By Brandon Smith
If you thought Kamala Harris was a sure win in 2024, then you haven’t been paying attention to the epic shift in the cultural zeitgeist over the past few years. The thing that bothers me most about political and social analysis is dealing with people who foolishly assume nothing ever changes. Things change all the time. People can and do learn from the past. Nothing is hopeless, and nihilists are lazy and incompetent.
For example, since 2020 within liberty movement circles there has been a contingent of naysayers claiming that red states were being subversively “turned blue” by leftists relocating during the pandemic. My argument was that this was an idiotic take.
Yes, there were mass relocations across the US but all the data showed the vast majority of these people were conservatives seeking to escape blue state tyranny. I can’t tell you how many “experts” tried to argue with me that Texas, Florida, Idaho, and even my state of Montana were all going to be overrun by progressives. In the aftermath of the election I was once again proven right and they were utterly wrong.
Florida was an absolute landslide for conservatives. It wasn’t even close and I doubt that state will ever come close to being blue again. The same happened with Texas, Idaho, Montana, etc. There was no blue wave. It didn’t exist. It was actually a red wave.
As I noted in my recent article ‘Losing Power? The Elites And The Leftist Mob Would Rather Burn It All To the Ground’, a Trump victory was inevitable along with a conservative mandate. The sea change in American society was evident. That’s why leftists and globalists will continue to use mob actions, economic disaster and geopolitical crisis to burn America to the ground. They know their time is quickly running out and if they can’t control the country, they’ll try to torch it.
Regardless of what you might think of the candidates or the election in general, the fact of the matter is this election was a RESOUNDING rejection by Americans of the woke ideology and the political left. Trump won in a landslide, not just in the electoral college but also the popular vote, and Trump ran on an anti-woke and anti-globalist platform. The public has spoken.
The Democrats embraced woke cultism, they embraced globalist authoritarianism and now they’ve paid the price. Kamala Harris’ embarrassing defeat is the ultimate expression of “Get woke, go broke”. It’s undeniable – No one likes the progressive left. No one likes their race grifting, no one likes their gay and trans grifting, no one likes their targeting of children for indoctrination, no one likes their censorship agenda, no one likes their open borders, no one likes their lying and no one likes their elitism.
Their movement is dead in the water and a lot of them are bewildered as to what happened. I’m here to explain some of the biggest reasons why they are universally despised…
The Covid Coup
Americans are pissed about the Democrat/globalist attempt to establish a medical tyranny and they aren’t going to forget what happened. Only a couple years ago Democrats and leftist governments around the world were talking about vaccine passports designed to force conservatives to take the experimental vaccine (and the boosters forever).
They were trying to legislate the creation of covid camps for people who refused to comply. They wanted to fine people, lock them up, keep them under house arrest and even take their children away. They shut down the economy, ordered people to wear useless masks, told people to stay six feet apart and they closed down outdoor recreation. They violated every fundamental of viral science in an insane effort to dominate the world.
To this day there are still leftists that wear the masks as a symbol of their fealty to the covid dictatorship. The problem was, they greatly underestimated public resistance to their agenda and it failed. Now, they face a reckoning for their power mongering.
January 6th Propaganda And The Rewriting Of History
Mass conservative protests are pretty rare. We tend to endure quietly and wait for reason to win the day. Violence is not usually in the cards until we are pushed to the brink. This is exactly what happened on January 6th.
Video evidence shows capitol police fired rubber bullets and tear gas grenades into a peaceful and unarmed crowd of protesters. This attack led directly to the crowd fighting back and eventually raiding the building itself. Then, the police ultimately opened the doors to the building and let people wander in. Those protesters walked around for a couple hours and then left on their own. That’s not what an “insurrection” looks like.
Afterwards, Democrats cherry picked limited footage from the event and claimed it was an “attack on democracy” akin to treason. They lied incessantly and staged the narrative that conservatives were domestic terrorists bent on installing Trump as a totalitarian leader. Americans have seen through this nonsense and the election shows it.
