By Brandon Smith
If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast.
I still don’t think a lot of people realize how truly volatile the situation is globally right now. From my point of view, WWIII has already begun, at least in economic terms.
Let’s not forget the fact that Ukraine is essentially a proxy for all of NATO against Russia. And, the situation in the Middle East is about to become much worse. Because of the alliances involved and the fragile nature of global energy exports there is a danger of systemic collapse should a wider war break out between Israel and multiple Arab nations. It appears that such a war is imminent.
But why should Americans care? It’s pretty simple – War spurs shortages, and shortages in the middle of a stagflationary crisis are a very bad thing.
Sanctions against Russia affect around 10% of the global oil market and around 12% of global natural gas consumption. But so far all that oil and natural gas is still flowing around the world, only the trade routes have changed. The Middle East, on the other hand, accounts for over 35% of the global oil market and 18% of the natural gas market. Widespread chaos in this region would mean economic crisis on a scale not seen in a century.
Think we have problems with stagflation now? Just wait until energy prices go to the moon.
Around 30% of all oil exports travel through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passage which a nation like Iran can easily block for months at a time. Sinking a few larger vessels in the straight would obstruct all cargo ship traffic and oil tanker traffic. Trying to clean up the mess would be difficult because artillery, which is almost impossible to intercept, can rain down from Iran on any vessels trying to drag sunken ships out of the way.
Iran has mutual defense pacts with multiple governments in the region including Lebanon and Syria, along with military ties to Russia. The Turkish government is unlikely to allow western troops to use their airspace to launch attacks. The US military presence in Afghanistan is gone and the Iraqi government will never allow foreign troops to use their land to come to the aid of Israel.
This greatly limits the west’s launch points for an offensive large enough to blitz Iran. The vast majority of attacks would be from the air, and if the Russians start supplying Iran with batter radar and missile technology then there’s no guarantees Israel or the US would gain full control of the air space. In other words, if a wider war breaks out it will not end for YEARS and it’s going to be fought on the ground.
Of course, most establishment experts have claimed that the situation will never escalate to that point and that the threat of direct confrontation between Israel and Iran is minimal. I have been predicting the opposite for a number of reasons, just as I predicted that there was a high chance of war in Ukraine months before it happened.
In October of 2023 in my article ‘It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War”’ I warned that a multi-front war was about to develop between Israel and various Muslim nations including Lebanon and Iran. I noted:
“Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that. A ground invasion will meet far more resistance than the Israelis seem to expect, but Israel controls the air and Gaza is a fixed target with limited territory. The problem for them is not the Palestinians, but the multiple war fronts that will open up if they do what I think they are about to do (attempted sanitization). Lebanon, Iran and Syria will immediately engage and Israel will not be able to fight them all…”
My purpose in that article was to outline the dangers of US involvement in a larger war that would require conscription and escalation with Russia. Despite the “experts” insisting that the odds are overblown, it now appears that the next stage of escalation is about to begin.
Iran, Lebanon and Israel have been exchanging limited fire for months now. This is nothing new. What is new is the change in tone after a Hezbollah rocket strike on a children’s soccer game in the remote Druze village of Majdal Shams that killed 12.
On the other side, Israel’s brazen assassination of the Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil this week is a clear catalyst for war. Haniyeh has been engaged in a diplomatic mission to start peace negotiations in Gaza. His assassination sends a clear message that Israel has no intention of entering into talks with Hamas.
IDF officials also announced that they had killed top Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr in a precision missile strike Tuesday in Beirut. There’s no escaping it now.
Iran’s supreme religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered retaliation against Israel and issued an order for Iran to strike the Israelis directly. Iran will likely use extended missile barrages, but also stage troops in Syria and Lebanon. The Houthis in Yemen will then increase their attacks on ships traversing the Red Sea. It’s hard to say how much Russia will involve itself at first, but I have no doubt more advanced Russian missiles and other weapons will make an appearance on the battlefield.
The prospect of world war is immense. Israel will not be able to fight in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran all at the same time. Energy exports in the region will definitely face a slowdown, if not a complete breakdown. At that point the war won’t just be about Israel, it will be about a global energy crisis. I don’t see any scenario in which the US government doesn’t get involved.
