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FEMA’s Real Purpose: Suppressing Americans And Preventing Civilian Organization

October 23, 2024 14 Comments

By Brandon Smith

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was founded on April 1st, 1979 under the Jimmy Carter Administration during the height of a nearly decade long stagflationary crisis and the Iranian oil crisis. Under Executive Order 12127, its stated goal was to centralize all disaster related efforts under a single top-down entity. Specifically, FEMA ended the more localized Civil Defense Agency, which was focused on community based emergency response, and it federalized all disaster coordination under a single top-down system controlled by the Oval Office.

FEMA was eventually placed under the purview of the Department of Homeland Security, creating even more centralization. The reason for FEMA according to the government is to aid Americans during and after a national level disaster event; anything from earthquakes to hurricanes to terrorist attacks.

That said, it should also be noted that FEMA was officially created on April Fool’s Day.

The true purpose of FEMA has long been obscured but some disturbing truths have been exposed in the past. The declassification of a program called Rex 84 (tied to Operation Garden Plot) revealed that FEMA was working directly with the Department of Defense on a hypothetical strategy to round up and detain large numbers of civilians considered a “threat to national security.” In other words, FEMA was to act as a tool for helping suppress civil disturbances, it was not necessarily designed to help Americans in times of need.

This was likely always the intent behind the founding of FEMA, but George H.W. Bush and Oliver North are cited as the men that truly militarized FEMA in the early 1980s. The goal to establish a mechanism for controlling domestic political dissent and suspending constitutional freedoms was exposed not long after FEMA’s founding. Oliver North was visibly enraged when the subject was broached in a congressional hearing during the Iran/Contra scandal.

It should be mentioned that the REX 84 documents do not list FEMA as a primary agency in control of civil disturbance response. This is where the accusations of “conspiracy theory” usually come from – FEMA is not the end-all-be-all agency in charge of locking down American rebellion. In fact, FEMA’s role is strangely ambiguous and is not clearly defined. All that is known is that they are indeed an element of Operation Garden Plot and have participated in REX exercises.

There’s no denying that the secrecy around civil disturbance programs is pernicious and suggests that there is far more going on than our own government cares to admit. To uncover FEMA’s real intent all we have to do is examine how they behave.

The recent Hurricane Helene disaster and FEMA’s handling of the response across the East Coast echos the agency’s crimes after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005. Their emergency “aid” is used as a cloak to hide efforts to actually STOP communities from helping each other and preventing outside civilian funded supplies from reaching affected residents in need.

Desperate residents during Katrina were treated like prisoners rather than citizens, gun confiscation took place in many areas and some people were shot for trying to leave locked down neighborhoods. (As a side note – this is why you should NEVER let anyone confiscate your firearms, especially if those people are sent by the government)

CNN reported in 2008 that FEMA confiscated at least $85 million in donated goods and prevented them from reaching Katrina disaster victims. This included clothing, bedding, food and medical supplies. They stored these materials for years and then GAVE AWAY the supplies long after Katrina was over. FEMA claimed the supplies were “in excess to their needs.” This report and all related articles now seem to be missing from CNN’s archives.

We just witnessed a repeat of this behavior from FEMA and the affiliated agencies within their oversight. We saw local EMS being advised to prevent civilians from helping their communities. Supplies were once agaun being blocked, people with drones were being told not to help find survivors, people with helicopters are were threatened for helping save survivors and little aid reached Helene victims for weeks. Elon Musk’s Starlink was even been prevented from providing satellite internet services to affected regions until the story went national and the Department of Transportation was forced to address the problem.

It’s Katrina all over again, and FEMA always seems to have excuses.

But why? You would think that with an election only weeks away Biden and Harris would be jumping at the chance to look competent and useful. Instead, they did nothing other that offer a $750 relief check to survivors (which might help people survive for a week) and then referred people to federal programs which take many months to benefit from.

