The Q&A portion of the Wild Bunch Dispatch will be held on this page from 6pm to 7:30pm (Mountain Time) today. Any questions you might have on the 44th issue please post here and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. Some ground rules:
1) Please stick to the subject matter of the newsletter.
2) This is not a debate forum. If you have some concerns I’m happy to address them, but I can’t get into a long circular debate while other people have questions.
3) If I do not respond to your question immediately, don’t freak out. I’ll get to it, don’t worry.
4) Try to keep to one or two questions each time you write a post. Please refrain from essay-long multi-question posts. It is much appreciated.
I will begin discussion at exactly 6pm Mountain time. Looking forward to your questions and thoughts on the Wild Bunch Issue #44. The next issue of the newsletter will be released on December 18th. If you missed out on this discussion you can still subscribe for the next issue and participate. For more information on how to subscribe, visit the link HERE.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us
Discussion on Issue #44 is now open.
how can I obtain issue44,I dont see it on back issue page
Make a payment of $3 to Paypal and let me know you want Issue #44.
What do you think are the chances of a “cyber attack” situation and what are the top items to stock for that type of event?
I think the only cyber attack worth being concerned about is a financial cyber attack that causes a market crash. Stock markets are a farce and mostly meaningless, but psychologically a crash would destroy consumer confidence and lead to instability in other sectors. Most utilities and systems the nation relies on are not tied to the internet in a way that makes them susceptible to such attacks. Financials definitely are.
In this case I would stock the normal prepping items that you would stock for an economic threat. Food in particular, as well as alternative methods of money such as gold and silver.
Which State(s) would have the most detrimental impact on the supply chain should it shut down completely? (Obviously this is moot if we end up with a federal level 4 lockdown order.)
California is a huge supplier of agricultural goods. Also anywhere where there a major ports which process imports from overseas. Large population centers will suffer big spikes in unemployment and that has a tendency to bleed out into other parts of a state or the country in general. It puts more stress on the welfare system as well as the food banks. At this stage I think it’s clear that conservatives states are surviving better economically and the liberal states where lockdowns are being pushed aggressively are dragging the rest of the nation down.
Hi Brandon,
Are the categories to stock up mentioned in the decreasing order of priority in the latest newsletter? For example, medical is the most important.
Yes, to a point. I think I tried to arrange everything in degrees of importance along with how fast I think that particular item will disappear. Though, I will say that I think ammo and body armor will be gone completely within the next couple of months.
Do you think any of the categories would be more preferable for barter than the others?
I predict ammo is going to become a new form of currency. I’m seeing massive price spikes right now in the private market. Retailers are trying to keep prices a little lower, but I don’t think they will do so for much longer. Expect prices in the range of $100 a box for any popular caliber next year. I know it sounds crazy, but I’m already seeing some calibers selling for that price right now.
Obviously the end result of this election cycle will determine how fast things unwind. Brandon what is your best guess. A Trump victory with civil unrest ending in martial law or A Biden win with level 4 lock down to be enforced by martial law?
I think the elites would love for conservatives to abandon their principles and support martial law measures; this is why I continue to believe Trump will stay in office and that the leftists will enact mass riots and looting (funded and enabled by globalists at Open Society Foundation and Ford Foundation of course). I really think my call on this is the correct one, but I could be wrong. A Biden attempt at a level 4 lockdown at the federal level would result in rebellion and civil war, which would be quick because the leftists would not last long. I’m not sure that this the result the globalists are pushing for. Conservatives MUST NOT support martial law measures that violate the Bill of Rights and give the government unlimited power. We can provide security for our own communities against riots without crossing that line.
Just a comment w.r.t. shortages in totalitarian regimes, such as Soviet Union, at least there were no major shortages of basic pharmacy medications such as painkillers, aspirin, and antibiotics. And also people knew how take care of themselves based on natural remedies, such as plants.
Yes, shortages in totalitarian regimes tend to be artificially created in order to control the population. The Soviets under Stalin used food shortages as a means to dominate rather than medicine. In the case of the US, we get almost all of our medical products from China. If they cut off the supply, anyone not prepped or familiar with home remedies will be in serious trouble. I am particularly concerned with diabetics, as there are millions of them that are dependent on regular insulin shots just to stay alive.
