Issue #121 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on November 16th. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures along with more passive strategies.
With a conservative landslide victory in the 2024 elections and Donald Trump on the way to the White House it will be very easy for many preppers to return to a state of ease. A lot of us will breath a sigh of relief that civil war has been avoided and the woke Stasi have been rejected. However, I would argue that our current situation is even more perilous than it was before.
Why? Because the globalists now know that the American people are not broken and they will redouble their efforts with as many crisis events as they can muster. Also, if Trump follows through with even half of his foreign policy and immigration promises, there’s going to be a LOT of pissed off foreigners out there wanting revenge and some of them were already invited into our country by the Democrats and the globalists.
Then there is the psychosis of leftist activists that have been utterly brainwashed by the corporate media. No doubt a percentage of those people will turn to organized violence as a means to “get back” at a society that is clearly abandoning them and their ideology. We are facing tenuous times ahead and preppers should definitely not sit back and relax.
In the next issue of the Wild Bunch I will be examining the types of terror threats and false flags that could occur in the near term, who might perpetrate those attacks, and how you can defend against them with some simple planning.
Terror Attacks And False Flags – How To Prepare
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Also, back issues of The Wild Bunch are available to ANYONE for an additional $3 per issue. Just be sure to leave me a note or email when you make your purchase indicating which back issues you would like to purchase. For additional information you can contact me at:
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us
I totally agree. Complacency is the last stage when a person, nation, or empire collapses, and never an option in this Global Agenda from hell.
(“We are The Storm” djt WH quote)
(we are *IN IT NOW)
(Israel “wanted” djt to win)
> WW3 Israel wants to destroy Iran (Russia & China ally) DJT already confirmed support. (another mid east war)
USA is broke $!
> The Left wants/needs Civil War -Depopulation/WEF/JKczar – Destroy God’s Creation-Exterminate Christians.
Grid down BurnLootMurder coast2coast door2door Madd Maxx & Martial Law, any day.
The West -UK -Europe must die.
> *911: (350 FEMA Tractor-trailers arrived in Michigan-Re: Next News Network)
> Add Border Invasion Immigration Jihad, “30 million “Illegals” – UN Soldiers, criminals, gangs, cartels, cannibals, terrorists from several countries, PLA soldiers – 2.5m & increases every day. No Limit Policy.
• Not permitted to work.
• $1 Trillion & increasing
• prepositioned weapons (2014 reports)
• container ships with soldiers & weapons, HD armored vehicles.
> Northern Border is conquered with PLA, Russians, Iran.
Boom Boom Boom
> The Plan- “In One Hour” to attack/block Interstates Coast2Coast-HOLIDAY crowds- airports- trains- bridges-infrastucture.
> Flashpoints:
A- Economic Crash, millions of NoMoney “pissed off Illegals”!
B- Hate America, God, Israel, DJT: Antifa, BLM, Brownshirts, Bolshevics.
> Prepare For The Worst- any day.(“as in the days of Noah”? “Last Days”? “Four Horses”? Revelation? Tribulation? “God’s Wrath”? *Jesus Returns*)
> djt ain’t no Savior (Appolo? Trump Tower nyc?)
*B. Smith, bless you, sir!
How could I not include the entire threat of what you are warning? I don’t want this job either. A Watchman since 1959 -6yo- Khrushchev said, bw-tv, “we will destroy you from within”!
*Protests *Flashpoint! *any day!