By Brandon Smith
These days we hear a lot about the concept of the “male power fantasy,” usually in reference to accusations of “toxic masculinity.” In other words, feminists and woke activists argue that the male power fantasy is a social construct that makes men aggressive, and masculine aggression is supposedly the cause of most of society’s ills.
I would point out, however, that we don’t really see men talking about or obsessing much over power these days. Instead, it’s women (mostly feminists) blithering incessantly about power, institutional power, imbalances in power and how much they want power. If I was to guess by their rantings at the root principle that inspires all of feminism it wouldn’t be “equality”, it would be the thirst for power.
It’s also important to understand that the female power fantasy looks distinctly and darkly different from the average male power fantasy and this is why so many people remain skeptical of women in authority. All we have to do is look at how they express their desires in fiction.
If one studies the archetypal ideals of the hero’s journey (a hallmark of the male power fantasy), what we almost always find are stories of self sacrifice. Power for most men is meant to be used in service to others; to protect and to provide for those who cannot protect themselves. This symbolism is found everywhere in literature, television and movies centered on powerful and popular male figures. Rather than being “toxic,” men are compelled by their inherent relationship to power to achieve something greater for all the people around them.
This is not to say that there are no men with twisted motives. History is splattered with male rulers who have abused their authority and committed a host of atrocities. These men, however, are the exception to the rule. The majority of men desire a chance at heroism and adherence to a moral code. We used to call it “chivalry”, the opposite of villainy.
The hero’s journey usually requires a struggle to attain the power that will eventually be used by the man in question. It is at least subconsciously understood that power attained without experience and wisdom leads to corruption. In other words, for men, great power comes with great responsibility.
The female power fantasy, unfortunately, is very different. For feminists in particular, great power means never having to take responsibility for anything ever.
When fictional women with power are written by women (specifically feminists) or woke activists, you will see a considerable juxtaposition when it comes to how that power is attained and used. A female power fantasy does not inspire a woman to be a hero. In fact, when feminists write protagonists they often act like villains – They tend to be selfish, narcissistic, they lack depth and lack the redeeming qualities associated with principled people. When women fantasize about power they are more likely to reflect psychopathic traits instead of nurturing feminine traits.
There is no such thing as an archetypal hero’s journey for modern women. In pop culture, female icons usually gain power automatically without any effort to earn it. They are born with magical abilities, magical or god-given talents, or they “manifest” power by sheer psychological will (the fantasy of witchcraft). They imagine what they want, and what they want is supposed to come to them magnetically. This is not just fiction to feminists; they really think this kind of magic is real.
Even in male power fantasies where a protagonist is born with certain strengths there is an immediate dilemma: How can I use this power for good and prevent it from corrupting me? This does not exist in feminist fiction. For them, power is a virtue in itself, and abusing power is always justified if it’s a woman doing it. If they resort to evil, it’s usually because of the trespasses of men. There’s always an excuse.
In the past, stories of female power usually involved women using sexuality to influence men to do their bidding (sexuality being treated like magic). But this dynamic has long perturbed feminists who enjoy the idea of sexual manipulation but don’t like the idea of women relying on men in order to project their “agency.” So, in modern times feminists have shifted female power more into a male realm, with women acting like men, using physical force like men and asserting dominance in the way they imagine men assert dominance.
They’ve abandoned the idea of merely getting close to a man’s power so they can exploit it. Instead, they now covet the institutional power within corporations and governments, believing they can cut out the “middleman” (no pun intended). This has given rise to the pervasive “girl-boss” meme in mainstream media, a bizarre construct which relies on making men look incompetent in order to make women in leadership look intelligent.
But here’s where things go awry. Women are not men and will never be capable of what men are capable of. That is to say, men can survive and thrive without women but women will never be able to survive without men. It’s a cold hard reality that feminists simply do not grasp; all feminist power relies on the charity and tolerance of men.
Woke activists like to claim with a certain tinge of glee that “the world is progressing” and say conservative men are angry because “the patriarchy is losing power.” I find this argument fascinating because it’s self-contradictory: If the patriarchy exists and men really are a monolithic power structure, then frankly there’s nothing stopping us from crushing feminists under our boots like bugs and taking all that power back.
Women, by virtue of their biology, have no power. At least not in the way that men do. Any power they think they have taken was actually GIVEN to them by men. Men allow women to have the freedoms they enjoy in the western world, there is no power struggle. I’m sure some feminists will accuse me of chauvinism here, but this is a fact – Women have equal rights and opportunities to men in the west because men want them to. If there was a patriarchy, those rights would not exist.
