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Odds Are High You’re Going To Need Your Survival Supplies In The Next Few Years

June 26, 2024

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Prepper All-Naturals

In 2020 at the onset of the covid pandemic scare and right before the lockdowns I’ll never forget going on a grocery run on a Friday afternoon only to find near empty roads and near empty stores. The few other people shopping had a glassy stare in their eyes, like they were dazed or shell-shocked. For me and those I know that prep, it was just another day; for those that hadn’t prepped it was a nightmare of uncertainty.

In Montana we didn’t pay much heed to the lockdowns after the first month.  In three months everything was basically back to normal except for the mask mandates which most people ignored. With more data available on the virus it was clear that the chance of death was greatly exaggerated. What scared us far more was the pervasive talk of vaccine passports in 2021. The proposed state and federal restrictions on people that refused to take the jab were familiar – This was the beginning of full blown tyranny unless we stood firm.

In the meantime there was a public rush to buy up as many necessities as they could afford. And of course, the covid stimulus measures helped to trigger a stagflationary crisis that had already been building in the US for many years.

In the face of so many potential threats preppers were still well protected. If vaccine passports became the norm and access to public places was blocked then we had food storage to get us through for a long time to come. If the buying panic and inflation led to a supply chain disaster then we were ready, along with the guns and ammo and training needed to keep what we had. If a fight was coming then we had the means to defend ourselves.

I have long been convinced that it was the prepper factor that caused the government to rethink their strategy of perpetual medical lockdowns and give up on vaccine passports. Recent surveys show that over 30% of the adult population of the US is involved in prepping.  We’re an unknown element, something they can’t predict, a possible monkey-wrench in the gears of the machine.

With our own supplies we are not dependent on the system to keep us alive, and the harder they push the more we are compelled to organize into an even greater obstacle. Just as NATO sanctions have pushed Russia, China and the BRICS closer together, openly authoritarian policies in the west during covid have pushed liberty movement people together. The establishment backed away because they had to.

That’s why I have to laugh whenever I see some idiot online say: “What’s the point of prepping when nothing ever happens?”

These people must have been living under a rock since 2020.  We just dodged one of the biggest Orwellian bullets in our nation’s history with the defeat of the pandemic mandates. Or, maybe they don’t realize that the pandemic was just the beginning.

If that’s the case then it pains me to remind everyone that nothing has fundamentally changed. Yes, we beat back the mandates but all the same elites are still in power, all the same globalist institutions that exploited covid to create a panic still exist, and the event has acted as a domino in a chain leading to other crises. Here’s just a few reasons why you’re definitely going to need your survival preps in the next few years…

The Stagflation Crisis That Wouldn’t Die

The stagflationary problem is persistent despite all the media claims that it’s under control. Readers familiar with my economic analysis know that I predicted stagflation several years ago as the inevitable outcome of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing and near-zero interest rates (See my article published in 2018 titled ‘Stagflationary Crisis: Understanding The Cause Of America’s Ongoing Collapse’ for reference). I also predicted the Catch-22 problem of rate hikes vs inflation and debt (read my my article from 2021 titled ‘The Fed’s Catch-22 Taper Is A Weapon, Not A Policy Error’). And when I said a couple years ago that the Fed wasn’t going to return to rate cuts for some time, I was right about that too.

Given this track record, trust me when I say that stagflation is here to stay. Any move to cut rates will automatically trigger an even worse resurgence of inflation and the fed will be forced to hike once again. And, high interest rates will continue to create a national debt crisis as debt payments skyrocket.

In other words, the economic situation is getting exponentially worse with each passing year. The US National debt was $28 trillion in 2021; by the end of 2024 it will be well over $35 trillion.  That’s $7 trillion added in four-years time.  There is already breakage in the system, but that’s nothing compared to what we face in the next four years. Any preparedness items you buy today should be considered an investment, because there’s no doubt all of those items will be far more expensive or harder to find in the future.

