By Brandon Smith
The authoritarian regimes of the past century have all followed a pattern of events that is generally predictable. Almost every totalitarian government has been inspired by the ideologies of the political left. Meaning, increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for “social justice”, collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the “greater good”, Marxism not just from an economic standpoint but also a cultural standpoint, and finally, the adoption of Futurism.
Futurism is, in my view, the key to all modern authoritarianism. It’s a philosophy that has been present at the birth of nearly every major despotic government in recent memory and it’s the root of leftist ideology today. Futurists argue that history is, for the most part, dead weight. They believe that every notion of heritage, the lessons of the past, the ideals and principles of our forefathers are all irrelevant.
Futurists think nothing is sacred and all new ideas are superior to all old ideas. Therefore, they claim, any society that clings to (or conserves) the old ways needs to be dismantled because it is holding humanity back from progress. In other words, anyone promoting or defending traditional norms must be silenced in the name of “progress.”
I suspect most people reading this at least intuitively understand the monstrous nature of this belief system. The very structure of futurism is based on a lie – The idea that all change is good and that any oppression committed in the name of change is justified.
The Process Of Tyranny
In this process of tyranny there are usually stages of escalation. The first stage is the exploitation of existing social divisions to create an enemy that the rest of the population can be convinced to rally against. This is not to say these divisions aren’t legitimate, they often are. In our era of “multiculturalism” globalists have been inviting many groups of people into the west that are simply incompatible with western values and morals. They will not assimilate and they will only cause conflict, which is the very reason why political puppets continue to keep our borders open.
These divisions can be exploited to create conflict and chaos, which is then used by governments as an excuse to crack down on their political enemies. In the US and EU it’s conservatives, the very people that are trying to defend the historical ideals of our respective nations, that are being labeled public enemy #1. We are the ever present bogeyman of the 21st Century.
It’s not only because we defend the heritage and principles that helped to create the greatest civilization in the history of the world (western civilization). It’s also because because we keep talking about uncomfortable truths.
The futurists rely on disinformation in order to spread their Utopian philosophy and they can only continue to survive by silencing all other contrary ideas. All futurist regimes eventually turn to mass censorship in order to function. They cannot stand in the light of truth, so they must keep the people in perpetual darkness.
Slow At First, Then All At Once…
There are many readers who will argue that we’ve been in this stage for decades now. I would argue that we haven’t seen anything yet. We’ve only been living under covert censorship. The pandemic lockdown effort was the moment of the shift when Democrats and Big Tech companies began to openly demand that counter-information be suppressed. Though, most of that censorship was still under the table.
Meta CEO and Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted that the Biden Administration pressured Facebook behind the scenes to censor Covid-19 information that was contrary to the government narrative. This is highly unconstitutional and criminal. Biden and Harris should be up on impeachment charges and, in my view, anyone involved should face prison time. Will that happen? Probably not.
This brand of censorship is insidious, but rigging algorithms to hide search results or booting people off of social media is not exactly the same as creating laws to intimidate or punish those that speak out. That’s the stage we’re entering right now; the open mass censorship era has arrived.
In Brazil, leftist authoritarians have shut down Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) because Musk has refused to institute their censorship model on his social media site. To Musk’s credit, he has been willing to lose Brazil’s business and stand by his principles.
The developments in the UK are another blatant example, with the government now trying to hunt down and imprison people for the most minor of actions (a British teen was recently put in prison for two years for merely flying a British flag near a Mosque). Anyone who stands against multiculturalism (and futurism) risks being arrested and thrown in a cage.
UK authorities have suggested that Elon Musk should be charged and that other Americans should be extradited for promoting conservative values on immigration or arguing in favor of British protests. We’re just pointing out that there’s only two ways this can go: Either the British people rebel and violently overthrow the globalist puppets in their own government, or, they will become slaves living in fear within their own country.
It sounds truly insane; all of this drama over basic free speech rights, but this is the world we are now approaching and leftists are happily supporting the transition.
