This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Prepper All Naturals
If US security was represented as a great dam holding back a historic flood, today it would be a Chinese built Temu dam held together with paper mache and ramen noodles, ready to snap in half and kill a million people downstream. In 2024 there is no security: The public simply operates on blind faith that no one will take advantage of the vast weaknesses built into the system and government officials hide any risks associated with their policies.
But what are the sources of the danger headed our way? Why is 2025 becoming more and more prominent as an inception date for an attack?
Donald Trump’s election win, his impending return to the White House and his promise to close the border and deport millions of illegals could be the cleansing tsunami that America needs, but it could also inversely trigger a host of foreign attacks, domestic attacks as well as false flag events. Here are the reasons why the next year is ripe for a large scale event…
Open Borders Have Created Threat Saturation
“Homeland Security” is a misnomer; the current head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, openly admitted to a room full of border patrol agents this year that over 85% of illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border are released into the country. Mayorkas originally claimed the release rate was 70% in an interview with FOX News, only to raise that number to 85% when agents pressed him during the private meeting.
Reports indicate that at least 400,000 known criminals have crossed the border illegally during Joe Biden’s presidency, and 13,000 of those immigrants were convicted murderers. What we don’t know, however, is how many terror suspects and foreign agents have also entered the US in the past four years.
The DHS releases limited data. Migrants that get a hit on the terror watch list are held and cataloged, of course, but with wide open borders and the Biden White House running interference there’s no way to know how many slipped through.
The political left argues that “no terror attacks have happened on Biden’s watch”, but these are the same people that originally denied the existence of Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in multiple cities across the country. The saturation of illegal migrants will inevitably lead to a terror event in America, it’s only a matter of time. Why? Because now they are under threat of being removed en masse.
Whatever their original plans, the reality of mass deportation puts these people on a time table and some may act out violently in response. Many will feel entitled to stay in the US despite their criminal entry.
It may not happen on Biden’s watch, but his administration will have been the catalyst that made deportations necessary and the resulting attacks possible.
Geopolitical Tensions And Open Borders Don’t Mix
I believe an attack is inevitable in 2025 primarily because of the geopolitical brush fires being ignited across the globe right now. There is also always the looming danger of false flag events designed by covert actors trying to trick the public into placing blame on the wrong culprit.
The war in Ukraine and the expanding wars in the Middle East involving Israel (and the resurgence in Syria) are dependent on US support and possibly future military involvement on the ground. It’s fair to say that without US involvement, all of these wars would end rather quickly. One can debate the ethical necessity of America engaging in proxy conflicts or the need for the US to protect certain allies and assets, but a lot of foreign elements view the US as the root cause of their pain.
They also know the easiest way to attack the US is through the doorway that the current establishment has left wide open on the southern border.
The US has been hit with a mass immigration storm while also embroiled in at least two regional proxy wars that have the potential to expand into world wars. Why wouldn’t Russia, China, or multiple nations in the Middle East use that weakness to their advantage? Even more disturbing, the globalists that want the US to send troops to defend Ukraine or Israel could also perpetrate an attack that falsely leads back to Russia or Iran.
I continue to argue that America has no reason to be involved in the majority of foreign entanglements and that we should stay out of these conflicts entirely. But we are where we are. There are malicious people within our own government that want to force Americans into war, and there are foreign actors that hate us because of the actions of these same elites. The dominoes have already been set in motion and guess where that leaves us?
Conservatives Inherit Disaster While Leftists Go Weather Underground
The conservative sweep on election day means we inherit all the messes that Joe Biden and his handlers created – Economic, political, social, and geopolitical. There will also be considerable motivation for establishment elites to create chaos from thin air while conservatives hold governmental power, and this presents a third domestic threat which will definitely arise in the wake of a Trump presidency: Leftist activists.
The goal of the progressive establishment when it comes to attacking conservatives is to create so much instability and fear that conservatives feel compelled to set aside their principles and the constitution in order to restore order. In this way the left hopes to “prove” that conservatives are the “fascists” they often accuse us of being.
For the past several years conservatives have also been labeled “domestic terrorists” bent on civil war, but it’s actually the progressive left that engages in the majority of civil unrest and violence in the name of political expediency.
The first time leftists were enraged by a political loss and took to the streets to riot, most conservatives and even the Trump administration erred on the side of constitutional flexibility. The problem is, leftists have a habit of exploiting free speech rights as a springboard for mob intimidation. Also, most of the riots took place in Democrat controlled states and cities where local officials defended the violence and tried to block any intervention.
