By Brandon Smith
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a significant positive evolution within American society. In the early days of the Ron Paul movement I remember the hopeful groundswell of support for a new conservative epoch that adopted a little Libertarianism and a recognition that most “conspiracy theories” are actually conspiracy realities. It was the kind of catalyst that was needed to break the long running false paradigm of Neo-Cons vs Democrats; it was the beginning of the conservative rebellion we see happening today.
How do I know things have changed? For one, Neo-Cons are almost universally hated by real conservatives. So much so that it has forced those politicians to show their true colors and come out in favor of Democrat/globalist candidates like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The mask is truly off and the act is over. You’re not going to see people like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney or Lindsay Graham taken very seriously by anyone anymore.
The return to a true conservative philosophy has been initiated and this time it doesn’t look like it will be snuffed out like the Barry Goldwater era of the early 1960s. The concept of limited government, an end to debt spending, sound money, the removal of elitist NGOs from political influence, a hard-line stance against globalism, legit border security, meritocracy, a rejection of progressive deconstruction and moral relativism, all of these things are prime conservative principles.
Such ideas have been treated as “archaic” and “barbaric” for decades because they threaten the structures that keep the establishment elites in power. Today, they are making a comeback.
Some will say that it’s all because of Donald Trump, but this is not the case. This movement was growing into a Juggernaut long before Trump, though he is certainly riding the wave as it comes to fruition. The question is, will Trump do it justice if he gets the gold this week? I predicted a Trump win in 2016 for months leading up to the election despite the army of naysayers (I also predict he will win in 2024). But, for me, his first term left a lot to be desired; the biggest problem being the elitist creepers filling his cabinet.
But hey, at least he wasn’t promoting transsexual procedures for children or trying to start World War III with Russia like the Democrats have been doing. I’ll also admit that Trump’s coalition of allies is looking FAR better this time around. Talk of Ron Paul joining the team is surprising and gives me some hope.
During the Ron Paul movement in 2012 I was once invited to a conservative dinner with some liberty bigwigs at the time (most of them are long out of the picture now, either retired or dead) and some were arguing about the presidential election. The position was presented that voting for Romney over Ron Paul would at least get Obama out of the White House. Others suggested that this was simply choosing the lesser of two evils.
I and others argued that there was no lesser evil. They were both equally demonic. One man in the group said “Well Jesus isn’t running for office.”
I doubt that man would defend Mitt Romney today. That said, I don’t view the election of 2024 the same way I did in 2012. Jesus isn’t running, that’s for certain, but the Devil definitely is in the form of the extreme political left. They are evil incarnate. Maybe Trump turns out to be a disappointment, but he’s no devil. And if he doesn’t follow through on his campaign promises then conservative can hold him accountable and it won’t be treated as an insurrection, just a correction.
There’s already millions of conservatives putting the candidate under a microscope and we don’t function the way Democrats do. The party is meaningless to us, it’s the policies and the follow through that matter. You can’t mention Trump around a group of conservatives without half of them noting his shortcomings. His mistakes are tallied regularly by the very people who originally voted for him.
Leftists don’t dare do that within their own circles. They don’t care about policy, they only care about power.
No conservative is going to change his or her mind about securing the border, deporting the illegals, shrinking government, ending American participation in the Ukraine War and ending the transing of kids on a federal level (to start with). These things are going to happen eventually with or without Trump.
And I can’t help but notice how much the establishment seems to be breaking down in a panic over the idea of a new conservative renaissance. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the new world order elites look as worried and despondent as they do right now. (I’m thinking specifically of Lynn de Rothchild at the beginning of this year pouting over the public exposure of ESG and talking about how the globalists would have to abandon it in favor of a more discreet program. Or, John Kerry this month at the climate talks in New York bitterly admonishing free speech on the web and how it was sabotaging the globalist agenda).
When was the last time you saw WEF globalists taking center stage in the media? What happened to the Council For Inclusive Capitalism? ESG controls and lending have been crushed. DEI is quickly dying, as it should. Gen Z men are reportedly the most conservative group of young men in generations. There is a sea change happening right now, and if you’ve been paying attention from within the alternative sphere for a decade or more then you have probably noticed it.
This is not a momentary flash of cultural awareness. This is a permanent societal shift. Unfortunately, when this sort of thing happens engineered calamity usually follows.
Globalists and their leftist puppets can’t conceive of losing. They can’t fathom the idea that their ideology is failing and that the public isn’t buying what they’re selling. They will council themselves and suggest that the populace is simply “too stupid” to understand the necessity of the globalist vision. They’ll say that the rise of the conservative right is a “great step backwards” and a “dark age”. They’ll claim that this will lead to an epic disaster on a planetary scale.