Mass Censorship Is A Path To Inevitable Rebellion
Musk has stated that he believes X will eventually be shut down in the US should Kamala Harris gain the presidency in the November election, and I’m inclined to agree. Look at what the establishment did to social media newcomer Parler when they started gaining traction; the elites simply shut down their ability to function efficiently on the web grow their user base. Under a Harris regime they will feel emboldened to go even further.
The rhetoric of the Democrats is quite clear – They are anti-free speech and they view certain ideas as a threat to our THEIR society.
For example, the far-left New York Times published an article this week that gave credence to mass censorship, including the Brazilian government’s decision on X. They highlight the positives of giving Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes sweeping online censorship powers. They described this move as an ‘effective solution to the vexing problem of right-wing threats to Democracy.’
They fall just short of institutionally endorsing the censorship of X and even ask if Brazil perhaps “went too far” (obviously the answer is yes), but at the same time they suggest that this trend is a “new normal” that Big Tech companies will have to navigate. And, their article insinuates that if Musk wants to counter government censorship demands he should do it through civil courts instead of defying such tyranny directly. In other words, they argue Musk doesn’t have the right to stand against them.
Frankly, a rebellion doesn’t need to ask for permission to rebel.
The New York Times also had a lot to say about the problem of freedom and the US Constitution in an article titled ‘The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?’ They again try to tie the events of January 6th to the necessity of censorship, promoting the false narrative of an attempted “insurrection” in which no one was armed and no one was killed (except one of the conservative protesters).
The Times asserts that the danger of the constitution is that it gives the public the freedom to vote for a person like Trump. An act which they claim allows for the document’s own destruction.
The true irony is that Trump’s popularity would be non-existent if it wasn’t for the political left’s constant attempts to institute a socialist dystopia that erases the Bill of Rights. Nothing happens in a vacuum and these people never take responsibility for their own behavior. They spent three years ignoring the constitution in the name of medical authoritarianism over a virus with a tiny median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23%. Then they started gaslighting the public about how conservatives are a threat to democracy.
I argue this is not the new normal, it’s a recipe for war in the US, Europe, or both. Globalists know full well that rebellion is coming but I don’t think most leftists truly appreciate how at risk they are if they continue down this path. It’s not going to go well for them.
Rebellion is ALWAYS on the minds of the elites. In a way, they want it, but they want it in small doses that are easy to manage. They want a “terrorist” enemy they can use to frighten the public into supporting martial law, but what happens if too many in the public join that rebellion?
What globalists and leftists are truly afraid of is large scale rebellion that they can’t control. The kind of rebellion that could end with the elites on the chopping block. They will do anything to avoid widespread revolution which is why they’re willing to take the risk of open mass censorship today. They know what is coming and they’re moving to mitigate the spread of anti-globalist views as much as possible before things get out of hand. I believe it’s too late for them.
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Yes sir, i’m fully onboard! Just look at what’s taken place recently regarding the attempts around the world regarding the clampdown on free speech.
In the UK, you get censored for not going against the official narrative. In Germany, a famous lawyer was censored and put in jail without any charges levied against him for exposing the vax hoax.
France jails the CEO of Telegram. In Brazil they are censoring Elon Musk and fining him per day. This sh*t has got to stop or we’ll be living our lives within the Hunger Games.
As you mentioned, eventually people catch on just plain lose it and go after those in charge. We have history to prove that or as Gerald Celente likes to say: “When people lose everything and have nothing else to lose, THEY LOSE IT”.
Brandon, have u seen this?https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/sites/default/files/180711_final_draft_0.pdf Document stating we are under UN agenda 2030 now and anyone can migrate to country of choice without a hassle. Borders will remain open. Some come in with diseases. All leaders of nations are puppets of the UN anyway, and waking up the masses (over 90%) is almost impossible as we learned by Covid vaccines people flocked to inspite of warnings. The illegals/gangs (not ones who want a better life fleeing civil breakdown/war,) will be turned loose with auto rifles to pillage and murder Americans soon.
Nothing would galvanize Americans to organize faster. Also, the vaccination numbers are a complete fraud – Don’t fall for that nonsense.
