This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group
In October of 2024, Russia hosted the annual BRICS Summit in the city of Kazan with the intent to show unity among developing nations and general eastern interests. The Kremlin, a target of severe NATO sanctions since the start of the war in Ukraine, has been effective in solidifying economic guarantees from BRICS partners and circumventing western economic controls.
Despite being removed from the SWIFT banking network and being cut off from a large percentage of global trade, Russia has continued to garner solid export revenues. We certainly aren’t seeing the total collapse of the Russian economy that so many media “experts” predicted. The reason? Russia is resource rich and in an inflationary environment countries that are heavy in commodities sold at lower prices are always sought after. The BRICS event this year was a reminder that the west’s financial influence is in decline.
At that same meeting, Putin called for an alternative international payment system and passed around a mock-up of what he called a BRICS “bank note”. The paper note was purely symbolic, but it’s presence at the summit started an uproar within the establishment media. Pundits were quick to “fact check” the story and declare that this was not a real unified currency announcement. As far as I know, no one said it was. What we did say, however, is that a real multilateral currency system cutting out the dollar is MUCH CLOSER than most people realize.
Putin flashed that banknote around because this is something the BRICS have been working on for well over a decade. Those cynics that think such a thing is impossible are living in denial, or, they have an agenda to peddle.
Donald Trump in particular seems to understand quite well that the BRICS currency concept is not a bluff or a joke. In a recent social media post, Trump threatened to increase tariffs for any nation that tries to diminish or replace the dollar’s world reserve status (the dollar is the premier currency used in the vast majority of international transactions). Putin responded with a warning that Trump’s efforts to reinforce the dollar would backfire.
Overall, Putin is right. Any move to force the dollar onto developing nations as a reserve currency will only result in them dumping it faster. Tariffs act as leverage for short term adjustments to trade imbalances, but they aren’t going to be effective in preventing other countries from using alternative currencies.
The problem with the dollar reserve system is its foundation. Officially established with the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 as we neared the end of WWII, the unspoken deal underlying the dollar was that the US would get the economic benefits of reserve status, but in exchange America would be required to carry the bulk of military defense obligations for allies around the globe.
Five years later in 1949 NATO would be founded, the dollar was made the common currency denominator for all members and the US would end up paying 60% or more of all funding for the alliance for decades to come. The economic trade off was established – The US dollar gets the advantages of reserve status and the rest of the western world gets military protection from the US.
However, as far as eastern nations and the BRICS are concerned today, NATO is not an ally. There’s no agreement or unspoken doctrine which convinces the developing nations to maintain the dollar’s reserve status; only precarious import/export arrangements that can fall apart quickly if conflict arises.
And let’s be honest, the sparks of wider conflict are everywhere. At my current count, there are at least three regional proxy wars going on simultaneously that have the potential to kick off WWIII – Ukraine, Israel and Syria. Then there’s Taiwan, North Korea, and Georgia (Eastern Europe); regions that are constantly on the verge of going hot.
On top of that, there’s the steady decline of Western Europe, with Germany and France now in governmental limbo, not to mention the UK turning into an Orwellian police state. Americans are so insulated from the global crisis that’s unfolding that I worry millions will be caught completely off guard when it finally arrives on our doorstep.
To be sure, the US has its share of instability. The stagflation crisis is in its third year (officially) and prices don’t look like they will be coming down on most necessities any time soon. The illegal immigration crisis is about to come to a crescendo and we’re all waiting to see if the Trump Administration follows through on his promise of mass deportations. Then there’s the incredible debt crisis – Our government has added $6 trillion to the national debt in the past two years alone. We are creating over $1 trillion in new debt every 3-4 months and our debt to GDP ratio is 124%. This is unsustainable.
That said, we haven’t experienced any catastrophic economic disruptions yet. The loss of the dollar’s reserve status would bring historically devastating consequences, at least in the short term, and that’s only if our country devises a plan to weather the storm.
Conflicts between east and west are only going to grow given the existing conditions, and the calls for a dollar alternative are going to continue. There’s not much Trump can do about that. We also have to keep in mind that there are globalist institutions like the IMF and BIS that are, as I write this, getting ready to introduce CBDCs and cashless systems that would limit the dollar’s global influence by default.