I argue that this is all deliberate. FEMA and the federal government at large are still using Operation Garden Plot-like protocols with two goals in mind…

First, they are trying to acclimate the populace to the idea that civilians can’t help themselves and that they should do nothing. They do this by constantly interfering with civilian efforts and disrupting donations. If civilians are working on their own to save US communities from calamity then they might one day realize they don’t need the Federal Government for anything. The establishment NEEDS people to believe that they can’t survive without government aid and protection. Luckily, at least in the aftermath of Helene, it seems that many communities are working on their own to fix the situation.

If civilians start doing things for themselves, the establishment machine becomes obsolete.

Second, I suspect FEMA is testing the waters to see how much they can get away with. Katrina was a clear beta-test for martial law disguised as an emergency response. Katrina was Garden Plot and Rex-84 realized. They want to see what Americans will put up with.  Helene is yet another opportunity for these agencies to apply overt control and see if Americans will conform or rebel.

If FEMA is truly sincere in their efforts to help Americans they certainly don’t act like it. The criticism surrounding Helene is ramping up and FEMA’s indignant attitude towards their own failures in unacceptable. They should be punished for failing in their duties. That is assuming they are actually failing.

Maybe they consider the tragedy of government inaction surrounding Helene a success?  The underlying point is, when disaster comes your way, it’s not enough to merely count FEMA out as a source of aid.  That’s obvious. But you will also have to consider the possibility that the agency will work directly against you and your neighbors should you try to help yourselves.



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  • Rodster October 23, 2024 at 6:45 am

    That women is a 100% USDA Certified idiot. If people thought Joe Bidet was inept with dementia, this woman multiplies that by 50. This is the state/condition of a dying empire when stupid people are “selected” to run a country. And no I don’t expect Donald Trump to win in November.

    All the numbers showed prior to the cheating, he was on his way towards a landslide victory but Joe Bidet and the all the nefarious votes proved he received more votes than any US president. Joe Bidet was selected by the Deep State to do their bidding and Kamala Harris has been given the baton to run/ruin the country for another 4 years. “The United States has terminal cancer”.

    Expect civil war after the election cause NO one is going to believe this dumbass is capable of running a country. I seriously doubt she’s capable of being hired as an assistant manager at a 7-Eleven.

    • rayjones October 23, 2024 at 7:27 am

      sadly you are right i heard of vote fliping going on all ready 10/22/24 the ballot box is broken so we will have switch over to another box and use its contence to take our country back and yes it is legal and mandated by our god given constitutoin….

  • David Pellham October 23, 2024 at 7:47 am

    If these stories of militias fighting FEMA are true, then a hot civil war has already broken out in America Well, we are about to see because from what I’m hearing these militias protecting mountain families might be the catalyst for a civil war that’ll make our last one look LIGHT by comparison! This is why we must come out of ‘her and be separate.’ We must be marked with the Mark of Almighty God so we can be protected in the day of trouble. So therefore, believe in Jesus Christ & His soul-saving Blood, & on Him you can rely!”

    “Brethren, as many of you have already heard, the recent hurricanes totally devastated massive areas to the south, but none were harder hit than the Florida & the Carolinas. And add to the devastation there that many of their mountain towns are hard to get to WITH ROADS, but now that those roads have been wiped out without a trace – rescue efforts have turned impossible. American citizens from all over are donating supplies, their time, risking their lives & lending private helicopte

  • Riv October 23, 2024 at 9:10 am

    Great point that Fed officials want to squelch any self-reliance. I wasn’t getting why so called rescue agency were blatantly interfering with real help. Makes total sense in terms of them continuing to undermine independence and survivability of regular people.

  • Serge October 23, 2024 at 9:30 am

    Have a look at this interview with Ron Paul on a recent U.S. Department of Defense directive:

    P.S: this episode of the “X Files” series is more relevant than ever today:
    The “X Files” series is more than fiction.
    I think more and more that the globalists’ next move will be a massive cyber attack. In any case, a large-scale false flag seems imminent.

    P.P.S: George H. W. Bush(41st US President) was a former CIA director under Ford Administration (with Dick Cheney as Chief of Staff to President Gerald R. Ford; and Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense).

