By Brandon Smith
In October of 2023 in my article ‘It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War”’ I predicted that a multi-front war was about to develop between Israel and various Muslim nations including Lebanon and Iran. I noted:
“Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that. A ground invasion will meet far more resistance than the Israelis seem to expect, but Israel controls the air and Gaza is a fixed target with limited territory. The problem for them is not the Palestinians, but the multiple war fronts that will open up if they do what I think they are about to do (attempted sanitization). Lebanon, Iran and Syria will immediately engage and Israel will not be able to fight them all…”
So far, both Lebanon and Iran have directly engaged Israeli military forces and civilian targets. Syrian militias are also declaring they will once again start attacking US military bases in the region. In my article ‘World War III Is Now Inevitable – Here’s Why It Can’t Be Avoided’ published on April 5th I noted that:
“I warned months ago…that the war in Gaza would expand into a multi-front conflict that would probably include Iran. I also warned that it would be to Israel’s benefit if Iran entered the war because this would eventually force the US to become directly involved. To be sure, Iran has already been engaging in proxy attacks on Israel through Lebanon, but Israel’s attack on the Iranian “embassy” or diplomatic station in Syria basically ensures that Iran will now directly commit to strikes on Israeli targets.”
Iran did indeed commit to a large scale missile and drone based attack on Israel, a situation which has had some curious consequences. Of course, US naval forces aided Israel’s Iron Dome in shooting down the majority of drones and missiles sent by Iran. However, even though there are several videos showing that some cruise missiles hit their targets, the Israelis have been reticent to admit that any damage was done.
I suspect it’s because the cruise missiles struck military targets instead of civilian targets and Israel doesn’t want to release any information on what was hit. Iran’s drones were likely meant to act as decoys for anti-air defenses. They are much cheaper than the missiles used by Israel and the US to shoot them down.
Whether or not these strikes had any real affect on Israeli offensive capabilities we’ll probably never know. What we do know is that Israel’s counter-strike was much smaller than most analysts expected. Does this mean that the tit-for-tat is over and both sides are going hands-off? That would probably be the smart decisions, but no, that’s not what’s happening here.
Israel’s limited response was likely due to a lack of clarity on how much the US government under Biden is willing to participate in the war during an election year. What we will see in the next six months is a steady escalation towards winter, followed by new bombardments with far more extensive destruction than we recently witnessed. In other words, spring is just the dress rehearsal for what will happen in winter.
Here are the most probable scenarios as 2024 rolls forward…
Air Strikes On Iran
I have little doubt that Israel will commit to extensive aerial strikes on Iran this year or very early in 2025, and we’ll see very quickly if Russian air defense technology sold to the Iranians is effective or ineffective. Iran’s drone program may be useful in helping to even the playing field against Israeli fighter jets, but then again, the technology gap could be extensive.
The Israeli public position will be that their strikes are focused on taking down any existing Iranian nuclear labs. There is no solid evidence that Iran has made much headway in developing nukes (they might have dirty bombs), but the notion of nukes is more than enough in terms of public relations and justification for the war.
Iran Blocks The Strait Of Hormuz
The Strait of Hormuz would be at the top of the list of primary targets for Iran. It is the narrowest point of access to the Persian Gulf and oversees the passage of around 25%-30% of the world’s total oil exports. Blocking it is relatively easy – All Iran has to do is sink a few tankers into the shallow waters or destroy enemy ships passing through, creating a barrier that will make transport of oil impossible.
This would also make naval operations for Israel or the US difficult. Clearing obstructions would take time and expose forces to Iranian artillery which can be fired from up to 450 miles away. Once artillery is locked in on a narrow point or pasage, nothing is going to get through. As we’ve seen in Ukraine, a blanket of artillery fire is essentially unstoppable.
Anti-ship missiles wouldn’t even be necessary and would probably prove less effective, unless they are hypersonic. Iran can also utilize its small fleet of diesel submarines to deploy naval mines in the strait.
Once the Hormuz is disrupted and global oil shipments slow down the US military will join the war if they haven’t done so already.
Israeli Attack Leads To Ground War With Iran/Lebanon
A ground war between Iran and Israel is inevitable if the tit-for-tat continues, and much of it will be fought (at least in the beginning) in Lebanon and perhaps Syria. Iran has a mutual defense pact with both countries and Lebanon is generally a proxy for Iranian defense policy.
