By Brandon Smith
In the wake of Donald Trump’s return to the White House there has been an atmosphere of palpable panic among the usual suspects. Establishment bureaucrats are screaming bloody murder in aisles like spoiled toddlers at Walmart after being told they’re not going to get whatever they want from the American taxpayer. These people are long overdue for a spanking and a nap.
Elon Musk’s DOGE group has wasted no time in pursuing total transparency of the federal government’s funding operations and I have to say, the reaction from the leftist establishment is even more unhinged than I could have imagined. In the past week, Democrats and activist judges have actually attempted to stop the new head of the Treasury Department, Scott Bessent, from accessing funding allocation records. In other words, the person in charge of the Treasury is not allowed to investigate how the Treasury is spending American tax dollars.
The temporary freeze on access is in response to lawsuits from 19 Democrat controlled states that are seeking to slow down DOGE efforts. Democrats have recently labeled the DOGE mission an “authoritarian rampage” through the federal government.
What I want people to to do is consider for a moment how truly insane this is. The Trump Administration, duly advanced to the Oval Office by the electoral college and the majority of American voters, ran on a campaign platform of government transparency and efficiency. The public put Trump in office because they WANT an accounting of government activities and overreach. Democrats have said “no”, the public isn’t allowed to get the reform they voted for. Democracy indeed.
In my view these judicial orders should be ignored; they serve no purpose other than to protect corruption. What DOGE is pursuing is essentially an audit of federal operations, something which is supposed to be a normal occurrence anyway. It has not been done properly in generations, and now we know why.
Democrats claim that to undertake such an audit (an audit that the American populace wants) is “authoritarian”. As I’ve noted over the years, the political left and the globalists often brandish words like “democracy” as a weapon against their opponents, but they have never and will never actually respect the will of the people or even the will of the majority they claim to worship.
The bottom line is, they despise you. They see you as a sacrificial beast of burden, a useful tool for achieving their Utopian aspirations. And if they find that you aren’t beneficial to their new world vision then you’re treated as an enemy to be suppressed or disposed of.
They are Fabian Socialists; elitists with delusions of grandeur. They believe themselves to be leaders by birthright – Philosopher kings genetically predisposed to manage civilization. The rest of us are mere peons too ignorant to understand why total centralization and total secrecy are “essential” for society to progress. Every terrible thing they do is for our benefit. Our slavery is for our benefit. At least, that’s the underlying message the leftists are promoting.
As noted, it sounds insane when you break down the issue into its uglier parts. The claim that the Trump Administration, backed by the American public, is participating in an “act of tyranny” because they’re auditing the government is mind boggling. How many Americans every year are terrorized by audits executed by the government? And the feds can’t handle one audit of their own without screaming “fascism”? But if you think about the stakes involved, the frothing desperation of establishment officials makes a lot more sense.
The audit of USAID has so far uncovered billions in mismanaged dollars, billions in payoffs for various corporate media entities, billions to NGOs working against American interests at home and abroad, billions in woke propaganda programs and billions in lost tax dollars spent on items that make little to no sense (unless you consider the possibility that the cash is being secretly funneled to covert projects).
As I write this DOGE is beginning to delve into FEMA, Social Security, Medicaid and the Defense Department. The level of corruption that they will uncover in each of these institutions will easily dwarf everything they found in USAID. Just wait until they try to audit the Federal Reserve and watch the chaos unfold.
These revelations are not really all that shocking to those of us in the Liberty Movement and alternative economics. We’ve been warning about this for many years. However, they do expose a fundamental disconnect in how our culture views and interacts with government. We’re suffering from a mass Stockholm Syndrome that needs to be addressed.
Over the past century in particular, Americans have forgotten that our forefathers fought and died to free our nation from feudalism and the mentality that the common man is beholden to the whims of an elitist oligarchy. Rather, the founders flipped this ancient system of control on its head and asserted, that by the hand of God and natural law, the individual is endowed with inalienable rights – That the government should be a servant to the people rather than the people being servants to government.
This way of thinking about the structure of human society is new and rare in the annals of history. Tyranny has been the norm for thousands of years. Freedom was a privilege of the wealthy; transparency and accountability for the ruling class were almost unheard of.
The ultimate goal of the leftist/globalist apparatus is to drag the western world back into the dark ages of feudal control, all while regaling us with futurist fantasies of “progress”. Freedom (with responsibility and wisdom) is progress. Globalism is the opposite of freedom and the opposite of progress.