And that’s why the globalists have invited an army of tens if millions through our borders. They’ve imported the army that will eliminate us.
They think they have, but they will fail.
Yeah but, If people are busy with the “imported army” they aren’t going to have time to ferret out the ” leaders” ensconsed in their underground bunkers. We are not in the French Revolution here.
It doesn’t matter if the whole of the UN and every third-world nation sent an army to the US, they would fail. What the elites don’t want you to understand is that US patriots are the largest army in the world with over 50 million conservative gun owners, over 50% of the world’s guns and over 1 trillion rounds of ammo. Using asymmetric tactics such an army could last for decades if necessary and whittle down conventional military forces to nothing. And that’s if we didn’t find and eliminate the globalists first.
That is why the globalists waited until I got too old. When the boomers are too old to fight they are hoping the next several generations will be more pliable and brainwashed in the schools. I think it will be a very bloody mess.
Hell yes. Let’s get on with it.
“We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage Of Global Tyranny”
Authoritarian regimes of any Age and place all exhibit one of the lowest… basest… forms of human behavior. And that is rampant selfishness and maniacal self-seeking to the detriment and at the expense of everyone and everything else. It is the most cowardly and reprehensible and vile forms of human behavior. All power and rights to The Authoritarian and none for you. There is no honor in such nakedly juvenile harmful behavior which inflicts great harm and injury to the Human Family.
“Futurists argue that history is, for the most part, dead weight.”
History does not serve the narcissistic deviancies of Authoritarians. Authoritarians want a clean slate of empty memory so as to wield and inflict their own brand of thuggery. This allows all those being abused to somehow not comprehend the extent to which they are being used and abused… and even a sense that somehow this is how things are supposes to be because, well, that things turned out this way. Real history provides other examples of ways of being and also of courageous people who fought and resisted being raped by The Powerful.
“Mass Censorship Is A Path To Inevitable Rebellion”
Free Speech is a feature our Divine right of being free souls in the cosmos of Divinity. Free Speech is a radical (root and fundamental) right given to us by The Divine and not some product or privilege parceled and carefully doled out by some kind of false gods who sit places of power and influence. Those who seek to silence our Divine right of free speech have declared themselves not only as our own enemy but also an enemy of Our Creator. Some would call them Anti-Christs.
“What globalists and leftists are truly afraid of is large scale rebellion that they can’t control.”
What globalists should be afraid of is their own sickly pathologies and compulsion to dominate, control, use, and abuse others. They are like troubled children who torture animals just for their pleasure in it.
The darkness in the spirits is what their real danger is. They could stifle all speech and remove from the Earth every person they disagree with. Yet, what would still be left is the sickness in their souls.
Perhaps one day Globalists will travel trillions of miles in Space. Yet, what will accompany them is the emptiness and deviancy in their minds and spirits.
And they won’t be able to censor that away no matter how hard they try.
And they might notice that all the animals of the field and in the wild that once lived among them — are all gone. Silenced forever and all that remains is the echoes of their screams.
Great post as always Shaman. To be honest I thought we were cooked after JB was sworn in Jan 2021. Everything I saw around me pointed to it.
I want to credit Elon for standing in the doorway. IMO People do not understand the risk he took buying Twitter. People have a tendency to always blame Greed for being the root cause of all evil. I don’t buy it. Money/greed is much lower on the scales of sin than other traits. Revenge, wrath, can grab a hold of me with an iron grip.
Saw a tweet posted at WRSA of his the other day. Elon said he never wanted to get outwardly involved in politics. Now he feels like this is probably the last opportunity. YES i understand he’s very concerned about his baby (X). We should all be.
I feel sheepish when I say this little deal on Nov is the most important in our lifetime. Yep I have said it every 4 years. Well I really mean it this year lol. It’s true. They will come to finish us off if they get their way. And I am afraid they will be successful. Sounds like loser talk I understand.