Iran will have active troops or proxy forces in all of these regions, not to mention the Houthis in Yemen striking ships in the Red Sea. There are questions in terms of how Iraq will respond to this situation, but there’s not a lot of love between the current government and Israel or the US.
The Iraq government did not initially condemn the attack by Hamas against Israel on October 7th and has voiced support for the Palestinians in Gaza. It’s unlikely that they would willingly allow the use of their territory for projecting an offensive against Iran. The use of Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti territory is possible for invasion IF the US gets involved, and the Persian Gulf would be a primary point of attack. But, both the US and Israel lack enough regional bases needed to project large scale ground forces into Iran (keep in mind that bases in Afghanistan are now gone).
Turkey is another staging ground for US forces but they certainly don’t like Israel, meaningTurkey is going to be off limits. Like Iraq, I think it will be difficult to convince Turkey, a vocal defender of Gaza, to support an invasion force or exploit their border for operations.
What about Pakistan? No, not a chance. It’s important to remember that many of these nations have worked with the US in the past, but they have angry populations to deal with. Support for an attack on Iran could lead to civil unrest at home.
The war would mostly be fought by air and by sea with US and Israel seeking to dominate the Persian Gulf. A lot of the ground fighting will be done in neighboring countries. A direct invasion of Iran would be an exhaustive affair with mountain terrain that must be reached by going through allied territories.
Can it be done? Yes. Could the US and Israel/allies win? Yes, as long as the goal is destruction and not occupation. Would it be costly? Absolutely. Far too costly to be acceptable to the western public these days, and a war that would require extensive military recruitment or a draft which Americans in particular will not tolerate.
Gas Prices Skyrocket
Think gas prices are high now? Just wait until 25% of the world oil exports are locked out of the market for months at a time. We might see double the prices at the pump; perhaps even triple, and that’s not counting the inflationary conditions already ongoing in the west.
This would be a disaster for the economy as energy prices affect EVERYTHING else. Costs on the shelf will climb right along with oil.
Military Draft And Attacks On Liberty Activists
Below the surface, there are many benefits to expanding the war in the Middle East for the globalists. War can be blamed for the inflationary collapse they created. War can be used as an excuse to implement even more aggressive censorship standards in Europe and the US. War can be used to create a military draft which will trigger great unrest in the US and some parts of the EU. War could invariably be used to rationalize martial law. And, it could even be used to stall or disrupt elections.
At bottom, the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East and the many other regional wars that will probably erupt in the next few years have a cumulative effect that causes confusion and chaos. All that is needed is a short period of disarray and a lot of economic panic and the public may even forget who created the mess in the first place Liberty activists caught in the middle of these events will take action to defend their freedoms, and I have no doubt we will be accused of “aiding foreign enemies” or working as “agents of the Russians, Iranians, etc.”
Russian Involvement And World War
Given that NATO has seen fit to engage in a proxy war in Ukraine it makes sense that Russia would return the favor and engage in a proxy war in Iran. Don’t be surprised to see a lot of discussion in the media in the coming months about Russian “advisers” in Iran as well as Russian weaponry. Russia already has military bases in Syria and defense agreements with Iran. It would appear that the US and allies are being set on a collision course with Russia that will lead to direct kinetic interactions.
At this stage world war will already be well underway. Russia and the US may never actually try to strike each other’s territory and nuclear exchange makes little sense for anyone (especially the globalists who would lose their financial and surveillance empire in the blink of an eye) but they will be fighting each other in regional wars in multiple spots across the globe. It seems to me that this process has already been set in motion, and once the avalanche starts, it’s very hard to stop.
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I love Freedom, something the Foreign Nazis have taken from us!
I love Democracy, which the Foreign Nazis have also taken from us!
I’m sincerely hoping that Armageddon comes soon, that the FREE
Nations of the world will wipe out the Foreign Nazis and their “israel”!
“Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that.”
Mid East Strongmen, filled with hate
Sending Gazans to their fate
Daily dose of gen-o-cide
In the Lands where Jesus died
“… world war will already be well underway… regional wars in multiple spots across the globe.”
Satan smiles with evil grins
Watching humans living sins
World ablaze, like living hell
Do we hear our own death knell?
If you want national governments to collapse you might choose to lend them lots of money at a nice low introductory rate, and then once they are carrying lots of debt, raise rates to bankrupt them.
And given that rate hikes can only be justified by lots of inflation, you need conditions that cause lots of inflation.