Just look at fundamentalist nations in Asia or the Middle East where you find REAL patriarchy. Feminists have no influence because the men in those societies do not allow them any. It just takes a flip of a switch and all the control feminists think they have gained can be confiscated in an instant. So please ladies, don’t delude yourselves and be thankful western men are inclined to appreciate and support the women around them.
The next most common argument from feminists is that women don’t actually “need men.” I think for first-wave feminists this was limited to the idea that women don’t need men for personal happiness or personal success. That’s debatable but I’m not really interested in feminists feeling affirmed in their daily lives. The problem arises with third-wave feminism and the notion that women don’t need men for anything, including the stability of society.
Lets make this clear right up front: Men built almost EVERYTHING in civilization. Men maintain almost everything in civilization. Everything you see around you, from the technology to the buildings to the roads to the utilities to the factories and to national security – It’s all built and kept running primarily by men. All those ugly but necessary jobs that women don’t want to do or are incapable of doing are done by men.
Feminists like to assert that women only need men for protection from other men. They say if men did not exist, they would be safe. This is a hilariously naive assumption and it’s only spoken by women in first-world societies where they’ve never been forced to experience true survival.
If men were to disappear tomorrow, civilization would collapse. Women might not have to worry about male aggression, but they would have to worry about functioning in an environment without any amenities or modern comforts. They would not last more than a couple weeks; the vast majority would die almost immediately.
We know this for a fact because there have been multiple survival experiments in recent years with all-women groups that ended in disaster. They are either forced to rely on male groups to survive, or, they have to tap out and leave the experiment completely. A famous example is the old Bear Grylls battle of the sexes experiment, but it’s not the only one and the results are generally the same across the board.
Feminists talk big, but they fold like wet paper when they’re placed in situations where they must legitimately struggle to live.
The world is an inhospitable place, especially without men. The feminist power fantasy relies on the notion that they are capable of doing whatever men can do. It’s simply not true, and the requirements are not limited to the physical. There is a dangerous lack of organizational ability among women, at least where completing necessary tasks is concerned.
In another famous example of an all-female experiment, in 2005 a female TV producer decided to build a media-based business from the ground up with only female employees. No men were allowed because she believed men had an easy ride. The company quickly imploded two years later due to lack of work ethic, lack of direction and infighting. The CEO admitted openly that an all-female staff was a terrible idea. She noted:
“While I stand by my initial reason for excluding male employees – because they have an easy ride in TV – if I were to do it again, I’d definitely employ men. In fact, I’d probably employ only men…”
My point is, feminists can only exist in a first world society where men have already created a safety net. These are places where men have built and maintained the majority of amenities needed for survival to such a high degree that women have very little to worry about compared to their counterparts in third-world countries.
It is within these comfort-focused environments where feminists thrive, if only because women have so much time on their hands to ponder minutia rather than being concerned about how they will eat, where they will sleep and who will keep them safe.
In a survival scenario, feminists cease to exist. They die out or they give up on feminism and seek the aid of men. It might be prudent for modern women in the west to keep this reality in mind, because first world countries have been known to fall into third world status without much warning.
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Insightful article…it brings up thoughts around the pathetic state of leadership across the west – with so many feminist/feminine, weak men in the upper echelons of power (Trudeau, Macron, Biden etc), is it any wonder we are on the brink of collapse?
As a teenage girl I argued this point with my brothers. As a mature woman of 73 I know it to be true.
I’m just going to quote one of my favorite sci-fi authors:
“Anyone who clings to the historically untrue-and thoroughly immoral-doctrine that, ‘violence never settles anything’ I would advise to conjure the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedom.”
– Robert Heinlein, from “Starship Troopers”, 1959.
Self-esteem is a major issue with women. Where men have conquered, women want to conquer as well. Not content with being female and feminine, too many women want to be “goddesses” worshiped just for having two X chromsomes and no resume of achievements. An available meme shows a man carrying a mother and her toddler daughter through waist high flood waters having the text, “Toxic Masculinity — Because when disaster strikes, no one looks for a feminist.” To our advantage, so long as these “feminists” fail to breed, the likelihood of spreading their ideology is restricted which eventually leads to their ideology dieing out. And even if they do breed, common sense has a tendency to prevail resulting in the offspring breaking away from the parental mindset.
Wealth and affluence allows people to have time on their hands. Daughters in these families are often sent to schools where feminist ideas fester and that in turn tends to breed more feminism. Just being a kid from a wealthy family that never had to work is enough to detach many from reality.
