This article was written by Matt Agorist and originally published at The Free Thought Project
Pulling on the heartstrings of Americans on Valentine’s Day, President Joe Biden urged Congress to implement unprecedented gun bans, magazine bans, ammo bans, and going after gun manufacturers. He pushed for these draconian measures by evoking an emotional reaction, through the exploitation of the Parkland shooting.
“The Parkland students and so many other young people across the country who have experienced gun violence are carrying forward the history of the American journey. It is a history written by young people in each generation who challenged prevailing dogma to demand a simple truth: we can do better. And we will,” Biden said in a statement.
“This Administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call. We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer. Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.”
For those who remember, this was a tactic employed by Donald Trump as well, who took to his pulpit after Parkland to call for removing due process.
“I like taking the guns early like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers after the shooting.
“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.
In the afternoon on Feb. 14, 2018, a man identified by authorities as Nikolas Cruz, now 22, walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and opened fire with an AR-15 rifle. The shooting left 17 dead, including 14 students. Since then, this tragedy has been exploited by the anti-gun crowd as a means of removing guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens. Dozens upon dozens of “red flag” gun laws and other such bills have been passed and are being used across the country.
Although the ostensible intention of these laws is to stop a future tragedy, it is important to point out that there were already laws on the books that should’ve stopped Nikolas Cruz from ever getting a gun. This is a fact that is ignored by Biden and the rest of the anti-second amendment ilk.
Citing Cruz as the reason for advocating the erosion of the 2nd Amendment, the anti-gun activists are claiming he should’ve had his guns taken which would have prevented the tragedy. Sadly, however, they are ignoring the fact that he was accused of multiple felonies—and should’ve never been able to purchase a gun in the first place—but law enforcement failed to act on any of it.
According to a report by CNN, records obtained from the sheriff’s office by CNN show the law enforcement agency received at least 45 calls for service relating to Cruz or his brother from 2008 to 2017.
As TFTP previously reported, Cruz warned that he was going to shoot up a school and kill people and the FBI did nothing. “I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” A YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz commented on a video on Sept. 24, 2017. The video was posted on the channel “Ben The Bondsman,” and the owner, Ben Bennight, immediately took a screenshot and submitted it to the FBI. Nothing happened.
While this is bad enough, the Sheriff’s department records show that police were given this exact same warning—a year before—because Cruz had been declaring his wishes to shoot up the school publicly.
According to the records, in 2016, a neighbor warned police that Cruz posted on Instagram that he said he “planned to shoot up the school.” The person who made that call came forward in March and said that she begged the sheriff’s office to intervene. Instead of intervening though, police told her that they couldn’t act until Cruz actually did something.
The incompetence is staggering, especially given the fact that making a direct threat of violence is illegal.
A few months after he said he wanted to shoot up the school on Instagram—because the police failed to heed this warning and the dozens of other ones—Cruz bought the rifle he would use in the shooting—none of the gun control laws or the actual laws on the books designed to stop him from getting a gun worked.
In Florida, if a person making death threats intends for the victim to fear for his or her safety, specifically fearful of death or bodily harm, it is considered a credible threat under the law, which changes the crime from stalking, a first-degree misdemeanor, to aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree. Cruz was reported at least 4 times for this very crime before he bought his AR-15 — and police did nothing.
The reactionary nature of disarming Americans because deranged psychopaths kill people is dangerous and only serves to keep the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. Moreover, deranged psychopaths don’t even need guns to cause mass death.
Biden has been outspoken about his desires to disarm Americans and gun-control advocacy groups are pushing both executive orders and legislative packages to make sure this happens. As Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House, these actions have an even better chance of getting rammed through.
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I see a massive black market cropping up for these “weapons of war” if this does get passed. Good luck trying to enforce it.
Well, since depopulation is on the menu anyway, disarming the people can’t be about their safety, can it?
Gun confiscation is always about the safety of the globalists.
So much harder to oppress when a population is armed…..
This is the line (gun grabbing) in the sand when patriots must fight back for their families future. Are there enough patriot men of fighting age today who will stand up against the tyranny? Many women will stand up for their kids and their safety.
My guns are not illegal, they are ‘undocumented’. My home is their sanctuary city.
On a related note, back when there was a mass casualty event every other week or so I began to notice some patterns after doing some digging as did quite a few others. I’m not going to wade in it but there were a number of things at almost all events that did not pass the smell test…..