This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group
There is a popular school of thought that believes most economic stability is purely psychological; that the health of the economy relies on the population NOT knowing the true state of things. In other words, “ignorance is bliss.” I partially agree with the premise but only under certain conditions. If an economy is built on lies then yes, the exposure of those lies would certainly put that system at risk. My argument is, if an economy is built on lies it’s not really worth saving.
The US public in particular is now struggling with the slow realization that our financial and monetary structures are not secure. Many of us in the alternative media have been warning about this for decades. I warned about the inevitability of a stagflation crisis for many years and was criticized as a “doom monger,” at least until 2021 when the crisis became undeniable. But that’s what happens when you live in an economy of lies and you start talking about reality – Some people will see you as a threat.
Even today with everything that’s happening there are still blind muppets and disinformation shills out there that assure us “all is well”. And, usually they’ll cite manipulated government stats as evidence to support their faulty position.
The Biden Administration has proven to be one of the worst culprits when it comes to data misrepresentation and manipulation. To be sure, Biden has had plenty of help with his “Bidenomics” agenda and he wouldn’t be able to rig the numbers without aid from the Federal Reserve, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the corporate media, etc. Most presidents get help from these institutions when promoting a sick economy as a healthy economy. Some presidents do not…
With that fact in mind, I’ve been wondering lately what will happen when Biden exits the White House in January 2025? What happens to the numbers after that? Will there be a statistical reset? Will the real data be exposed all at once; an avalanche of reality crashing down on the delusional system?
I’m still not convinced that any outcome is beyond dismissal for elections in November. If someone was to ask me what I predict, I would have to say Trump will be president again. From all the evidence I’ve seen the Harris campaign is an astroturf movement with a limited voter base. She’s obviously not very bright and I don’t think the theatrical “joy” strategy is convincing very many people of her competency. Her economic policies (including price controls) are full bore communist and would be devastating to any form of US recovery. Her fiscal plan will be even worse than Bidenomics has been.
But hey, I was certain Trump was getting a second term in 2020 and I was wrong. Who could have known Biden was going to get that unprecedented mail-in voter boost in the middle of the night after everyone went to bed? Truly, he is the most popular presidential candidate of all time. Why they dropped him for Kamala I’ll never fathom…
But seriously, the point is, we have come to a crossroads in our election process where anything is possible (whether real or engineered). I suspect that if Trump enters office once again there will be a multitude of changes to our economic data and they will happen quickly. Some of the rigging is already being exposed, just not on a level where the majority of the populace is aware of it.
Some examples of this rigging include:
Biden’s steady sale of US strategic oil reserves in order to drive down energy and gas prices, thereby artificially reducing CPI (official monthly inflation numbers). By June of this year Biden had sold off at least 50% of the nation’s emergency oil supply just to keep CPI down a few points. Keep in mind, bringing down the CPI does nothing to cut the real inflation that has already accumulated in necessities (30%-50% higher prices depending on the product or service).
Then there’s the manipulation of BLS unemployment data to show millions of new jobs that don’t actually exist. After it was announced that Biden was no longer the Democratic candidate, suddenly the US Payroll has been revised down by over 818,000, likely with more revisions to come. Meaning, Bidenomics was being fluffed with fake job creation.
An even greater concern is the fact that all new jobs created for the past several years have been going to illegal aliens, not legal citizens. In fact, since October of 2019 native-born US workers have lost over 1.4 million jobs. Over the same period, migrants illegally residing in the US have gained 3 million jobs. The new narrative among leftists is that this is a good thing; they claim that the US needs illegal immigration and open borders in order to support the jobs market and “bring down inflation.”
I’m doubtful that the jobs boost to illegals is real, either. More likely the migrant jobs data is rigged because it’s much harder to track and confirm. But these people don’t seem to understand how inflation works – Greater population means higher resource demand, and that helps drive up prices (as we’ve seen in housing). It doesn’t bring prices down, nor does it reduce the existing money supply.
It should also be noted that full time jobs numbers have plunged while part time low-wage jobs have increased. These are the kinds of issues no one in the Biden Admin is talking about.
