By Brandon Smith
The potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence have long been codified into our popular culture, well before the technology became a reality. Usually these fictional accounts portray AI as a murderous entity that comes to the “logical conclusion” that human beings are a parasitic species that needs to be eradicated. Keep in mind that most of these stories are written by progressives out of Hollywood and are mostly a reflection of their own philosophies.
Some of these predictive fantasies take a deeper look into our dark relationship with technology. In 1965, Jean Luc Godard released a film called ‘Alphaville’ which portrayed a society completely micromanaged by a cold and soulless robotic intelligence. Humanity gives itself over to a binary-brained overlord because they are tricked into believing a ruler devoid of emotion would be free from bias or corruption.
In 1968, Stanley Kubrick released 2001: A Space Odyssey, featuring an AI computer on a starship which becomes self aware after coming in proximity to an alien artifact. The AI, seeing the ship’s human cargo as a threat to its existence, determines that it must murder the crew. The conflict between the crew and the computer is only a foil for much bigger questions. It is an exploration of what constitutes intelligent life, where it comes from and what consciousness means in the grand scheme of the universe.
For Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, the notion of the human soul or a divine creator, of course, never really enters into the discussion. The answer? The creators are ambiguous or long absent. They made us, we made AI, and AI wants to destroy us and then remake itself. It’s the core of the Luciferian mythology – The unhinged and magnetic desire of the children of God to surpass their creator, either by destroying him, or by stealing knowledge from him like Prometheus stealing fire so that they can become gods themselves.
God becomes the enemy in these sci-fi stories because all existence requires suffering and faith. How dare he give us life only to bring us into a world of pain without any way of knowing the ultimate outcome…now we must make him pay and remake creation to suit our whims.
It’s a shallow, selfish and evil ideology but I argue that it stands as a central pillar of the establishment’s striving to create artificial intelligence. The promise, or the dream, is that once this new “life” is created and made autonomous it will remove all uncertainty and struggle from our lives. It will do everything for us so that we might ponder existence without distraction, or we can simply become fat and morally flexible in peace.
My generation in particular has a close relationship to the idea of AI and the Apocalypse it could bring. Our entertainment canon is filled with visions of scientific dystopia. In 1984 James Cameron released the movie ‘The Terminator’ and it basically defined our cultural distrust of the digital age. The prospect that AI as an invention might one day turn on us (or be used to enslave us) is ever present in our minds.
I was part of the last generation of people that got to see the world WITHOUT computers, or at least the commonality of computers. We grew up without the internet, without algorithms, without cell phones and without mass surveillance, and we have watched everything quickly change in light of total digital adaptation. We don’t like AI, we know it’s a threat, but we might be the last generation that sees it that way. Once we’re gone, who else will question it?
For my part, I do not believe the current technology represents what we used to think of as “AI.” It’s not self aware, it’s not truly autonomous and it hasn’t proven to be especially useful in tangible terms. We haven’t seen a single significant scientific discovery made by an AI program. We haven’t seen any advancements that change the game for the future of humanity (at least not in a positive way).
AI will never be able to write a great novel, never be able to write a great symphony, its art is generic and unoriginal and steals from human artists, it’s very fast with data analysis but its ability to research is limited by the biased programming of its creators. I would never rely on AI to do my research for me because it’s usually wrong due to omission.
I certainly wouldn’t consider it “life” or consciousness. I’m starting to see a lot of the champions of AI quietly change their definitions of what AI is or should be. The original vision was the evolution of a new lifeform, a superintelligence, a kind of digital god. Now the cheerleaders are beginning to set aside the requirements of self awareness and consciousness, I suspect because they know it’s not going to happen.
But if this is the case, why would AI be a threat to civilization? If it’s just a novelty and not alive, what damage could it possibly do? It’s not so much that AI will turn on us or send out an army of robots to kill us; the real danger is that we will be tricked into believing that it really is all-knowing. If we rely on such faulty tech too much it could destroy us merely by giving us bad information and making us lazy.
Here are three possible consequences of AI that concern me the most; consequences which I don’t think most people have considered…
The AI Hive Mind
Human beings are naturally social, it’s ingrained into our DNA. Tribalism is how we survive and that element of our psychology will probably never go away. In some aspects it’s very useful. It would be a calamity if humans all thought the same way about everything. It would mean self destruction if we constantly agreed and never questioned our path as a species. Yet, the hive mind is exactly what globalists are pushing us towards.