“Women, by virtue of their biology, have no power. At least not in the way that men do. Any power they think they have taken was actually GIVEN to them by men. Men allow women to have the freedoms they enjoy in the western world, there is no power struggle. I’m sure some feminists will accuse me of chauvinism here, but this is a fact – Women have equal rights and opportunities to men in the west because men want them to. If there was a patriarchy, those rights would not exist.
Just look at fundamentalist nations in Asia or the Middle East where you find REAL patriarchy. Feminists have no influence because the men in those societies do not allow them any. It just takes a flip of a switch and all the control feminists think they have gained can be confiscated in an instant. So please ladies, don’t delude yourselves and be thankful western men are inclined to appreciate and support the women around them.”
EXACTLY – it’s not that Western women shouldn’t have rights, but rather that they should be grateful they do, and stop there.
it might help matters if womyn just learnt to STFU!
“In a survival scenario, feminists cease to exist”
Ditto LGBTQ.
Without women there would be no men.
Without men there would be no women. The ability to birth and nurture children is the one defining factor in terms of survival that makes women valuable, and millions of western women are abandoning that role. This is not an attack on women in general, it’s just a reality of biological imperatives.
Without women there would also be no women.
We all remember this from high school biology.
Your point is…..?
As long as women are allowed to vote and hold public office, you can kiss your freedoms and your constitution goodby. The Kennedy interview of the new Obama judge appointee is a classic example of feminine thinking in this video https://www.tiktok.com/@awkwardmama107/video/7348553943334554910
No logic. No reason. No understanding of the constitution and generally unaccountable while holding positions of power. Just going along with the popular leftist thinking of our day.
Not saying that corrupt male politicians won’t hedge their testimony and lie about their position, but they know they are lying rather than believing their own dishonest position is correct. Women are easily self deceived and unaware that they are deceitful. When homosexuality sets into society, men become like women in that regard and then the problems overwhelm the nation and it falls.
Brandon, truly amazing article.
..”Power for most men is meant to be used in service to others; to protect and to provide for those who cannot protect themselves.”
Couldn’t agree more. When young boys fantasize about being Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, etc., they do so with the thought of “saving the day”, of saving / helping someone, not of simply having power for the sake of “Lording” it over others. And that’s why we still love those characters even as adults because they represent our ideals. Makes we wonder though if the opposite is true…if psychopathic kids who grow up to be Bill Gates, K. Schwab, etc. idolize supervillians like Lex Luthor, The Kingpin, The Red Skull, and think “I want to be him?”
“men can survive and thrive without women but women will never be able to survive without men. It’s a cold hard reality that feminists simply do not grasp; all feminist power relies on the charity and tolerance of men.”
Exactly. There’s a reason why in Western culture it was a given that the children were given the father’s last name (now often hyphenated): because it was understood that he was the bread-winner and that without that and his faithful service / duty to his family, there would be no family to begin with. Working all day and then coming home to work some more by various chores with sometimes little time to play with the kids, the one thing we fathers DO have is our mark. Fortunately for society, a lot of that will change if, not when the big reset happens. I don’t care for the praise, but I know us fathers will be getting a ton of it when the SHTF.
Feminists are Selfish Bitches until they are faced with Survival then they become docile or Else.
an article long ago read that local warlords will have their own harems. given the choice of starving and being passed around by thugs, how many women might settle for security and having to “do” only one guy?
I really enjoyed this article. Imo, the education system has done so much harm to our children and promoting feminism is one part of that. I’m a stay at home, homeschooling, homesteading mom. I run a successful home business. I made more money than my husband last year. But I depend on him for so much and I’m so thankful that he supports me being home- nurturing & caring for our child and him. Making our home a place of beauty, stretching our money, feeding us well, sewing, gardening, doctoring us naturally where possible etc..
I love all of this. It fulfills me deeply. But I need his help in smalls ways to accomplish most of that- for the extra $, muscles and even support & encouragement & appreciation. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he would lay his life down for me or our daughter- with no hesitation. He is a violent man held in check by a good heart & Godly principles. But make no mistake, it’s there. And all of that is so comforting to me. I’m so thankful to have him as my life partner (husband). I love him, need him and he completes me. And I’m not ashamed of that.
I have been with my wife for 31 years and in the reverse role, but in relation to Aileen’s comment I feel exactly the same. My wife is beautiful and powerful. A great wife and mother. We rely on each other for our success in a balanced manner and that is self empowerment multiplied.
Abuse of power is the want of power over others instead of contentment within self empowerment. It’s another example of a misguided and therefore imbalanced society.
