By Brandon Smith
The term “False Flag” gets thrown around rather haphazardly these days and it’s important to recognize that a real false flag requires a particular end result – The public blaming the wrong culprit for an event that someone else (usually our own government) perpetrated. When it comes to the increasing fervor over major drone activity across the US, I have very little doubt that what we are witnessing is a false flag scenario.
First, let’s outline what has happened so far: Drone sightings have exploded across the country involving a wide variety of devices – but the incidents that concern me the most are those involving the SUV-sized UAVs in places like New Jersey. The sightings have been happening for months. US government agencies including the FBI, DHS and national security officials claim they have no idea who is behind this activity, even though drones have been seen operating over highly protected areas like US military bases.
There’s a lot of information to be gleaned here if you know what you’re looking for. I have written extensively about drones and drone warfare in my survival newsletter over the years, primarily on new developments in the technology and ways for civilians to defeat that technology. However, I have also written on how civilians can use drones for their own self defense.
I know enough about tracking technology to say with relative certainly that officials are lying about the drones over New Jersey, and probably about most of the covert drone activity in other parts of the country. They know who is controlling these drones, and it’s most likely our own government. What we are witnessing is some form of false flag in progress.
First and foremost, drones can indeed be tracked rather easily depending on where they fly. Remote signals going back to the operator can be tracked with the right equipment. The stronger the remote signal the easier it is to find the operator. In New Jersey, for example, US Air Force Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst partnered with AeroDefense, a local business specializing in tracking technology and drone detection, to produce a system to track drones across the installation as well as pinpoint perpetrators who fly them. They started this program back in 2020.
Drone company DJI, which controls around 90% of the consumer drone market, has their own proprietary tracking technology that can be purchased by governments and various agencies. There’s likely dozens more companies out there right now producing similar products to the DJI tech.
Under new FAA regulations instituted this year, all drones operating in US air space (except very small drones) are required to carry a Remote ID module which broadcasts operator information and location. Most drones now have Remote ID integrated into their software and removing it can be a pain. For example, DJI drones are basically no longer used by Ukrainian forces because the built-in Remote ID gives away their positions. They now build most of their drones from scratch.
There are ways around drone tracking (to a point). Remote ID spoofing devices can be built and programmed for as little as $20. These broadcasting modules can create the illusion of dozens of drones in the sky with false operator data included. Anyone trying to use Remote ID tracking to find you will have no idea which drones are real and which are fake.
Drone signal repeaters (which function much like ham radio repeaters) are not uncommon and are used in Ukraine by both sides to help confuse tracking attempts. Signal repeaters and antennas are easy to hide, and pinpointing an exact location is difficult. In Ukraine, trackers would simply find a general area where the antenna or operator might be and then hit it with artillery. If they only hit a repeater, then the operator is out about $200 and that’s it.
The Russians use drones connected to long spools of fiber optic cable which allows them to send the devices into areas protecting by jamming. The direct connection also keeps the operators from being tracked.
Then there are drones with AI software which bypass a lot of tracking tools. If the drone is controlling itself then there’s no operator signal to trace. The drone might be broadcasting a video signal but that’s not going to give up the location of the people who deployed the drone.
Most of these techniques would never be used by common civilians or even small terror groups (AI flight software in particular would only be used by governments). On top of that, access to large drones or car-sized drones is very rare for civilians and requires extensive permits. The cost of such devices is prohibitive (tens-of-thousands or hundreds-of-thousands of dollars depending on the drone).
My point is, there is no way civilian operators or small terror groups are behind the majority of these events. The level of sophistication involved here requires military or government agency oversight. Beyond that, there aren’t enough countermeasures in the world to prevent tracking over sensitive government locations. The US military and DHS have extensive means to track down drones (especially large drones) flying in close proximity to bases and protected sites.
Triangulation would not be hard given the drone operators would have to fly through the middle of multiple detection equipped facilities. And, even if the drones are AI operated, large drones are not very fast or nimble. They could be followed without much trouble by helicopters or other drones.
Lack of public knowledge on this issue is being exploited by government officials and the media. I have seen multiple agency representatives claim that there’s “not enough restrictions in place” to keep the threat of domestic drones in check. I have also seen government reps claim these drones are being operated by a foreign enemy like Iran. Recently, at least two men were arrested for flying a small drone too close to an airport in Long Island – Federal agencies and the media have tried to link these men to the covert drone sightings across the country when it’s likely they have nothing to do with the situation.
Misinformation like this suggests an attempt to pin the drone activity on civilian sources, or, a foreign adversary working with civilian sources. In other words, they are preparing the ground for one of two outcomes: More aggressive restrictions on civilian drones, or, a drone attack that is blamed on a foreign government.
The size of the drones is what worries me most. If the goal of a foreign government was to monitor sensitive sites and collect information, they wouldn’t use car-sized drones. Large drones would be too easy to trace. They would use small mid-range drones outfitted with thermal that fit in a backpack.
But, our own government could fly fleets of large drones over cites and military bases with impunity. If our government wanted to, say, blow up a sacrificial military facility, damage a nuclear power plant or hit a civilian center, car-sized drones would be very useful because they are designed to carry considerable weight. Drones like those sighted over New Jersey could carry 500-1000 pounds of ordnance (maybe more). A swarm of these aerial platforms could cause total havoc in a heavily populated area.