Finally, rising GDP is often cited as a key indicator of a vibrant economy, but what the “experts” rarely mention is that GDP is rigged by the inclusion of government spending. The more federal and state governments tax, borrow and spend, the higher GDP goes. Currently, government spending accounts for at least 36% of GDP (officially) in the US.
It makes it look like America is more successful than ever but this is based on the government taking more cash from the public, printing more money and going into greater debt, then throwing that cash away with wild abandon in order to prop up the numbers.
Goldman Sachs recently made a statement that under a Harris regime GDP would go up and under Trump GDP would take a big hit. They are right, in a way, but they don’t explain the real reason why this is the case.
If Trump follows through on his fiscal responsibility policies (Elon Musk has been tapped to head up investigations into government efficiency), then OF COURSE we’ll see a drop in GDP. It would mean government spending will go down and the rigging of GDP will end. With Harris, government spending will skyrocket and so the GDP bubble will continue to grow. In fact, Harris will be incentivized to increase government spending in order to hide greater deflation in GDP.
Trump’s arrival in the Oval Office will result in a hailstorm of bad economic data, and most of this will be due to the sudden end of statistical manipulations that have been in place for the last four years. We are currently in the midst of a tone-shift in which recessionary forces are pressuring markets more than inflation. But don’t be fooled…
As soon as the Federal Reserve cuts rates inflation will spike again, and if Trump is in office a CPI jump will be even more pronounced. Biden’s oil reserve dumps will be over, no longer anchoring CPI. We will continue to see inflation in necessities with deflation in other areas including jobs and GDP. That’s what happens during a stagflation crisis.
With Harris the same problems will occur, they just won’t be reported and the stats will not reflect the truth. With Trump, the stats will be more transparent and the media will howl about how conservatives are destroying the economy. The game plan is obvious.
Our economy is on a decades-long path to total collapse. And no election can completely stop what is coming! Which is why protecting your 401(k) or IRA is more critical than ever. With a physical gold IRA, you get an easy and tax-deferred way to safeguard your wealth with tangible assets. To learn more, click here to get your FREE info kit on Gold IRAs from Birch Gold Group.
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TwitterX: @AltMarket1
As they say, there are two guarantees in life, “death and taxes”. Perhaps there’s a third politicians/government play people. We are always dealing with ‘Three Card Monte” where the House always wins. And they win buy distracting the morons with sex, food and entertainment.
I remember listening to Limbaugh back in the early 90’s when he was pimping for Bush Sr. He used Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan “the dumbing down of America”. It’s going to be a certified shitshow regardless of who gets “selected”.
What this Nation needs is a breakup and reset. When a corporation gets too big it starts to react to changes within its industry at a much slower pace. It takes new leadership to begin removing the bloat. It happened to the once mighty IBM until a guy from the food industry was hired to lead IBM and turn it into a lean, mean fighting machine.
Can this be applied to the United States as some hope it does? Anything is possible but I have my serious doubts because the US has been taken over by the MIC which Dwight D Eisenhower warned about in 1960. So know the Deep State is fully entrenched within the United States and runs the government. It will do everything it can to protect its interest and not lose control or power of the US Gov’t.
Some anecdotal observations which might anger some veterans.
At the YMCA weightroom, I mingle with some young Coast Guard members and an occasional armed services enlistee or vet (Army). All I hear them talk about is their pensions and benefits, not their jobs/careers of protecting our shores, not to “serve” their country. Just yesterday, a fixed wing CG operator, age 40, who went to USCGA in New London, CT was almost bragging how he had a $60K pension coming from the government, presumably after putting in his 20 years. Another closer aquaintance who was the desk commander of this base ( no flying, arms, or scuba/surface rescue training, his only interest had been surfing in San Diego) had retired at age 50.
In the civilian sector, when I started a practice, I had hired a young gal with no skills or experience as a receptionist. She couldn’t hack that, and so quit and joined her sister at the Chamber of Commerce whose sole self-promotional purpose was to get certification as a member of the National Board of Chamber of Commerce. She couldn’t hack that cushy job either. I finally bumped into her again several years later when I returned to my town after an 8 year absence. There she was at the County Tax Collector building to collect my property tax payment. So my taxes are paying for her job which is to collect my tax payments.
