red states and counties. We can no longer make generalizations that “all Republicans” are in on the agenda because that’s no longer true. Ron Paul’s efforts 15 years ago are bearing fruit and we are now seeing rebellion within the GOP. The red state blocking of the vax mandates and lockdowns is hard proof.

  • Luke July 3, 2024 at 10:38 pm

    Hey Brandon and Co was just telling a guy on a previous thread. Am sorry for getting excited about Chlorine Dioxide. I don’t think it’s harmful but don’t bet the farm on its effectiveness.

    I love alternative medicine but IMO some of these people are still nuts lol. I say that because that’s what I always thought of them beforehand. Asked them if my arm was cut off what would prevent gangrene and sepsis. Their lack of straight forwardness was disturbing. Don’t get me wrong I like that stuff for prevention but not life death.

    Am guilty of blowing the horn before saying we are getting ready to be smacked down. Something tipped me off in 20, 21, 22 but didn’t know what it was. Yet here we are fairly normal.

    But the more I understand, the more I believe my instincts were correct. Same message all of you have been hearing. Stock up on food, water, ammo, and good healing medicines like antibiotics.

    PS great article, they will get my nephew over our dead body. He’s the kind you want too. Great with weapons, Trap shooter from hell (90/100 doubles lol). Am thinking this may be why “they” might be ready to install Trump. “They” need a recruiter. Will vote for him but it’s something to be wary of. Not sure what to make of any of this political horseshit nowadays.

  • Michael Zargona July 4, 2024 at 6:21 am

    We’re all waiting for The Next Big Move. I’ll put my money on a financial crisis that leads to the shut down / near-complete blockage of Internet and cellular communication (for the masses at least). This is a necessary move to prevent the organization of any resistance to what comes next. This will probably make cell phone tracking useless — people will not carry a phone they can’t use for calls, texts, email, apps, etc. So…a different form of tracking will have to be developed, one a little more permanent…

    It’s easy to imagine a chess game between two people who can both see all the pieces. Now imagine one where one side is one single player and the other has a different player for each piece, and they can neither see nor talk with the others. Which “team” do you think will win?

    • Avatar photo
      Brandon Smith July 4, 2024 at 9:17 am

      It’s more like a game of risk, rather than a game of chess. Chess has many rules, a game of risk has very few. If the globalists had the upper hand then they would already have their NWO. They risk their entire empire. You and I don’t have an empire, but every individual American risks his livelihood and his own future. Each side is waiting for the other to blink.

      • Luke July 4, 2024 at 7:06 pm

        There’s no doubt in my mind “they” had planned to pull the plug on the Western Fin System. Hence Klaus saying “the world would be a much angrier one.” I know that only one statement but if you couple it with his other “you will own nothing” it’s starts to line up.

        Not sure if you saw the pdf couple years ago from the WEF about their perceived goals for 2030. I have it saved on my PC somewhere. There were about 10 hot topics. For example: The preferred meat consumption preferred was 0% but acceptable was about a 1/4 beef per week. At least that’s what my napkin math came up with.

        I don’t believe the WEF is anything but a messenger for the real pricks behind the scene. But they do indeed relay their plans for us. And in my opinion they’re not fucking around. In other words, they mean it.

        I could probably find it if I looked hard enough. Hell it may still be on their site unless they have scrubbed it. Think it was called Agenda 2030. Lol sometimes I wonder if they didn’t want to flog Klaus Schwab for the book release. That was buckets of stupid which I believe derived from the hubris and success of the lockdowns. He probably shouldn’t have done that lol.

        The problem tho with this plan now is you MUST have everyone on board. Whatever the goals of Russia & China happen to be they are not on the bandwagon. Am thinking our betters were quite confident they could bust Russia apart and China would have no choice but to capitulate. And then they would have executed the plan.

        For humanity’s sake this has failed. However not all is gum drops and lollipops. As the new so called Multi Polar World emerges the current monopolistic system will not be able to compete; and same for the one they had planned. Wasn’t much different than the one we see today aside from the programmable CBDC. That would be humanity’s final nail in the coffin. “They” would still control money supply and military which is the source of all power.

        Happy 4th Gents!!

        • Michael Zargona July 5, 2024 at 6:29 am

          Agenda 2030 is merely the newest recipe. I heavily leaned on “The New Order of Barbarians” which dates to the late 1960s, plus some other well-researched books about globalists like “En Route to Global Occupation” by Gary Kah circa 1992, for my end-of-the-world trilogy. Humanists have been laying this out there for all to see for well over a hundred years. You can delve into conjecture and conspiracy theories, but why…when there’s plenty they’ve already made public. It’s pretty much a, “It’s coming and you can’t stop it” mentality, and sadly they’re right.

          They’ve made their playbook well known for a long time. Huxley, Orwell, and Rand weren’t prophets, they just knew the playbook and had the chops to fictionalize it.

  • mongoos July 4, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    Just saw this: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” As Brandon has said time and again, the left exists only because we on the right tolerate and allow it. There is only one way the culture war against the left can possibly go down — and it won’t be bloodless.

  • Davy Crockett July 6, 2024 at 6:56 am

    It is a pity that good American men did not have this understanding since WW2.
    It seems like Russian men and Chinese men are not likely to take a stand against their drafts.
    It looks like men in powerful countries enjoy that power and are willing to go “kick some ass” far from home. They will only resist a draft if they understand they are being fed into a sausage machine.
    Unfortunately it seems Russian men will follow orders and invade Europe instead of standing against their own globalists.
    Fortunately it seems many American men understand that Trump is a Pied Piper for the NWO.
    Unfortunately, as Brandon has said, they – perhaps under Trump – wil probably draft illegals when Americans refuse. It would not be surprising to see American men who do join get deployed to the overseas meatgrinders and illegals who get drafted get deployed to the local meatgrinder.

    • Davy Crockett July 6, 2024 at 7:48 am

      ps. The same goes for European countries.
      Military age men are allowed in, but no problem, because they are not armed, and, who will arm them, right?
      Very simple. They can be drafted and armed by the governments of those countries.
      They will need money – or food if the economy or grid is switched off – and they can get paid (or fed) and armed. And the more locals get grinded, the more houses for non-locals.
      It seems a hard fight is coming.
      “Christian” countries ignore the Passover when Jesus was crucified and rather commemorate the death of Tammuz on the Feast of Ishtar. Shops are full of Ishtar eggs, because Semiramis turned a bird into a rabbit that still laid eggs. They ignore Jesus’ birth and rather commemorate the birth of Nimrod during the Saturnalia. There are statues of Semiramis everywhere. Hell, there are statues of Baphomet these days. God’s name is blasphemed on the airwaves constantly. Day 1 (Sunday) is hallowed and day 7 is ignored. Unborn babies are murdered constantly. Adultery is rife. Farmers abuse His animals and soil and plant crops with GMO seeds He did not create. Will the Christian God help? Perhaps His servants need to obey His Law before calling for His help.

  • Amuzed_Traveler July 7, 2024 at 10:30 am

    What a positive and uplifting post, Brandon!

  • Ivan Penalun July 12, 2024 at 11:45 pm

    Hi Brandon,

    I have been reading your articles since 2008 and Neithercorp. You have consistantly captured the essence of every episode in this ongoing assualt in both a clear and detailed manner.

    I had similar thoughts on this.

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