Political Riots Are Assured

Recent campus protests over Gaza (and the riots in France over gains by conservatives in government) have reminded people that they shouldn’t get too comfortable with the fading influence of BLM. The same leftists that rode the wave of racial division back in 2020 are going out and finding new causes to co-opt. They’re looking for any excuse to riot, even if it has nothing to do with them personally.

With the 2024 election incoming we all know civil unrest will be the norm once again no matter who ends up in the White House. With riots follow the threat of looting, property destruction, political violence and even martial law. Then there is the public reaction to those circumstances, including the possibility of civil war. Don’t assume the country will calm down after the election. In fact, assume the opposite.

The War In Ukraine Is About To Become A World War

Again, I have mentioned in multiple articles the danger of western involvement in the war in Ukraine including the danger of a wider world war should NATO directly enter the fray. As I write this, France is pressing for “military advisers” to go to Ukraine to train recruits, which is exactly what the US did in Vietnam right before we officially went to war.

Multiple NATO countries have also given Ukraine the green light to use long range NATO missiles against targets deep in Russia. If you are an avid student of history you know as I do that this only goes one way.

That’s probably why officials in the US and in Europe are suddenly talking about draft procedures and forced conscription laws in order to shore up their ranks. How many people will actually submit to a draft? I don’t know, but I do know this is not the kind of talk that governments engage in when their goal is diplomacy. It’s the kind of talk they engage in when they’re getting ready to antagonize the enemy.

A larger war with Russia comes with a host of difficulties that would take me too many pages to cover here. To summarize, war with Russia means war with China, war with North Korea, war with Iran and most of the Middle East, tragic supply chain disruptions, the end of the dollar’s world reserve status and a good chance of a limited (false flag) or regional nuclear exchange.

I have serious doubts that global nuclear war is on the table because the establishment has nothing to gain and everything to lose from it. However, a war between East and West is more than enough to cause absolute havoc in every nation on the planet.

The War Over Gaza Is Quickly Leading To A War For The Middle East

I’m not going to cheer for either side in this conflict. My concern is America and Americans. That said, it’s clear that actions on both sides are forcing the war to expand well beyond Gaza. Recent Israeli strikes on Syria and scuffles with Egyptian troops are concerning. Lebanon is highly involved and Iran has already traded missiles with Israel. Israel has stated their offensive will continue through at least the end of 2024, and now they may be shifting to all out war on Lebanon.

In terms of how this all affects the US or Europe, the immediate consequence will be a shut down of oil traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and the Red Sea. That’s 30% or more of the world’s oil trade slowed down or eliminated. Energy prices will explode along with prices on everything else. The price of all the goods you buy daily is affected by the price of oil.

Agriculture, for example, relies heavily on fuel and oil based fertilizers. This means high oil prices will trigger high food prices, and food supplies will be key in the next few years.

Prepping Isn’t A Hobby, It’s A Duty

Frankly, preparedness should be a social mainstay – An integral part of American life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a duty. The more prepared people there are the safer every American will be. Most prepared people don’t panic because there’s no need. And people who don’t panic are less likely to harm others out of fear and desperation.

Think of food storage like a big battery. A battery is energy storage for later when you need it. Think about how much time and work and energy goes into growing just one month of food for your family. Isn’t it far better to store all that work in long term foods so that you don’t have to worry about it later during the worst of conditions? Every bucket of stored food is a battery that saves you precious time and labor.

Growing food and living sustainably is great in peacetime or in the middle of a large, well organized community. Growing food at the onset of a national crisis in a place where too many people are unprepared is almost impossible. If a breakdown occurs then your best bet is to hunker down, work with family, friends and neighbors, and live on your preps until there is a large enough community in place to securely restart agriculture again.

There are too many variables right now around the world that can cause catastrophe, and even events on the other side of the globe can cause serious problems for you at home. I see very little chance of the situation improving in the next few years and a very high chance of things spiraling out of control. Take your prepping seriously, even when oblivious naysayers claim “nothing’s going to happen.” Those will be the same people crying for help before long, and you don’t want to share their fate.