Some people argue that leftists are no longer motivated to engage in this kind of unrest and the lack of chaos after Trump’s election win is proof. I beg to differ. First, leftists are not a hardy bunch and they tend to wait for warmer weather before going out to cause disruption. Second, Trump isn’t even in office yet. Just wait until the mass deportations start and then you’ll see all kinds of riots.
The political left believes that mob violence and looting is a form of free speech and “reparations” for perceived injustices. They feel completely justified in their behavior and that makes them exceedingly dangerous. If you see the mass burning of random neighborhoods as an “ends justify the means” situation, then you can probably convince yourself that any crime is acceptable.
This trend of terrorism as activism is likely to evolve beyond simple mobs in the next round. In other words, under a new Trump Administration we should expect smaller Weather Underground-like groups among progressive activists; groups that will engage in terror attacks. The two assassination attempts against Trump this year support this hypothesis.
To summarize, there are four distinct instigators of political violence all active going into 2025:
Organized criminal gangs crossing the border as migrants.
Foreign agents and terrorists slipping into the US using mass immigration as a cover.
Leftist activists radicalized to believe they are righteous in their violence.
Establishment elites and covert agencies creating false flag events.
The types of attacks we face comprise a wide spectrum and I fear that conservatives may very well throw support behind a martial law scenario should the situation break out the way I think it will. Infrastructure attacks would be the most devastating (and would not require a high level of effort or sophistication); a lot of people may see military intervention as the best option.
I would argue that this is exactly what the establishment wants. They want the liberty movement to abandon our foundations in the name of security – They want us to take shortcuts that lead us down an authoritarian path. If we are to increase the safety of the American populace it’s going to take years of work to fix the mess that progressives have left behind. No shortcuts like martial law.
We’ll have to close the borders tight (The one place where a national guard or military presence makes sense). We’ll have to deport millions of illegal migrants already in the country. We’ll have to reduce our presence in global proxy wars. We’ll have to secure communities through localized efforts (militias).
Most importantly, should violence break out, community participation in defense is paramount. The locals need to be prepared for grid down, for rioting, for random attacks. It’s the general public that needs to be ready. Regular civilians are the people that will be there the moment disaster strikes and they must be empowered to take action.
When a terror attack takes minutes to achieve, regular people who are there when it occurs have seconds to respond. Until we can repair the damage done to our national security over the past four years, the public is the first and most important line of defense.
One survival food company, Prepper All-Naturals, has proactively dropped prices to allow Americans to stock up ahead of projected hikes in beef prices. Their 25-year shelf life steaks currently come at a 25% discount with promo code “invest25”.
Indeed, 2025 is shaping up to be a very, very troubled year for the US and the World.
I’ve just seen the cover of The Economist’s annual special issue (“The world ahead 2025”). No doubt about, the globalists are planning a dirty trick “to trap” the new Trump Administration.
Have a look:
Global events are set to accelerate and worsen (mainly in terms of economic and geopolitical issues, not to mention serious social unrest in the West).
P.S: Do not forget that the globalists can also use the massive cyber-attack card and/or a new pandemic.
Another pandemic won’t work after the first one failed to garner the “reset” the elites wanted. Watch for war, and watch for terror attacks.
Brandon, what do you see this mess in South Korea? I have Korean relatives there, and the current president is deeply unpopular like on Biden/Harris level. The conservatives in Korea including the current President are pretty much RINOs- sending aid to Ukraine and doing the typical globalist shit and enacting COVID lockdowns too. Two sides of the same coin.
Even so- very bizzare to me as there was zero reason compelling enough for the public to accept. He’s probably gonna be impeached now unless he goes full dictatorship like Korea did before the 80’s. Maybe- they are doing this as test run to blame everything on the conservatives here in the U.S. and Yoon is willingly going along with it.
That’s not the story I’m getting – The conservatives have been out of power for many years and the country is on the verge of falling apart. It was the leftists that implemented the covid lockdowns, not the conservatives. The conservatives only took power at the end of 2022. Yoon inherited a disastrous economy and government, and the leftists within Korea have been trying to sabotage any policy measures he tries to implement to save money. Not to mention, the insane feminist movement in Korea needs to be put down flat. That said, I don’t support martial law and I think it’s a net negative, but I can see why Yoon is doing what he’s doing.