In China, increasing numbers of college graduates are reportedly desperate to get government CCP jobs (YouTube’s China Observer) as the hiring for non-CCP jobs gets slim. In fact, bankers, middle aged mid -level managers and even big tech workers are losing their jobs in China as their economy slows.
I used to be opposed to the draft or rather, a requirement for two years of service, but not now. Easy for me to quite hypocritically say I must admit. I turned 18 in 1972. The draft and the Vietnam War were winding down. So while I registered, I never enlisted or served. My selective service number was 254 so I in total ignorance continued on with my cushy life in college. Had I been 4 years older, I could have wound up dead.
But I don’t want to hear all this about how “patriotic” our armed forces servicd men are. My gym buddy who is disabled from a bad jump at Fort Brag (dislocated both his hips and hurt his back) relates how his buddies went merc for reportedly $20K a month to fight for UKR- don’t know how much of this is true, but he says his buddies now can not leave Ukraine -as in they are stuck there. He also tells me of the incredible waste. PVS-14 night vision goggles with minor problems are not repaired. They are disposed of. Same for MREs. Take all you want he was told as he left the service. They’re just going to be thrown out. On the flip side, during economic downturns, young men may enlist because they have no other opportunities. A form of economic coercion. Finally, when I ask even traditional “idealistic” enlistees or vets whether they would recommend their sons and daughters join the military, it is almost a universal “Hell No!”
What about instead a requirement for all military age men/women being required to form militias at the county level, report for drills once a month, etc., kind of like what they do in Switzerland? Is this even feasible with our socioeconomically disparate country these days compared to the homogenity of the Swiss population? Instead, we have gone the other way, importing millions of military age men from third world countries. Are these men even trainable for military action? Is this another Globalist delusion, kind of like how they thought the COVID-19 spike protein would be far more lethal and transmissible than it was, but in the end, depended on duping the public into getting the vaccines to sustain itself?
For now, trying to plan for anything taking into account who might “win” the “election,” as if it will really will matter, is a fool’s errand and a waste of time better spent doing “other” things.
On any other election I might agree with you, but in this case you are completely wrong. Depending on who is in office in 2025, the economic crisis will move fast or slow. Depending on who is in office, we will have state focused rebuilding or Harris’ federally centralized price controls. And, with Trump the situation is likely to be more deflationary, while under Harris it is likely to be more inflationary. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking politics don’t matter, they certainly do, just not always in the ways we think they will.
“”Smart Veterans are advising young Americans NOT to volunteer to become enforcers for the horrible policies of what is BY DEFINITION an inherently coercive, wasteful, & inefficient territorial monopolist of ultimate decisionmaking and violence: The US Federal Government.”
Instead they should do exactly as you suggest – “military age men/women being required to form militias at the county level, report for drills once a month, etc., kind of like what they do in Switzerland?”
“With Harris the same problems will occur, they just won’t be reported and the stats will not reflect the truth. With Trump, the stats will be more transparent and the media will howl about how conservatives are destroying the economy. The game plan is obvious.”
So let Kamala run this country !
We don’t have anyone running for office who is qualified to be President. Our currency only has value as long as people believe it has value, most people are so far in debt that it won’t matter anyw and a society that can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman won’t realize what happened until it’s too late anyway.
Everyone can tell the difference between a man and a woman – Only a tiny handful of people are pretending they can’t.
I sure have heard a lot of people say that men and women are equal.
You haven’t heard anyone say that except activists online. They are a tiny paper tiger movement.
“There is a popular school of thought that believes most economic stability is purely psychological; that the health of the economy relies on the population NOT knowing the true state of things.”
There is an old saying in politics that people vote their pocketbook. When times are good the Chair-Occupiers are in good shape. And when times are tough the People are angry and want new faces. And to some degree that adage will always be the case.
