By Brandon Smith
Much fanfare has been lavished on the concept of Artificial Intelligence in the past five years to the point that its primacy is treated in the media as a forgone conclusion. The idea that algorithms can “think” has become a pervading myth, a sci-fi fantasy come to life. The reality is much less impressive…
We continually hear from globalists at the World Economic Forum and other elitist institutions that AI is the catalyst for the “4th Industrial Revolution” – A technological singularity that will supposedly change every aspect of our society forever. I keep waiting for the moment that AI does something significant in terms of advancing human knowledge or making our lives better. The moment never comes. In fact, the globalists keep moving the goalposts for what AI really is.
I would note that WEF zealots like Yuval Harari talk about AI like it is the rise of an all powerful deity (I discuss the globalist worship of AI in my article ‘Artificial Intelligence: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist’). Yet, Harari has also recently downplayed AI as a sentient intelligence. He argues that it doesn’t need to achieve self awareness or consciousness in order to be considered a super being or living entity. He even suggests that the popular image of a Terminator-like AI with individual agency and desire is not a legitimate expectation.
In other words, AI as it stands today is nothing more than a mindless algorithm, and thus, it is not AI. But, if every aspect of our world is engineered around digital infrastructures and the populace is taught to put blind faith in the “infallibility” of algorithms then eventually become the robot gods the globalists so desperately desire. That is to say, AI dominance is only possible if everyone BELIEVES that AI is legitimate. Harari essentially admits to this agenda in the speech above.
The allure of AI for average people is the pie-in-the-sky promise of freedom from worry or responsibility. As with all narcissists, the global elite love to future-fake and buy popular conformity now on false promises of rewards that will never come.
Yes, algorithms are currently used to help laymen do things they could not do before, such as build websites, edit essays, cheat on college exams, create bad artwork and video content, etc. Useful applications are few and far between. For example, the claim that AI is “revolutionizing” medical diagnosis and treatment is far-fetched. The US, the nation that arguably has the most access to AI tools, is also suffering from declining life expectancy. We know it’s not covid because the virus has a 99.8% average survival rate. You would think that if AI is so powerful in its ability to identify and treat ailments the average American would be living longer.
There is no evidence of a single benefit to AI on a broader social scale. At most, it looks like it will be good at taking jobs away from web developers and McDonald’s drive-thru employees. The globalist notion that AI is going to create a robotic renaissance of art, music, literature and scientific discovery is utter nonsense. AI has proven to be nothing more than a tool of mediocre convenience, but that’s actually why it’s so dangerous.
I suspect the WEF has changed its ideas about what AI should be because it’s not living up to the delusional aspirations they originally had for it. They’ve been waiting for a piece of software to come to life and start giving them insights into the mechanics of the universe and they’re starting to realize that’s never going to happen. Instead, the elitists are shifting their focus increasingly into the melding of the human world and the digital world. They want to fabricate the necessity of AI because human dependency on the technology serves the purposes of centralization.
But what would this actually look like? Well, it requires that the population continues to get dumber while AI becomes more integral to society.
For example, it is widely accepted at this point that a college education is no indication of intelligence or skill. There are millions of graduates entering the workforce today that display an unsettling level of incompetence. This is partially because college educators are less capable, ideologically biased and the average curriculum has degraded. But, also, we need to start accounting for the number of kids coasting their way through school using ChatGPT and other cheat boxes.
They don’t need to learn anything, the algorithm and their cell phone camera does it all for them. This trend is disturbing because human beings have a tendency to take the easiest path in every aspect of survival. Most people stopped learning how to grow food because industrial farming does it for us. They stopped learning how to hunt because there are slaughterhouses and refrigerated trucks. Many Zennials today are incapable of cooking for themselves because they can get takeout to their door anytime they want. They barely talk on the phone or create physical communities anymore because texting and social media have become the intermediaries in human interaction.
Yes, everything is “easier”, but that does not mean anything is better.
My great fear – The future that I see coming down the road, is one in which human beings no longer bother to think. AI might be seen as the ultimate accumulation of human knowledge; a massive library or digital brain that does all the searching and thinking for you. Why learn anything when AI “knows everything.” Except, this is a lie..
AI doesn’t know everything; it only knows what its programmers want it to know. It only gives you the information its programmers want you to have. The globalists understand this and they can taste the power that they will have should AI become paramount as an educational platform. They see it as a way to trick people into abandoning personal development and individual thought.
Look at it this way: If everyone in the world starts turning to AI for answers to all their questions, then everyone in the world will be given the same exact answers and will come to the same exact conclusions. All AI has to do is actively censor any information that contradicts the official narrative.