When globalists pontificated endlessly about a “Great Reset” during the pandemic era, what they were talking about was primarily an economic reset and a currency reset. Klaus Schwab of the WEF stated ‘Now is the time for a great reset of capitalism’, and this event was supposed to precede a global shift into a cashless system.
There can’t be a global currency reset without the dollar being demoted. There can’t be a reset without a reversal of the old Bretton Woods system. They know it, and they aren’t going to warn the rest of the public about the consequences.
Everything is working against the dollar right now, and there’s a lot of people out there that question if it’s even worth saving. The Federal Reserve has been the source of considerable corruption within our government and I have often referred to central bankers as economic suicide bombers. But, the dollar is all we have until a tangible safety net can be established.
Instead of focusing on trying to intimidate the BRICS into sticking with the dollar, Trump should be drafting a plan to backstop our currency system with hard commodities to prevent greater inflation and ensuring that the US has the capacity to manufacture all our necessities domestically.
There is a chance this could be done under Trump; there was zero chance it would have been done under Kamala Harris. So, at least there’s hope.
At bottom, it’s impossible to keep the dollar in a position of global dominance when every element of geopolitics is working against it and the very globalist organizations that helped create the Bretton Woods system are now trying to dismantle it. It’s time to localize, build redundancies and get ready for the greater crisis at hand., because one way or another difficult changes are coming.
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“The BRICS event this year was a reminder that the west’s financial influence is in decline… a real multilateral currency system cutting out the dollar is MUCH CLOSER than most people realize… Trump threatened to increase tariffs for any nation that tries to diminish or replace the dollar’s world reserve status…”.
The World War over Currency is just one aspect of the much larger World War between the two major powers seeking World Domination Empire – ‘The Indispensable Nation’, and China… and those aligned with Russia who are not seeking to be World Empires (regardless of what American State Media tells you) but more just want to be left the hell alone.
The Indispensable Nation will never allow peace on our Planet because the Dark State that runs things requires there must always be an ‘Evil Other’ to justify the ever-increasing hideous and obscene amounts of money going every year to the United States Death/Defense (?) Peddling Industry. And so, They keep inventing these ‘Evil Others’ all the time.
Not to say there isn’t a streak of ‘evil’ in other Governments out there… but then there is a streak (or more) of evil in ALL Governments… not just those deemed ‘evil’ by the Leadership Class in United States Incorporated to fit into their overall and perpetual World domination-seeking goals.
The seeking of dominating World affairs and being the World’s Empire is what happens to all those little bully kids we knew in our childhood – you know, those kids who used to steal all the toys at pre-school and push others around. They want everything for themselves and nothing for anyone else.
And while they may have amassed huge arms and fighting forces and terrible weapons in various zip codes around the World… at heart they still remain those selfish little bully kids who never (and will never) grow up.
Just the kind of folks we want to be the leaders in our World… right?
“Putin flashed that banknote around” and made everyone at the party Dizzy just looking at the prop. 😉
India so far does not want to ditch the U.S.D., and the whole BRICS( plus) trading currency is a bit farther off than Russia would like…that is barring war or some other “emergency”.
Actually, India was one of the most aggressive promoters of a dollar alternative at the BRICS summit. Watch the included video. It’s happening sooner than you think.
One point not raised, avoided here in US, is as Putin said, we have hypersonic missiles and you do not. China also has them, and India is developing its. We recently tested a missile that had far less speed and range than the Russian missiles sent to Ukraine. And Russia has higher speed and ragemissiles than it used. nd with miltiple war heads, I think 6.
So unless the US is sandbagging, the US is behind the 8 ball.
what about the drones brandon ? what about the f n drones
Watch for my new article – coming out next week.
I’m a bit late to the thread but wanted to show you this. I think this cat is correct. The CB’s are also creating Tether USDT out of thin air. Am sure you know what it is but it’s just a form of the USD on blockchain to my understanding. The USDT ends up at the big institutions like Blackrock. They in turn are buying the shit out of BTC to inflate the price. They are trying to break Gold with it as that Michael Saylor guy suggested.
That’s what I was thinking after I saw the Saylor video. Then my buddy sends me this. This guy may seem a bit pompous at first but he’s not. John Vazquez is his name, never heard of him before last week. See whatcha think.