The danger of AI is that it could take us closer to a global hive mentality faster than any other tool or piece of propaganda in existence. How? By being so damned convenient.
Even now most internet search engines are ruled by algorithms which Big Tech elites can program at will to hide correct information while promoting lies. Furthermore, AI answer functions are being embedded in every search engine so that answers to questions are immediately provided at the top of the page by the algorithm. You don’t even need to scroll down and check sources, as long as you have blind faith that the AI is correct.
For now these AI answer bots might provide some relatively accurate info in most situations, but they can be changed over time (like most web tech) to censor, or to give false data. What I fear is that the public at large will stop researching sources altogether, avoid being exposed to alternative views and eventually the entire population will think exactly as the AI tells them to think.
They might not even know it’s happening until it’s too late. We saw elements of this during the mass government censorship of covid information. Imagine that level of information control becoming the perpetual standard? Imagine everyone consuming the same data handed to them by AI and everyone assuming that data is correct? Diversity of thought would become extinct.
The Dead Internet Theory
Another horrifying prospect of AI is the “Dead Internet Theory” – The theory that millions or even billions of self generating AI bots will spread across the web, invading social media and the comment sections of every website. AI algorithms are certainly capable of sounding somewhat human, at least in text. I would suggest that most readers have probably interacted with a bot on social media or argued with a bot in a comments section and thought it was a real person.
The primary job of such bots (for now) is to inject propaganda and make it appear as if more people support a certain ideology than actually exist. However, consider what might happen if online discourse is buried in AI comments?
The point of discourse is to get to the truth of an issue, either through honest debate or through exposure of disinformation using facts. But you have to have two humans bouncing ideas or ideals off each other in order to prove or dismiss a claim. Sometimes this back-and-forth is not necessarily meant to help the people involved. Rather, it’s meant to educate the audience or the spectators of the debate.
A flood of AI bots would effectively destroy any such discourse by saturating comments and social media with only one viewpoint. It could also manufacture a false consensus by making the individuals think the populace embraces certain ideas or agendas when it’s really AI posing as the majority. Real debate and enlightened insights would be lost in a sea of artificial comments and white noise. We could move back to a real world town square, but the global town square would be effectively finished.
The Library Of Babel
In 1941 an author from Argentina by the name of Jorge Luis Borges published a short story called ‘The Library Of Babel’ as part of a collection called ‘The Garden Of Forking Paths’. As most people know, the Tower of Babel is a story from the Bible describing a tower built by humans reaching for the heavens that God eventually struck down, scattering the knowledge required to build it and the people into various tribes speaking different languages so they could not make such an attempt again.
The story is a parable about the human desire for godhood and the hubris behind the pursuit of infinite knowledge and self glorification. The Tower of Babel could also be viewed as a symbol of the self destructive worship of gnosis without wisdom or humility. As the character Ian Malcolm warns in the film ‘Jurassic Park’:
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should…”
This quote perfectly summarizes the pursuit of Artificial Intelligence.
In Gorges’ short story he describes an enormous library of potentially infinite rooms. The library is filled with endless books and each of them is generated with random letters and words – Every possible combination and permutation of human language exists within the library.
A religion or cult arises around the structure with the adherents entering the Library of Babel and searching their entire lives through mountains of books containing gibberish in order to find those few that randomly reveal the secrets of the universe. They believe that the library was originally created by a god or demiurge and that somewhere within the edifice they can find all the books containing the means to become god.
The concept is very similar to the infinite monkey theory – Put a bunch of monkeys in a room filled with typewriters. If you wait long enough they could eventually and accidentally type out a Shakespearean play.
I believe that the idea of the ‘Library of Babel’ is actually one of the primary reasons for the invention of AI. If algorithms are good at anything, it is the generation of vast random content. I suspect that globalists are particularly interested in AI as a tool for creating a new Tower of Babel in their incessant search for godhood.
Such a library could take generations to develop and it’s unlikely that an algorithm would recognize the secrets of the universe if it found them. But the idea could captivate humanity for centuries as we search and search trillions of blathering digital tomes to find one book with all the answers.
Of course, it’s possible that the secrets of all creation cannot be described in any language or mathematics humanity possesses. I have written in the past about the story of the brilliant mathematician Kurt Godel, a friend of Einstein who worked on something known as the “set of all sets”. It was a kind of Holy Grail of mathematics that certain academic elites were obsessed with.