“The world is an inhospitable place, especially without men. The feminist power fantasy relies on the notion that they are capable of doing whatever men can do. It’s simply not true…”
With no other life form on our Planet Earth does the female of a species ‘hate’ the males of their kind. Nature fundamentally knows and understands that male and female exist as necessary partners together in creating and sustaining life on this Planet.
Only some badly damaged and confused human females (and males) ‘hate’ the other sex. The famous Battle of the Sexes acknowledges that humans will tussle and skirmish with each other out of their baser natures. But ultimately, both sexes need and must rely on each other in order to keep our life form going and prospering.
Only a sick individual or a fool would try to disrupt the natural order that must exist between the sexes… and among human beings.
Male and female were necessarily born with different physical appearances and attributes and ways of looking at things… but always to function as one whole complete unit together.
Even property laws can acknowledge this fact when there is a marriage. Property acquired during the time of the legal joining becomes part of ‘The Marital Unit’ (together) and not the exclusive possession of only one of the martial partners. Both, together and inseparable.
But we don’t have to be instructed by laws to understand this. Anyone born must have both a father and a mother. Pretty basic stuff. Male and female joining in a physical act which hopefully represents a spiritual joining as well.
And if we were blessed to be born with good parents, our physical creators will always support each other and love each other and respect each other.
It is sad that our Planet is now populated with some very confused and hurting spirits that don’t grasp one of the most basic concepts and relationships in Life itself.
Wherever and whenever men and women stop caring about each other and loving each other, life ends. And this form of species annihilation is exactly what the Dark Powers among us wants.
Only we human beings have the ‘intelligence’ to hate each other. The rest of the animal kingdom isn’t that smart. And how lucky for them…
The Shaman is wise as usual.
An easy way to explain to people who can’t grasp the physical difference is to ask them how many dunks are performed in the WNBA? Some of those women are quite tall and even athletic. The answer is not many. In the men’s game it’s common in high school.
That being said the Shaman is correct. We were made for one another. You can chock that up to evolution or God. It’s what holds society together….until now. You can see why “they” wanted to break the bond. Too many people fell for it. Unfortunately its been enough to make a difference, but this will be temporary and all part of the correction that awaits.
In a cuntree run by Feminists , Fggots & Freaks…
what could POSSIBLY go WRONG????????
It’s the goddam Revenge of Nerds 🤣
I feel this way about big tech, it’s the F-ing “revenge of the nerds”
This style of feminism is a bi product of abundance and too much time on our societal hands. Some influencer made a statement once along the lines of what happens when you completely alienate all these crazy toxic men who are capable of doing severe damage? Too funny and good point.
Dated a woman with a feminist streak. Much of the relationship was good but I couldn’t get past it. Just the thought of her thoughts drove me crazy.
In the end I suspect everyone who reads this understands what is happening. These women are all being used. They think they are actually fighting “the power (man).” Well that’s fucking bullshit lol. That’s probably what drives me the craziest of all. I want to look these people in the eye and say “You are poster child of everything you claim to fight against.”
Like I said at the onset, matters not. This will disappear at the first sign of hell. You cannot just disrupt eons of evolutionary traits and behaviors. Soon reality comes for us all.
“For feminists in particular, great power means never having to take responsibility for anything ever.”
So it has been a longtime since they attained great power.
Or their idea of power is stunted.
There are two types of females: feminists and logical, rational, emotionally mature women.
A good definition of a feminist is a professional victim who is irrational and illogical.
IMO, feminists were created by the globalists to use as stooges in their war against humanity. Feminism’s rise was during the 60s and 70s when religious authoritarianism became strong in the Christian Church aka “The Shepherding Movement.” Much damage was done to many females this way, tilling the ground for Feminist Seeds.
We easily saw the success of this effort during Covid and the draconian measures issued by female leaders of the West. We see the continued success of this program throughout our governmental system.
Males are naturally reluctant to confront the “Mother Figure”, espcially if the males surrounding that figure acquiesce. This is a lesson for all of us.
I’d add that the globalists have run propaganda campaigns to instill fear in women, as well as support feminist ideas. Each results in undermining the family unit, which in turn undermines the stability of society. This results in aiding the divide and conquer strategy of gaining total control.
It’s probably wishful thinking, but if more women role models who understood their natural role in creating and maintaining resilient families and communities, it would help defeat the globalists. More men are needed too, but far more women to share the dream.
An admittedly tangential example of this is a Krav Maga training camp I went to a few years ago. It was out of town, someone invited me, I had never trained there before and knew only one person.
There were plenty of young women there. They clearly thought they were badasses. Affecting these pseudo-tough swaggering personas. Apparently in this gym the boys let the girls routinely prevail. Chivalry I suppose. Or to keep the eye candy around and paying dues. Who knows.
