The end of the year is motoring towards us fast and all I can say about 2022 is this: Things could have turned out a LOT worse given the circumstances.
We were on the verge of long term medical tyranny 12 months ago, with Biden trying to push through an executive order installing vaccine passports as the norm in the US. Luckily, half the states in the country opposed it, proving that some conservative politicians are not as useless as many people believed. If the order had not been defeated in the courts and by liberty activists refusing to comply, then there would have been civil war in America, guaranteed. We bought ourselves a little time, and time is precious.
Beyond the defeat of the covid mandates, conservatives took Congress and Elon Musk took Twitter away from the extreme left. It’s hard to say if either event will amount to much, but it’s given me some hope that the tide is turning, to an extent. I even set up a Twitter account for Alt-Market, and I recommend readers join if they haven’t already. Check it out HERE.
Free speech on social media? Who would have ever guessed it?
The woke cult appears to finally be facing a reckoning, at least in journalism and in entertainment media. Audiences are abandoning leftist outlets and movies by the millions. No one wants to listen to these zealots anymore. This means that there is a massive opportunity at play – The alternative media is ripe for a renaissance, as long as the system is still functional, that is.
To be sure, threats to our culture and to the world abound. Alt-Market has predicted an aggressive economic contraction by April of 2023. Inflation (which we also predicted way ahead of time) has been crushing the American consumer for the past two years. Energy shortages are going to hit Europe hard this winter. Tensions are escalating with Russia as NATO gives long range weapons to Ukraine. There are numerous shoes just waiting to drop. That said, I don’t want to dwell on all the dangers here; it’s enough that we still have the ability to prepare and I still have the ability to share tips and information with you weekly.
Alt-Market operates out of pocket. We do not have corporate backers, investors or venture capital like many mainstream sites. We offer free content because I feel that our first duty is to keep people informed. That said, for those that can help, this website runs two donation drives every year – One in summer and one in winter. We still have a lot of work to do, and with your patronage we will continue to press forward.
Readers can donate two different ways:
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Or, you can send a check/money order by regular mail to:
Brandon Smith
421 US Highway 93N
Suite 209
Eureka, MT 59917
Thanks to all those people that help keep this website going, and to all the readers who have shared the articles here with friends and family. We are ready to offer cutting edge analysis and expert preparedness info as 2023 approaches.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market