The high risk of terrorism this entails should not be overlooked. We’ve had an undefended border and record illegal crossings for a few years now under Biden. There’s not telling how many foreign agents are in the country and I believe this was by design. I think the establishment maintained open border policies because they wanted such people here. The more terror these agents cause the more the public will be tempted to increase government powers to deal with the attacks.
Beyond that, the political left in the west has tied itself to the Palestinian wagon as if it’s their business. In reality, leftists view the war in Gaza as just another vehicle for their outrage. They use minorities, they use gays and now they’re using Muslims. It’s the classic Marxist strategy of hijacking the social causes of other groups and co-opting their momentum.
Gaza is just another excuse for progressive spastics to riot and start burning more of the west down (their true goal). Anyone that opposes them will automatically be accused of being a “Zionist sympathizer” even if Israel is not their concern. So, there will surely be Muslim terror attacks, but also civil conflicts triggered by leftists exploiting the situation to their advantage.
The timing of these events in tandem with the election is definitely not coincidental. Whoever ends up in office will essentially be “stuck” with the war, inheriting a disaster from day one. Once US forces are committed to an allied effort, there’s no chance any president (including Trump) will pull those forces out. If things get bad enough, there might not even be an election in November.
For those that think we can “win” on multiple fronts, the truth might shock you. Eric Edelman, who serves as Vice Chair of the US National Defense Strategy Commission, has given warning about the impending conflict, stating:
“There is potential for near-term war and a potential that we might lose such a conflict…We need our allies to produce more. Our defense industrial base is in very bad shape. The European defense industrial base is in even worse shape. We need our industrial base, their base, and the industrial base of our Pacific allies. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan–they all need to be stepping up because to match what Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are doing is beyond our ability to do it ourselves.”
I have written about the logistical shortcomings of the west in a WWIII scenario for some time now. At the top of the list will be manpower, just as we have seen in Ukraine. This is why we have been hearing military and political officials hint about a new draft over the past two years. They know what’s coming.
A draft to fight for globalist causes is unacceptable. I’m not going to delve into debate over whether it’s right or wrong for western countries to throw their weight behind Israel. Frankly, I don’t care about that argument. I don’t have anything invested in either side of the conflict. I care about Americans. And, I know that making the US military the go-to solution to the Middle East problem is going to end with a lot of dead Americans. I also know that the expanding crisis would make certain special interest (globalists) very happy. As I noted last year:
“The establishment seems particularly obsessed with convincing US conservatives and patriots to participate in the chaos; there are a number of Neo-cons and even a few supposed liberty media personalities calling for Americans to answer the call of blood in Israel. Some have described the coming conflagration as “the war to end all wars.”
I believe that the real war is yet to truly start, and that is the war to erase the globalists from existence. They want us to fight overseas in endless quagmires in the hopes we will die out. And when we do, there will be no one left to oppose them…”
The trap has just been set. We’ll have to wait and observe the scale of the response from Lebanon and Iran, but I believe the worst case scenario is at hand. There are multiple powderkeg events in progress around the world right now, but the Middle East situation looks to be the most disastrous by far in terms of how it will affect the US.
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Insightful as always – if not somewhat depressing this time – yet it is to be expected.
Neil Howe (one of the authors of the Fourth Turning) has been making the podcast rounds recently.
During the one I watched he stated that we are in the latter phase of the crisis cycle, and in every cycle since the 1600’s, it ends in war – either internal ie civil or external – sometimes both.
Their model isn’t perfect, but it has been fairly accurate and well describes our current situation.
The potential good news is that whatever is coming will, as it has every time before, galvanize the country/west (meaning the end of woke nonsense one way or another)…and whoever makes it through the other side of what’s coming (likely around 2032 or so) will be tasked with building the institutions and society that will guide civilization through to the next century.
I say potential good news because if the globalists win this one and implement their vision, well, everyone reading here knows what that will look like.
I find myself wishing things would just get on with it already. The waiting is infuriating and I’m sick of popcorn already.
I don’t have a take on which way it will go, but I have noticed a marked increase in comments throughout the various sites I frequent about the realization of what is coming due to irreconcilable differences in both camps. These tend to be on the recently pervasive articles about toning down the rhetoric, seeing the humanity in the other side etc etc.
People aren’t buying that BS and that is certainly positive in my view.