Then…those same people take action to CREATE that disaster.
My original prediction for 2024 was that another presidential election would not happen; that there would be an event that disrupts the election and sends the country into chaos. We almost had that happen with two separate assassination attempts on Donald Trump. However, by sheer luck it appears that I was wrong and the election is moving forward. What does this mean for the future?
I think most of us in the alternative economic field understand well that if Trump reenters the White House the complex manipulation of financial data and jobs data by the Biden/Harris Administration will suddenly end. Meaning, the real data will come out, it will look very bad, and the media will immediately accuse Trump and conservatives of destroying the economy.
On top of that, conservatives will be inheriting two separate proxy wars from Democrats – The war with Russia through Ukraine and the war with Iran through Israel. Both of these scenarios have the potential to escalate into a world war. I would argue that at this point a world war is inevitable (the first stage has already begun) and Trump will not be able to keep America out of it even if he wants to. Too many dominoes have been set in motion.
Then you have the potential domestic fallout from a Trump win with leftists rioting across the country (as soon as the weather warms up enough enough for their dainty little hands to throw bricks and Molotovs). The goal of the leftist mob is to force conservatives to act like the very “fascists” the activists accuse us of being. Of course, if that happened they would be dead, but they will have destroyed the conservative moral ideal in the process.
These are the kinds of people we’re dealing with. They aren’t going to sit back and let us prove the country can function far better without progressive influence and woke social engineering. They would rather burn the whole thing to the ground first.
My point is, always be on guard in the moments when you think you’re winning. That’s when the people that mean you harm will be most angry, when they will be most unhinged, and when they will be most inclined to strike.
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I was of the frame of mind that *they* would create an emergency big enough to allow them to declare an emergency and cancel the election. I also gave weight to the idea that Joe Biden actually died in Vegas, and they were waiting for a perfect moment to announce the death and coronate Queen Kamala.
Now I’m thinking they may actually let the obviously inevitable Reagan Mondale-esque landslide occur, so that they can then inflict a truly deep emotional and psychological wound by then doing any one of a half-dozen options to keep Trump out of the White House. This could include coronation of the Queen during the lame-duck period; putting Trump in jail; or just *removing* him.
Bottom line: you’re absolutely right that we need to be alert and prepared for chaos, as the Satanic globalists will not just give up this time. They are determined to destroy the Republic completely, and throw the tattered remnants of the Constitution into the incinerator.
Of course, none of this will matter much down here on the ground if *they* manage to prod Russia, China, and N. Korea into nuking us. They have shown themselves capable of this level of insanity. With their eugenics-based agenda, it may even be the *plan*.
I expect the coming weeks will not be boring. Thanks for what you do, Brandon.
“My point is, always be on guard in the moments when you think you’re winning. That’s when the people that mean you harm will be most angry, when they will be most unhinged, and when they will be most inclined to strike.”
I couldn’t agree more.
@Chuck Morrison, Indeed, the coming weeks and months will not be boring in US – but not only!
I’m expecting mass civil unrest if Trump wins. Neither side is going to accept defeat. These leftists and globalists are insane power hungry who just want to control the world. I remember when Glenn Beck had his program on Fox News. He went after George Soros and called him the “puppet master”. Soros got angry and Beck had a fallout with Fox News and eventually started his own media company. He was called a conspiracy theorist. Later on we find out that George Soros was in fact funding his Open Society with his billions. He’s infiltrated, federal, local and state governments. He’s funded and helped elect officials he can use for his goals. NYC is full of his appointees. Now he has handed the baton to his son, Alex. His son is even more connected than his father.
These people want civil unrest. They would want nothing more than for Trump to win in a landslide. Then they can unleash the civil unrest and Trump would have no choice but to call in the National Guard. A ZeroHedge article posted today that Washington State and Oregon have activated the NG. These nutjobs are hoping for chaos, thanks to the leftists, progressives and globalists.
I’m in agreement of Brandon’s prediction of letting Trump win and letting the true financial data come out which will crash the markets.
Then I believe we will have supply chain issues with food and liquid fuels which will cause chaos like 2020 but with violence.
Looks tough because food production and distribution is centralized and hasn’t got any better in the last four years unfortunately.
Good people don’t organize as well as the mafia, cartels and corrupt law enforcement which will be one of our major problems.
I haven’t seen much accountability in the west and the lack of production of all our basic goods is really gonna bite us with this next downturn
“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a significant positive evolution within American society.”