But in today’s contentious political fever… there is an added factor of how deeply Americans have been instructed to hate Trump. Even some folks who lean MAGA might even be tempted to go to the dark side because the mind warp has been so long and so severe. Not for the true MAGA of course… but never discount State Media’s ability to turn Americans into empty-headed robotic zombies. So the heavy effects of State Media and a compliance Banking Cabal make things tough for MAGA.
The financial condition of The Indispensable Nation has been deplorable for decades. Effectively, bankruptcy. Only the ability to conjure fake money out of thin air has kept this National lead zeppelin afloat all these decades. But with any magic trick… eventually the slight-of-hand wears off and reality has its say.
And of course there is the heavy hand of the Banking Cabal who runs everything. When They like a President or Party… they will ‘loosen’ and let the public experience times that are a bit easier. But when they dislike the person and Party in office the Cabal will take steps to make the economy worse and get the public angry and eager to vote ‘The Bums’ out. Predictable like clock-work. And as a system… bogus and laughable as hell.
But if/when Harris is ‘Selected’ by ‘Our Democracy!’… we will all be living on Joy and Good Vibrations every day and we won’t even notice that our financial lives are going further straight inti Hell!
And if one is going to hell anyway… there are worse ways to get there instead of having a smile on your face.
Oh, Joy.
I thought that Trump would be arrested prior to the election sparking a constitional crisis. But they moved the date to his sentancing to after the election (Nov 26). Then last week I read an article from Jim Rickards (I stopped following him nearly 10 years ago because I found that he wasn’t all that accurate at predicting events but this time I think that he might be on the money). He said that if Trump wins the election (which it looks like he will, Kamala is woeful). The Democrats won’t allow him to become president, either by being arrested or not certifing the election as two means. This will spark civil unrest and then martial law. This will cause a constitional crisis and the stock market will crash and the US dollar will lose what little value it has left……
I followed the 2020 and to say that it was weird was an understatement. For the last four years trump has been saying that there was too much corruption and that the 2020 needs to be redone. I actually think that if the above scenario does take place Trump will end up being proved correct and to restore peace a rerun of the 2020 will take place.
In November 2019 Brandon wrote a supberb article on Elizabeth Warren, since that article he has said that he didn’t believe that Warren would win the 2020 election but he wrote the article becasue Warren was getting a lot of media attention.
From my research I think that if a redo of the 2020 does take place Warren would be the perfect person to become president. She is a bankrupcy lawyer and would be well suited to be president after the US becomes bankrupt. Also I think that The Simpsons is predictive programming and this scenario fits in with Lisa Simpson becoming president, effectively after Trump if he overturns the 2020 election.
In 2019 I said that it seemed as though Warren was being positioned as the Democrat candidate (she was the only one talking about economic crisis and lefists are obsessed over getting a woman president), but no, I didn’t think she would become president in 2020. Biden was really low on my list of candidates for the Dems because he was so decrepit and I just figured he would be an embarrassment. Well, I was wrong – He was their chosen guy; but he did indeed become an embarrassment.
Elizabeth Warren calls for emergency-like Fed rate cut ASAP
BREAKING: Former Green Beret Colonel Exposes Democrat Plan To Spark Civil War In America To Stop Trump Presidency
About 2 months ago Tucker Carlson toured Australia, I was fortunate to listen to him in Brisbane. Much to my shock, Dineish D’Souza was the secound guest speaker and he spoke for half an hour and then we watched a half an hour of 2000 Mules (as everyone knows it was about the 2020 election). That’s not the only reason that I think there will be a rerun of the 2020. But why in 2024 would they give an hour to the 2020 election right before Tucker Carlson speaks?
Tucker Carlson also believes, like Brandon that “ANYTHING” is possible at this point!
“”Throw Society Into Chaos” – Tucker Outlines Dem Plan As Harris ‘Honeymoon’ Fades”
Case in point…..Fast forward to 2024 and after the Fed cut interest rates by 50 bp everyone is talking about Elizabeth Warren:
Last – and least – here is Elizabeth Warren, Indian shaman of the Cherokee tribe
“This cut in interest rates is yet another acknowledgement that Powell waited too long to reduce rates. The Fed has finally changed course to follow its dual mandate on prices and jobs. Lower rates mean relief for consumers and aspiring homeowners. More rates cuts are needed.”