Yep, everything you said is correct. Yoon is the conservative party and the leftists won overwhelmingly in their parliament during midterms due to Yoon’s unpopularity- so the leftists control their parliament currently so Yoon isn’t able to get anything done.
What I was saying is that just like the RINOs and neocons in the Republican party, the “conservatives” in Korea are much like the neocons in the states – they supported most of the covid measures (eventhough as you mentioned the leftists president Moon implemented it) and continued to send money to Ukraine and what not throughout Yoon’s presidency.
Also- just in Yoon just submitted to their parliament and officially ended the 3 hour martial law. I just find it super bizzare because this is surely going to result in his impeachement now and I’m just wondering if you think this is a test run to what the globalists may try to do to the conservatives and Trump in the states when they pull the rug by blaming patriots/conservatives for the mess they created?
Also- 100% to shutting down the feminist crap there. Many young men are shutting it down. It’s never been like the shitshow we had in the states with the trannies and groomers though but they were trying very hard and most asians rejected woke culture and illegals outright. So good stuff there.
Well, the leftists ALWAYS controlled the parliament, well before Yoon won the presidency. He won the presidency because the leftists are widely unpopular. The conservatives haven’t had much power to do anything for many years in Korea, so it’s impossible to call them “RINOS” until they show that to be the case through legislation. The primary problem is the leftists (as usual).
Trump was literally the sitting president when the lockdowns and mass money printing began. He did a full 180 in March of 2020 and demanded mass curfews (call it what it was), which all states enacted to varying degrees. Trump went on to flame any governors who thought of lifting the curfews after a few months. It was all over the news. Where were you?
We’re talking about the Korean conservatives, dummy. Also, the lockdowns were implemented by state governments and Trump had no say. Blue states and the CDC were the primary force behind the lockdowns. He never enforced “mass curfews” nor did he “flame governors” for lifting curfews because no curfews existed. Why lie?
they lie because thats what they are.
Great overview of the whole threat to security of this country. The mere fact that illegals have been accommodated at the expense of legit vets should have been enough to cause outrage and revolt! So many of those guys have endured so much hardship.
Our military needs to be back on our own soil, as it was in the 50s through the 80’s. Our homeland needs protection here, on our own soil. Get us away from being the World’s Policeman and take care of our own.
“‘Homeland Security’” is a misnomer.
It sure is. It is more like Homeland INSECURITY. Or, how to make a mess of America in one easy step.
One of the most vital and necessary things for any life form is a sense of boundary – to keep certain things (yourself) within – and all other things (usually being some sense of threat or harm) OUT. Setting healthy boundaries is necessary for we humans to feel safe, live well, and thrive.
And so this is with Nations. As has been often been said… if you don’t have a boundary – you don’t have a country.
And since the Demented Democrats have been driving America’s Bus-of-State, the United States has not had boundaries. And our Nation has suffered… and will continue to suffer… from this atrocity and National betrayal.
As with the human body… we DO want to take certain things in. Things like good food and water and other fundamentals that maintain and fuel our lives. And this also can apply to Nations. You do want to have SOME people from the outside come in – but only after you have determined that they are entering under the Rule of Law and that their presence in America will be beneficial to the Nation. For example, the grand entrance of White Europeans from Europe during the early part of the 20th Century has been a great thing for America. Hard-working people who toiled for what they had and who did not expect handouts and freebies off the backs of others. They were a backbone of building up America.
America has millions of people who do not belong here. They did not come in with the right spirit or attitude. Some of these people have harmed and killed Americans. And many of these invaders come with no useful skills but with hands wide open to receive money and benefits from American taxpayers who have much better things to do with their money.
Do many of these illegal aliens come from troubled areas? Sure they do. But it is NOT America’s responsibility nor that of American taxpayers to fix the whole World.
Americans have a right to be safe and secure within vigorous borders. And we do not need freeloaders to add to our problems.
Want to help the oppressed? Send them your own personal money. Roll up your sleeves and go down there yourself and dig ditches or open food kitchens. But do not open up America’s doors wide open to let in God-knows-what… and for God-knows-what reasons and consequences to our Nation.
Anyone who wants open borders in America? First, take all the locks off your home and car. Let anyone who wants to come in and do whatever the hell they want. Give strangers keys to your kids’s storage locker at school.
Also, have your bank direct your incoming paycheck to the local NGO that is inviting all these invaders into our Country. Put your money where your mouth – and your bad intentions – are. And most of all – do NOT expect to take anyone else’s money for this act of Nation Disintegration.