To a large extent, the American population just lives each day in a robotized slumber. The existential concerns of finding employment and getting a paycheck and paying for ever-inflating bills of all sorts just keeps we Americans beaten down and largely gliding through Life.
But as part of the animal kingdom… we always retain a strong instinct for survival. When we detect that imminent danger is at hand… we throw off our lethargy and get charged up for action.
The last four years of Democrats working tirelessly into turning The Indispensable Nation into a godless den of Communist iniquity has filtered deep into the souls of the Garbage Deplorables. The danger is real and the threat is at hand. And many Americans have woken up – the real kind of awakening, not the phony Wokeism that is the tool of the godless Communists.
Whether or not this translates into a political victory in United States Incorporated depends on the size and methods of vote-counting black magic that the Dems have become so famous for and so good at. And that god-awful hidden black box software in so many voting machines that no one is allowed to look at and which does whatever the hell it is programmed to do. You could have a true landslide for Donald Trump and that software might mysteriously deliver a decisive victory for The Giggler regardless of the true sentiments of newly aroused Americans.
Do Republicans ever get to look inside that Magic Black Box?
It’s like in football but when one side controls the rules of the game. Republicans get only two downs to make first down but the Dems get five. When Republicans score a touchdown it is only worth 4 points but when Dems get one they score 9. And the Refs always make calls in the Dems favor. Dems have a big say in what goes on in the Swing States that decide American elections (per the vote)… and They set the rules to favor Themselves and the hell with ‘Democracy’ and fairness.
The best thing other than a decisive win for Trump is that this Election Season 2024 will finally and mercifully be over! Like a bad nightmare that never ends… the Election Season is in its last gasp. Election-Selections have become like trips to your dentist – torturous… painful… occurring too often for our taste… and lots of fun when they are finally – O-vah!
And in our Indispensable political campaigns… we’ve now gone from… ‘Yes We Can!’ To, ‘Make America Great!’ To, ‘When We Fight, We Win!’ And now to… ‘PLEASE. JUST. MAKE. IT. STOP!’
And for a few blessed brief moments… it will stop. A moment of peace before the next Storm which begins on November 6th. When all this just starts up again. Election Selections without end into Infinity.
Regardless of the outcome… we have a badly fractured and broken Nation. A Nation that been traumatized into one side being dehumanized and disempowered and the Other Side having descended into full-on Insanity.
Yes, ‘The Joy Crowd’ might soon be mad as hell and unpredictably dangerous. But that’s what happens when spoiled children who are used to always getting Their way have to be told… ‘NO! You don’t get to hog ALL the toys!…’.
Watch out for flying objects thrown by infants crying their eyes out.
I hope you and Brandon are correct. Some evidence that you might hit me like a ton of bricks a couple of weeks ago. Had a friend told me that DT had just performed a rally in Detroit. I sorta brushed it aside until I saw the one a few days later at Madison Square Garden. The lightbulb went off understanding that both of these rallies would have been strictly off limits in 16 & 20. There was far too much viscous leftist violence to take a chance. I remember the one in Chicago in 16 had to be cancelled because of it.
I began to ponder what it could mean. As far as I know NONE of the Trump rallies have had any issues in 24 aside from the one in Butler PA of course. But that was obviously a very different set of circumstances compared to years past.
Though I loathe pop culture and have always been very suspicious of it I had to ask myself, “Has MAGA/Conservatism become cool all of a sudden. For lack of a better term that may indeed be what is happening. We have been the resistance and counter culture underdogs for quite some time.
Praying he gets in there again. Then the real work begins. In the meantime we should probably expect just about anything until he’s sworn in……God Speed!!!
Luke: “Has MAGA/Conservatism become cool all of a sudden.”
Yes it has! There is always an anti-Establishment spirit amongst We the People. Whatever ‘The Establishment’ happens to be at the time… the ‘cool’ movement is that which moves away from it.
The Dems and Wokeism and the bad spirit that lives within most big American cities has been ‘The Establishment’ now for the past four years (and actually longer than that). So, the wonderful Spirit of Rebellion that we humans retains finds its voice in places other than that.
The pendulum is swinging away from radical Blue Wokeism and back more toward common sense American values. But the Woke Religion has now been adopted by a large number of Americans and will not be going away any time soon.
Middle-Class American Values is cool today. Of course, they are cool all the time but that spirit of rebellion always gets in the way of some people to accept that as a fact.
Wokeism took a great big hit and step backwards with the election of Donald Trump.
And we should all congratulate him on his winning his third Presidential Election in a row. A Three-Peat he will never get credit for.