One of the greatest threats the US Dollar faces is authoritarian control by global governments. They need this control because they realize the global financial and monetary systems are collapsing. It’s what happens when you endlessly borrow with NO intentions of ever paying it back.
So as these systems wheeze and buckle under the pressure of all of this debt and its citizens being made SO poor by the system, that they are incapable of producing enough wealth to pay into the Ponzi scheme. That’s where civil unrest comes in, governments are toppled and replaced.
Governments around the world are now getting desperate and will do anything to hold onto control and power. The missing piece is CBDC’s. Once they are implemented, it gives governments total control over the Plebs. That’s the competition the $USD is facing.
People at least are starting to wake the hell up as they can now see it is a us vs them scenario.
Seems to me that Trump is attempting to utilize multiple vectors to mitigate (not eliminate) the incoming storm.
Only time will tell if promises made by those being appointed to positions will come to fruition.
It is my hope that enough citizens are not only awake/aware but will remain so and act if necessary.
I also think that Trump is aware of the effect of the dollar upon other nations – especially small ones – and what WILL happen to them if the dollar is thoroughly destroyed under authoritarianism. Perhaps that’s merely hopium.
Good stuff. Methinks we might have currency and trade wars occur before we dive deep into a true WW3 scenario.
The whole east vs west debacle is just another staged Hegelian dialectic episode. The Brics nations and western countries mainly the G7 are all working together to bring in a world government. There is an unseen guiding hand at work here to bring in this dystopia that will benefit them way more than any of us, so You will own nothing and be happy.
The Dollar Milkshake always posited that the dollar was the strongest horse in the glue factory and might even strengthen against the other fiat currencies in their dying days.
But if the globalists are going to attempt a Great Reset, they will surely not do so slowly, leaving time for their enemies to regroup? Would they not manufacture consent for the Great Reset with a crisis event, in which national governance and national currencies are seen to fail, with demand growing for global governance (the WEF) and a global currency (BIScoin)?
That is, the dollar may well be the strongest horse in the glue factory, but when a big order for glue comes in, all the horses go to the killing floor on the same day.
Best reading on the Fed I know is “Creature From Jeckll Island” by G. Edward Griffin.
Some thoughts come to mind: Where does the US get minerals? Or metals? Or oil (regardless what the US supply is)? Point is, the USA has become, over time, a place to eat and sleep. Manufacturing has all but been exported in the name of cleaning up the air. Necessities are imported. Silicon Valley has moved to Taiwan and China, or Singapore, or?? Western Digital, a customer of mine and only 50 miles south of me, has a freeze on buying equipment. Intel isn’t looking good either. Russia is a recourse rich country and I think other BRICS countries are also and they are willing to produce. Putting sanctions on Russia only helps them.
The big question for the US is will Trump and his “MAGA” help BRICS achieve their goal? Is this is why Trump was installed the second time? I mean, my cat could have won against Harris or Biden. It’s no wonder the US population overwhelmingly supported Trump. As a first gen American who is critical of the gov’t, I truly hope for the best for the place I call home.
Creating a sound money system backed by commodities should be a priority for Trump, but the kicking of the budget can down the road has made so many of the other issues worse, I don’t know if the dollar can be strengthened or replaced at this point – at least not without a bumpy crash.
I think the recommendations to localize, implement redundant systems of supply, and prepare for chaos are excellent – the big wave is coming.
Just replied to one of your comments. This 10min video from John Vasquez says it all. Looks like BTC was created for this reason of dealing with our debt. Am curious what you think. It’s just seems to line up well. Then of course the video from Michael Saylor telling us all to dump gold and buy BTC. I think we can backstop anything with hard assets because we probably don’t have it anymore. Trump suggested as much in an interview in 2016.
This video explains the immediate switch to BTC institutional support.
Sorry, meant to add if that guy is correct that’s some clever shit. Now I have NO CLUE if they can pull it off???
“You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the effects of reality”. Those paying attention knew what was coming from 10 years off. Now the day of reckoning draws near.
All those suffering from a savior complex and are betting on Trump to save their bacon…he promised the world to the world and the days of financial gerrymandering are coming to an end.
We will have to dig ourselves out of this hole through production and manufacturing based on creative sound intellect and hard work. Lead, follow or get out of the way. Your choice.
Does crypto come into play?