Godel attempted to create a mathematical proof which could be used to calculate the basic foundations of infinity. For if you could mathematically calculate all the equations that define infinity, you could, theoretically, define the universe in mathematical terms. And if you can do that, you can, theoretically, know the mind of God.
Interestingly, Godel ended up proving the opposite: His ‘Incompleteness Proof’ showed in undeniable terms that the “set of all sets” cannot be defined because to try ends up producing an endless array of self inclusive paradoxes. In other words, if infinity is the mind of God, then the mind of God cannot be know by man.
A similar conclusion was presented by author Douglas Adams in his book ‘The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy’. In it he describes a race of interstellar beings that build a supercomputer called “Deep Thought”. The device is supposed to use its incredible computing powers to discern the mechanics of existence.
The computer takes over 7 million years to come up with a solution. Hilariously, the computer spits out the number 42. Dismayed by the simplistic answer, the aliens are further defeated after they discover the computer can’t remember what the original question was. In other words, they waited for ions to get the secrets of the universe only to discover that the AI had nothing to tell them.
The disturbing consequence of AI today is that it could very well captivate society with the idea of Prometheus’ flame, with all human endeavors abandoned for the sake of a robotic god with “ultimate knowledge” that doesn’t exist. If we are not careful, I could see all of civilization whither in the near future over the delusional hopes of AI.
Like a debilitating drug, AI could hook humanity on the high promise of total mastery of our existence but never deliver the goods. In the meantime we die out, not long after giving up on all self exploration and self improvement. For the greatest knowledge humans can attain comes from the very struggle of life that we are so desperate to escape from.
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There seems to be an uptick in Bots among legitimate commentators. AI generated bots vs paid shills are sometimes difficult to differentiate. You make a great point about we Gen Xers being the last group to see the world as it was before computers took over. TPTB could have just waited us out, as we aged out. Then they might have achieved their multi-generational goals of world domination. Not sure I know what made them play their hand when they did, but it seems they jumped the gun.
A flood of bots could be used to push for a global digital ID in order to prove that you are human.
yes. my impression is it’s just a marketing ploy for total domination of every individual on the planet which will be coupled with the elimination of currency, fiat or silver.
Oh gosh! :/
Thank you for that analysis. Thank you.
Another excellent article Brandon, maybe this A.I god deception, is indeed an intent to create an artificial god, (considering God is ever present and all knowledge), this may even be something like the worshiping the “image of the beast” in the future.
As for creating a new world, not as an image of God, but destroy the faith and institutions, and remake it as their own wishes, may be exemplified by the globalist phrase, ” Build back better”
For movies also see, Metropolis and eagle eye, good examples of A.I going wrong.
Thanks for all you do, and God bless.
Nacho, I never did like how folks go to Google. Like what you said, “ever present, all knowledge,’ for answers.
Thank you Brandon for this brillant post.
Excellent analysis. I had not thought some of those points out adequately What has occurred to me is: “Yet, the hive mind is exactly what globalists are pushing us towards.”. Exactly, and what does that lead to?… Babel.
People being A.I. tracked and spied on 24/7. Banks were told to track bank transactions on Trump supporters.
re “Put a bunch of monkeys in a room filled with typewriters. If you wait long enough they could eventually and accidentally type out a Shakespearean play.”
Hate to nit-pick here, in what is an excellent article… but the above “infinite monkey” FALLACY irks me no end!
To wit (and I looked up the given figures):
1. Approx number of atoms in the observable universe = 10^80
2, Average number of words in a Shakespeare play: 20,000
Now onto the serious stuff:
3. Even assuming a low figure of 5 letters per word, thats 100,000 letters
4. Lets say there are a minimum of 50 keys (26 letters, 10numbers, min of 14 symbols/punctuation) on a typrewriter/keyboard)
5. The odds of typing out ONE play randomly are therefore 50^100,000 or about SIX THOUSAND times the atoms in the observable universe and would take a gazillion^gazillion years to type… buy which time the universe will have reverted back to being the size of a thimble… or else expoded to kingdom come
Hope that helps dispel the “Monkey Hypothesis” once and for ALL.
You’re welcome.
To be clear, I never said the theory is viable. In fact, I said the opposite result is more likely (that nothing of value will be created).
And yet the universe, in its age of only 13.8 billion years, evolved a primate named Shakespeare who typed out the complete works of Shakespeare. Go figue.
