By Brandon Smith
The American Founding Fathers built our nation on a core premise that has been long forgotten and this memory lapse is causing endless grief for current generations. What premise? That the rest of the world is not the responsibility of the US. We don’t owe the world anything, we don’t need to be involved in foreign wars, we are not beholden to foreign interests and we are not obligated to foreign peoples.
America is not a “melting pot.” It never has been a melting pot. This phrase is used by leftists and open borders activists to suggest that there is no American culture; that we are nothing more than an economic buffet for far flung tribes to feast upon.
America is its own very separate and very distinct culture with comprehensive tradition, principles and ideals. If foreigners want to come here they have to play by our rules, learn our language, assimilate into our culture and respect our heritage or they can go back to whatever cesspool country they are running away from. It’s that simple.
America started out with this vision because much of the world at the time of the Revolution was mired in empire, oligarchy and in some cases barbarism. Americans separated themselves from that world because it was hostile to the common man’s freedom and prosperity. The revolution was not just a war to secede from the British Empire, it was a means to stay isolated from the entanglements of foreign deviants.
Whether or not that plan was ever successful is up for debate, but the intent was real and consistently stated by the founders. As George Washington noted in his farewell address in 1796:
“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government…”
This sentiment can and does extend to mass immigration. George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, stated that immigrants should be integrated into American life so that:
“…By an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”
Though they supported the idea of immigrants making a new life in the US, they asserted that restriction and requirements be met. Also, at that time the majority of immigrants were from Europe, were familiar with western customs and the vast majority were Christian. Open borders was NEVER a promise of American society. Thomas Jefferson warned against the effects of uncontrolled immigration and predicted quite clearly the crisis we are facing today. He stated:
“Every species of government has its specific principles. Ours…is a composition of the freest principles of the English constitution, with others derived from natural rights and natural reason. To these nothing can be more opposed than the maxims of absolute monarchies. Yet, from such, we are to expect the greatest number of emigrants.
They will bring with them the principles of government they leave, imbibed in their early youth; or if able to throw them off, it will be in exchange for an unbounded licentiousness, passing, as is usual, from one extreme to another. It would be a miracle were they to stop precisely at the point of temperate liberty.
These principles, with their language, they will transmit to their children. In proportion to their numbers, they will share with us the legislation. They will infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its direction, and tender it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass.”
In other words, Jefferson knew that migrants indoctrinated into mindless peasantry and conflicting ideologies would have no concept of individual liberty. They would one day overwhelm American culture and destroy it from within if we allowed them to.
Somewhere along the way the idea of mass immigration became romanticized. The migrations from Europe in the last decades of the 1800s and early 1900s are constantly depicted as a golden era, but again, these were predominantly European immigrants with Christian backgrounds, not third world migrants from completely alien societies.
The period was still rife with problems and was only ultimately accepted because the Civil War had wiped out the military and the working population. It was glorified later by Hollywood as some kind of core symbol of the American identity – The “melting pot” lie was born.
Even if you believe immigration was advantageous over a century ago, that doesn’t mean it is advantageous now. Times change and so must government policies reflect those changes. Clinging to the fantasy of America as a golden isle with enough riches for all is pure stupidity. If the American dream is offered to everyone, it will be achieved by no one.
Americans should have learned this lesson well during the immigration disaster of the early 1980s under the Jimmy Carter Administration. The federal government opened the floodgates to mostly unvetted migrants from Cuba and Haiti. The event, called the Mariel Boatlift, sparked one of the worst escalations of criminal violence in our nation’s history and it led to the deaths of thousands of innocents. Famously depicted in the 1983 film ‘Scarface’ and the 1984 drama television series ‘Miami Vice’, the crime wave that erupted in the face of the migrant surge was not fictional, it was very real and it made a long lasting impression on American society.
Though some Cubans became staunch anti-communists and integrated well into American society, many were violent convicts kicked out of Cuba by Castro and dumped on American shores along with Haitian gang members and even foreign spies. In Florida where most of the migrants first congregated, murder rates exploded for over a decade.
Racial tensions skyrocketed as black Americans in Miami argued they were being pushed out of the economy and that they were being targeted by Cubans and Haitians.
Keep in mind, the event was composed of only 150,000 migrants. Compare this to the over 500,000 Haitians imported into US communities (along with 800,000 other refugee applicants), not to mention the tens of millions of illegal aliens, mostly from South America, that have entered the country under the Biden Administration.