I believe most of us prepper types see it now. We have been studying events on the ground for years (me 4). It hard to imagine much getting accomplished without a central figure bringing a command structure. I don’t know and readily admit one cannot predict unaccountable acts of nature. History is full of “Gotcha” moments. However, I am more frightened of SHTF now than when I started because I just can’t find a happy ending.
Trump has given us enough reason to trust him. That includes taking a bullet. He’s not a General or Military Commander. BUT he is a fighter. How the hell else do you think he garners such support from a wide range of Alpha Males. It’s because whatever their culture they relate. I do. And it is up to us to save this shithole. Not to wait until everything blows to hell.
PS….Trump and his acolytes are also sane. The contrast could NOT be more stark. If he needs us we should be available, J6 aside. This may be our last best chance.
Just my thoughts Gents!
Too many fear that this life is all there is, and so are afraid to lose it. This has been taught to generations now so that having the Courage to die for a noble cause, like Liberty for our future generations, is met with the question “what’s in it for me?”
Fearful people will not trade even their final day on their knees as serfs, no matter how miserable, for the greater glory of being a Warrior, because they’ve been taught that Warriors are fools. Reflect on the masses of Jews that docilely boarded the train cars, even as they outnumbered their guards by 100 to 1.
Even among the awakened like Brandon and those of us that subscribe to his wisdom, this fear has a strong grip.
Like focusing on one’s breath to facilitate meditation (which I personally find difficult to do), reflecting on the fact that we will all die at some unknown point in our lives, should help us find the Courage required to do what me must.
At least, I pray that this is so.
No, there are plenty of people willing to die for freedom; more than you could possibly understand. But you shouldn’t try to die for a cause, you should make your opponent die for his instead. Also, the trigger event simply hasn’t happened yet. We came close during the covid mandates but we defeated those without going to war (there are MANY ways to fight back that don’t necessarily require shooting). The next major event might be different.
Luke: “I feel sheepish when I say this little deal on Nov is the most important in our lifetime… They will come to finish us off if they get their way.”
The November result will be more symbolic than anything else. The Dark State already has control over all levers of power in this World… so the Party that wins in November will still be subservient to the Dark Staters regardless.
But the vote result will be important in the sense that it is taking the temperature of the American People to see just how far gone we are. If Trump wins, that means that a purposeful number of Americans still have not fallen victim to the disease of Leftism and insanity. While if The Cackler wins… that will confirm that most of America has already surrendered to nonsense and delusion (or the tyranny of voter tally manipulation).
And whether there are elections or not… the Dark State will NEVER quit their campaign of terror against the American People.
The Dark State may have control over the power structures in this World. But we must never surrender our minds and spirits to Them. Our ‘Being’ comes solely from Our Creator… and the faux gods of this World have nothing to say about that, ever.
Excellent point sir!
Re: measuring the temp of the people. Look at how many votes Trump got in 2020. He got a historical number of votes, millions more than any prior candidate. The left had to manufacture a ludicrous number of false votes to “win”. The temperature of the American people is near boiling. I predict Trump will get even more votes this time. The question will be just how blatant and obvious the left is willing to be to secure a “win”.
RS, read Psalm 2—God laughs at the Kings of the earth. “Let us break their chains…” they say. But God holds them in derision.
Psychopaths with the maturity of teenage boys. In their hubris, they believe they can control the outcome of their insane beliefs and actions. In such, they are a danger to us all.
What does one do with a rabid animal? You put it down.
From what I’ve heard the Brazilians are ignoring the ban and continuing to use X anyway. So that’s some good news.
Somehow, rebel just doesn’t seem to be the right term to fit the situation we find ourselves in. Rebellion is what peasants do when their masters are cruel to them. You know, pitchforks, guillotines, etc… But I digress. I guess we should reconsider that our founders said we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. So who exactly would we be rebelling against? Ourselves? Or are we now openly admitting that we no longer fit the description that our founding fathers designated, but have instead succumbed to a tyranny so powerful, so complex and so interwoven that we can’t even define who to turn our wrath against? And then when you consider that Congress, judges and our President are just as immoral and in debt as the average citizen in their lack of discernment, it would appear that we do indeed have a representative form of government.