Economic Denial
The Biden Admin spent the better part of the last four years trying to deny the reality of stagflation. They have also denied that the economy continues to decline, asserting that the country is in “recovery”, that the jobs market is improving and that inflation is going down.
None of this was true. Inflation is cumulative and just because CPI goes down does not mean prices are going down. Americans are still paying 30% to 50% more on most necessities compared to 2019. On top of that, nation debt and consumer debt have skyrocketed to dangerous levels. One could debate who is ultimately to blame for this (the central banks and establishment elites are to blame), but this doesn’t change the fact that the Democrats tried to hide the threat from the public.
Sexualization And “Transing” Of Children
Leave the kids alone. It was a simple warning from conservatives and leftists refused to listen. Now, they’re going to pay dearly. The woke movement to push trans ideology in public schools is perhaps the most evil scheme our civilization has ever encountered. Gender fluidity is a non-science, a fantasy with no basis in fact. There are only two genders. Period. Pushing confusing gender identity politics on vulnerable kids, often without parent’s knowledge, is monstrous.
The end game of this plan is the chemical sterilization and even physical castration of America’s youth and the majority of Democrats support it. For this alone they should be booted from the country for the rest of their lives.
Beyond the politics, there is also the issue of child sexualization. Democrat politicians have consistently pushed for more degeneracy in public education environments, with sexually explicit content made available even in elementary schools. This is child grooming, plain and simple, and most Americans know exactly where it leads.
Mass Censorship And Government Collusion With Big Tech
The Biden/Harris Administration has been thoroughly busted, first by the exposure of the Twitter Files and then by Big Tech leaders like Mark Zuckerberg. It is a fact – The federal government worked directly with legacy media and social media conglomerates to silence public dissent.
They censored contrary data on covid, on the vaccines, on the lockdowns, on the masks, on the mandates. They censored political stories that were harmful to the Democrats like the Hunter Biden Laptop story. They shut down entire YouTube channels and Twitter accounts, destroying people’s access to public discourse as well as their livelihoods. All of this was in absolute violation of the Bill of Rights and the 1st Amendment.
They need to be punished for this, and that’s why so many Americans voted to give Trump a mandate. They want him to deal out retribution on the matter so that it never happens again.
Race Grifting And Calling Latinos “Latinx”
Democrats and woke activists treat minorities as if they are property of the political party. They try to keep minorities firmly chained to the progressive plantation by telling them they are “victims” that need the help of the DNC in order to get “justice.” Clearly, minorities are getting tired of being treated like they’re stupid.
One big factor that I think really crippled Democrats in the election is the woke attempt to “de-gender” the Spanish language by calling Latinos “Latinx”. The Dems went full retard here and it really hurt them. Hispanics voted in record numbers for Donald Trump, and he also doubled his votes among blacks.
I have a message to white liberal women in particular: Minorities don’t need your help, your protection or your pity. Please shut your mouths, shut your legs, go back to your cats and your pointless office jobs and leave them be.
Open Borders And The Great Replacement
The Great Replacement has been falsely portrayed by the corporate media as a “racist” theory, but race has nothing to do with it. The replacement issue is about culture, not skin color.
There is an obvious effort on the part of the progressive establishment to flood the US with third world migrants, thereby erasing the cultural heritage of the west and diluting it with people that have no understanding of individual liberties or responsibilities.
They have offered illegal migrants a host of subsidies and incentives to get them to come to America and they intend to offer these same people amnesty, using American tax dollars to buy off a permanent block of Democrat voters. This would give the leftists a voting majority for generations to come.
It’s not just white Americans that see what’s happening; legal citizens who are Hispanic understand the game as well. Black communities in the US also always suffer when mass immigration takes place and they can read the writing on the wall. No one wants this, which is why the border issue was the top voter concern in every election survey, right next to the economy.