What is the obvious conclusion? That the third world and the western world are completely incompatible. They cannot be reconciled and very few people from the third world should ever be allowed to settle in the US. There should be a list of countries that we rarely take migrant applications from, and illegal immigration in general should be punished severely as it is in many nations.
Due to open border policies, Americans are suffering under an unprecedented housing crisis as foreign demand drives up rental prices. We have rising crime in sanctuary cities and Democrats refuse to fully track and report that data to the FBI until 2025. We have Venezuelan cartels invading metro areas across the US. And, we have local reports of Haitian migrants eating park animals and people’s pets. The situation isn’t pretty.
These people are NOT our responsibility. If history is any indication, things are going to get a lot worse in the near term unless illegal migrants and Biden’s third world visa recipients are removed from the country.
The immigration policies under Jimmy Carter were an unmitigated disaster and the Biden Administration seems to be following the exact same trajectory. Leftists and globalists argue that it is a part of our national identity to accept and cope with mass immigration. They also argue that American “imperialism” is the direct cause of instability in the world, and thus we must “pay the price” by welcoming the third world into our backyard.
The supposed effects of “American imperialism” are irrelevant. They do not matter and such foreign policy is often initiated by the very same people that now claim the American public must pay the price for foreign entanglements. The elites create the problems and we are required to suffer for them.
Foreigners should be tasked with fixing their own countries just as we Americans are tasked with fixing ours. We owe them nothing. No reparations, no redistribution of wealth, no inclusivity, no American dream. They need to go out and fight for those things on their own.
The solution is clear: All illegal immigrants need to be extricated from US borders and a moratorium on immigration must be put in place (for at least five years) until we sort out the mess that has been created.
The American communities that are being invaded by migrants right now should also have a say. Those native born Americans have built and maintained the towns and cities under siege right now, and no one is asking them how they feel about the cultural replacement agenda on their doorstep.
Make no mistake, illegal migrants will be leaving the US one way or another. There is a peaceful way to do this, and there’s other ways. I have little doubt that conflict will be the most likely outcome. If the current federal policies remain in place the concerns of native born citizens will be ignored and people will snap, at which point they will do what the establishment fears most of all – They will organize. And when Americans organize things will turn interesting very quickly.
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In Carroll Quigley’s second expose, “The Anglo American Establishment,” he admits that the elite adopted the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan as official policy for the entire West. The goal is not just the reduction of white European genetics but rather its complete elimination. The tools are mass immigration and miscegenation via social engineering.
As a non-white in the West, I can clearly see this is going on. Most whites though seem to be in denial.
And for the record, I don’t care if people intermarry or not. People should be free to do so if they please and some amount of intermixing is inevitable in the modern world. But when that becomes a nefarious, top-down, social engineering agenda on a mass scale, THEN it becomes evil.
The anti-white agenda across the entire West is so extreme, I am surprised it has gone on this long without an explosion of violence. I fear that is coming though. And with it, the goodwill that Americans previously showed to newcomers/outsiders will be flushed down the toilet. That would be a shame but I suppose it is inevitable.
If America had just frozen the demographics of the nation circa 1979, amended the constitution to guarantee an 80% European stock majority – we would have achieved close to perfection. Let some immigrants in. But control the numbers and overall ratios. Make sure newcomers are arriving for the right reasons. Filter them so only those who truly believe in American values and have something to contribute make it through.
Unfortunately, the cabal had other plans for us.
@The Happy Hindoo, “In Carroll Quigley’s second expose, “The Anglo American Establishment,” he admits that the elite adopted the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan as official policy for the entire West. The goal is not just the reduction of white European genetics but rather its complete elimination. The tools are mass immigration and miscegenation via social engineering.”
Very good comment. I read this very, very interesting book.
Mass immigration into the West is not a fatality, it’s a decision taken long in advance by the globalists and implemented by their political puppets. In Germany, I’m thinking of former Chancellor Angela Merkel.
P.S: about R. Coudenhove-Kalergi, he was the second son of Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1859–1906), an Austro-Hungarian count and diplomat. His mother was Mitsuko Aoyama (1874–1941).