Like a rise in the price of oil.
Because “…energy prices affect EVERYTHING else. Costs on the shelf will climb right along with oil”
We should expect the Strait of Hormuz to be shut.
All wars are bankers’ wars.
Very good article Brandon. You are the Oracle of our time!
Perhaps the world IS headed for “Har Megiddo” (Armageddon). Perhaps the Christian revelation is upon us. Perhaps Hal Lindsey was right. But I have my doubts about all of that.
The entire eastern Mediterranean was subject to invasion following geological cataclysm some 3,300 years ago. THAT was a true Armageddon. Entire empires and city states were wiped out in what we now call “The Bronze Age Collapse.” Only the Egyptians remained relatively unscathed, although from what we can glean from their records of the time, they suffered greatly, both from natural and man-made calamity.
The ‘tribe’ the Hebrews referred to as the Philistines were among the “Sea Peoples” who invaded and settled Canaan and other areas of the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, eventually mingling with the more indigenous populations until they became indistinguishable. The Children of Israel and the Philistines fought each other over Canaan then, and their very mixed blood descendants are still fighting over that land today.
It is greater testament to the dark side of tribalism than it is to prophecy in any sacred scrolls, and the globalists are happy to use tribalist contention/conflict when it suits their ends, and we should never forget that, nor be blinded to it by distraction and division.
I think Israel’s military power is overestimated. It’s true that it has a huge technological lead over its regional neighbors.
Despite this, Hezbollah defeated Israel in the 2006 war. Former senior military and civilian officials have acknowledged this. I remember very well. Right now, Hezbolla’s military capacities are more much important.
Notice that: Israel never engages in military action without the certainty of substantial airspace domination. Now, Iran seems to represent a real threat in this area.
As for the expected Iranian response, Israel needed the military support of the US, UK, France, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to destroy the vast majority of Iranian projectiles, except for the 9 hypersonic missiles that hit their main targets…
Also, it should be noted that Israel has official military censorship, so as with every war, we will never know officially the real military, civilian and material damage suffered by Israel.
P.S.2: Beyond all these geopolitical intrigues, the real war is both economic and spiritual. A war waged by the globalists and messianic fanatics against a great part of people around the world.
Great article Brandon. The one thing I’ll add is that my feeling out here on the Left Coast is that even the Leftists who supported the jabs don’t want the US to be dragged into a real war, so the administration / deep state is going to have a really hard sell in getting any significant public support for a war. If they want war, then they’ll have to manufacture a very significant attack on the US itself similar to Pearl Harbor.
And for what it’s worth, and luckily, I’m not seeing it here, but I CONSTANTLY see this on other websites with people saying: “Well, you voted for this!”
Please shut your stupid, ignorant mouths! For the most part, very few are “voting” for any of this $hit…even in Commiefornia. And even then, CA is just a testing / starting ground, so don’t think that just because you’re in some other state that you’ll be saved every which way. Don’t believe me? I just saw that there’s a bill to tax capital gains at 44.6%, and that’s only at the federal level. Add another X% for your state. Who “voted” for this? Answer: No one is voting for this crap! It’s the politicians who are passing this without our consent and they’re the ones who should have their a$$es dragged out of office, tarred and feather, and then taken out for good, and again please shut your snobbish, arrogant mouths before you spew a bunch of false garbage.
……And now for the rest of the story: The proposed tax is on those earning over $1M and investment income over $400K https://www.forbes.com/newsletters/andrewleahey/2024/04/24/biden-capital-gains-rate-proposal-446/?sh=5b4a13dc1ff6
I’m not in favor of any tax hike directly (or indirectly) on the low and middle class. Those who have the ability to shelter income certainly take advantage of that while the rest of us minions get to pay one way or another. Hardly a fair situation. I also understand that the solution is far more complicated than simply making news about “raising the tax on the rich.”
Thank you for providing that link. I’m not rich, so I don’t have any clue about what the rich may do to shelter their income and avoid paying taxes. However, I’ll tell you that I believe that if we’re going to have a tax on income, it should be taxed at a single rate for all regardless of income level. Why create a disincentive to work harder? And first they come after the rich…which the populace agrees with. Who cares, right? Then they come after you middle class Joe and suddenly you’ll care, but you’ll have no precedence or principle to fight it because it’s all for the “greater good”. Anyway, I’m 100% against property taxes and capital gains taxes as it simply serves to chip away against wealth that you earned.