I think anyone reading this website is well aware who the enemy is (globalists), what their names are and the institutions they reside in. We all know who we are rebelling against, its not difficult to discern at all since the globalists are right out in the open in 2024. Your comment sounds a bit like victim blaming to me, or possibly gaslighting.
“are we now openly admitting that we no longer fit the description that our founding fathers designated”
I would say, yes, we should absolutely be clear that we are no longer “we the people “
Voting is not vigilance and the utter lack of participation by the people in all forms of the responsibility of true life and limited/self government should be recognized as a huge reason why we are here today. As much as “They” are responsible for tyranny, WE are equally responsible.
Another giant issue is we need to, like old west wanted posters, know the names and faces of every member of every board, shareholder, NGO, tech company, government agency who hide behind corporate personhood. Definitive clarity of who, by name are the real enemies, (beyond the obvious players and usual suspects). A critical mass of public pressure and awareness against the actual individuals vs. a blaming of a general company or governmental organization will be necessary for any real accountability.
A reawakening, accurately defined of who, what and where we are as Americans. Not the bullshit lip service, not the false championing of our great virtue while rapping, plundering and pillaging. Not ignoring the still relevant wounds from our past/present transgressions and trespasses.
Simply put, absolute truth and self honesty of both the individual and this nation. A humbled reconning of past, present and future. Like an individual who is reborn to a greater purpose and self, so to our beloved America.
Well, it’s always best to give great consideration to the motives, causes and implications of a given course of action before springing into conflict, lest one find that he doesn’t know what to do once it escalates. Someone once famously said that war is too serious of a matter to be left to soldiers. But then again, the same could be said of politicians who are paid off by special interests.
The war is long overdue. People have known for many years who the enemy is. That said, rebellion is not only about pulling a trigger. There are many stages to rebellion.
Correct! When the Patriot Act was implemented that gave us the TSA, we could have rebelled by not being compliant and going along with the Gov’ts plan of future tyranny, which inevitably gave us the Covid scamdemic.
Simply rebelling by mass protest with the start of the Patriot Act would have shutdown the Airlines and would have caused the government to panic and back off. It could have been accomplished in a peaceful manner.
Instead, Americans did not connect the dots as Catherine Austin Fitts has said and so they were emboldened to up the ante. Since the Patroit Act, I have never flown on another plane.
But keep in mind that the government, or whoever it was that gave the order to shut the world down for the scamdemic, also intentionally shut the airlines down and parked thousands of airliners on runways at major airports all over the country. No airliners were flying in the United States at all. Trump was president at the time when the order was given to shut down every restaurant, every sporting event, every public building, every gymnasium and every Church across the nation. So who has that kind of power that they can give the order and shut down the whole world in 24 hours?
Well, it wasn’t Trump, it was blue state governments being advised by the CDC. Red states ended the mandates rather quickly, but it’s understandable that some would take precautions in case the virus was legitimately dangerous. It is a Chinese made and US funded bioweapon, after all. It’s clear that even the globalists thought that it was going to kill far more people than it did.
“But keep in mind that the government, or whoever it was that gave the order to shut the world down for the scamdemic, also intentionally shut the airlines down”
Right, but that was all made possible because Americans as Dr Paul Craig Roberts likes to call them, insouciant/dumbsh*t Americans who allowed the government to fully implement the Patriot Act along with the TSA. Once they realized there was no pushback (being inconvenienced doesn’t count), the government knew they could pull off another scam and the public would go along with it. Enter, the scamdemic!
Catherine Austin Fitts (Asst HUD Sec for Bush Sr) had said in response to why does the government keep taking power away from the people and keep upping the ante? Answer: “Because you didn’t stop us”.
Exactly. In numbers large enough, this could be a practically bloodless rebellion. In numbers large enough, we hold all of the power. But acting alone, a man merely puts himself at risk of being a martyr.
The Arab Spring was pretty much non violent. The people refused to leave the Square and it caused a change of government in Egypt. So yes, rebellion doesn’t always have to be violent.