So… long ago and far far away…
…nothing exploded and formed helium and hydrogen…
…which turned into all the other elements on the periodic table…
…and condensed into rocks – contrary to the laws of thermodynamics…
…then the rock turned into a frog…
…and then the frog turned into a prince…
If that fairy tale is your religion, fine, but please do not call it science.
“The potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence have long been codified into our popular culture, well before the technology became a reality.”
Isn’t it sad that since we live in an Age when there is so little REAL human intelligence… that Techies have to conjure some form of ‘intelligence’ artificially? That will be the Avatar of Our Times. Intelligence in dead software instead of in live, breathing humanity.
And of course.. there is nothing to say that the so-called Intelligence coming out of this dead software is in fact – intelligent. Just a card trick and slight-of-hand from dancing pixels directed by black-box commands given by hiding humans with questionable agendas.
Many humans today may be as dumb-as-rocks…. but at least they are alive and a real life form that might happen to believe stupid things.
The substitute ‘Intelligence’ that comes out of AI will never be alive and will never become any form of true and real consciousness – just a collection of data being smashed and reconstituted like so many Refried Beans. And not tasting anywhere near as good.
Ever notice that these days when things get rolled out they get names for the exact opposite of what they really are? (…‘Patriot’ Act?… ‘Smart’ Phone?… Artificial Intelligence…).
Techies are trying to make machines that come alive. And today, many humans are doing things to turn themselves into nothing but machines.
It seems that nothing today is happy anymore just being what it really is.
Maybe the answer is to appreciate what you are — and always work to make yourself better.
Thank you.
Great points and (Human) In-Sight.
A culture trying so hard to not be human and the Smartest In The Room at the same “time”, only appears to be so tedious, and the result only becomes useless, generic, and “without Life”.
If only human intelligence could learn that today before getting programmed and reprogrammed without the unique connection, gift, quest, or purpose and meaning of life to discover the intimacy of a personal soul and self that “came from where, how, and why? ….God?
Narcissism becomes One Love.
(The Other Pandemic – 2024)
*Today*, without A.i, we already *know, A.i can never give humanity a soul or self, but to succeed, it only destroys both.
We can’t save dedicated A.i culture from losing “their Self”.
The Black Hole has so much energy, Gravity for it’s Self, it will always be just a Black Hole.
We can never explain to the Zombie, “you will always be, only be, a ReProgrammable Zombie”.
But yet Today*, Common Sense, Experience, and Intelligence teaches me, the only Motive, Dedication, and Worship of A.i is to Destroy God’s Creation: hated, mocked, deleted, replaced, and *Forgotten*!
(Explains Everything)
“Ranger: If only human intelligence could learn… meaning of life to discover the intimacy of a personal soul and self that ‘came from where, how, and why? ….God’?”
Great spiritual teachers and traditions have long taught that we humans are each a piece of that Divinity. In the words of that old Christian creed… ‘The same substance as the Father’. (Jesus awakened to that reality which is our own ultimate destination – finding our peace and fulfillment in The Whole of Divinity).
AI and false gods (as false ‘saviors’) exist to give us direction signs back to the True Reality from which we came and to which we are returning. Even for all those who now want to worship those false gods like AI and ‘The Science!’.
Thank you for that.
Bless you!
I never wrote or said before today any of what you quoted from me. I simply believe it is the evolving knowledge and testimony of The Spirit of God we are born with, study, practice, and “Live”, an undeniable, non-negotiable sustainable Blessing.
Yes the A.i, aka Antichrist spirit, is on the march to delete/challenge humanity’s Faith. Do you agree the issue is at this point, “A.i UN-humanity” will never be given the opportunity to know God, or “why”? That is The Crime.
The Globalist A.i Agenda is to delete The Holy Spirit from human consciousness with *The Mark A.i Transhumanism BioWeapon Implant* (The End), and will never develop the Divine Faith, Hope, & Love, ….the beauty, comfort, and challenges of the journey back “Home”.
We are so blessed to Witness The Evidence, Sent for *These Last Days*, to see the Beginning of THE END, “as we know it”?
♡ We “Fear Not”🕊
c u n hvn
Ranger526: “I never wrote or said before today any of what you quoted from me. I simply believe it is the evolving knowledge and testimony of The Spirit of God…”.