One survival food company, Prepper All-Naturals, has proactively dropped prices to allow Americans to stock up ahead of projected hikes in beef prices. Their 25-year shelf life steaks currently come at a 25% discount with promo code “invest25”.

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Brandon Smith

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  • Maggie June 27, 2024 at 6:03 am

    Excellent article as usual. I so look forward to all your articles. Very helpful.
    I my book you are spot on.
    Thank you.

  • Rodster June 27, 2024 at 7:14 am

    I’ve been stocking up on food for the last several years. Has anyone noticed all of the “food scare stories lately”? The cynical part in me says this is all being done on purpose.

    • Avatar photo
      Brandon Smith June 27, 2024 at 7:46 am

      I’ve seen a lot of news stories claiming food inflation is dropping (which is false). For the most part the threats to the supply chain are being ignored. You would think with the amount of media talk about coming war with Russia (and China) they would be more inclined to discuss the dangers of higher food prices in the near term.

      • YT June 27, 2024 at 7:55 am

        The globalist cabal must seriously want us to “eat ze bugs”…

        From where I’m at, the milk powder comes with [serious!] side-effects, and I recall a time – prior to the plandemic back in 2019 – I fell sick with gawdawful indigestion from a can of Campbell’s soup.

        So if canned goods are [practically] inedible and hardly fit for consumption, not-to-mention crops are failing everywhere across the planet (thanks to ’em “chem-trails”), what actual alternatives have we to-day?

        • Gauntlet33 June 27, 2024 at 12:46 pm

          There’s a ton of canned foods which are pure in their ingredients without a bunch of filler garbage. Unfortunately, if Campbell’s soup is what you go for, then I think you’ve got the wrong mentality and don’t know how to eat right. Hint: check the labels and actually read the ingredients.

  • Greg B. June 27, 2024 at 11:54 am

    I recently read the latest article from Bob Livingston that said some things very similar to what you said here concerning the possible reinstating of the draft.

  • Roundball Shaman June 27, 2024 at 2:03 pm

    What is the greatest survival strategy? What is the Greatest Prep of all?
    Of course we all need food and water and such things just to survive and keep our bodies functioning. Radios and batteries and bandages and ways to protect ourselves. And other things as well.
    But none of that matters without our most important survival preparation. And this is?
    One’s Spiritual anchoring and strength of spirit.
    Are we living just for self these days or do we live to help and mentor others? Are we living with good purpose or are we wasting our hours and days looking into a small box or getting angry over political nonsense? Are we creating a livable world for our children with our choices and habits and thoughts or are we allowing things of this World to devolve and turn into an unlivable mess?
    In short… are there REASONS – good reasons — that we SHOULD survive?
    We must know from Whom our very life comes from. We must know and live in full gratitude as we embrace all the things that Life gives us every day in ways we can never fully recognize or understand.
    Our greatest deficiency today is not money. It is not housing. It is not even food.
    It is our sense of Spirit. It is in knowing our true place in Universe. It is our sense of who and what we are. It is in knowing why we are here at all and what is required of us.
    Like it or not… we were made for these Times. That’s why we are here now. These challenging days were put right here and now to test all of us and see what we are made of inside… what kind of persons we are… whether we are honoring Our Creator with our lives and responses to crisis or whether we are shaming Source with fear or inaction or anger and frustration.
    There is no place to hide. There is no spot on Earth to be safe apart from the protective and knowing Hands of our Source Creator who watches with eager anticipation to see what our next moves are… what are thoughts are going to be… and if we have the courage and wisdom to face without fear and prevail over every test that is thrown our way.
    In what will we trust? In WHO will we trust? Do we even trust at all any more?
    We were made for these Times. And we must find within ourselves all those qualities of Spirit that often do not appear on most people’s survival supply shopping lists while preparing for Armageddon.
    Preparing for a major crisis is one thing. Knowing why we should survive at all is another.