We got a taste of this Orwellian condition during the covid pandemic when Big Tech companies like Google used algorithms to bury any and all data that proved covid was not the threat that government officials said it was. You could not go on YouTube for at least three years and look up alternative information on covid or the vaccines. The algorithm forced everyone to sift through a long list of establishment sources, many of them promoting blatant lies about masking, social distancing, the covid death rate and vaccine safety.
The powers-that-be don’t even need to directly censor or remove information they don’t like. All they have to do is let the algorithm dictate the search results and bury the truth on Page 10,000 where no one will look.
How would this affect the average person? Say AI is programmed to dictate scientific discourse. What if AI says that man-made climate change is an undeniable reality and the “science is settled” while never presenting the mountain of counter-evidence to the contrary? No one will look up the real data because AI will make it impossible to find. Everyone will assume AI is telling them all there is to know about the subject, but it gets worse than that…
Many readers might remember a few months back when Google AI system “Gemini” was programmed to force DEI onto its users. Whenever a person asked the AI to create a historical image the algorithm made everyone black or brown and often female. Depictions of white men were suspiciously rare despite historical accuracy. This meant endless images of black and brown Highlanders in Scotland, black Founding Fathers in America, female Catholic Popes, Asian knights in Medieval Europe, and hilariously, even black Nazis in WWII Germany.
AI developers often claim that once an AI is created they don’t really control what it does and how it grows. The Gemini incident proves this is a lie. AI can definitely be controlled, or at least molded by coding to promote whatever propaganda the programmers want it to promote. There is no such thing as an autonomous AI; there is always an agenda.
To summarize, globalists want the proliferation of AI because they know that people are lazy and will use the system as a stand-in for individual research. If this happens on a large scale then AI could be used to rewrite every aspect of history, corrupt the very roots of science and mathematics and turn the population into a drooling hive mind; a buzzing froth of braindead drones consuming every proclamation of the algorithm as if it is sacrosanct.
In this way, Yuval Harari is right. AI does not need to become sentient or wield an army of killer robots to do great harm to humanity. All it has to do is be convenient enough that we no longer care to think for ourselves. Like the “Great and Powerful” OZ hiding behind a digital curtain, you assume you’re gaining knowledge from a wizard when you’re really being manipulated by globalist snake oil salesmen.
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AI = Agenda Intelligence
As a degreed engineer in Applied Science of Electronic Technology, learned Cobol and Fortran in 1990-1991, build computers to this day……….they are NOT capable of ‘thinking’ on their own…!
ALWAYS WILL BE Garbage In/Garbage Out……….all functions are directly correlated with the ‘programmers’ ideological input……basic functions from the BIOS start the system, the main program takes over and relies on input from outside sources, ie, the programmers…..
They APPEAR to ‘think’ but it is the illusion put forth by the increased processing speed of the CPU
i remain heavily involved in this industry and can confirm your assessment. though to my eyes, i don’t even think AI “appears” to think… perhaps to those of declining intelligence, the ability to snatch facts and data fast is “smart.”
outside of the “AI-washing” that every marketing firm is making an abject fool of themselves to claim… the technology boils down to pretty predictable advancements in the tech world in two areas.
the first is what you mention, compute/processing power. in order to be able to do more (which apparently means smarter now), you need to increase the amount of processes you can do in a shorter amount of time, and that happens by making the physical chips and circuit boards smaller and less further apart from each other. you also want as few processing stops to re-arrange and then send the data to another processing unit (like sending it through a router to go across the room or town or world), because each time you do that, significant time is lost. if, in a square foot, i was able to do 100 processes yesterday, and now in that same physical area i can do 1000 processes, i can vastly expand what that computer is capable of doing, but it requires power.
for a couple decades, the amount of power needed to run a cabinet full of gear at a data center has been relatively steady at 2-5kw per cabinet. But in the last few years, that has exploded so that now, it is not uncommon to see demand for 50, 60, even 100kw per cabinet. and then they want to cram as many cabs into as tight an area as possible so the cabling runs between them are VERY SHORT and very direct (the kiss of death is when those fiber cables have to run to another place in the data center, and worse yet, over a network provider to some other data center miles away). this also causes a LOT of heat, incidentally.
the second one is in the code and programming itself. development has gotten much better at two key things: identifying “normal” or colloquial language, and ability to analyze many other data sources to detect patterns. this is why supposed “AI” has been able to do things like find new cancer risks or propensity to dementia…. the medical field is a good example of what you can do with increased compute power, because there are SO MANY variables that can contribute to something, and we have never had that much compute power available to us.
in the end, however, its still just a computer. turning to Brandon’s analysis, I think its a really good thesis that it is primarily about appeals to authority to get you to “just trust us.” the fundamental way that we process data has not changed at all – its just the next wave of “faster” – which was well predicted long ago (by that i mean there is a long-standing theory, proven many times over, that processing power doubles every couple years). that it is faster does not make it any smarter, but a whole bunch of globalists are hoping we will break out the cargo cults over it.