Yes, 4th turnings do often involved bloodshed, internal or external, and I’m sure this one will be no different. I don’t see anyway that the globalist and neocons can win this one. They are arrogant and dangerous, but they are also stupid and are vastly outnumbered by an increasingly angry Rest of World. However, the danger is not that they win, but that they take us all down when they lose. These maniacs won’t hesitate from using nukes. Fingers crossed for a safer landing and see you folks on the other side!
“ However, the danger is not that they win, but that they take us all down when they lose.”
And they will
The whole world expects Israel to live with terrorists in their own borders in Gaza and now, with mass immigration in all these other countries, Europe and the United States have the same terrorists living within their borders as well.
Not a good idea to underestimate what Israel is capable of militarily and geopolitically.
Depends how you view our “ally’s” (?) role in the Mass Invasion from our southern and northern border. H.I.A.S—Hebrew Immigration Assistance Service (Israel) who has paid and assisted this Invasion here and in Western Europe along with Catholic Charities (not run by Catholics btw). and other NGO’s to invade/destroy us. “Israel” was created in 1948 when The British Crown “gave” Palestine to the Rothschild family. There was NEVER an Israel before that–it was Judea. There was a short time (150 years) when there was an Israeli but it was not a nation–it was a state.
“Israel” was literally created by Terrorists (in their own words)–‘We are the most powerful Terrorist organization in the world.’—David Ben Gurion. Most of these “Jews” came from The Soviet Union–NOT The Holy Land. Netanyahu was born in Belarus which was the USSR at the time. Wikipedia claims Jerusalem but that’s a lie–Israel has hundreds of IDF computer people changing Wikipedia-Unit 8200 in Israel. Don’t rely on Wikipedia for anything but maybe birthdates–dont’ bother with it. His real name is Meilikowski, not Netanyahu. They change their names to sound more Biblical even tho they’re atheists. They’re Godless Bolsheviks.
Follow Michael Yon on Twitter ( I got booted for saying they are setting up a Hive Mind, Collective Intelligence using 5G, The Clot Shot, Chem Trails and Sats to do such). I find it ironic that Mr. Brain Chip himself, Muskrat said the exact same thing 6 months later on Twitter.
Our “ally’s role:
The U.S.S. Liberty
September 11th, 2001
Epstein Pedophile Island been around since Reagan–it’s not a recent development.
Our national problem is that of fake Christian Zionists-John Hagee, Joel Osteen, et al-which is a contradiction in terms who have been paid off (buying them Gulfstreams, Lear jets), money, to spout this non-sense they are our “Greatest Ally”–Non-sense.
Maybe “Pastor”Kenneth Copeland can demonstrate this:-9min. (He looks jewish to me)
You don’t know much about the Bible if you say that there was no Israel before 1948. You need to read the book of Genesis and the book of Psalms in the Bible and get educated.
I said, for ~150 years later in my comment. That’s all and that’s a fact.
Have you ever heard of the prophecy of the nation of Israel regathering? How about the history of God telling Abraham that He would make him a great nation? Maybe you would have a different view of Israel if you met some real terrorists in person. Well guess what? Your treatment of Israel virtually guarantees that your own country will be overrun with terrorists and you very likely will meet them in person.
Ezra and Nehemiah detail the regathering.
Take a look at Steve Wohlberg’s short series “Israel in Prophecy”:
If you look into the history of Cyrus Scofield and John Darby you will find out that they were connected to the Rockefeller Family who’s goal was to change Christian doctrine to support the globalists. Almost all fundamentalist Christian beliefs that are around today are because of Scofield and Darby and both of these individuals we freemason satanic globalists.
If I remember my bible, the Canaanites were there before the Jews. I suggest giving it back to them or whoever they stole it off.
“Israel will no longer exist in 10 years”—-Heinz Kissinger, 2012. Given that he was an employee of Jacob Rothschild who’s family literally owns Israel, Balfour Declaration, 1917-(and majority owner of most central banks globally), he just might have been citing future scenarios and directed to make that remark. The New Belt & Road Initiative—–collapsing the West (The U.S./Canada and Western Europe)and moving all East–(China, Russia, India–Jerusalem as the center HQ–find the graphic for The Mckinder World Island map, shaped like a clover leaf–North America is GONE!).
I’ve seen folks on blogs comparing this to China and Hong Kong—“They stole Hong Kong!”–well, no they didn’t. Great Britain had Leased Hong Kong from China and that lease expired ~1998. They stole nothing.