Leftist Arrogance
Progressives have long operated on the fallacy that they are “more educated” than conservatives and are thus smarter and more qualified to dictate the terms of our society. The reality is, most leftists are dumb as stumps.
They live in their own echo chambers on social media. They live in the masturbatory halls of woke academia. They live in dwindling cities controlled by Democrat governments and rarely leave the comfort of their apartments, their dog parks and their coffee shops. They think they are worldly but they know nothing of the world because they never go outside of their ideological bubble. They don’t have the courage to do that.
The reality is, a college degree is a wooden spoon (an award for last place) rather than a legitimate accomplishment these days. Unless a student enters a STEM field they are unlikely to come out of a university with anything of value. These places are indoctrination centers, not pillars of higher learning.
The Inability To Accept Responsibility
Leftists are inherent losers and mentally weak. They were the kids that were babied most of their lives. They were the kids that struggled most with meritocracy in school. They’re the kids that participation trophies were invented for. They have long relied on emotional outbursts rather than effort to get what they want. Instead of improving themselves and striving for something better, they cry victim when they can’t compete.
I never met a leftist in my life that was good at taking responsibility for their own failures. Their narcissism and obsession with personal identity has been exposed. Their fake concern for victim status groups no longer convinces anyone. They desperately want to be the main character in some grand heroic drama that the rest of us applaud, but this is not going to happen.
The best the woke mob can hope for is to return to a life of obscurity where they belong. The more they try to become the center of attention the worse things get for them. Their best bet is to stop trying to rule the world and thank their lucky stars they get to continue living in this country.
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Since the COVID hyped crises and seeing how people reacted to gov. mandates, it was a wake up call for me and others who are informed to keep our social circle small with informed/likeminded and ditch people who comply to the left (yet some are Republicans)who trust government what to do medically, have kids in public school, believe MSM and follow social media friends. Great replacement will be pushed more with two months left for Biden. Governors, mayors and/or city commissioners (traitors) obviously taking bribes to allow them in their cities. If Trump deports any there will be some civil unrest and protests. Everyone needs to be alert ongoing.
Nice article that hits all the main points.
Dangerous two months ahead for the Republic. Hopefully Congress will keep their house in order. If (when) Biden goes and KH becomes the first female President, even for only a few weeks, the EO’s will be hard, fast and chaos will ensue.
Or perhaps everyone will be professional and we see a responsible transition of government.
Lord save the USA!
Bravo…. I could not have articulated reality like this article has. There was absolutely nothing that I could disagree with. Now if we (up here in Canada) can get Trump to help us rid this country of Justine Castro-Trudeau that would be amazing.
I agree Don Wells (I’m up here too). Polling has me terrified – L-NDP still sitting at 45-46% combined, add in the greens and Bloc and well over 1/2 the country has completely lost the plot.
Pierre doesn’t seem to be picking up on anything that will move that either….just political platitudes.
He needs to stop being polite at this point. He needs to reach out to the 40% or so who don’t vote – I know so many of them and they are deeply concerned with where Canada is, but won’t do anything about it for some reason….(apathy and ignorance have always been the defining traits of the Canadian electorate IMO).
That is a huge failure on the part of conservatives over the last decade – their message just isn’t resonating outside the base and the flip-flop moderates in the centre.
Not sure we are going to get a chance before next October anyway – with these results in the US, no way the degenerate duo of Singh and Trudeau will pull the election trigger unless they realize that giving Pierre a year or so to tap into the non-voters will totally decimate their parties.
Tired of the waiting frankly – we have a farm and are looking to expand considerably but holding off until the next Canadian election. If it isn’t a clear conservative mandate, we will be expand alright – right into a red state!
From Europe, I can tell you that European leftists and European MSMs were shocked by Trump’s landslide victory. They believed their delusional and absurd propaganda.