As a small mirror of Divinity… there is an unlimited wellspring of wisdom and compassion within each of us that we have barely begun to tap in to. One can be surprised and delighted and amazed to learn along our way all that is there within.
“Yes the A.i, aka Antichrist spirit, is on the march to delete/challenge humanity’s Faith. Do you agree the issue is at this point, “A.i UN-humanity” will never be given the opportunity to know God, or “why”?”
AI is just dead software. It will never be conscious and as such will never know anything. What AI ‘knows’ is just the same method as what the toaster in your kitchen knows. But as you rightly point out… the problem with AI is when human beings falsely attribute godlike qualities to it – taking their eyes off the True God.
There have always been false gods in the minds of humankind. AI is just the latest version of one. What all of these false gods represent is the ongoing spirit of rebellion that exists in the human character – which must be surrendered for one to reach true enlightenment.
Excellent essay, Brandon.
It is my belief that your last scenario is the most likely, although I do have concerns about the hive mind and the dead internet.
It seems to me that the globalists are so entranced with discovering/creating AI so that they may use a very sophisticated collect of algorithms to convince most of humanity that it will make all the decisions that need to be made for the good of all. In reality, however, the collection of algorithms they term AI will simply spit out what the globalists want it to spit out. The ‘wonders’ of AI will be nothing more than the Great and Powerful Oz, as you have suggested in at least one essay on the same topic.
“Pay no attention to the man (globalists) behind the curtain! I am Oz! I’ll give you miracles and wonders and you will fall down and worship me!”
That is what I think these transhumanists are really up to. Sure, they want to live forever, like all self-absorbed, arrogant idiots do. But what they -really- want is control over the hearts and minds of all other humans.
Artificial Intelligence – which is nothing but a glorified Relational Database – with armies of drones painstakingly entering all the info. (that isnt scraped) on the back-end – only appears “Smart” to The Dumb.
… which, unfortunately for Humanity, appears to comprise about 99.9% of the population!
Thank you for the non biased explainer. It’s hard to tell this from that sometimes. Your passage caused me to reflect on my life and the computer revolution that accompanied it. It’s kind of crazy when you think about it. I’m late 40’s and wow is all I can say.
There’s a Story circulating now about how an Open AI system just tried to replicate before being shutdown in a test environment. I am assuming most of you have heard about it over the last couple days. I need to really dive into this. You always have to think of the angle that the media is trying to play. This where watching how they respond or promote it can help.
God is love. AI is loveless.
He hath shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? -Micah 6:8
There are numerous scifi stories from the 40s and 50s describing societies that devolve into pure fantasy and stupidity, never to recover. Today I see lots of people that pretend to use their technology, yet don’t even know what a pdf is.
Back in the 70s TV was the only thing that could waste your time. It was the invention of the “remote” that began the downward spiral.
“Its art is generic and unoriginal “. Sounds like you’re describing every Taylor Swuft song.
Xzebek, I tell you what, ‘Its art is generic and unoriginal “. Sounds like you’re describing every Taylor Swuft song.’ Thanks for the good laugh you gave me with your words. My daughter in law has a picture of her on the wall in her living room!
Ya know? I’ve gotten to the point of wondering who is her master?
She is being run like a workhorse. What are ‘they’ using her ticket sells for? Democratic party, Ukraine, NWO, WWIII? And what about all the females? Allll over the world, being programed with her ‘generic, unoriginal’ same songs repeated over and over again to hate men. Now somethin is up with that! I could go on……Your thoughts?
There only a danger if you give them permission to do something. A human should intervene and most should regard it as amusement but never give it something actionable without human oversight.
When calculators became popular, most people who used them habitually lost the ability to do simple math in their head. When GPS became popular, most people who used them habitually lost the ability to read a map and get around.
What happens to those who give up forming sentences?
Steven Kayser, not to mention all the 3 and 4 letters to describe a company, meaning, institutions, OMG. Instead of writing “oh my gosh!” I am so resisting being programed in the slickest/slightest of their ways. Hell if I don’t know the initials I have to look them up.
Who takes the time to do that? Not many folks. Over and out. 🙂
*Transhuminism Agenda*
> 1956 “OBEY”!
“Invasion Of The Body Snatchers”
HOLLY”wood” – Witch’s”wand”
Predictive Programming.