When the political left sees an audit of the apparatus they have spent a century constructing, what they see is the end of their totalitarian dreams. Why? Because evil cannot survive in sunlight, evil requires the protection of the dark. An authoritarian system or technocracy cannot survive if it faces constant scrutiny from the population it means to dominate.
The elites must be able to steal from the public at will. They must be able to redistribute that wealth to whatever mechanisms they wish without oversight. They must be able to use our labor and our money against us. Remember, these people are a tiny minority; they have no power without the ability to corrupt the structures that society relies on.
If the government and the bureaucrats within it come under surveillance, their power disappears. This is what DOGE is doing – They’re putting a CCTV camera in the face of the functionaries and making them behave. Lack of oversight has created a cancer upon our nation. This network of extra-governmental institutions (like USAID) and NGOs is where the real power in America rests. The public can vote however they want but nothing changes because the apparatus and their influence remain regardless of who is elected.
At what point did it become acceptable for the feds to spy on the people while never facing any judgment themselves? At what point did it become an act of treason to check the hard drives and bank accounts of the regime and make sure they aren’t up to something nefarious?
It is time for this archaic form of governance to end. It’s time to do away with feudal tyranny and move on to a better future where total transparency of government is the norm. It should not be considered a revolutionary act to audit the system, it should be expected. The actions of DOGE should be permanently engraved as a standard of western civilization.
If humanity ever hopes to move on to something better; to defeat poverty, to diminish criminality, to live morally, to master our personal weaknesses, to pursue merit, to grow as a species and increase our understanding of the universe around us, we must first be honest about who we are and where we can improve. This effort begins in only one way: By forcing the political elites to learn humility. Today, the people DO NOT have the government they deserve and the fish rots from the head down.
If governments can be humbled, then maybe we as a species have a chance to survive and rise to greater aspirations. If not, then we will remain trapped, hosts to a parasitic organism that uses our own blood and sweat to destroy us. We will struggle daily to fulfill the narcissistic dreams of entitled and power hungry psychopaths who think they own us. We will never know peace.
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Excellent observations, Brandon!
I might add that they also expect and demand that we all adhere to their delusions.
This is one of the few sites that I actually enjoy reading. Great job!
Yes, us hopelessly ignorant rabble want an accurate accounting of what’s going on in the agencies that are SUPPOSED to be serving US! We’ve known for decades the Department of Education is just a front for teaching children everything that is the WORSE in this world. This is just the tip of the iceberg!
And unhinged Demoncrats like “Mad Maxine” Waters must have A LOT to hide… the more vocal they are the more they single themselves out for investigation. They’re too dumb to keep a low profile and keep their mouths shut!
Income Tax should be CANCELED this year to underscore the FACT that the system has abused tax payers for the purpose of money laundering & funding traitorous entities!
Newly elected Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna (R. FL) is spearheading the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations. Sky News Australia posted a YT video that claims there were two shooters (surprise, surprise) as if people actually believed the magic bullet theory.
This would corroborate with another video that’s available on the day JFK was murder where it shows a secret service agent was called away from JFK’s moving motorcade to provide a perfect line of sight for the shooters just before shots were fired.
I gotta say that i’m impressed so far with what Trump has been able to do in just a couple of weeks. Chris Martenson eluded to that Elon Musk’s DOGE is using AI to find the wasteful spending.
We all know that the government is wasteful, corrupt and that banking, law, politics, coporatism attract the very people (narcopathic parasites) who should never be allowed to occupy those positions in the first place, but invariably wind up there and commandeering the system. The question(s) should be, what is it about our system that enables this?
For starters, I think it is the debt based Federal Reserve /fractional reserve money creation/ sytem. The other end of the burning candle is the one time gift of seeming endless cheap energy, raw materials, topsoil, water, which resulted in a technology boom and a population explosion. Can we effectively address these?
Lack of term limits in bureaucracy and in most of government causes it, along with lack of oversight. If psychopaths are constantly being watched by the public and they can’t steal, they won’t want jobs in government.
That is certainly the most obvious traditional cause, but these days candidates are “pre funded” (purchased/owned) before they even get elected. For exmple, JD Vance had been funded and set up with his own fund by Peter Thiel before he was even declared as Trump’s running mate. Over a billion dollars had reportedly been pumped into Harris’s campaign. This kind of easy money enabled by the current fiat banking system lets the politicians go to the head of the line. They don’t have to spend multiples of terms to attract influence money for example like Pelosi or Warren.