They considered Trump (“A NEW HITLER”) and US Conservatives as fascists, conspiracists, sexists, racists, stupid, etc
Here’s a “good” example of leftist hysteria:
If Hollywood were not so lost Leftist they would already be working on new movie right now: ‘REVENGE OF THE DEPLORABLES’… See How America’s *Garbage* Awoke To Re-Take The World!’
We all woke up to a profoundly different America. An America where Sanity has boldly risen up to reclaim a hurting Nation where so much has been lost.
Today, things look profoundly different. Everything has taken on a changed hue and tone. The World seems anew – and you feel energized as well.
America looks different… feels different… renewed… more back on track. More of what it needs to be. And why? America said a loud No to Wokeism. America said no to Communism. America said yes to… We the People still have our voice. We still have our basic sense of decency. We haven’t yet given up on our Nation or ourselves.
A man who has been savagely attacked by State Media for the past eight years… a man who was shot at and nearly killed… a man who has been wrongly targeted by a weaponized ‘legal’ system… a man who didn’t need any of this at his current stage of life… has been given back what was wrongly taken away from him four years ago.
Yes, congratulations to Donald J. Trump on earning your third consecutive victory for the White House. A Three-Peat that will never be logged in the record books.
A perpetual character assassination campaign against Trump by State Media was overcome by a strong margin of Americans who saw through the flood and murk of stinking State Media Horse Manure and said we ain’t buying that crap. We don’t care what you paid mouther-mothers say – we want this man back in the White House.
This was as much a vote for Trump as it was a vote against the rampant Wokeism that was launched like a horrid virus into the bloodstream of America by those who seek the destruction of the Nation. A vote for competency and standards and actually earning things and not being handed something as a sick and abusive political tactic and social degradation.
And how can anyone vote against – ‘Joy!’. That’s all the Giggler could come up with as a campaign platform. But vote against phony Joy is just what America did as the Truly Awake Americans saw through the Faux Joy Campaign as being as phony as The Smirker herself is. ‘Joy’ and ‘servicing’ a Government Official can only get you so far.
Yes, a stunned… dazed… and confused American State Media was forced to choke out the words that Trump had won. You could see the utter dejection on their faces. It was as if they were announcing a funeral. And part of them knew that funeral was Theirs. And it was a pleasure to behold.
State Media lost big time. Wokeism has been held in check. The core values of largely non-big-City America still carries some weight in our Nation. We are not yet ready to concede America to those who live to see America’s removal from the World map.
Much work needs to be done. But at least now we have a start.
So indeed… Congratulations to Donald Trump. Congratulations to Sane America for prevailing against all odds. Congratulations to Alternative Media who courageously send out truth for Americans who hunger for it. Congratulations to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. whose strong hand we need to fend off the endless toxins from Big Harm(ah) Pharma.
And Congratulations to everyone who lives by a precious Life Creed today, to…
‘Make America Sane Again™’.
Lolol loved the first paragraph “Revenge of the Deplorable’s….” Hilarious.
Took me a bit to catch on. After the rallies Trump in Detroit and then NYC the lightbulb went off. “He wasn’t supposed to be going to those places without all hell breaking loose. WTH is going on?”
I think the phenomena we saw play out was very similar to another movie Rocky 4. When Rocky gets pummeled in Moscow but keeps refusing to quit and continues to fight back. Somewhere along the way the crowd began to turn.
Regardless of how one feels about the man what he has accomplished is miraculous. I shudder to think what would have happened if he had failed to turn his that last split second. Or if Tuesday had gone a different way. I believe at that point the machine had planned on getting back to Censorship Inc with a vengeance. The top surrogates like Clinton & Kerry were making no bones about it.
Thank God it didn’t go down like that!! Congrats America!!
And all those threats are still there. Celebration has taken front and center… for now, but the parasites still lurk in the shadows. One cannot co-exist with parasites. They eventually kill the host.