    • King Leonidas June 28, 2024 at 11:00 am

      Wise words. Thankyou sir.

    • Cori June 28, 2024 at 11:14 pm

      Best response! So true.

    • stev July 8, 2024 at 7:47 pm

      thumbs up

  • The Outlaw June 28, 2024 at 7:56 am

    I was required to register for the draft when I was 19 y/o. I’ll be 64 on Independence Day–July 4th. You were required to visit the Post Office and register. The disturbing change is requiring Woman to register—–thats beyond the pale. I don’t know if that requirement still exists to register.

    On fiscal policy–The Fed can’t use monetary policy to fix supply chain disruptions but they believe they can mitigate it via interest rate adjustments—-Pure silliness.

    “The Fed doesn’t know what they’re doing!”–I keep hearing—-Wanna bet? Destroy The United States of America is the clear intent.

    • King Leonidas June 28, 2024 at 11:12 am

      I think this is the hardest thing for people to grasp even when it’s staring them right in the face. That our very own government wishes us harm and wishes to destroy the fabric of our country in the process. I’m 66 years old and perhaps it’s hardest for our age group to digest because we lived through better times in this country when our gov’t could be trusted. At least trusted not to inject us with poisons and imprison us for our political beliefs. Now the gauntlet has been removed and they openly want to replace us with foreigners and spy on and control us now before they kill us. Pray and meditate for strength and resolve because the enemy is at the gate.

  • pete papageorge June 28, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    I’ve read that NATO and the EU are accelerating plans in the next few months to deploy NATO troops into Ukraine because they know Trump might win the election and to trap Trump to continue the war with Russia. No turning back option.

    These people are sick and demented to further escalate a war with Russia. They know Trump would start peace talks to end the war with Russia getting the territory Putin stated and what’s left will be Ukraine surviving, less total defeat.

    But to trap Trump as President-elect to continue the war, or worse, if Trump tries to start peace talks and Biden escalates late this year, who knows the outcome of that scenario. Biden could declare war time powers and not allow Trump into office. That is still a reality.

    Ukraine is not worth anything for America, nothing. It is a playground for weapons makers and the Blackrock folks. Not our problem, not our conflict.

    Soon we will wake up to shoot downs of drones or aircraft over the Black Sea, then what?

  • Linda June 28, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    I live in Brisbane, Australia and last Saturday night I was fortunate to be able to listen to Tucker Carlson (he is currently touring Australia). And his bottom line is that the elites HATE humanity and he said that the people may have a few wins but the elites are going to keep coming full steam with their plans. In saying that he said that NOW is the time for people to speak up and stand up against their plans. The elites fully understand humanity and most people won’t even be aware of what is happening (case in point Covid tyranny). But I still think that humanity will win. The author of “The Great Taking” David Roger’s is a great example. His book/ Documentary are superb and I have seen from people such as Catherine Austin Fitts that he is waking a lot of the rich (your desert) people up.

  • Luke June 28, 2024 at 8:57 pm

    Hey Gents May I offer something to place in your kit? I’m very nervous about ruining this little gift if that is indeed what it is. Fortunately I have no ailments or infections at the moment but would like some of you to help me experiment.

    Have you heard of Chlorine Dioxide? I have for a while but never knew how to get my hands on it. I would literally run myself nuts trying to figure the best way to synthesize it. I take at least a couple shots a day. I don’t know what the potency of it happens to be. I would recommend you take it slowly and adjust.

    Was at the hygienist 2 weeks ago. She noticed I dipped and gave me the usual warnings. She told me of a mouthwash called CloSYS and how it was like sucking on chlorine tabs lol. I have a pool and know that’s not a good idea lol but was somewhat intrigued. A friend on a survivalist blog mentioned CLD a couple nights later. My brain bulb went off and I found it on Amazon.