On a personal note, I have dear friends from Palestine so I believe that sending “Israel” huge bombs is immoral and downright Godless. Her Momma was born in Bethlehem where Jesus Christ was born and are Christians (Catholic)–in fact 35% of Gaza is Christian, not all Muslim.
As you know Brandon, I am hardly a Left Winger but there have been ethical/moral lines crossed here with brutal savagery primarily carried out by the Israelis. Hamas was funded by the Israeli’s and Netanyahu openly admits this—asking money to be raised for Hamas just 3 years ago.
Let an actual Hebrew Rabbi explain (7 min, below). Israel IS NOT our ally—The U.S.S. Liberty, September 11th, 2001, Epstein Pedophile Island and many attacks in between on our nation. A country entirely based on Blackmail, Terrorism and Bribery. If the U.S.S Liberty had happened on my watch–Tel Aviv would have been a glass sheet in about 15 minutes and a large well armed Marine base set up in Israel to watch our “Ally”.
Our concentration needs to be HERE in The United States or it’s over, not there but it is our moral and ethical obligation to speak out against these Crimes Against Humanity and stop funding them and sending them bombs and shit.
Oh man! Where do I start with you? You have believed so many lies, I’m not sure I can even address them all.
First of all, God gave the Middle East to Israel, unlike so many of the territories conquered by the British and other territories with an expiration date.
Second, Roman Catholicism is not Christianity as per your reference to Gaza.
Third, the Bible says that the whole world is going to come against Jerusalem in the Battle of Armageddon. Not just left wingers.
Fourth, if you had tried to turn Tel-Aviv into a sea of glass, God Himself would have stopped you permanently, because in spite of the fact that Israel has rejected its Messiah, God has still promised to fight for Israel because He has made a promise even to the rebellious generations and God has future plans for Israel to repent.
No such promise of future repentance is given in the Bible to the United States of sodomized and feminized America, so don’t even start with the moral and ethical concerns as if America hasn’t slaughtered far more innocents than Israel ever thought about doing.
Jay, your comments are rubbish. The ashkenazi occupiers of Palestine are not the Jews of Jesus’ time. Stop swallowing the globalist tripe and do some research before making a fool of yourself.
I agree.
I think you have been given fair warning about attacking Israel and the Jews. Do so at your own peril.
What will they do? Kill my children and bomb my local hospital? You have the blood of 40k Palestinians on your hands if you support what the Israelis are doing.
Mr. Jay: Since you say God has future plans for Israel to repent (as HE has for all mankind), riddle me this: When will God’s Chosen People rebuke the annual Sodomite celebration held in Tel Aviv? Asking for a Christian friend.
Fair enough question. None of Gods people like to see gays parading their pride through the Holy Land. It’s an abomination to God. But there is a time coming called “The Time of Jacobs Trouble,” also known as the 7 year Tribulation of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation in the Bible. This is the time when God uses the nations of the earth to cleanse the land. It says the houses will be rifled and the women ravaged as the whole world comes against Israel in the Battle of Armageddon. Only a third of the current occupants of the land will survive it to see The Messiah destroy Israel’s enemies.
Thank you. I will research that topic about Jacob’ s Trouble. I also refer to 2Tim3: 1-9. It has all been foretold for many years. Bleib ubrig.
God is not a realtor. And if he would step in to stop TA being turned into a sea of glass, why didn’t he step in to save the 6m or so of his chosen people who died in the Holocaust? You’re talking biblical gibberish.
it is patently obvious from Jay’s and a variety of other commenters in the so-called “right-leaning” blogosphere that Israel remains the achilles heel of any populist movement originating from that side of the spectrum. to wit, Trump has spent his offseason building this image that he is anti-war and “didn’t start new wars” – but we can be assured he will be even more subservient to Israel than the current administration.
but yeah, its fascinating to watch the comment sections: otherwise perfectly rational thinkers, who for example understand exactly the grift going on in Ukraine… suddenly allow the easy manipulations of scripture to get in the way of seeing pretty obvious pitfalls and traps laid for the failing empire. suddenly its our business where everything else was not.
its going to get a lot of us killed.
You got it Right Jay! What the bible foretells is exactly what will happen.
Brandon – do you have any content coming regarding avoidance of conscription?
Mr. Hunter: Go to the website of Richard J. Maybury. He published an article in 2002 titled WILL MY SON OR DAUGHTER BE DRAFTED? He served in the USAF during the VN War. He has written several books geared to young readers, telling them the truth about politics, history, and economics. He is a true patriot. Bleib ubrig.
