Issue #84 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on October 16th. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures along with more passive strategies.
The chance of grid down events and rolling blackouts is growing increasingly likely this winter going into 2023, and sadly the majority of Americans are not set up with even a basic alternative power supply. Without an option to charge batteries, run communications and have light at night your survival prospects will be rather dismal. While some preppers tend to dismiss the need for electronics and electricity, the ability to provide minimal power for basic necessities is a huge advantage that should not be overlooked.
In the next issue of the Wild Bunch, I will discuss two separate power setups that are both relatively affordable – One small and highly portable and one large and somewhat portable. Don’t miss this issue, it’s a vital one.
Affordable Grid-Down Power Alternatives
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Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us
ZeroHedge reports: The Fed has wired in total more than 6 billion USD to Switzerland via a swap line this week. So ultimately, they are not ready (yet) to let the whole scheme collapse (starting in Europe)?
$6 billion in swaps is not QE and has nothing to do with supporting stocks. Sorry, the markets are going down and the Fed is going to let them. Get used to the idea.
Chicago Fed President Says Fighting Inflation Is More Important Than Job Losses, Rate Hikes Will Continue:
Even if it is not QE (but where do those $ come from?), the Fed still wants to save one or more institutions. So not (yet) ready to let the house of cards collapse.
Again, currency swaps have NOTHING to do with supporting markets. The house of cards is collapsing already, the Fed is only taking minimal actions to make it look like they care when they actually do not. It’s over.
That small amount sounds like a teaser, or a golden parachute for the banksters if the rabble rises up. The number I heard that was “loaned” to DeutcheBank and Credit Suisse was on the order of $1 TRILLION.
How soon before the average person realizes we are in a depression? Not a recession, but rather a real depression.
One valuable but often overlooked component to off-grid power is an auto-transformer. These can convert single phase 120V to split phase 240V from a single inverter or generator, or combine two inverters to do the same. Many well pumps are 240V and if you have to pick only one item to power in a grid down scenario, it will be that pump. Auto-Transformers are simple to wire and have no moving parts.
Or a DIY shallow water well with parts locally from the hardware store. For about $300, a shallow well, 40FT deep, can be had. For those with basements, this is doable up north in the winter as the frost/freeze line of the ground is higher up 6 to 8FT. Just manage your waste water via the sump pump. The Amish and old Mennonites use systems like this in their homes today. It’s all mechanical, no fancy electrical controls or modern parts that break.