Last night was truly fantastic sir. It’s a very diverse coalition Trump has built. That’s why it will be very hard for them to derail his inauguration. That and of course the magnitude of victory. Still we are dealing with cornered rabid hyenas therefore I remain extremely concerned.
Warn them, if they do this we, will find you and execute you. That way, you can go after them. 😉
It’s not like we are lawless. We did warn them.
Like Maduro Harris will lose in a landslide and the Left Media will declare her the winner . It is very naive to think Liberals will give up power.
“It is very naive to think “Liberals” will give up power.
And it’s very naive to think that statement only applies to just Liberals! It applies to anyone who gains power. When someone attains power, they will resist losing it. That’s how human nature works. It applies to conservatives as well as any Big Centralized Government.
This is the reason “why we don’t and won’t have term limits” because those in power don’t want to lose it. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and others should have been shown the door a long, long time ago. Instead they retained their power and they sold themselves out to lobbyists and special interests, (Bribed).
There’s an old saying and it applies to thousands of years of human history: “‘Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely”. That applies to pretty much every politician in Washington or anywhere else in the world.
they will burn it down for the serfs not for themselves.
I agree with Brandon on pretty much everything so far. I couldn’t give a flying F*ck about Trump or any of them since all of them have done/said some questionable things in the past even not too long ago or have had questionable past connections. i.e. JD Vance being Peter Thiel’s protege, Vivek the big pharam biotech guru, and Elon aka Mr. Brainchip and his billions he received from federal subsidies with his toxic lithium EVs. Trump has already been president for 4 years with disappointing results- printing the same amount and cabinet packed with globalists. In my book- Ron Paul is the only one without any skeletons in his closet and it’d be promising if they actually give him a role.
However, what matters is this overall patriot movement and the fact that at least half of the country at the minimum senses there is something horribly wrong with this current system with the globalist. As long as conservatives ARE READY to keep Trump or anyone IN CHECK and hold their feet to the fire AT ALL TIMES with a very scornful and watchful eye and not make up excuses for them religiously – I think this is a very very good thing going on. The globalists will lose this war in the end.
My other concern is Trump and almost everyone whether its Abbot, Desantis, etc – pretty much every “conservative” figure except Ron Paul – keeps thumping Isreal about how the U.S. will protect them at all costs. Like Brandon- I couldn’t give a flying rat’s A** about Israel – let them and any other foreign countries deal with their own asinine problems and keep America out of it. We’ve already sent billions of dollars over the years with taxpayer slave money.
But looks like everyone except for Ron Paul wants to enter war for Israel. My other concern about whether Trump is legit or not. He always says the right things and knows what the people want during the election cycle but we all know how disappointing his first term was..
Us patriots and conservatives will really need to keep him and everyone else in check AT ALL TIMES this time.
I think it doesn’t matter at this point in the game. We know what Kamala will lead to – Attempted gun confiscation, transing kids, open borders, total tyranny, world war. Most red state leaders earned some respect after they blocked the covid mandates and the vax passport, so we know they are not on board with the globalist agenda. The biggest danger is that they are misled into, as you mentioned, war in the Middle East. Frankly, even that would be better than the certainty of war with Russia in Ukraine. At this point we have to take what we can get (which is Trump) and then try to improve things from there and prevent war with Iran.
I agree Brandon. I think we’ll see the first hint if Trump means game once we see the composition of his cabinet. If it’s anything like the first term- we’ll know he’s probably not legit.
Regardless- as long as conservatives are awake and hold Trump and everyone’s feet to the fire at all times – this is a very good thing going on. Any frauds can be removed once they reveal themselves eventually if they haven’t already.
“…….I was wrong…..”
You’ve been right many times. I appreciate you not pretending you’ve never been wrong.
Civil War is all but guaranteed. If Trump “wins,” it’s a sure thing. If the Indian wins, her side will flex its muscle and wage war due to know they will be backed by the state.
I welcome it and actually hope for it. We need a cleansing, a detox, and this is probably the only chance of it happening.
IMHO the ONLY pertinent question today is WHY do (almost)all politicians, right and left, red and blue pay homage to I$ RA EL. The answer to that question is KEY to understanding the power politics of our world…
I think a lot of conservatives just oppose Islamic fundamentalism and they see Israel as a western ally that needs their protection. The problem is that the Israeli government is a big supporter of leftist movements in the US. It’s a conundrum for many Republicans. My position is that foreign conflicts do not concern Americans.
The political left and globalism must be defeated at any cost
Congrats Brandon on your prediction….a landslide indeed.
Now things ought to get very interesting, looking forward to your next article.