However, this seems to be different because not only do we have the government against a certain group of people but has an army of complicit citizens.
As Brandon has written, the two sides are facing an inevitable clash that will probably turn violent into a Civil War.
There will be no bloodless rebellion. That’s a pipe dream you and every other patriot should abandon. However, a larger rebellion would move much faster and prevent a prolonged propaganda war on top of the fighting that’s inevitable.
I totally agree with Brandon and why I said, this is all heading towards a violent ending. Those in charge want that outcome. You can see this playing out throughout the Western world.
People are realizing that their governments are screwing them over left and right. The woke crowd will believe what they are told. Those who get their information from real journalists in the alternative media know who is responsible for the coming violent revolutions around the world.
I tend to believe that the Covid was made to trick people into taking the vaccines, rather than the vaccines being made to save people from the Covid.
If you ever get a chance, watch the movie “Compliance”. It was based on a true story. It shows how easily people can be manipulated to authority!
“…how easily people can be manipulated to authority!”
This is true only because they have been taught to trust and respect the power of authority…..until they find themselves betrayed by such trusted authority to such a negative degree that not just anger but rage takes center stage within.
This seems to me to be the often overlooked reality of human nature.
If you have ever been betrayed, you understand what I mean.
When the sleeping finally realize what has happened to them by whom, I do indeed expect them to respond in some way you and I cannot foresee.
I bet this wish he had never taken them and we know he had to, in order to play.
Hi Brandon, thank you for a splendid article. When the big giant awakes (the people) the shore will stop the ship! They are the (real) problem-owners.
See an interesting article regarding you topic below, take care….
The Super-Wealthy have a Problem
Paul Craig Roberts offers a great summation of the situation today because this is all taking place with a blatant level of tyranny by authorities around the world:
“No one who represents the ethnic basis of the countries can get in public office. In Ireland, England, Scandinavia, Germany, France, and the rest of what were once nations, the police and governments side with immigrant-invaders against citizens.
The same is happening in the US where immigrant-invaders seize homes and apartment buildings and the authorities refuse to protect the owners. It seems that nothing short of violent revolution can do anything about it. It seems the peoples are too indoctrinated and beaten down to act. The confidence of Western civilization has been destroyed by decades of attack from within. There is no one to defend it. Indeed, Western governments refuse to defend their own borders. The Camp of the Saints is upon us.”
Futurism is nihilism, the irresistible drive to wreck, destroy and murder the good. To disintegrate all which is integrated. The targets are hierarchical with conservatives at the top, but ultimately even they’re on their own list and they will self immolate because theirs is a religion of death worship.
Here is an interesting and worthwhile perspective from Russia.
That article is what we have known and Brandon has stated many times that the left vs right argument is a hoax. It has become a Uniparty where both parties like to play Good Cop vs Bad Cop.
At least Medvedev acknowledged that Harris is dumber than a bag of rocks. However he made an interesting comment. He admitted that the US is heading towards collapse and with it a new Civil War.
Another good essay. Thanks! The civilized social structure is held together with the glue of many illusions, i.e. the control of nature, human progress, equality, justice. None of these ideals exist in reality but they are necessary to maintain the pyramid of power in place. Generally, the more civilized a person becomes the more deluded they get. It’s no mistake that Collectivism is centered in the city. As anyone with eyes can witness, the most debauched, deranged and dysfunctional members of civilization dwell in the inner city. But why?
The highly civilized live amongst a horde of strangers in a non-productive, polluted habitat and perform specialized tasks if they do anything at all. As is crystal clear, in our times, urbanites are governed by pathocrats and psycopaths which they vote into office. Civilized society fractures the extended family (the band) and fragments individuals into a heap of disconnected pieces and parts. Ever notice how most urbanites cannot perform basic and essential labor then brag about their incompetence for social standing … women who cannot boil an egg … men who cannot fix a leaky faucet? These are the same people who will vote in Donald Trump or Kamala Harris to rule over them.
The source of civilization’s deep dysfunction is civilization itself.