Anyway, I hadn’t gotten the memo about indulging the women and was paired up with two young ladies for a basic two-against-one self defense drill.
After I tossed them around for a while, dumped one of them spectacularly on her ass with a leg sweep, and knocked the other over with a literal playground shove, they both got extremely frustrated and angry, scowling, hands on hips. One actually said “You’re not doing it right!”
I informed them that the men in this gym let them win, let them buck guys off from full mount, etc and I had no intention of doing so. They stomped off to complain and I was quickly reassigned to male adversaries, and I noticed the ladies were now paired with other women. Still firmly convinced of course that they were bad ass strong riot girls and this dude from out of town was a clueless dunce.
ROFLOL, “hands on hips, One actually said ‘You’re not doing it right!’ “
Just like the Andy Griffith episode where Barney learns Judo. Andy pins him a couple times and Barney says, “You’re not doing it right.”
MUCH MORE CONSEQUENTIAL, feminist power is the result of biblical violations:
“Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able MEN, such as fear God, MEN of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers….” (Exodus 18:21)
“As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)
“But I suffer not a woman to … to usurp authority over the man….” (1 Timothy 2:12)
This is not to say that the men in positions of civil leadership are any more biblically qualified than are today’s women – they’re not.
You can thank Article 6’s Christian test ban (by which mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated) on both counts.
For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 9.
Then Chapter 28 “Amendment 19: The Curse of Women’s Suffrage.”
I’ve taken quite a beating for my various portrayals of women in my books (apocalyptic fiction centered around a financial collapse). Seems I have the Goldilocks problem: my female characters are wilting flowers utterly dependent on men, or they’re too strong and self-sufficient, or they’re just right.
Unfortunately, in modern fiction and entertainment, the Mary Sue archetype — a woman with no obvious flaws who is good at everything and acts unilaterally to save the day — abounds. This character has little potential for growth and is rarely interesting to readers and audiences. Imagine Superman without kryptonite and you get an idea of the issue. Smith alludes to this with the feminist ideal heroine which (surprise!) is very similar. It’s why, for example, the Black Widow is an interesting and deep character — she had to endure years of pain and hard work to become exceptional — and why Captain Marvel, who got her powers via a cosmic accident and can seemingly turn on the jets as the story demands to become more powerful than any villain, is not.
If you don’t mind could you link one of your books? I’m looking for something to read in this exact genre and would love to read something without the, extremely boring, girl-boss.
Or the “humanity us evil” trope.
I am sick and tired of re-reading older books tbh and I’m in the mood for some good, balanced fiction.
NVM. Found you! I’ll be reading some of your books soon.
Damn the Torpedoes . . ! Thank the Lord someone finally told the complete truth about this issue. You will not find this analysis ANYWHERE else.
Thanks, Brandon.
In western culture, the instinctive roles of women have become undervalued and the instinctive roles of men have become overvalued. Women have been convinced that they must seek wealth and power to have value and the entire system has become unbalanced. The victims are children. They have been abandoned and are not being properly nurtured because women have been convinced to abandoned their post. Our society has to return value to the contributions women make, especially in child rearing, otherwise the entire system will collapse.
A society cannot be based on lies. Time is up. We need to realign our social order with reality.
Feminism is one form of Marxism. People are divided into supposed oppressors and oppressed, with a false narrative created – and then another false narrative is added, which is that government could fix the unfairness and injustice if only given enough power and money. This is how Marxists always think – (1) we need all-powerful unopposable government, i.e. total enslavement of all (obvious lie), (2) so we must find excuses for it (all lies – feminist lies, critical race theory lies, climate change lies, pandemic threat lies, transgenderism lies, etc).
I just shared this article with my two married mid-30’s very successfully daughters. One is an anestheilogist and the other a banking journalist. They really beat me up over it. One stated she’s glad I never showed this to her in her ‘formative’ years. The other asked why I would send such a demeaning article to her. My wife smiled and said quite wisely, ‘I’m staying out of this one’.
As we all know, the truth hurts. If they aren’t feminists with delusional power fantasies, then the article isn’t directed at them. If they take offense, then maybe they ARE feminists with delusional power fantasies. At no point in the article did I say women can’t have lovely careers in one air conditioned office or another. What I did say, is that the only reason those jobs and buildings exist for them is because MEN built the 1st World civilization that makes those jobs possible. And, feminists in particular need to realize they have highly inflated egos over accomplishments which don’t mean much in a world where survival is paramount vs comfort. Feminists think they can function and survive without men – When in reality, without men keeping the engines of society rolling along they would crumble in a matter of weeks.