We humans have a heart. But we also have a head. And America had better start using Theirs and bring some sanity and solidity to our Nation’s borders.
Welcome to America. Now please… GET OUT…
Any extensive terror attacks involving illegals on rural Americans will empower a blowback that will be very ugly to anyone who looks foreign and or does not speak English well. It probably will result in some form of hunting such people down and dispatching them, at least in rural red state areas. If that sort of thing gets ignited it will be very hard to put it back in the Genie bottle. The US military is insufficient to control the entirety of CONUS..
Sorry state of affairs, isn’t it? The Patriots have to pull the people’s fat out of the fire. Don’t like it… Don’t want to… Have to.
Just a dozen well-placed terror incidents (mall massacres, electrical grid substations demolitions, fuel refineries explosions, etc.) could bring untold and never experienced before terror to the populace and bring what’s left of government to it’s knees. Then, the gangs arm up…
Brandon, I see Rand Paul going against Trump using pseudo martial law/uniformed military to deport the illegals and siding with the democrats which I agree with. Did we not just see the mess in South Korea and how that could lead to abuse?? I swear the Trump fanatics that worship him like a god are almost as retarded as the leftists (obviously not as retarded bc their hearts are in the right place).
We need to be criticizing and holding Trump’s feet to the fire every step of the way especially since his first term was lackluster.
I agree with holding his feet to the fire. That being said a lot of Trump haters love to bash him over shit that is not well thought out. One guy on Gab was telling me about all of the sexual crimes he committed. “He raped Ivanka” etc etc. Rather than argue with this person I made a sarcastic comment about how the media and democrats have been secretly working together to hide Trump’s many abuses. The show trials were just a ploy to distract from the really bad ones.
The bastard then quoted me and sent it out like I said it. SMH at least he was creative I supposed. I got a chuckle out of it.
Another misnomer happens when people talk about Trump’s first term. Let’s be honest here, he was harangued pretty good over Russia collision, impeachment, etc. 2020 was a complete waste. I need not get into what happened that year.
The good news as Brandon once said Trump is not the devil. And yes we must stay vigilant and aware of what is happening. We need to stay informed so that we can try and guide policy and hold him to campaign commitments. He has a good team around him. I DO NOT MEAN CABINET!! I am talking about his inner circle that helped him win the election. I like most of those guy and I don’t see any of them wanting to technologically enslave and eventually cull humanity. Thank God.
Mike Benz was just on with Joe Rogan. I strongly urge people to listen to it. Rogan says and Benz confirms what I expected. We are lucky that we got another chance. Censorship Inc had already won. I honestly think they got distracted by events in Ukraine. I also they got cute allowing Musk to purchase Twitter.
Rand Paul is right to oppose the use of military for deportations, but deportations MUST happen all the same. I think Trump thinks in terms of what works, but if his intentions are malicious then he will be checked. Someone is going to be applying force to change things in this country one way or the other, we just have to make sure it’s us and not elements out of our control.
I agree. I think using the enforcement arms of the DOJ (DEA, FBI, Marshals) and Homeland Security/Border Control along with Red state/county assistance will be more than enough. Lets have the 3 letter agencies do something useful for once- they need to be defunded by 90% anyways afterwards lol
Oh yeah, like FEMA?
This gets me in the mood to solve a word problem as they used to call them in my school days. However I am stumped because I am missing a number to computer the equation.
13k murderers— I am trying to break that down by state or even city. Normally I would pick the 20 largest cities but these new comers might be dispersed a little more than previous illegal immigrants? That I cannot say for certain. My purpose here is to try and put it into perspective.
For now let’s stick with 13k murders/20 cities = 650 murderers per city. Yes, it seems the Temu dam is a perfect example lol. 650 per city seems like it would be
Curious if someone else has a more accurate estimate of what we might be looking at.
Possible scenario;
1. Purchase and cache small arms and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo ( Homeland Security 2013 REMEMBER ?)
2. Flood the West with millions of disparate aliens, many military age men.
3. Install a Conservative government to deal with the mess created by the previous Radical government.
4. Start mass deportations and use provocateurs to encourage violent resistance. Arm the migrants with arms from step 1 and instill martial law.
5. Achieve 2 objectives; 1. Blame conservatives for the mess so the people will hate conservatives and never vote for them again. 2. Lockdown society for an extended period so that the public will eventually “Accept the Edicts of a new world order to re-establish peace”.