Issue #117 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on August 24th. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures along with more passive strategies.
When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail – That’s the old warning against the use of deadly force without strategic concern. There are plenty of arguments for the use of firearms against violent mobs (the Kyle Rittenhouse situation would have probably ended in his death if he had been unarmed). That said, there are also many cases in which less-than-lethal means might be necessary. You may, for example, live in a country where firearms are not legal to own. So, how could a small group or even a lone individual deal with a massive mob without killing them?
What’s strange to me is the fact that police departments today seem to have abandoned their old training when it comes to riot response. I suspect there is an agenda behind this (certain groups are being allowed to riot because it’s politically beneficial). But if we go back about 20 years ago to the original Spartan tactics of riot cops we can find a lot of useful methods for controlling crowds. Then, there are a host of new tools available to civilians in the past few years that can make our task far easier, from smoke and tear gas devices to less-than-lethal shotgun rounds (yes, that’s using a gun, but not traditional ordnance).
In the next issue of the Wild Bunch I will discuss what I think are the best options available right now for preppers seeking a way to defeat rioters and looters while refraining from using deadly ammo.
How To Defeat Large Violent Mobs Without Using Guns
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Also, back issues of The Wild Bunch are available to ANYONE for an additional $3 per issue. Just be sure to leave me a note or email when you make your purchase indicating which back issues you would like to purchase. For additional information you can contact me at:
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us