Develop a mental illness and start acting crazy. In other words, become a leftist.
would love to read his perspective on this one. i’ve gone back and forth a couple times on the subject, as i remain wary of the people’s fortitude to resist and refuse once the government switches out the carrots for sticks. somewhere in the neighborhood of 0% of Americans want a draft… but the overwhelming majority of the people of this former republic are also lacking the willpower to do what is necessary and face the barrage of evil that will rain down on us all once it gets going.
The thing that gets me is that this all smelled scripted. There are reports that Israel repeatedly ignored warms about a Hamas attack from Egypt. Their Iron Dome surveillance system is state of the art and can tell them who and what is near. Yet they were attacked by terrorists using hang gliders.
Many including Paul Craig Roberts have said that the Neocons in Washington have been begging for a global war so as to reelect Joe Biden. That has now changed and Kamala Harris has been anointed by the Deep State and Neocons to be the next POTUS.
The economic and monetary systems are collapsing from decades on bad fiscal and government mismanagement. It’s as if they all know this is the outcome and they want to seize absolute power over the Plebs.
I definitely agree that there needs to be an investigation into Israeli intel on 10/7 and why they “failed” so badly. On the other hand, the Palestinians ALL applauded the attack that primarily involved the murder of civilians. Which is why I don’t really care about choosing sides. There’s a reason why much of the world distrusts Israel. There’s also a reason why every Arab nation, including those with vast resources, absolutely REFUSES to take in the Palestinians. Everywhere they go they commit terrorist acts and start civil wars. Frankly, the conflict has nothing to do with Americans and I think we should let them hash it out on their own, but the establishment desperately wants us involved.
Hands off is definitely best policy when it comes to Israel. They are a tiny minority in a big tough neighborhood. The United States does well to send Israel some military hardware, but they need to fight their own battles without the United States standing in the way.
Not a thin dime in my name. They’re a very wealthy nation on their own.
“… WWIII has already begun, at least in economic terms… The prospect of world war is immense… They want us to fight overseas in endless quagmires in the hopes we will die out. And when we do, there will be no one left to oppose them…”
As for how all this Global Upheaval affects America… Our Nation in the 21st Century will have no future so long as the direction of America’s ‘leadership’ is fully under the control of those will full and complete allegiance to ANOTHER NATION. There is no way there can be a good outcome for the American People and America as a Nation so long as this atrocity of control exists. And no one is doing anything to stop this. (And maybe there is no way?).
It’s like when a relatively successful (or REALLY successful) corporation is seized in a hostile takeover by others with no loyalty whatsoever to the original company’s founders and who totally lack the vision and hopes for their firm of those founders. And in fact – when you look at many recent corporate takeovers – those who seized control of those corporations did so with the intent of stripping them bare for personal profit and leaving a bankrupt, empty shell of a company left behind after they are done acting as soulless vultures They are.
And not to be missed is how devastating this is to all the workers within that company and all the ripple affects of family strife and community incomes lost from the loss of purchasing power of those impacted families. Those are real flesh-and-blood Americans. Real pain.
Workers are downsized and let go – or the company simply is liquidated at once and no one is left at that firm except the cleanup crew hired to wipe the floors from the dirt and trail of tears left behind.
And of course, there is larger play involved of the Dark State conjurers that move pieces around the Globe like chessmen to rig the Planetary Game in Their favor and insure Checkmate against We the People – many of us still not comprehending the kind and depth of the Sickly Game we are made pawns in.
There is a Great Revealing going on in Our Times. While many of us remain blissfully and willfully unaware of what monumental things are taking place… others of us are waking up and not liking at all what we see.
We may not have the wisdom or insight or sufficient resources yet to navigate our way back to sound National leadership and a useful, prosperous future. But the first step is to wake up to the truth of what one is facing. And for many Americans… that is one big tough step that’s now been taken.
The first step to Waking Up is – Waking UP. And once you’ve have… a world of possibilities has just opened up for you and our World.
‘They’ are trying to seize Our World in totality. They are trying to dehumanize us into becoming digital ‘things’. They are trying to bankrupt us and poison our children in body and mind. They are trying to steal our very souls.
Our question now: Is there still enough humanity left in us to have a fighting chance or have too many of us already thrown up our hands and surrendered?