    Look at the back of package. Idk if it works but I am certain some of you have heard about it. Wanting to know if anyone who has internal or external infections receives some relief from this stuff. Then I will want to buy a helluva lot more of it.

    Again it’s called CloSYS mouthwash. It seems to be produced under patents by a legit pharmaceutical company Rowpar out of NJ. Nothing wrong with that IMO. Even better it’s not made in someone’s bathtub perhaps lol.

    • Hadaqar June 30, 2024 at 7:13 am

      We are learning more and more about the beneficial bacteria in our guts and mouths. When you kill them off with antibacterials or antibiotics you open yourself up to myriad diseases.

      Halitosis is a result of overgrowth of bad bacteria. Overgrowth happens becauseof an imbalance with good bacteria.

      Good bacteria enhance/sustain the immune system.

      This potent Chlorine Dioxide you mention might trigger nasty side effects.

      A suggestion is to focus only on improving your gut/mouth microbiome which will fight against disease to the benefit of the body, rather than introducing to your body an antibacterial which is so potent it is utilized in minute amounts.

      • Luke July 3, 2024 at 10:24 pm

        @Hadqar not sure if you will see this bro. Have been hearing about CDS for several years like it was the Holy Grail. What you just said is an excellent point.

        I want to say in my excitement at finally finding it i should tell you i found an online group who uses it. These are the same types who told me it was a cure-all.

        I don’t want to bullshit so I asked them if I got a nasty nasty would what would you do to stop gangrene and sepsis (whatever else)? I asked would I be better off with Doxy?

        No one would answer. These are also people who go around telling people covid wasn’t real. Well that’s bullshit I’m living proof. Never had the worst experience of my life but my lungs had some issues. I had tested 5-6 times always to end up negative. However when I knew I was sick I took 2 tests and they were both positive.

        My lungs felt like they were being squeezed as well as cut. I wasn’t going to interrupt it until that in which I promptly started a pony paste tube. Also took some photos me needle tea but puked it up very fast so doing it was that that helped.

        Absolutely NO doubt the IVM helped and made the lung inflammation and fever go down quickly. Again could have been the one time shot of PN tea i barfed up lol but not likely.

        Just got on to some of them a bit ago. I somehow caught Dengue Fever (99%) certain in summer 2001. For 20+ years thought it was a Bad Flu. Was only after i heard it referred as Break Bone Disease did the light bulb go off. Fuck it was painful. Won’t never forget it.

        These people don’t believe viruses are real and they swear by CDS. I just got done telling one dude don’t tell me it was in my head. And don’t think I’m some kinda pussy either.

        All I’m saying is viruses or whatever exists (something) and it’s nothing to take for granted. Especially bacterial infections.

        Get your hands on as much Doxy you can now. Look for fish antibiotics. Sorry man I’m frustrated now and apologies for steering anyone wrong. 😔

  • KaD June 29, 2024 at 9:41 am

    You MUST get what you might need NOW, once the crisis hits it will be too late to get anything.

  • Chris June 29, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Curious if you think Trump is being set up ? He may win and in 4 years it will be “see I told you so”

    • Avatar photo
      Brandon Smith June 29, 2024 at 5:09 pm

      Watch for my article on this issue next week.

    • Hubbs July 1, 2024 at 6:16 pm

      I have considered that all this anti MAGA Trumpism hype is a huge psy-op by the elites who appear to “desperately” want to eliminate Trump. But if/once he gets “elected” by a huge majority and is sworn in January 2025, then suddenly the banking/debt system will explode or some war or some internet/grid problem will result in everything going down, for which Trump will get the blame -and worse as the “double crosser” when in reality, we should expect little difference in the outcome regardless whether Trump, Biden, Newsome, Hillary, etc. is selected. I am flabbergasted by those at the YMCA who say they are going to vote for Biden, but even more so by the rabid MAGAs who think that Trump can save us.

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