Plenty of people who know how to make things run will be voting for Trump, they just need to understand that relying on one guy to fix everything for them is not a winning strategy.
If the globalists want global government, surely they need our unity?
I can think of two ways to get that – provide a common enemy, or common misery.
Perhaps they’ll do both?
Switch off the global banking system and blame an unaffiliated group of hackers (Anonymous have been quiet lately?)
Without access to credit, supply chains fail and all are impoverished, but no one nation is to blame – the groundwork laid for all to come to the globalist table. And manufacturing consent for global governance and a universal basic income (that will need digital IDs in order to prevent fraud), paid in a new global currency.
Chaos blamed on a phantom, so we beg the globalists for order, unaware that they were the architects of the chaos.
They only need unity among the population that is left after the collapse, which is why they need collapse first.
Presumably we agree that the engineered chaos/collapse cannot be prevented, and all we can do is look to survive it and prosper, ready to resist their engineered and authoritarian “unity”?
But although prevailing through the collapse might just require some self-sufficiency, what will be needed to resist the authoritarianism on the far side of it, when most of our friends and families will by then be desperate enough to accept the globalists as their saviours?
All rebellions begin with a minority of freedom fighters. The rest of the world just sits and watches and waits to see what happens. Eventually they will fight back when they see that victory is possible, but you have to set the example. Currently 30% of all American adults are preppers according to polls (that’s MASSIVE). I suspect the number might be even higher; I don’t know a single conservative that’s not a prepper. You might be underestimating the size of the movement.
Yes we might assume that 10% of us will come through the chaos/collapse in good shape, motivated and immediately ready to resist once we do.
In a social credit society with digital IDs, in which the other 90% are being enticed into the cybergulag with a universal basic income (and can’t understand why anyone would refuse the free money), what form do you imagine our rebellion must take?
It seems to me that the most useful example is Edgar Friendly?
The rebellion will be in full swing long before then. And to answer your question, it doesn’t matter what the size will be. You fight or you’re a slave, it’s really very simple. If it turns out it’s just you and your buddy down the street, you fight anyway and you find a way to win. This is a meaningless hypothetical concern.
The Brazilians know how to oppose tyranny. Massive protests taking place in Brazil and the Presstitute Media is silent. No coverage of the event because the Media are now on the side of government. George Orwell must be smiling in his grave saying, see I told you so.
This video Chris Martenson posted on his website is why this is all heading towards a Civil War. The migrant crisis in Springfield Ohio is enough to make you shake your head. The people are beyond pissed, and the local government doesn’t give a flying “F” about its citizens. The worse part is as Chris Martenson, says in his video, it’s all being done on purpose. Car insurance in that area is doubling because of the Haitian migrants overwhelming the area. The government and the media are all ignoring what is happening.
Locals need to pull up and move asap to cut their losses. No people except illegals living there is not a winning strategy. Businesses collapse, tax revenues plummet, services begin to shut down and the region destroys itself, not a rosy picture for the mayor or governor.
“Futurists think nothing is sacred and all new ideas are superior to all old ideas. ”
They believe one thing is sacred: obedience to the political authorities.
Without obedience to the dictates of those who claim the right to rule over us, the plans of the futurists and other collectivists come to nothing. The idea that we are to obey certain people who have, through some rituals, gained the mystical power to put words on paper and call it “law” must be held sacred, for it is based entirely on faith.
Rebellion, then, is to deny the new religion of absolute statism.
Brandon, over at my establishment I linked to a thoroughly excellent piece that I consider very much related to yours, to wit: https://stream.org/what-september-11-2001-taught-us-there-are-no-adults-in-the-room/
How would one motivate the masses in numbers large enough to affect a change?
On a different subject. Brandon are you seeing this.
Russia Informs UN Security Council ‘Direct War’ With NATO Assured If US Approves Long-Range Strikes.
And this?
“NATO would become directly involved in military action against a nuclear power. I don’t think I have to explain what consequences that would have,” Nebenzia concluded.
Looks to me like we are on the doorstep of WW3.