And now inflation will skyrocket once again – Just after the election.
Interesting article. One financial analyst I have followed is adamant that Harris will get in because the asset owners require the spending to continue.
Gov’t money to the shareholders gets filtered through the hands of those who receive it. Every policy “that helps the poor” by essentially giving them money ends up in the off shore bank accounts of those who own the assets. There is no such thing as free market capitalism any more.
My thoughts about the election is if war will be the answer to somehow get the economy rolling, Trump will get in. If no war, and some other financial trick needs to be unveiled, then the commie will get in. I don’t hitch my wagon to either party. They are nothing but salesmen (or women) that try to convince the American people and other nations that the criminal activities of the banking cartel must continue under the guise of helping the people.
Tell me exactly how the last 50 years of one political crook vs. the other promising to do better for the people has worked out. You know the answer to that. It hasn’t. In fact, I bet even 50% of the money collectively spent on just campaigning for office would have helped Americans more than any of us can imagine. And I don’t mean by handing out cash to anyone who can fog a mirror. Perhaps mental hospitals and staff, medical aid to retired. Whatever. But instead we get news stories about how one crook is offending the other.
Those people assume the elites want the system to continue functioning as it is. They’ve created economic collapse events in the past for a reason.
The elites are planning to destroy the dollar and bring in CBDC’s, surely this would be a process of leaving some value in the dollar (fiat currencies) and try to entice people over the CBDC’s as say a UBI. Richard Werner said a few years ago that that was their plan. If they got rid of the dollar completely in a short period of time, the world would be insane, it just wouldn’t function.
That may be exactly what they want. They don’t need the dollar to function, they only need people to be desperate enough to beg for an alternative (CBDCs).
The Australian government is fast forwarding CBDC’s.
This is all about controlling the people. As Dr Paul Craig Roberts writes, the Digital Revolution is nothing more than tryanny and he is so right on the mark. When you get people hooked on digital electronics, it becomes easier to herd them into tyranny. I am still amazed how brain-dead people have become with Smartphones. I guess Steve Jobs knew that all along because he wouldn’t let his kids near the iPhone or iPad while living living at home.
Yes, I wrote about the Australian fast-track of CBDCs several months ago. They are the beta test for the system being introduced to the west.
I live in Australia and I’m now of the opinion just bring on the crash (I would prefer to keep some cash but I don’t get any say in the matter). In Australia I think that we had had it too hard for too long, we are weak and soft minded. Like David Webb from the Great taking said the rich think that they’re special, but they are desert. When the time comes you will be losing your homes as well, not just the poor. The elites have the plan but it is ordinary Australians that are implementing it for them. A bit of hardship might get them to reassess their priorities and stop enabling the elites insane plan….
It would be interesting to hear Ryan Serhant’s (New York real estate agent) reaction to not owning any property and living on a CBDC.
Saw this vid yesterday with Tucker and JD Vance. JDV sounds optimistic about the election in that “There is only so much rigging that can be done.” I for one still believe we are at a cliff hanger though and would put nothing past the Global Fascists and their Leftists allies.
Vance also seems to have the same concerns as Brandon. In that if DT does get in some very powerful people will deliberately sabotage his admin. He gets into bonds and the Treasury but to be honest I don’t fully understand it.
I also don’t know how TPTB can risk letting DT back in there. Especially with their current war campaigns making sure the hegemony stays intact. But as I have read on here maybe they will sabotage him on that front too. Like starting a larger conflict that DT will not be able to simply walk away from.
From what I understand about economics there’s a lot of it that is black and white. However a sizable portion of it also seems to be subliminal. A good example is many people insist that Wall Street has very little to do with Main St. While this might be true on paper I do believe it has an emotional impact on the population. “Stock Market tanks and uh oh bad economy incoming.”
