The Q&A portion of the Wild Bunch Dispatch will be held on this page from 6pm to 7:30pm (Mountain Time) today. Any questions you might have on the 41st issue please post here and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. Some ground rules:
1) Please stick to the subject matter of the newsletter.
2) This is not a debate forum. If you have some concerns I’m happy to address them, but I can’t get into a long circular debate while other people have questions.
3) If I do not respond to your question immediately, don’t freak out. I’ll get to it, don’t worry.
4) Try to keep to one or two questions each time you write a post. Please refrain from essay-long multi-question posts. It is much appreciated.
I will begin discussion at exactly 6pm Mountain time. Looking forward to your questions and thoughts on the Wild Bunch Issue #41. The next issue of the newsletter will be released on November 6th. If you missed out on this discussion you can still subscribe for the next issue and participate. For more information on how to subscribe, visit the link HERE.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us
Discussion on Issue #41 is now open.
Brandon, what is the minimal amount of land you think I would need to start a homestead? Can it be done with less than 5 acres?
Yes. But once you get down to around 2 acres or less it will become very difficult without good planning. There will be conflicting land uses, like garden space conflicting with animal space. With only two acres or less I would focus on chickens and a large garden.
If you’re planning on building your own little homestead stay away from places that have Home Owners Associations. From what I’ve heard they are a nightmare to dealt with.
Yes, that’s for certain. Though, most places with such associations don’t have enough land space to build a working homestead anyway. Anyone living in a close quarters suburban neighborhood should make it a priority to link up with at least a couple like minded neighbors and utilize as much backyard space as possible to grow gardens. If there are no like-minded people in your neighborhood, it might be time to relocate.
Off topic, but the Philadelphia cops have had their nonlethal weapons taken today. Looks like a set up for “the people “ to ASK for Martial law. What say you Brandon?
Yes. The police over the past six months have been utterly defanged. I’m not a big fan of police in general; I think that the sheriff’s dept. should be the only active law enforcement in a community because the sheriff is voted in. The city would not be able to disarm a sheriff as easily as the municipal cops. That said, the police are clearly being hobbled in order to create MORE fear in the community. The only answer is for communities to provide their own security, otherwise, there will be calls for martial law, which is constitutionally unacceptable and a recipe for tyranny.
Building your homestead somewhere that’s easily defensible is a good idea especially in a post-collapse scenario. Someplace well hidden and difficult to get to for attackers unfamiliar with the area like on mountain tops or dense forests or even an island.
Regardless of where your homestead is, you will need to organize with others. This is the only way to be truly secure during a collapse event.
Discussion is now closed on Issue #41. Thanks to all those subscribers who participated. If you missed out on this issue or would like to subscribe to The Wild Bunch Dispatch to receive future issues, visit the subscription page HERE:
Issue #42 will be released on November 6th. Back issues of The Wild Bunch are available for ANYONE to purchase here: