By Brandon Smith
I was recently watching a video by some of my favorite movie commentators in which they were lamenting the apparent death of the movie theater business. They cited a long list of recent blockbuster bombs with some confusion as to why so many films were failing. In particular, they had predicted the film ‘Furiosa’ (a feminist bait and switch movie designed to replace the more popular male Mad Max character) would do relatively well. Yet, the movie bit the dust in epic fashion. They were bewildered as to why this occurred.
They posited numerous social and economic theories trying to explain why so many big budget bonanzas were losing money. They of course suggested that the covid event might have pushed people to adjust to streaming services as the better option. They noted that theaters can be more frustrating because of loud customers. They tried to apply some economic theories to the situation (these theories were overly simplistic and painful, but these guys aren’t economists so I gave them a pass).
However, when the concept of the culture war was briefly broached, they dismissed it immediately.
They acted as if it wasn’t a part of the equation at all; a mere fringe element of “click baiters” trying to make something out of nothing. The idea that people are boycotting Hollywood on principle was too much for these film critics to handle. And, I have to say, the level of delusion required to ignore the effects of the culture war is mind boggling to me. If you don’t understand the culture war, then you don’t understand a thing that’s happening in America (and many parts of Europe) today.
People Oblivious To The Importance Of The Culture War
I realize that there are people out there that refuse to engage in anything political. Some of them don’t like to involve themselves in conflict of any kind. Others see themselves as “above it all” and superior to anyone that spends time on politics, social issues or “conspiracy theories.” This seems more like a coping mechanism for those that don’t grasp the complicated nature of civil division.
Yes, it’s easier to turn a blind eye to what’s happening and pretend like the chaos is random, but the fact is that our civilization is changing and breaking apart rapidly and this is by design. EVERYONE will be affected by these conditions and consequences whether they believe in the culture war or not.
The world of film might be seen as frivolous to a lot of conservatives out there, but it has always fascinated me because it’s a perfect window into cultural conflicts. Film is supposed to be an expression of modern day mythology, but it can also be a look into ideological influences behind the curtain. It’s often used as a vehicle for establishment propaganda.
The utter failure of Disney’s efforts to force woke cultism into Star Wars is a good example. Their latest series, The Acolyte, is perhaps the worst performing Star Wars production of all time. The show has been described as “morally relative lesbian witches in space” and a DEI propaganda disaster.
The response from Disney and the media? Blame the audience, the consumers, instead of admitting they created a bad product that no one wants. They say you should want to watch it. If you don’t, then there’s something wrong with YOU.
The Communistic Erasure Of Consumer Choice
It’s not only about movies. Nearly every major corporation has engaged in woke warfare since around 2016 and they have been relentless in their mission to make far-left extremism the dominant ideology in the western world. Even to the point that they are willing to lose a massive portion of their customer base in the process (Bud Light is a great example of this).
The corporate insurgency against consumers is never more obvious than it is in June, unilaterally declared “Pride Month” by an army of international companies and non-profit organizations. Make no mistake, “Pride” is not a grassroots endeavor or a redress of grievances. The LGBT community has no legitimate grievances and they have the same exact rights under the law as everyone else. Pride month is not about equality, it’s about power and cultural control.
DEI is the same; a corporate effort to inject woke politics into daily life for workers as well as consumers until the rhetoric is so ingrained into everyone’s existence that they no longer question its legitimacy.
Almost no one asked for pride month. Almost no one asked for DEI. Most people just don’t care. Yet, every year for the past several years corporations and elements of government have foisted these ideas on the population and told us this is something we will have to embrace if we want to be considered “good people.”
It is this argument which I want to focus on – The idea that corporations are now dictating morality to the public as if they are the arbiters of our social norms.
Corporations Treating Consumers As Indentured Servants
At some point along the way (it’s hard to determine exactly when) corporations took on a new mantra, a new way of looking at business. These companies have always sought to influence people to buy products, often through dishonest and manipulative marketing. That’s not what I’m talking about.
In our new era corporations have decided that products no longer have to appeal to the buyers. They’re no longer beholden to the customer, the customer is beholden to them. In other words, if they put out a product with woke intent then the customer must buy that product and love it unconditionally or that customer is labeled an enemy.
This is a grotesque juxtaposition of the traditional business/consumer relationship. I have long argued that corporations are not free market entities but socialist constructs chartered and protected by governments. However, they used to at least care about making consumers happy so that they could make a profit and continue to function. This is no longer the case.
Today, corporations treat consumers as slaves on a plantation. They are to be told what to eat, what to drink, what to love, what to hate and what to think. Just look at what happens when consumers have push back against woke ideology or DEI in corporate marketing; in almost every case that company along with the establishment media ATTACK their customers as racists, bigots, misogynists or fascists.
They’ll argue that if a group of customers doesn’t like a product because of the political messaging, then they don’t want those people as customers. They proudly point those people to the door. Then, when their products fail and their sales implode, they once again blame the “bigots and racists.”
The Real Reason Why Corporations Don’t Care Anymore?
Of course, everyone’s first instinct would be to point out that these companies are self destructing. You can’t treat the majority of your buyers like contagious lepers and expect to continue bringing in profits. Eventually, these corporations will die. That said, I would like to suggest three alternative theories…
Theory #1: I have talked a lot in the past about ESG and how it failed as a tool for consolidating power. Globalists, through groups like the Council For Inclusive Capitalism, thought they could unify corporations under the ESG lending umbrella and then use them as an influence-monopoly to pressure the public to submit to woke ideals. This public resisted this program and exposed the agenda.
But, what if ESG was just a beta test? What if the real goal is to go full communist – Making governments and central banks the primary source of ESG funding.
In other words, what if these corporations know something we don’t and they expect governments to eventually step in and save them with a perpetual woke bailout? Any company that toes the line when it comes to progressive politics gets saved. Any company that doesn’t is allowed to collapse.
Theory #2: What if major corporations are acting like they don’t need to satisfy consumers because corporate leaders have been told that the system is going to break down in the near term? What if they’ve abandoned their mandate to pursue profits and have become propaganda peddlers because they know profits don’t matter anymore?
If the economy is about to suffer a Great Depression-like destabilization (or something worse), then this might explain why corporate CEOs have allowed their products and public relationships to derail.
Theory #3: Then there is the possibility that the concept of the customer as an indentured servant to the corporation is a median step towards an Orwellian future – The idea of the “Sharing Economy” promoted by the World Economic Forum. What if the habit of trying to shame consumers into accepting whatever product they get is meant to acclimate the populace to a culture in which free market choice completely disappears?
In the Sharing Economy (built around a cashless society) government provides everything while you own nothing. The principle of private property evaporates. In this kind of environment the public would have to settle for whatever food they are given, whatever housing they are given, whatever tools they are given, whatever job they are given, whatever entertainment they are given, etc.
The End Game
When people are “given” something the expectation is that they are supposed to be grateful for it no matter what it is. That is to say, the Sharing Economy would breed a slave mentality in which everyone must be happy with what little they have. If they complain, well, they’re ungrateful little monsters that need to be dealt with, right?
This is how the corporate world is treating the public RIGHT NOW. Imagine what things will be like in the next decade if we allow this trend to continue? Corporations can’t force us to buy their DEI garbage today, but what if tomorrow governments give them that power? What if they become the only suppliers?
This is what the culture war is really all about. There are people who want to embrace the dystopian system (mostly leftists) and people who see this system for the evil it truly is. There are people who want to perpetuate the woke cult, and people who are boycotting it. The skeptics who remain ignorant of this war don’t matter; they are flotsam bobbing aimlessly on the tides of history. They don’t care about it now, but they will care in the near future when their freedom of choice disappears completely.
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The “woke” culture is so distasteful, that even covidiots like Jerry Seinfeld and many other celebrities are against different aspects of the woke.
Also, I tend to think that Brandon is 100% right on his theories and that all 3 theories are at play at the same time.
Exactly, was thinking the same thing as I read each theory.
Anytime a business puts policies ahead of profits, they cease to be a business and are de facto propagandists or agenda-drivers.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. That’s what people do when they don’t care and that’s how we got where we are. But now things have changed. Those who do care and attempt to do something about the problems are attacked, marginalized and even jailed for doing what is right.
Amen, amen. We are where we are, because we let it happen. Moral decay, gross consumption, indifference, adverace. Started as a rain drop, then a trickle , then a shower, then a flood, and now, here we are. Remember the Story “the Emperor has no clothes?” Learn that story, then be the kid who yells out the truth to the crowd. If you change one person’s mind, just one, you will have started something.. And honestly, working to detach yourself out of the ‘system’ we are born into, is life changing, and grants much peace. You may lose family or friends by being different, (we did), but peace… that is worth more than gold in the end.
Understand that Woke means Demonic, Perverted, Pedophilic, Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Masculine, Anti-Family, Anti-GOD, Anti-Freedom, Pro-Death – Pure Evil. Go Choke on Woke. All of the Mega Corps are EVIL!
“The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement”
The Woke Movement is in fact more than one form of enslavement. But these ‘enslavements’ are a symptom and not the true cause of the problem. The Woke Movement itself is the cause.
And what fundamentally is the Woke Movement? It is a form of religion – one could call it a false religion that replaces the true God with a worship of Self and a conjured faux-theology of what constitutes Wokeness. Wokeness seeks to upend and destroy a lifestyle of living with morals and ethics and personal decency in favor of living under delusions and falsehoods and dark manners of self-indulgence.
You don’t hear a lot about God from Wokesters. Why? Because Wokesters do not believe in God. They believe in Self… meaning THEM Selves and Their twisted and bizarre lifestyle choices and personal depravities. No outside deity needed for Them but only Themselves.
For example, why is pushing “Pride” such a big deal for Wokesters? Because deep down inside, They know Their lifestyle is wrong. They harbor guilt under all that “Pride”. They constantly need to try to convince others to embrace Their deviant thinking in order to bolster Their lost sense of self that actually lives in shame.
Wokesters are a contradiction in terms. Wokesters are actually dead asleep. Asleep to the true nature and purpose of intent for the human family. Asleep to the necessity for Society to embrace legacy values and virtues to create a healthy environment for humans to live and prosper and have a worthy future.
Wokesters are self-satisfied and arrogant. They believe They are on some holy crusade even though they embrace no deity and the ‘crusade’ they are on is the destruction of a healthy society and Planet.
And Wokesters are useful idiots. Corporates are eager to have such a large group of dupes and fools to use and manipulate in the usual corporate quest for monetary profit and personal gain regardless of the cost and damage to others. In short, Wokesters and Corporates are a marriage made in – hell.
When Wokesters talk about ‘righting’ social ‘wrongs’… what They really mean is not to establish equity and equality among all persons but instead to enact a strong-armed imposition of a certain special elevated class of people above all others… that is, the Wokester Class itself in its various colors and deviants of morals and conduct. Wokesters don’t want to co-exist with others and respect thinking and beliefs that differ from Them. Wokesters want to rule all over others and impose Their will upon them.
Wokesters want your mind, body, and spirit. They want your children. They want to control your government. They want to control your places of worship. They want to own and control – the Future.
Our World has always – and will always – likely have to deal with large number of people who form a Cult of their own who then try to impose Their will upon the entire World. Wokesters are just the latest version of such wanderings into mental and spiritual confusion and darkness. Running the Train of Society far off into some deep ditch without a way to get back on the tracks.
As such, there is and likely always will be Culture Wars on our Planet. People who disagree with each other are a given in Life. Nothing wrong with that in itself. But it’s when one group tries to bully its way over all others and impose thinking and a lifestyle that others see as patently deviant or immoral or just plain wrong and without value. Whatever happened to Live and Let Live, Wokeys?
If Wokesters like the way they are – let Them form their own society away from others who see Wokesterism as an serious threat to one’s own mental and spiritual health. And the future of our World,
And Wokesters can quit being bullies and moral-posers and vain actors that live without substance or good purpose and leave the rest of Society the hell alone – and in peace. Go ahead and enjoy and indulge your Wokeness all you like. Have all the “Pride” you want. Enjoy yourselves to the fullest. Emrbace every darkness that appeals to you.
Wokesters: Have the bare decency to stay the hell away from the rest of us. And if that is asking too much then You are not nearly as Woke as You think you are. You’ve chosen to stay fully asleep and never wake up. The UN-WOKE.
Totally agree. Some people have their heads stuck and won’t listen or even consider. Think you are radical discussing what is actually happening. Friends leave as they would rather continue being oblivious.
The “Wokesters” or Neo Marxists will be separated from us sooner or later. I predict they will go off to their prison cities (with UBI) immediately while those of us who resisted the clot shot mandates will fight to remain outside.
Liberty or death!
One thing to remember about the woke mob is that they don’t just want control over those they hate, they want those they hate to suffer. It’s about control; it’s about the punishment that is possible with control. The woke mob wants to punish those that reject their lifestyle because their deep-seated hatred can only requited by inflicting endless suffering on the object of their hatred: normal people, especially Christians.
The hatred of the woke mob reminds me of Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Having killed Kirk’s son and trapped Kirk below the surface of some planet, he says to Kirk, “I’ve done far worse than kill you. I’ve hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you.” That sums up the mentality of the woke mob perfectly. They seek to hurt those that challenge their beliefs and practices; and they wish to go on hurting them.
And why do they hate us? Because, as others have opined, they have guilty consciences that they are trying to salve by externalizing their self-hate. The Book of Wisdom, written in the first century B.C. put it perfectly in Chapter 2:
“12 Let us lie in wait for the righteous man,
because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions;
he reproaches us for sins against the law,
and accuses us of sins against our training.
13 He professes to have knowledge of God,
and calls himself a child of the Lord.
14 He became to us a reproof of our thoughts;
15 the very sight of him is a burden to us,
because his manner of life is unlike that of others,
and his ways are strange.
16 We are considered by him as something base,
and he avoids our ways as unclean;
he calls the last end of the righteous happy,
and boasts that God is his father.
17 Let us see if his words are true,
and let us test what will happen at the end of his life;
18 for if the righteous man is God’s child, he will help him,
and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries.
19 Let us test him with insult and torture,
so that we may find out how gentle he is,
and make trial of his forbearance.
20 Let us condemn him to a shameful death,
for, according to what he says, he will be protected.”
Sounds a lot like the thinking of the woke mob to me, especially verses 14 and 15: “He became to us a reproof of our thoughts; 15 the very sight of him is a burden to us”. The bottom line is that the Law of the Lord is written on the human heart, and the woke mob is rebelling against that Law. The resulting guilt leads to anger in a conscience seared by inordinate self-love (and wokesters sure do love themselves!); that anger leads to hatred and the desire to punish those that make them feel bad about themselves.
Right now, social media, cancel culture and lawfare are the means they use to make those they hate suffer. Who knows what will happen when wokeism becomes the dominant culture?
@Rara Avis
Well put.
The Culture War is nothing other than a religious war at its core. Wokeism is nothing other than Satanism. They will hate what Satan hates.
As always a brilliant article…..In your opinion do you think that humanity can stop the elite fully implementing their insane agenda?
Theory 4. All of the above.
I suspect that they plan on making fewer movies in the future. The ideal citizens won’t care how bad they are and can supplement them with personalized romps in the metaverse and playing video games while popping pills.
A lot of restaurants are being bought up and bankrupted too. This is happening in every industry. Big Tech moguls are also taking a loss. They know what they’re doing. These losses are regarded as necessary expenditures for the Great Taking.
I agree that you’re on the right track with the Great Taking – the globalists have had their fingers in treasuries in most countries, so these businesses don’t have to make a profit. They’re already solvent as long as they can continue the theft. Another example is news outlets – supposedly suffering from poor ratins, most going out of business. Soon there will only be a handful of approved MSM outlets, and then it’s a simple flip of a couple of switches to toggle off the alternative media – during another false flag emergency.