It’s well heeded advice. I am confident in saying the size of Trump’s victory has knocked them for a loop. I don’t believe they planned for this scenario. So now they try and regroup. Their shock troops are stunned. Not sure if they try something before J20 or wait to cause problems afterwards. Trying to delegitimize Trump now is very risky. If it goes as bad as the election for them they will be in even worse shape. That being said, we are dealing with cornered rabid hyenas. That’s the best term I have heard to describe the enemy.
My thoughts exactly. We can talk about the first hundred days but in reality, it will be the enemy within that will stop Trump. His first and most important action is to obliterate the enemy within, which includes law enforcement, justice, military, RINOs, globalists, administrative state, neocons, democrats… The list is endless. If he can concentrate on that one task alone, his successors may be able to fulfill the 100 day list. He must survive the onslaught. Vance must survive the aftermath. The American patriots/people must participate is removing the cancer that our inattention has allowed to prosper.
You nailed it! One of the best articles I have ever read on this subject.
It’s not just conservative Republicans who are saying this:
Wow! You did an excellent job summarizing this. This was so good that I sent it to a couple of family members. I always say to lefties that reality is a MF, and your about to experience it. Great job!
Good evening, Brandon. I agree with most of what you said about the domestic “migration ” that has been occurring and accelerated during Covid. In the big picture the new arrivals don’t change and might reinforce the character of a State. However on the more micro level, towns, villages and small cities the arrival of leftists can have an outsized, negative effect. I know you’re in Eureka and I’m in Stryker and I’ve seen substantial negative effects in Whitefish and Kalispell. In my opinion, both are substantially more leftist and progressive than 10 and 20 years ago when I moved here. I’m not even talking
about college towns like Missoula and Bozeman where the large influx of ignorant kids will usually lean left. Just a few hundred leftists descending on small towns has a very bad effect.
The election numbers say otherwise. There was no blue wave in Montana. It was a false fear.
Great article Brandon. I think this pretty much says it all. I will be the first to admit I got a little cynical at the mere thought of the 2024 race. It didn’t help that so many conservatives were bleating in my ear about how my vote doesn’t matter/count. Some were genuinely afraid (I was scared too) and some I am not so sure of their intentions.
What was I afraid of? Well for starters just about all the shit you just ran through. The stolen election of 2020 and the censorship (deplatforming) left me pretty rattled in 20, 21, 22. Ditto for all of the covid crap. Not only that but it really frustrates the hell out of you when you see polls where regular Dem voters want to put you in a camp, fire you, fine you, etc for not complying. And I promise, as most of you know if they had the muscle it would have been done in a heartbeat. Perhaps it’s not such a good strategy to alienate masculinity next time around.
IMO these were all legitimate fears. The left seems to be in a state of agitation about being able to abort their children at will. Like it’s vanguard of women’s rights. I’m not going to poke fun at them. They are legitimately frightened and I understand how it feels. However, I keep seeing calls for unity. Well I have determined that would be impossible. There’s fears are not triggered by reality but by emotions. We didn’t do that to them it The Media, Intel agencies, and the Democrat Machine.
We Are NOT the Same!!
Well and bluntly stated. Leftists would do well to accept your advice. Our country would be much better off for it.
My concern right now – they still have 2 months to monkey wrench the country. False Flag or Black Swan …
Yes, they did try to murder Trump twice already. It’s fair to suggest a Black Swan event is possible before the transition. I don’t think the establishment will try to openly stop Trump from entering the White House, that would mean immediate war and they would be the target. I think if they do something, it will be indirect with a convenient scapegoat attached.