Brrr, a scary picture. Hopefully people start taking care of themselves. Also, surprisingly enough, many ‘terminal’ diabetics were cured with *pure sugar*, when given them to their desire, per some older French study, which I cannot dig out right now, alas.
Fasting has also been proven to reverse diabetes. Look into doctors like Jason Fung and his studies. He has had spectacular results.
May I also add to the bulk items mentioned in the newsletter salt and sugar. From the USSR experience, sugar disappears right away in a man-made shortage and is being rationed per person/household per year.
And to medicine, aspirin as a painkiller and energy maintainer: More important than ibuprofen.
Yes, salt and sugar are vital, or alternative sources like honey (which is easier to store). I would also look into antihistamines like Benadryl which can save a life during allergic reactions.
+1 for Benadryl !
I don’t know how to fix cars. Brandon, do you think maintaining a relation with a good mechanics shop is a good idea? Or when the worst comes, there will be no client-business relations, and one has to rely only on personal connections.
Keeping a good trade relationship with knowledgeable people is paramount. After a major crash of the economy, EVERYONE becomes a prepper to a certain degree. Mechanics will need to trade services for necessities, too. Barter is going to take over.
Some other things I think would be a good idea to stock up on now are fruit and vegetable seeds, preferably heirloom seeds, books on prepping and self-sufficiency, scrap metal of any kind and materials that can be used for making and repairing body armor.
Agreed. Also any materials that are difficult or impossible to make yourself. Metal construction components come to mind, as well as electronics parts.
For long range bolt action rifle how do you feel about 6.5 creedmore as opposed to .308? I know from your gun issues you recommend the more common round. However in light of currents issue’s topic of ammo availability – 6.5 creedmore has been easier to find this entire year.
6.5 definitely shoots flatter than .308, and it’s easier to find at retailers (for now). That said, for hunting I have noticed it’s much less effective at stopping power than .308, so there’s a trade-off involved. I think if you need a long range setup you should buy whatever is most available to you. I would only note that you are much more likely to find .308 in trade post collapse than you are to find 6.5 creedmore. Also, don’t skimp on your scope; get a solid one that won’t break easily.
Brandon are you familiar at all with Deterrence Dispensed? (associated with Cody WIlson and the ghost gunner).
In the topic of firearms and ammo shortages, these guys are making arms (FGC-9) in Europe where no parts are available. There’s are process for electro etching a barrel out of steel tube. They also just released a guide to alternative ammo.
With firearms and ammo in great shortage I think we need to be looking at all possibilities in the future.
I think machinists with their own equipment will be highly sought after soon. Also, 3D printing is still an option for certain gun parts. One thing that’s difficult to produce though is ammo. There are some really tight tolerances in ammo production, and making one’s own gunpower that is up to modern standards for ammunition would be almost impossible. A better strategy would be to “procure” such items from the enemy.
Here in NC, our governor announced new restrictions taking effect this Friday. How long do you think these rolling lockdowns will occur? I have several months of food stored, we have a deep freezer. I’ve hardened the house as much as I can for now.
If people don’t rebel against the lockdowns in their state now, I would expect the restrictions to last forever. They’ll try to force people to take the vaccine (a barely tested vaccine which the former VP of Pfizer says could cause infertility in women), and medical passports will become mandatory just to go to work. It will be a nightmare. NC residents need to resist now. Start organizing your community the best you can if you have not started already.
Thanks, Brandon. I’m trying to get people together. I’m in a decidedly “blue” area and the spousal unit has already declared he’ll die if anything breaks out. It’s a rather uphill climb at this point, but one I’m plugging away at still.
Western NC, perhaps?
Discussion is now closed on Issue #44. Thanks to all those subscribers who participated. If you missed out on this issue or would like to subscribe to The Wild Bunch Dispatch to receive future issues, visit the subscription page HERE:
Issue #44 will be released on December 18th. Back issues of The Wild Bunch are available for ANYONE to purchase here:
Thought the questions and answers were quite illuminated. Look forward to the next issue and following question session.