It’s really hard to account for just important that factor might be. I suspect that is what concerns TPTB when it comes to inflation. Should the public lose confidence in the system (economic & political) it could start a very nasty avalanche of events. I think we were close in the 2008 era. This I believe is the real risk to building the system on lies and deception.
I’m worried that something very bad is about to happen on the war front, relating to either the Israel or Ukraine situation. I can’t say what that would look like – Maybe a false flag event or attack that affects the US directly (cyberattack, bombing, coordinated terrorism, etc.). I am starting to think my original theory on the election not happening is the correct prediction (there’s already been two confirmed assassination attempts on Trump with very strange circumstances). If the election is halted for any reason it will mean automatic civil war and a declaration of martial law.
I am more of the mind that the election won’t happen because it doesn’t happen…a bad tautology, but let me explain…
An all-channels pronouncement that “We’re canceling the election and declaring martial law” is far too triggering and would be a rally cry for the right/conservatives. But, if there was an event (financial, terror, cyberattack, actual deadly plague outbreak, or some combination of all) that removed ROL for just long enough, say a month or two, that would be enough. When the dust settles, there’s a police state in place that no one has the power to question and, with total control over media and communications, no realistic way for opposition to come together quickly.
Well, the opposition already exists and in the millions. There would be immediate civil war if they attempted martial law or a freeze on the election. However, they might think they will be able to control the outcome anyway.
Even here in Appalachia, I don’t see a huge opposition. Naturally, they’d be “gray” and inconspicuous so I’ll be hopeful but they’re currently pretty invisible. Thanks for giving cause for optimism.
Surveys show over 30% of the US population is now prepping. We are everywhere.
I keep referring to this current time period to Feb 2025 the precipice of disaster. It certainly feels like it given what we know. I felt like this too from about the same time period 4 years ago. On one hand it’s alarming, but honestly it’s probably for the best. The reemergence of DT against all odds has brought us here once again. TPTB have no choice but to do something about this now.
The right must be very careful how they react to a provocation. They will be goaded into going after the wrong target. When I say “wrong target” only ONE (but many) comes to mind. That would be ANYTHING that turns the zeitgeist squarely against us. That is what I believe would be necessary to implement things like martial law. I don’t believe they can do it without a good deal of real popular support. Doesn’t mean they won’t try and fake the support with the media.
There is one that will not cause a ripple in the masses. It may even give them reason for a little joy (not the fake Kamala shit). That would be rich old white men and media types living high on the hog. Nobody will miss them except for the like minded/kind.
So Brandon, if the election is postponed, Biden would still be President unless he can’t for a number of reasons, making Harris President by default?
Lol it’s so messed up. Clown World indeed. Not sure anyone knows the answer to that question. Don’t worry I am sure Lawfare with the lovable Marc Elias and Lawrence Tribe are working on it now.
2 of the very types of men that nobody would miss.
Yes. Though, he’s clearly not president right now. Biden is living proof of shadow governance.
According to Congressman Gaetz, there are as many as five assassination groups pursuing Trump. What would be the likely follow on if Trump is assassinated?
War. Leftists have no idea how lucky they are that the two recent shooters both failed. If one of them succeeded I think there would be immediate escalation and you would start to see leftist figures go down, and then there would probably be open war. The political left would lose this war, badly, even if they had a large portion of the military on their side. If even 1% of conservative gun owners initiated a guerilla war, you’re looking at over 500,000 fighters. That’s a massive and unstoppable army that knows exactly where their enemies live.
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Matt Gaetz probably pulled this out of thin air to detract from his own deficiencies.
Unfortunately (or not), there is no easy fix to the problems plaguing this nation, and the world.
As you have been saying all along, Brandon, things are going to get worse before they get better. The only way to start that healing is by getting rid of the disease. And the disease is psychopaths and sociopaths in positions of power in government and industry. They have to go one way or another.
I don’t see that happening short of some major upheaval in the West, which I believe to be dangerous. There is no guarantee we will end up with something better if the current system of things is torn down. Throughout history, the vast majority of such ‘revolutions’ result in worse conditions than before. The American Revolution is a shining example to the contrary, although it has taken less than 300 years for the evil ones to bring it down to where it is today.