I worry about this outcome because the Biden Administration and the globalist establishment have been very active in the past several months trying to create as many ignition points for world war as they possibly can before Donald Trump takes office in January. A false flag at this time makes perfect sense.
My second theory is based on the strange comments by defense officials linking the activity to lack of restrictions on the civilian drone market. As noted, there is NO WAY civilians are flying car-sized drones in US airspace over protected sites without being followed. The drones are too expensive, too big to move around without people noticing and that kind of operation requires insider knowledge of DoD and DHS tracking methods.
Some have speculated that there may be an agenda to get legislation (like a new Patriot Act) passed in the near future. I believe this may be a ploy to get traction on legislation restricting or banning civilian ownership of drones. Some people might be skeptical about that idea, but consider for a moment how useful drones are to a potential populist rebellion…
For over a century, governments and national armies have had a monopoly on aerial surveillance and the ability to engage enemies from the sky. With the invention of drones many patriots and survivalists have viewed the technology as the biggest threat to future attempts at rebellion against the establishment. The devices are cheap to produce, can operate in forests and urban environments and even small drones can carry enough explosives to maim or possibly kill with precision.
In the past, smaller forces using asymmetric tactics could still gain the upper hand against governments, even when fighting an advanced military with air superiority. Drones are now treated as the end game for insurgencies. But the truth is quite the opposite; drones are the end game for standard armies and a huge advantage for asymmetric rebellions. Drones are the biggest game changer in warfare for civilians since the invention of the repeating rifle.
We have seen the face of combat change dramatically in the war in Ukraine as drones become increasingly vital for both sides. Medium-sized drones have disrupted typical maneuver warfare tactics using high explosives to disable armored columns. Small drones allow operators to monitor the battlefield from the sky for miles and make discreet troop movements impossible.
Drones can be easily used by civilians for the same purposes. For the first time ever, patriots have access to the air for surveillance and defense. I would not be surprised to see governments fabricate reasons why the technology “needs to be banned” – They will try to sell the American people on the idea that drones are a danger to public safety, even if that requires bankrolling a terror attack to frighten people into compliance.
In either case – A trigger for WWIII or a test case for banning the civilian drone market, the establishment gains an advantage. As far as I can tell, no one else benefits from these drone incidents. All signs point to a false flag. If this reality is exposed widely enough, I expect that the government will finally admit that they were behind the drone flights, but only as an effort to “protect the public” from an insidious threat that they could not tell us about beforehand.
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Mayorkas says: “we need more money and laws that let us control civilian LEO.
Watch the drones disappear the day after they get the money.
Yeah, I don’t doubt for a minute this is a FF. IIRC you wrote an article on drone wars in the past? James Corbett did an interesting piece on the future Drone Wars and it is spooky to say the least. The first video which is 20 secs long shows a colorful flying dragon in the night sky, only to find out it is made up of thousands of miniature drones.
The last video which is 7 minutes long is where it gets really interesting. These miniature drones are powered by AI and can perform a kill shot thru a person’s head, followed by taking out several bad guys in a car. Then it concludes by saying that the company can unleash tens of thousands of these things at the cost of 25 million. Of course the crowd was cheering.
But back to the original point, I suspect a FF in NJ as they are trying to scare people much like they do when the media salivates with gun shootings and want to take guns away from the average citizen.
I might be left out of the next civil war. I don’t own a drone. I don’t even own a remote controlled Tesla. Thanks for the insight Brandon.
Excellent points! I vote for the theory of keeping drones out of the hands of civilians. There are plenty of reasons why the establishment needs drones and the civilians do not. The regulations to own drones, as well as price, is a soft way of convincing civilians they need not apply. Also you need drone insurance I believe. Just keep adding to the pile of expenses until it’s no longer a hobby.
Drones have already been used by insurance companies to spy on civilians. One local guy I knew in the 80s popped up in the local news for his car in the back yard and how his insurance carrier dropped him because of that. But now it seems you only need to have a book of matches in your house for an insurance company to drop you.
It seems that whatever is trending on the internet news sites, the establishment wants you to see it. As I have said before: “It has to be your idea.” Case in point: The healthcare CEO that was killed is still all over the news and my prediction over a week ago was to get ready for news about how unfair the healthcare system is. And sure enough, one complaint after another rolls in with many calling for reform. And it’s the people who will demand to the ruling elite that something must be done. “It has to be your idea.”
So just like the drone news, which will continue with propaganda until civilians make a firm stance that drones should not be in the hands of civilians.
AL & many other useful dupes say, “I vote for the theory of keeping freedom – & especially Liberty – out of the hands of civilians. There are plenty of reasons why the establishment needs freedom & Liberty and the civilians do not.”
There, fixed it for ya.
He is not saying he agrees with *doing* it, but that he agrees with Brandon’s thought that it is a false flag. But yeah, I was confused at first too because it is strangely worded.
helot, you took my point out of context. I was referring to Brandon’s article – his two theories. One was WWIII the other was the establishment keeping drones out of the hands of civilians (because they are too useful for US).