Again, if they are being watched by the public constantly, it doesn’t matter who is backing a politician, they won’t be able to use that politician for anything nefarious. The surveillance of government plan solves everything.
Wasn’t that the reason for the separation of church and state? When church and state kept each other to their single tithe, the commoners were able to prosper at 20% taxation. When state and church cooperated empires were formed and the population became serfs.
No, not at all. The “separation of church and state” written into US law was specifically designed to prevent the government from interfering with the free expression of religion. It’s a problem that was rampant in England (people were often executed for being part of the wrong denomination). Taxation had nothing to do with the law and it was NEVER meant to enforce a secular non-Christian ideology within government. The public were serfs because of the feudal system, the monarchy and the oligarchy, which the Vatican at times was a part of, but not necessarily the cause of.
As an example, the MORE secular governments become, the more they often tend to tax. Look at our government today along with those in Europe: Overt atheism, overt socialism, overt taxation and overt serfdom. Today’s system completely debunks your premise.
Any system that grants authority for the few over the many, no matter the initial limits on that authority, will attract psychopathic criminals like moths to a flame. That’s why the populace must be engaged, watchful and swift to bring justice when the crimes are inevitably committed.
THANK YOU!!! Your succinct assessment hit the bullseye and I truly wish for all Americans to see this piece. Very well done!
DOGE is doing a great job and I hope they are just getting started. An audit of the Federal Reserve could unwind the 112-year-old cabal that is neither federal nor has reserves. If Trump and Musk really want to make history, moving from a fiat currency to a constitutional monetary system would truly change the world!
“… the political left and the globalists… never and will never actually respect the will of the people or even the will of the majority they claim to worship… they despise you.”
Perhaps never before have some many of We the People been awakened to this sad reality. There has always been a group of the hidden powerful who have long hated the rest of the human family. But what is new about this now is how open those haters of humanity are about their feelings… and how many of We the People now recognize this.
“We’re suffering from a mass Stockholm Syndrome that needs to be addressed.”
The Dark Side Deep State has been running a brutal psy-ops campaign against us for a very long time. The roots of this kind of campaign go way back in time to early eras when organized religion tried (and succeeded) to keep the Bible out of the hands of The People. And there are the legacy Society-Manipulators like Secret Societies or today’s hidden financial and religious dark wizards who think that the Earth is their property and We the People are just ignorant beasts who need to be tamed or fully removed. They have become masters at having their way with us and performing their dark magic against us. They DO NOT like when The People wake up and understand what is being done to them… and who is doing it.
“At what point did it become acceptable for the feds to spy on the people while never facing any judgment themselves?”
The short and complete answer: NEVER. It is never acceptable, and never will be even if They someday succeed into turning the Earth fully into that Global Prison that they have been lusting for.
Being monitored and watched and cataloged and classified is a basic violation of our natural right of privacy and personal agency. Being monitored and watched is a sickly way for some outside parties to control, manipulate, and intimidate others and take away our dignity and our humanity. This process of intrusion is in fact a form of being raped by another. It is a demented program of turning human beings into Things rather than living Human Beings with our rights that come from Divinity and not privileges handed out to the compliant by contrived human-conjured corporate and governmental entities and functionaries.
All this is nothing short of a grand cosmic fight for and battle over the Human Soul. Will They succeed in literally taking our sous from us? Will we be nothing but obedient slaves or willing stooges? Will We the People one day surrender? Or will we always cling to and celebrate our true Divine nature and tell these agents from Hell to go back to The Darkness where They came from?
There will never be a greater battle with greater stakes than this.
Corruption BREEDS Corruption !
It’s insanity out there, but there is a fight and people now
see that. It’s frong page.
USAID , NED , “OPEN SOCIETY” , … , gravy train of NGO’s …
It’s Orwellian !
I propose we make the income tax voluntary. The wrong wing seems perfectly willing to foot the bill for this shit, and are actively defending and supporting it. Right wingers are opposed, so let’s just allow the wrong wing to fund it all. Everyone will be happy!!
Watching the watchers so to say. The phrase is so old, it took so long to start to walk the talk. At last. With respect and some envy, from Europe, Brandon. Keep up your work. No offence, but I use your insights as a tool, which enables me to assess processes in motion more easily.