Thanks Brandon. We are living in times of great divide. Those who think will keep thinking. Plandemics, proxy ( for now) wars, global BS, lgbt, racial issues are there to distract us. That said, it helps to sparate normal people from the rest. I take that to my advantage, though a bitter one. It is better to have 3 friends you can truly trust than 30 ostensibly nice and smart seeming ones, which fail to meet your expectations when shtf. My observation is like 10% at most are normal , morally competent ones. Reiner Fuellmich estimates like 20%. But it is a whole lot!
The greater the degree that people stop thinking for themselves the more dependent they become on the herd with those who lust for power over others imagining themselves as shepherds. This is why virtue signaling in all its forms is ubiquitous.
Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki dies at 56.
She was a main figure of the censorship on CV-19 and Ukraine-Russia war (on run).
Ms. Wojcicki had spoken out on the CV19 crisis and YT’s measures to face “fake news” on web at the WEF:
Websites like yours – and others – could be shut down for spreading “fake news” or “misinformation”… VP Harris’ running mate Tim Walz agrees with that.
AI could be a great weapon on the globalists hands to submit people to their “gulag 3.0” and strike back people figthing for Freedom.
AI depends on electricity, lots of it, not air that humans breathe, which costs nothing to produce. That is the fatal flaw of all WEF shit, it isn’t natural and it will never be. Have faith my friend, AI is dotcom for this generation, like crypto. In Ireland, all the data banks are threatening to leave because our electricity grid is not developing at all. Like electric cars, dotcom crap to suck money from the fools who keep investing and reading msm.
A. I. is not your savior. In many ways… it’s not even a good research tool.
A. I. will never become conscious. A. I. will never ‘think’ on its own – because it has nothing to ‘think’ with.
A. I. does not have a spirit. It does not have a soul. And it never will.
A. I. has more in common with your common kitchen bread toaster than anything alive and human.
A. I. is a false god… a golden calf created by soul-stealing and soul-crushing technodrones devoid of human heart.
A. I. is a well-planned strategy by the Hidden Hand… the Dark State… to dehumanize you and rest of humanity and turn us all into ‘things’ to be used and abused and devalued and diminished by false gods who are now fully devoid of any honest humanity left in them.
A. I. is mostly one thing… and one thing only. It is intended to rob you of your soul. To get you believe that dead software is god and that there is no God in the Universe. A way to make those who manipulate the dead software that AI is – gods of this Planet. Because if you sell your soul to AI you are really selling your soul to the sick humans who program and control AI for their own dark and devious purposes.
A. I. is there to get you NOT to think. NOT to ponder. NOT to consider. NOT to create. It is there to kill off all of your life-giving human energies and wisdoms. A. I. is there to make YOU as dead as IT is.
There will be nothing Artificial about your destruction and diminishment.
A. I. does have a limited role in our World like some robots have – robots that do tedious tasks all day that would bore the hell out of a flesh and blood human. A. I. could be programed to do something useful to actually help and serve human kind in such roles.
But is anyone really naive enough to believe that this is how the Hidden Hand is going to deploy AI in our World? No… AI is just another Weapon of Mass Destruction to be used against We the People.
There will be nothing ‘Artificial’ about the damage that will be done to the Human Family if AI is allowed to infect our World.
At least your kitchen toaster doesn’t seem to have bad intent against you in the morning (even if it burns your toast). You won’t be able to say that about… A. I.
We can put up with burned toast way better than having a burned-out brain and spirit.
A. I.? We’d better say… Bye Bye! Artificial Intelligence is — REAL Stupidity.
I think “their” hopes/calculations are that AI provides the next economic opportunity. Last 30 years or so it has been technology.
But I have a question that’s been dogging me for some time. We always heard or read low key stories about “AI Coming.” Remember sending an article to JOG a commenter on Alt Market. It was about a theological driven engineer named Blake Lemonine. He had been canned from Google for publishing his own conversation and thought experiments with Google’s Lambda (I think) AI. This was circa 2021 (again I think). He published a document of the questions he asked it and the answers. It was extremely philosophical. It was also quite creepy but equally intriguing.
JOG if you are out there hope you made it back to the last frontier brother 😉.
Never heard anything more about that but I am curious as to how AI just seemed to start all at once? First it was rumors of Chat AI. Then it came to fruition and now you don’t hear the end of it. Hay guys have you heard about Luke’s AI platform. It’s amazing lol.
Anytime the media swarms on something my antenna raise. I don’t understand how one Co went mainstream with this powerful and amazing new breakthrough. Then every Tom Dick and Harry have one?