It’s not that they have an allegiance to another nation, it’s that they have an allegiance to an alien ideology (globalism) that is hostile to all other beliefs. Globalists would willingly sacrifice any country on the planet to get what they want.
Brandon Smith: “… they have an allegiance to an alien ideology (globalism) that is hostile to all other beliefs. Globalists would willingly sacrifice any country on the planet to get what they want.”
Globalism is the violation of EVERY ONE of the Ten Commandments…
“You shall have no other gods before Me” becomes WE ARE YOUR ONLY gODS
“You shall not make idols” becomes We -The Super State -is Your Idol Of Worship
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain” becomes ‘We Don’t Believe In Your Lord’ so We ‘can’t’ take ‘His’ name in vain. ‘He’ Does Not Exist.
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” becomes Globalism is 24/7 and Never Sleeps – It’s Coming and You’re ‘Going’ to Like It … or ELSE!
“Honor your father and your mother” becomes WE ARE Your Mommy & Daddy (You have no other)
“You shall not murder” becomes We Will Tell You Who To Kill And When and How (but never Why… and we can kill you any time We feel like it, too…).
“You shall not commit adultery” becomes We Are Our Own Rules and We Have No Vows Or Rules To Follow
“You shall not steal” becomes We Will Take Any Damn Thing We Want Any Time We Want and You Will Like That – or Else.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” becomes Don’t You Dare Ever Say Anything Against Us.
“You shall not covet” becomes You Shall Not Covet Because All Things Belong to US! You Will Have Nothing and Like It!”
Is this all created to keep the Donald out of office? I think so.
The big joke is that Trump won’t do much even if he does get back in. He has learnt nothing from his mistakes and fully supports genocidal Israel. And I’m sure he can be “persuaded” to stay in Ukraine.
Agreed. he has proven repeatedly that he really does not have the fortitude of his beliefs once he gets an army of s%&t advisors around him to convince him otherwise. He has made clear, even in his recent campaign declarations, that he will be gung-ho or worse for Israel.
i think rgw averageAmerica is clueless and actually COMATOSE,
Not so much. According to surveys 30% of all American adults identify as preppers in 2024.
Amen brother. Am going to say something that won’t be popular. We must drop all the tension and focus OUR CUNNING (READER: Do you have any) on a certain larger enemy. The one that rules and got wind they would continue on forever.
So here it goes…..We are being ruled by people that hold dual passports.
“If you want to know who rules over you, simply find out who you may not criticize.” Voltaire
You mean something like this?…
“Roundball Shaman: Our Nation in the 21st Century will have no future so long as the direction of America’s ‘leadership’ is fully under the control of those with full and complete allegiance to ANOTHER NATION.”
The only way WWIII begins in the middle east is if the US wants it. As an Irish man, I believe that the American people do not want war and that’s why they will elect Trump. Once in power, Trump has to fight the neocons first and slowly pull back support for Israel or else the US faces an existential threat to its economy and military. Israel, like Ukraine, is a lost cause, the realisation of this has been taking hold for a year or more by now. The middle east is a trap for the US, a strategic ploy by the other super powers to suck in and destroy the US. Israel is playing both sides as it knows it can’t survive much longer and are desperate. This desperation is the biggest threat to the US at the moment.
The US DoD is already sending a carrier strike group to the region. By the time the election is over and 2025 rolls in, the war will probably already be well underway (by design). Trump pulling out at that point is unlikely, even if he wanted to. That said, the American people still have the power to stop it by refusing to comply with conscription.
i am a broken record at this point, but I think people would do well to look deeper into who Trump really is. He will NOT prevent war in the ME – he is far more likely to stoke it with blind allegiance to them.
Why? because he IS a populist, not in SPITE of it. America has an addiction to the image of Israel (not its current state or reality), formed from decades of manipulated scripture and the most effective foreign lobbying campaign in history. and it is an easy default given who their enemy and the alternative is in the ME. all of this is easy to exploit – and he knows it.
“the war will probably already be well underway (by design)”
People are so unaware that this is all playing out by design. No one wants peace. Hell, Zelensky wanted to cut a deal with the Russians early on and the US Neocons sent Boris Johnson to Kiev to tell Zelensky, no deal with the Russians.
As my other favorite alt-media person, Gerald Celente likes to say: “When All Else Fails, They Take You To War” and that is what the globalists are wanting and striving for because the system is teetering on collapse. And as you have noted ad-nauseam, they want it to collapse so they can step in and do a total power grab over the Plebs.