My comment above: “I vote for the THEORY of keeping drones out of the hands of civilians.”
That seemed clear to me at the time of writing because of the word “theory” – and not to imply I was in favor of such action. So before you call people useful dupes, do something useful by paying attention before reacting.
You’re absolutely right that they want to keep drones (and of course guns) out of civilians’ hands. https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=71657
Liberty for me, not for thee!
Indeed, this smells like a false flag underway.
This drone case can serve two goals simultaneously: prohibiting civilians from owning drones for “their own safety”, and a pretext for a major war overseas, against Iran for example (to my mind Iran). The Neocons WANT this war for many years.
I still think a major false flag could take place during the Christmas season of 2024. It would be the “perfect time” for the Establishment and Neocons. If that happens, the next Trump administration will have to respond massively to the attack.
The Indispensable Nation (!) knows everything that’s up there. You can’t throw a damn frisbee into the air without them tracking it some how. Radars and God-knows-what-all cool toys They’ve got.
If it’s coming from a foreign land… They know that. If They are doing it themselves.. They know that. And if it’s something from Out There… then They know that as well. They may not know exactly where or why they are here… but They know the source.
Governments are all about creating fear. Fear sells… fear works. Get The People all fearful and worked up and ready to surrender what’s left of our disappearing freedoms. About this there is no doubt whatsoever.
Whatever these things are… and no matter what their point of origin is… you can count on Our Dear Leaders to gain some kind of additional advantage over We the People with all this.
Real UFOs have been buzzing our Planet for thousands of years. There are stories of these craft in the Bible and in the ancient writings from India… from our own Native Americans… and other places. And of course… there are all kinds of credible incidents From Somebody Out There that have occurred in places all over the Planet of encounters with craft from Elsewhere.
People want to believe that their Government is being a good Mommy-and-Daddy and will take care of them and keep them safe. A nice chidish fantasy.
But what happens when the Government… CAN’T… or WONT?
Humans are certainly not the only ‘advanced’ life-form in the Universe. No doubt there are countless others just based upon the math of uncountable massive numbers of stars and planets and solar systems and Galaxies.
Sooner or later, State Media will establish a story to quiet down all the speculation about these ‘drone’ crafts.
But you can damn well be sure that They will never tell the truth about all the other things that have been visiting our Planet for many thousands of years.
The X-Files tells us… The Truth Is Out There. And… it surely is. And sometimes it might just be flying right over the tops of our heads.
The question becomes… When we really learn the truth… what will We do about it?
NY Governor Kathy Hochul: “I am now calling on Congress to pass the Counter-UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization act,” she said. “This bill would reform legal authorities to counter-UAS and strengthen the FAA oversight of drones, and would extend counter-UAS activities to select state and local law enforcement agencies.”
Link to Counter-UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act
NJ Drone ‘Invasion’ Just In Time For Congress To Reauthorize Orwellian Law
SATURDAY, DEC 14, 2024 – 12:15 PM
House committee shelved the bill Counter-UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization act until Trump and the new Congress are seated. Watch and see if the drones dwindle and that will tell us if that was the reason for the drones.
An attack could take those bills back off the shelf very quickly.
Agree. My angle here is that the drones are being spotted primarily in blue states and Democrats are showing unusual interest in the bill so my conclusion is that the left wants to have a way to control privately owned drones. If they scare the public with drones, then there will be public outcry to control them. The left, of course wants to control privately owned drones since they have the potential to counter the federal government. So is the left deploying government drones with the intent to scare the public a false flag to get the bill renewed (and probably strengthened)? Maybe. Maybe not. Lots of theories out there.
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Hearing on Security Threats Posed by Drones, Part 1
Federal law enforcement officials and private sector stakeholders testified on threats posed by unmanned aerial systems, also known as drones, before a joint hearing held by two House Homeland Security subcommittees. In this portion of the hearing, officials from Customs and Border Protection, the FBI, and the Justice Department’s national security division gave testimony, including about unexplained drone activity happening near sensitive sites in New Jersey.
Yeesh I had no idea some of those things were that big (vehicle). Given everything that has happened since Nov 6th I think your theory about them potentially false flagging a NPP (or equivalent) is the most plausible. When I read this I swallowed hard. It should be hard to sell nowadays but I am not so sure how much they even care at this juncture.
I think whatever we are seeing is a short term plan. It will happen by Jan 20 or around that time. Never thought we’d see a lame (dead) duck session so active.
Hey Brandon, yesterday I put a comment on your last article (East vs West) with a 10min video. It’s very intriguing because it falls in line with what that Michael Saylor says about institutional money and BTC being used to break gold. I posted it in 2 places very curious what you think if you have time to watch it real quick. The guy John Vasquez sounds arrogant at first but he’s not and seems very well reasoned.
Chris Martenson also feels this is a government psyop.
“FAA bans drones in parts of NJ……..”
“These areas have all now been deemed ‘National Defense Airspace.'”
Expiration of Drone Law Bill Jan. 20th, 2025
Always More Rules For Us – More Power For Them.!