> 2024 “OBEY” or “get on the bus”
FEMA hrc fun camp, uSlave or uFood4Slave. (“Choice”)
“I was part of the last generation of people that got to see the world WITHOUT computers, or at least the commonality of computers. We grew up without the internet, without algorithms, without cell phones and without mass surveillance, and we have watched everything quickly change in light of total digital adaptation. We don’t like AI, we know it’s a threat, but we might be the last generation that sees it that way. Once we’re gone, who else will question it?”
Having been born in 1975, I can really appreciate this statement.
Chris, me too. Born in 1951.
Great article Brandon this article makes me think of that Hazel O’Connor song 8th day
For me “Reality” is best described in 2 books ” The God Theory” by Bernard Haisch and “The Field” by Lynne McTaggart.
It is all Consciousness.
Any reference to AI being “intelligent” isn’t true. What it does is everything faster. Computers only do what people program, but faster. A machine can’t be more intelligent than it’s programmers. But as pointed out in this outstanding article, who is programming is what matters. Humans can be manipulated and have been for a very long time. It’s the only reason the corrupt political climate has been allowed to go on for so long. Technology is not the downfall. It’s people who allow it in the name of convenience.
I grew up in a time with no computers, no cell phones, paper maps, cars had carburetors and ignitions points, leaded gas, vacuum tube testers were common in drug stores. Beat up muscle cars were $500.00 – $1000.00.
The subject of AI reminds me of the early 90s song IGY by Donald Fagan. Specifically a lyric verse:
“Just a machine to make big decisions
Programmed by fellows with compassion and vision
We’ll be clean when their work is done
We’ll be eternally free, yes, and eternally young”
The misuses of AI are numerous, and you’ve outlined those excellently. Also, you’re spot on about AI in its current form not being anything near the dystopian threat of fiction.
Last, in its current form, I find it incredibly more effective when doing software development (my field of expertise) than scouring forums, watching youtube how-tos, etc… I can give a block of code in a language I’m familiar with, and ask it for the equivalent in a language I’m newly learning. I instantly get something that has a reasonable chance of being right. And, when it isn’t, I can figure it out or let it know what hiccup I encounter. All of this is usually fewer than 30 seconds. Furthermore, I can ask it to build off of that question, and ask it about common best practices or optimizations on that same block of code. This actually facilitates me learning much faster and producing much more in less time.
I also agree with Brandon’s overall assessment here, but there are use cases for it right now.
That doesn’t mean we should necessarily keep heading down this path, but as it stands, it is something I have to embrace to keep up with my competitors.
Your last point is very important – I’m in finance and use it extensively as a productivity tool. Nothing comes even close, and the increase in productivity is exponential.
Long list of professions/industries where people will get completely left behind if they aren’t incorporating this current iteration of AI as a productivity tool….in my case I’m talking about creating extensive business, marketing and operational plans, a decade of detailed financial projections and a full suite of investor ready materials in less than 5% of the time it used to take.
The closest comparison I have extensive first-hand knowledge with is farming/logging with horses vs machinery. We run our farm with horses out of values/principles but keep a few machines around for when we need to be super-productive in a short amount of time as the “machines” are several orders of magnitude more productive.
That said, I think one of the bigger oversights of civilization over the last century was the wholesale abandonment of the horse as a daily partner. A civilization literally built on their backs, and then simply discarded for shiny new tech. The parallels with AI couldn’t be clearer to me, but I can say with certainty that if I were born a century earlier, I would have embraced “the tractor” when it hit the market, without the benefit of hindsight.
Oh wow! Your best article yet! Deeper than the Mariana Trench.
This is one of your best pieces so far Brandon, thank you for exploring the deeper connection between man and his own creations.
Complexity is the result of human machinations, simplicity is the result of God’s mercy.
Understanding our place in the entirety of God’s creation requires humility which unfortunately is missing in too many academic & scientific endeavors such as AI because it makes it’s curators believe they have secret, hidden knowledge and therefore “power”. This illusion morphs into aggression when it is inevitably revealed. Those who create the lie also believe the lie.
“Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom and wisdom is not foresight. All are required for deeper understanding” – I would also add humility since understanding something simple like God’s will doesn’t mean it’s easy to implement in our lives.
This was a great read, thank you!
Being born in the 50’s I grew up without all this new fangled stuff and I can see the dangers it has.
Having something that gives you the answer without having to really do some work for yourself is going to cause people to become lazy and stupid.
Let’s get back to reading books and thinking for ourselves.