    • Linda October 23, 2024 at 3:14 pm

      I have heard that Trump will win the election but the Democrats won’t allow him to be president. After the election there will be a combination of civil war, economic collapse, cyber attack, martial law and then a redo of the US 2020 election🧐

  • Pogo Was Right October 23, 2024 at 10:17 am

    “The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was founded on April 1st, 1979 under the Jimmy Carter Administration during the height of a nearly decade long stagflationary crisis and the Iranian oil crisis. Under Executive Order 12127, ”

    Revoke it. Problem solved

  • Youknow It October 23, 2024 at 10:26 am

    They’re losing control and they know it which is why things are ramping up more into force the people to do this and that. Everyone should be prepared to fight off the internal treasonous agencies and dissolve the government until a more perfect union can be created. It’s a matter of national security that we shut down this out of control federal government and similarly all state governments infected by the disease of working against the people while pretending otherwise. Lots of cleanup ahead.

  • Linda October 23, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    I followed what happened in Katrina closely and I even heard that mercenries from Blackwater were there shooting people, it wouldn’t surprise me if that was true….

  • Roundball Shaman October 23, 2024 at 1:40 pm

    “The Federal Emergency Management Agency was founded on April 1st, 1979… its stated goal was to centralize all disaster related efforts under a single top-down entity.”
    So, what is the correct response when it is FEMA itself that IS the disaster? Another FEMA to fix FEMA?
    How do you fix one failing top-down entity? Make ANOTHER top-down entity and don’t expect them do fix anything either! And another. And another. Keep it going. That will fix the jobless figures, won’t it? Make as many FEMAs as you need.
    April, 1979 we were ‘blessed’ with FEMA. How, oh how, did we ever survive as a Nation before 1979 without them? How did America free itself from foreign rule… from taming a wide and wild continent… from natural disasters… from battling fierce World Wars… how could we have made it all those years without FEMA to save us? Must have been a damn miracle.
    “… FEMA was working directly with the Department of Defense on a hypothetical strategy to round up and detain large numbers of civilians considered a ‘threat to national security.’”
    Ah yes, the real meat on the bones. A front group to obscure the actually intended core group that doesn’t look as fuzzy and warm and motherly. Problem is, when you have so many groups to Keep Us Safe (!) – you have to keep inventing threats and bad guys. Thank God we have Hollywood and Dark State Think Tanks for that.
    “… they are trying to acclimate the populace to the idea that civilians can’t help themselves…”.
    To make yourself powerful you need to turn everyone else into being helpless. And since the passing of the Greatest Generation, America has done a fine job of helpless-nessing itself. Make people weak and needy. Save me! Save me! I have an untied shoelace! That could be dangerous! Maybe a weapon of mass destruction even! Ahhhgghh! I think I’m triggering myself! FEMA! Save me!
    But, many Americans have become very willing participants in our own juvenilization. Stay needy for life and let Mommy-and-Daddy Gov take care of you.
    And in two weeks… we have a chance to elect (select) an actual needy Mommy figure! The Universe provides…
    Bring the Joy… Smirking Lady! Save me from becoming a responsible adult who makes good decisions with my life. Maaahh–Meeeee!

  • Zenit08 October 23, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    In 1961 Harry Truman called the CIA “the American Gestapo” and regretted authorizing its creation. Along with FEMA, that “roll of dishonor” now includes the FBI, NSA, ATF, TSA, DHS, CDC and EPA. All must be abolished. That should be one of Trump’s top priorities.

  • Greg B. October 23, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    Do you think there’s anything to the claims of weather manipulation by the government being the cause of Hurricane Helene?

  • DC Miami October 23, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    There is always a dark truth behind an altruistic-sounding name. There are no exceptions to this rule.

  • DC Miami October 23, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    Brandon, I was waiting to see a mention of FEMA detainment camps. I can’t prove they are there but I’m quite certain they will be a key element of such a nefarious plan.

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