If there is to be a new ‘Great War,’ or whatever name they give it, may we all agree on one single thing. That before one more shot is fired from our side, Linsey Graham and every single POS in the congress and media agitating for such a war be forced, along with their entire family, to pick up a rifle and stand post at the front of the column. Until that happens, calls for our involvement should be looked upon the same way calls for door to door mandatory needing were in June 21.
They won’t go because they’re all cowards. ‘Rules for thee and not for me’ is how they live their lives in Washington.
WWI started with an assassination…
I have no care about the Muslim vs Star of David fight. It is their own doing, but do not bomb all of the Eastern Orthodox Churches and shrines in the Holy Land is what gets me upset. Israel bombed one of the oldest churches in the world not to long ago.
And Ukraine can shove it, I support Russia 100% and if the U.S. backs those corrupt ukies, so be it. I stand with the Orthodox Church and Ukraine attacks them with U.S. backing.
The war Israel vs Gaza? Israeli military: the reality on the ground – and do not forget israeli military censorship…:
Of course, Israeli military casualties are huge, contrary to their propaganda…
Without the support of the US military and the West, the war would have been over long ago…
Hmm, it remembers Ukraine/Russia war…
Who benefits?!
Seen this link before, it is definitely fake news. No indication that Israel has “10,000” dead or wounded. This is like Ukraine claiming that Russia has lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers in “suicide waves.” Simply no evidence to support the claim.
Off topic?!
It seems Hard Times are coming soon, very soon..
Middle East War is easily solved. When Iran (and it’s proxies) attack tonight or in the next few days, Israel launches Nukes at Beirut, Damascus, Tehran, the Iranian Oil Fields and Nuke sights, and Houthi controlled Yemen. Russia, will not do anything because they were not attacked. Russia doesn’t want to wipe out the world because of a regional fight. Russia’s standing policy is to only use nukes if they feel they are under attack. They were not and never were under attack.
Yes the worthless UN will scream and cry. They’ll kick Israel out of the UN. Big deal.
Saudi Arabia will be happy, the Middle East’s two biggest pains in the Ass; Iran and the Houthis are now nothing more than a big chunk of radioactive molten glass.
Eh…that sounds simple, but it’s not. Even a regional nuclear event would devastate the global economy. Once one nation uses nukes it may inspire others to use them in the belief that there won’t be any consequences. Russia, for instance, could easily nuke Ukraine and be done with them. It might silence the Muslim Fundamentalists in the region but not those in the west. Beyond that, you have Israel confirming what everyone accuses them of being: Bloodthirsty zealots. I have no pie-in-the-sky assumptions about war, I realize it’s about annihilating the enemy. Period. However, the more both sides drag civilians into this the more consequences there will be in the long run. Israel is no exception.
Eh…that sounds simple, but it’s not. Even a regional nuclear event would devastate the global economy. Once one nation uses nukes it may inspire others to use them in the belief that there won’t be any consequences. Russia, for instance, could easily nuke Ukraine and be done with them. It might silence the Muslim Fundamentalists in the region but not those in the west. Beyond that, you have Israel confirming what everyone accuses them of being: Bloodthirsty zealots. I have no pie-in-the-sky assumptions about war, I realize it’s about annihilating the enemy. Period. However, the more both sides drag civilians into this the more consequences there will be in the long run. Israel is no exception.
You don’t understand how escalation ladders work or that we’re already in an era of concealed nuclear warfare and why that:s preferred to “glassing” population centers.
Just remember when everything goes hot very soon you won’t be worried about f*ggy stuff like UN membership. It’ll be things like $20/gal gas prices and five digit US causality figures that occupy your mind. Enjoy paying that price for America’s “greatest ally”
Scott Ridder’s home was raided by the FBI. The globalists and neocons are getting antsy.
We all know why they would target him. His analysis on Ukraine has been disruptive to the establishment narrative that NATO is winning.
Tulsi Gabbard is also on the FBI watch list. Apparently the Deep State and Neocons did not like what she had to say about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Matt Tabbi goes more in depth as the Stasi State goes full George Orwell. After Jan 6th 2021, the US Gubmit started it’s new and improved Orwellian program called “Quiet Skies”. You don’t want to find yourself on thislist as Tabbi explains.