Luke, my recollection of the responses from the computer were that they were pretty typical of a convoluted attempt to bolt together some thoughts based on vague or difficult prompts/inputs. keep in mind that what the code is doing is forcing the response to be in the form of “complete thoughts” as that is understood from the english language (in this case), rather than just spitting out search results. But ultimately its still just trying to compile a bunch of searcnh results.
to wit, I did not put much credit into the ex-googler’s assertions.
on the topic of AI coming “all at once” – i would say the terminology started getting swapped and pushed. which, incidentally, is probably more evidence of Brandon’s assertion that its mostly a propaganda blitz.
while the term AI has been around for awhile, the previous term, far less sexy but a lot more descriptive of what’s happening, was “machine learning.” some of us in the industry who have been pointing out the absurdity of the AI-washing in every desperate companies breath, have pointed to the google search term and incident count of one term versus the other… and at some point post 2020, its almost like the incidence of flu versus covid… it went from millions to 0 suspiciously fast. That can mostly be chalked up to marketing orgs jumping on a fad and needing a new bubble to push, but its an indication that the tech was not suddenly invented – its just been a continuous evolution of compute speed and code precision.
as i mentioned above: that, in my opinion, is not intelligence.
Hope see this and apologies for the delayed response. I guess you must be talking about the Google AI Lamda and Lemoine. That thing gave me the creeps. It’s references to God and showing that it seemed have emotions was like watching the proverbial train wreck.
A lot of people chock AI up to predictive programming on steroids. Others say it is actually becoming intelligent. Can’t remember how long it’s been around for at this point (the big unveiling). Haven’t seen anything too crazy yet.
Nobody can seem to answer that question I had about how it just came about after Chat was sprung on the public. The mass media push etcetera. Lol even Mike Adams of Natural News started his own shortly after Chat. Never messed with it btw no clue if it’s even finished.
It’s like Chat gave them all a license to open up thereafter. Did they release some kind of a new tech? Boggles the mind, but when I see media swarm I get curious to see what it’s about. And it’s never the thing they’re telling you but they do tell us something else is afoot.
Excellent piece. Thank you.
The EU has signed deals with microsoft that have led universities to become windows only. A lot of prestigious places are now announcing near bankruptcy, after having invested in super expensive high tech equipments but…they still want to be on windows 11, meaning that they have to dump all their old puters.
Very well written and a great explanation as to the future of A.I nonsense. As you have said A.I. is not alive and never can be! it is just a big pretend show for those who do not believe in God
I think most people want to be deceived by the globalists, endlessly lied to, and given information and news by them without thinking. Most use mainstream media for news, most use Google for searching, and most believe nearly all the BS they want everyone to believe. It’s a minority of us who are not clueless idiots in what’s going on in the world – the UN/WEF agenda, etc.
Actually, trust in mainstream media is collapsing according to all the surveys, and most people don’t like google either. Just because these companies have a monopoly does not mean the public supports them or believes in them. At least half the population opposes the globalist agenda.
Has AI cleared the air when Fox News and CNN assert an exact opposite set of facts on a given issue? Has AI analyzed the data and declared the actual cause of millions of excess deaths? Has AI finally unified classical mechanics with quantum mechanics? Has AI balanced the federal budget and reduced the national debt? Because it is the doctors and scientists and newsmen and politicians telling you these lies about AI. And they are the ones hugely lacking in intelligence as they completely fuck everything up. These would be the exact places and opportunities for AI to live up to its hype and validate itself, but in reality all of these things have failed utterly and completely. AI is a parlor trick. Just optimized algorithms for farming data that you give it, to mislead and manipulate you more effectively. It nothing more than a next generation search engine, and how wizardly it seems to you is really just a black mirror reflecting back your own stupidity in proportional measure. Artificial comes from artifice. A fake facade. A false copy. Artificial Intelligence is a fake facade of actual intelligence. It’s right there in the name. They’re literally daring you to be stupid enough to believe it. Their last scam told you you could just cut off your dick and wear a wig and you’d be a woman, who could have babies and chest feed them. Why would you have ever even considered for one second that AI would be anything more than just a better way to get you to cut off your dick? How impossibly gullible are people? I honestly can’t understand why anyone still watches TV or uses social media or even goes to their job. Does anyone still have the desire to actually exist? In charge of themself and guided by their own thoughts? The actual intelligent answer, sadly. Is no.
The topic of A.I. art is something that I see come up frequently on every social media site I visit, especially the art sites. While many artists I know and follow hate it with a burning passion, personally I’m completely indifferent to it. As far as I’m concerned it’s just a glorified Photoshop program. I don’t use it myself or plan to, too overly complicated for my tastes. But I can understand why many don’t like it. I think what you’ve said here is a far more pressing issue about A.I. than just product art of questionable quality.
One your best articles Brandon!!! Thank you exposing the truth behind the charade.