We’ve seen the dry runs and practice events. The full-blown operations will probably be here very soon. How successful they’ll be is open for debate.
Real masters controlling corporations don’t need profits because they have access to money printing. They need only safety, being sure nobody will revolt. They see ordinary people as a threat. Their ancestors saw so many revolutinons during past centuries, they want to get rid of masses, depopulate and fully control them.
Well, that might be true IF central banks offer bailouts – But that requires inflation of the money supply and the inevitable destruction of the dollar. There’s ALWAYS a cost, even for those that print the money. The trick will be for them to get people to accept a new monetary system after the dollar crashes. My prediction? People will go to war first and wipe the bankers out.
Starvation and/or dangled cures to actually-deadly diseases are powerful motivators. People won’t watch their families starve or die of a plague if all they have to do is trade their economic and social freedoms. The vast majority of Americans (90%+) will. The number of people with actual autarky from the global economic system/consumerism is very small. Even most of my hardy farmer neighbors would struggle to feed their families if cut out of all economic activity.
War will definitely happen if starvation is a factor. Also, according to polls over 30% of American adults are now preppers. We already have our own food. Any attempt to create food controls will simply inspire rebellion and hasten the elimination of the globalists.
I’ve often heard from commentators that “hate-watching” is the main reason these studios keep making schlock shows, movies and games and why they keep slating them for additional seasons and sequels despite abysmal ratings and losing millions in profits. But I never believed any of that, the numbers just don’t support that claim. In light of theory #1 it all makes sense. I’ve suspected something similar for a long time myself; how else would they get the money to fund all these projects despite every one of them bombinging upon release?
Yeah, the “hate watching” theory doesn’t work because no one is actually watching these movies and shows. They all lose many millions of dollars and they all have low audience numbers. The only explanation is that they are purely funded through ESG-like sources for propaganda efforts.
Hollyweird, feed us crap, we reject crap. easy concept to understand.
The goal really is to make it so you can’t have your needs met unless you buy from specific approved corporations, and you can’t buy unless your social credit score is good. So your needs go unmet if you have unapproved opinions or actions, refuse to do something they demand like get your latest mRNA injections, etc. In other words they want you to die if you don’t do what they want – they are genocidal against those who don’t believe as they do.
Slight correction: They want you to die anyway, and if you do what they want you will surely die.
What they don’t realize yet is that their lord Satan wants them to suffer and die as well.
You can find close to 8,000 Woke companies, brands, municipalities and stock symbols to boycott, divest and defund in the online searchable database at wokesearch.net. The Woke Zero movement, in part based on the Wokesearch brand directory, is just getting its sea legs and promises to launch a viral DDOC3 (Distributed Denial of Capital/Commerce/Collateral) assault on the Woke Industrial Complex. Spread the word.
1 and 3. Klaus Schwab is surely behind it and it’s his plan for a global government that can rape the world of resources and there will be few people left to oppose it. They are trying to reduce the global population: “At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.” — Dr. John Coleman (https://vk.com/@g.tatari-dr-john-coleman-4-billion-useless-eaters-to-be-culled-by-205)
Klaus Schwab didn’t write the above, but it is the mantra he is following, and he has bent the ears of thousands of corporate leaders and country leaders to buy into his sinister totalitarian principles.
Theory #2 is pretty much the set-up for my first book and by the second book, Theory #3 is in full swing. We know their playbook and they’re going to go through with it. And yes, it will work on a global scale, there’s no doubt about that. The only defenses are preparedness, strong (and quiet) networks of like-minded people, and of course getting right with Almighty God.
When a judge can suppress and hide evidence by placing a gag order on the accused, how long do you think it will be before judges can tell you that you are required to buy gay gag gifts from sodomite stores in order not to offend or discriminate against these filthy perverts.
God had only one command concerning homosexuals and that was the death penalty. You can mark it down, the death penalty will in fact be carried out. The only question is whether it will be carried out by the government, or whether God will execute both the sodomites and the entire nation and its government for their wickedness and disobedience.
Here’s a very relevant post by JHK:
This summer “promises” to be chaotic and full of “surprises” (in the US and overseas).