Constant, never-ceasing vigilance, in the words of Mad-eye Moody from the Harry Potter stories, is what is required to maintain a free world. It is said that there is no rest for the wicked. Well, if that is the case, there can be no rest for the beneficent. We must maintain our principles, our courage and our discipline if future generations are to have a chance at knowing what freedom is.
No revolution has ever targeted the globalist elites and luciferians directly – That is the only reason why it’s difficult to maintain freedom and prosperity.
In Australia after 5 years of covid, welcome to countries, cashless agendas etc……..A lot of people are starting to wake up to the elites “The Great Reset” agenda and are calling them out on it. I’m gathering that the next stage in their plan will be to crash the economy, bankrupt people, CBDC’s and steal their houses. People in Australia (and the world) love their homes and when they come for the homes (politicians homes included) I just can’t see how they elites would not have over played their game and exposed themselves too much…….
The first step was to disarm the population. That is why there is SO much importance on American citizens to NOT give up their arms. The second amendment was not written to protect myself from my neighbor but to protect myself from the government.
Tucker Carlson said it best when he spoke in Australia. “When citizens give up their rights to take and bear arms, it gives the government a monopoly on violence”. And we now see how that is playing out around the world already.
There’s a report that the EU Parliament has just adopted a resolution that allows for EU countries to lift all restrictions on Ukrainian deep strikes into Russia with immediate effect.
I forgot to post the link. This could be nothing but bluster
but here is the link:
Interesting that the EU Parliament is involving itself at all. Ostensibly, this conflict is NATO vs Russia with US = NATO.
All forms of oppression must end one way or another. In any case you almost always have to shoot your way out of tyranny. In the end freedom will prevail though
True and governments never learn as they think they will always rule forever. History for the last several thousand years says, they always meet their end.
While I’d like to agree with Brandon that Kamala doesn’t really have what’s needed to win, I can’t. I was once a classic childless cat lady — smart, well-educated, high tech management experience, very liberal. Both my sisters are of similar background and I know them well. They are very smart but not intellectual. They don’t want to bother with political analysis. “It’s obvious” that Trump is a crude misogynist, “literally Hitler, and mean to “peaceful protesters”. In short, he is a “tyrant and a hater”. They view Kamala as an upbeat person who is pro-diversity and supports the downtrodden. That’s all they need to know. They will vote for Kamala. There are many others like them, not as bright but equally emotional and not prone to analyze. And the men in their world are more likely than not in sync with them. If elections are held, I’m afraid Kamala will win legitimately by more than we might imagine, although I hope I’m wrong.
As for me, I lost my liberal tendencies for good when many of W. Bush’s neocons stayed on in Obama’s regime. The scales fell from my eyes and I’ve voted for Trump twice already.
Don’t fall for the astroturf and the propaganda. She has limited voter support. They have to weight the polls just to make it seem like the race is close. If she does get into office it will ONLY be because of voter fraud and I don’t know that it will be close enough to pull that off. The more likely scenario is a Trump return, or, a disrupted election due to crisis.
In Greg Hunter’s recent interview, he says his sources are telling him that Harris’ favorable rating is less than 10%. I could be wrong, it would NOT be the first time but I don’t think Trump will see the White House. He will either be assassinated for good or the Deep State goes full crazy and commences with WWIII before the election.
I see election disruption as a high probability. Look at what’s happening in the Middle East, and the EU is pushing for long range missile strikes against Russia. It’s as if they’re rushing to get a global war in motion.
Agreed! This might possibly be the last US Presidential election. The country has been so DIVIDED by the Left that I seriously doubt either side will accept the results which will lead to civil unrest and it could escalate into a civil war.
James Kunstler gave his take on this, in his Friday blog titled: Mad To The Max
““I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.” — Hillary Clinton”
Late last week, the CEO of Flexport – one of largest US supply-chain logistics operators – warned that “the biggest wild card in the presidential election that nobody’s talking about? The looming port strike that could shut down all East and Gulf Coast ports just 36 days before the election.”