We don’t get fooled again, isn’t that the song the Who which is supposed to remind us not to be fooled and here we are, buying it lock, stock and barrel. I don’t think Trump is gonna be any better than the last time and likely worse. Why? He is surrounding himself with one worlders, technocrats, globalists, etc again. Theil, Fink, Musk, Wiles, etc. All want to make us a surveillance state, contollered by blockchain and they desire to enslave us because they are most qualified to do it, right. He had his losers like Barr and Wray that are criminals in there own minds and I’m sure he’ll have others just like em, that will help throw our country under the bus, again. Some I have zero faith in Trump, he’ll do just enough to be different but will be another tool in the globalist toolbox to fool the masses
His team this time around is completely different from the last time. We’ll have to wait and see, but when questioned on his first term he did say that he had to use advisors to help fill the thousands of available cabinet posts, and those advisors were snakes in the grass. Now, that may or may not be true, but right now he has RFK who has been fighting for health freedom, he has Elon Musk who has been fighting for free speech, and even Ron Paul is involved. I base my analysis on actions, not assumptions, and the people involved with Trump this time have made tangible positive changes to the country.
For now I see no specific negatives, but there are a lot of boring libertarian blackpillers assuming the worst on day one. I’m still waiting for just ONE of them to do anything worthwhile.
Study Peter Thiel’s (Vance’s employer) and Elon Musk’s history including their connections. The you may take a different view of what this “victory” ultimately means for the U.S. Corporation and it’s owners.
Name one thing Musk or Vance have done to harm liberty in the US. Also, what you think of Trump, Musk, Vance, etc is irrelevant to my point – Which is that Americans chose anti-woke and anti-globalism in droves. Step away from your conspiracy theories for a moment and look at the bigger picture.
The election results are a statement made by not only an electoral victory but popular vote as well. To me it doesn’t matter so much who won. The people did not want more of what the crew of the last four years was selling. I think that was loud and clear and very well articulated by Brandon. No guessing about it. The people have spoken.
It always remains to be seen how things will pan out with a new figurehead. I only hope that we the people don’t get disappointed. Because if we do, torches and pitchforks may become popular again.
Is it too early to predict a civil war? Because it’s hard for me to believe Trump will go against those who have been incrementally funding the end goal of world communism. I base that comment on the fact that nothing in the last 50 years of left and right politics has made the US safer and more affordable.
Great summary article as always, I agree, and I’m happy with the landslide win, but as Brandon has said, we have to be aware of the Kabuki theater, and the illusion of choice, I read this article from UNZ and makes a lot of sense, don’t want to be a party pooper, but we have to make the changes ourselves, and not rely on any hero politician.
Also, see Michael Hoffman’s Substack: Trump victory, the hidden dimension.
Thanks for all you do.
Going to have to disagree with the paranoia in that article. They are immediately wrong in the claim that “all is quiet” with leftists. They are literally losing their F’ing minds right now on social media. Shaving their heads, saying they won’t touch men ever again, saying Kamala is going to use some kind of legal loophole to get the presidency back, etc. What do you think will happen when they realize that’s no going to pan out? Let’s not forget that leftist riots rarely happen in the winter months, and that after Trump’s 2016 win they didn’t really riot for a couple years. They will wait until the mass deportations of illegals start and then they will riot – Take that to the bank.
As far as the zionism conspiracy goes, it’s getting tiresome. The elites are not zionists, they are luciferians. They would HAPPILY sacrifice Israel if it meant getting their NWO. Zionism is a side hustle in the elitist playbook.
Brandon, thoughts on Trump appointing Marco Rubio as Secretary of State? Saw Ron Paul’s video on twitter today condemning that decision by Trump if it actually happens.
Rubio would be bad news, but there’s a lot of rumors circulating online about cabinet appointments that are unconfirmed. So, I prefer to wait and see what Trump actually does versus what people think he’s going to do. He did reject Pompeo and Haley, so that’s a good start. The other issue is that we’re talking about Washington DC; I doubt Trump will be able to fill thousands of cabinet positions without a few ghouls. It would be better if he went completely outside DC, but I don’t know how that would work. If he loads his cabinet with deep state figures like he did last time, that will confirm that he has no interest in actually changing anything for the better.