Last, I hope that Americans don’t actually believe that Californians actually voted for Gavin Newsom. No one likes him out here…not even the Leftists. There’s zero chance he got a majority or even a plurality of the vote either the first or second time.
If you’re a working American you’re considered ‘rich’ by worldy standards. They’re after all you have. If you don’t believe it, you have to get out more. perhaps visit a non western country for starters.
our passivity is our consent. we may not have voted for it, but we are not meaningfully objecting to it or acting to stop any of it.
Stop saying “we.” You don’t speak for anyone other than yourself. What are YOU doing to stop it?
Just my 2cents…
I definitely see an invasion into part of Lebanon, as thousands of Israeli’s are still temporarily evacuated and being housed somewhere else due to constant missiles being fired by Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a much bigger and stronger fighting force than hamas so it will be costly for the IDF.
This could and will lead to more attacks from iranian proxies in Syria, maybe Iraq, Yemen.
If anything happens on Iranian soil it will be from the air. I don’t see any type of ground invasion into Iran from israel or the US…
The US will soon abandon Israel, you can already see this in the works. The US is destroying itself from the inside, no need for a foreign invation…unless you consider the 10,000,000 migrants they have let in.
What I am looking for is what is the Bible says will happen. The complete destruction of damascus Syria, to not be inhabited again and of course exekiel 38 war. All the pieces are in place. Russians have increased their presence in Syria and so has Turkey. This is the beginning of this huge prophetic war…russia, Iran, Turkey, and some smaller nations will attempt to invade israel and Israel will have no chance of defeating them.
The God of Israel will destroy them and a remnant of the Jews will be saved. The devil is hard at work creating hatred of the jews everywhere…look at US campuses and all the muslim countries.
Everything is changing very fast and it’s going to get real ugly all over the world. The masses will be crying for help from the government, hmmm, order out of chaos!
There is a lot of deception about Ezekiel 38. It was fulfilled long ago. The valley of the travellers was filled with the bones. The wood of the spears and chariots – as in real wood from a tree – was burned for years (Eze 39:9). “rô’sh nâśı̂y'” is properly translated as “chief prince”. Israel is not unwalled (and walls do not serve a prupose against modern armaments). All who wished to return from the captivity in Babylon did so as detailed in Ezra and Nehemia.
The association of Russia with Magog is plain scholarly fraud:
What will you say about this?
We propose the concept of the “Finternet” as a vision for the future financial system: multiple financial ecosystems interconnected with each other – much like the internet. The Finternet would be designed to empower individuals and businesses by placing them at the centre of their financial lives. Unified ledgers are a promising vehicle to turn this vision into reality. Grounded on a digital-first approach and leveraging tokenisation, unified ledgers would improve existing financial transactions, but also make entirely new financial products and transactions possible. We describe the economic rationale for the Finternet as well as its required technical, regulatory and legal building blocks. In addition, we lay out eight fundamental design considerations that we feel should be a core part of the future financial system.
I’ve already written about the unified ledger on multiple occasions.
“…or a draft which Americans in particular will not tolerate.”
I know you have regarded me as a negativity bot prior for saying the same thing, but… i still do not see how Americans will meaningfully “not tolerate” a draft. at best, a couple brutal riots, followed by some crackdowns and arrests, and a draft will proceed as intended. in fact, at this stage in our moral decay, i actually think it would be more effective pressign and forcing white men than any of the other demographics – the inner city might be a rare bright light of low recruitment into their cannon fodder.
But otherwise, I cannot see a willing geography or group or method by which the line could be held against federal fascists on an ongoing basis that would cause the draft to fail.
but open to thoughts?
Your opinion is noted, but clearly you don’t understand the Zennial generation and their absolute revulsion at the idea of being sent to war.
Perhaps that’s where all the illegals come into play. The government could come back and say, if you want to stay in this country and receive all the benefits we are giving you, then you are going to have to fight on our behalf.
When the country splits in half, perhaps the illegals will be told that volunteering for the military to fight against “domestic extremists” will get them citizenship?
Maybe that’s why so many military age men have been imported. Stormtroopers to be used against any who resist the coming tyranny.
Concerning Nord Stream sabotage (an act of war), here’s a very interesting speech by Larry Johnson:
The problem with the UN? This organization is extremely corrupt, in the hands of the banksters, WEF, Big Pharma, Bill Gates and co.