P.S.2: one more thing, Caroll Quigley was both the professor and mentor of future President of United States, Bill Clinton. They met at the school of international relations at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Informed people know America has been decapitated by traitors from within. There is no political solution at this point. This nation is no longer for real as we have been overthrown. Haitians are being dropped off in non sanctuary cities in red states and mayors told they are refugees and not considered illegals because they were fleeing dangerous situations. People showed up at city council meetings complaining. Folks, agenda 2030 is now in place and mayors have no control over their cities. Apathy and inertness prevails.
America is DEAD my friends. I don’t like it one damn bit but the truth is the truth and We the people, the so called citizens have not done 1 damn thing to regain control. Shame on us and We will pay a very, very high price in short order thanks to all of the 3rd world $hit-bags that have been imported and on and on. Good luck folks.
“the so called citizens have not done 1 damn thing to regain control.”
I agree to a point. Yes, the American public seems to be too Insouciant and that’s because the American public has been purposely dumbed down over the decades so all they care about is food, sex and entertainment. It was Sen Daniel Patrick Moynihan who used the phrase “the dumbing down of America” a lot.
But as Brandon has repeatedly said, it eventually backfires on those governing because at a certain point a light bulb goes off on the public. It’s when they finally realize they have been royally screwed by their own government, that’s when they tend to lash out. It typically ends in a violent manner, at least that’s what several thousand years of human history has taught us.
No, we’ve done plenty. The amount of work done in the alternative media should not be overlooked in the education of the masses. Immigration and globalism are now national issues when they were rarely discussed in the past. If Trump doesn’t enter office or follow up on his promises I would expect a full bore rebellion against these policies within the next couple years.
Tremendous, article Brandon. I have always respected your careful dissection of domestic/global issues plus your liberty to listen to cranky old patriots who want to stir the flames. The fire has not gone out and the fight ain’t over. Trust Me. God said so.
“The immigration policies under Jimmy Carter were an unmitigated disaster and the Biden Administration seems to be following the exact same trajectory.”
I’d dare to say it’s ten times worse under The “Biden” Deep State than it was under Jimmy Carter. I was living in Hialeah around that time. Yes, I agree that crime did rise but I have to say that I would easily take Cubans over any other group. Cubans tend to be extremely family oriented and God fearing. I worked with many Cubans during the early 80’s while living in Miami and Hialeah.
What we have today is a concerted effort by the Open Borders Society led by none other than George Soros who recently passed the baton to his son Alex. Those two should be in prison because they have been involved in a plethora of NGO’s throughout the world. They believe with open borders they can achieve everlasting peace on behest of a one world government. That’s just plain nonsense. Their one world, open border society is based on communism where the government controls everyone and everything. The people have NO say in matters of decisions. Their idea is just doomed to fail.
I’ll also add to what Brandon wrote, is that this migration of the worse kind just helps the Left because they can turn them into lifelong voters in return for handouts while those who were born here gets the shaft.
I like what Tucker Carlson said while he was speaking in Australia recently. To paraphrase, he said it’s “immoral” for a government to put the interest of those living outside of this country vs those who were born here. It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to put the interest of their own people ahead of those in other countries.
Just look at the hell the EU is putting Viktor Orban thru for refusing to go along with the EU’s request for Hungary to take in their share of immigrants. Just like Brandon wrote in this article, he acknowledges all the bad stuff that goes along with an unfettered immigration policy. You get all the dregs and violent criminals who don’t want to assimilate into society.
And it will happen again, in much larger scale now, with Kamala in power, war in ukraine continues, etc.
“… the rest of the world is not the responsibility of the US. We don’t owe the world anything… we are not beholden to foreign interests…”.
This is of course a rational and sane statement about what the role of America should and should not be on our Planet. And since it is in fact a proper and fundamental foundational place for our Nation… the Dark State had to distort and pervert this kind of World place-of-being for America because it did not serve the self-serving and perverse interests of International Bankers and the emerging Military Industrial Complex that grabbed a choke-hold on the United States — which sins of National abuse exist in an even more egregious forms today.
The waves of immigration into America around the turn of the 20th Century was a largely good and positive thing. These were hard-working people, eager to start a new life in a place that (at that time) offered more freedom and opportunity.
State Media of the sickly kind of today did not yet exist. People’s minds were not being shaped and warped. Soulless Corporations did not yet dominate every aspect of the lives of the American People. There was a sense of optimism in the Nation even though there were hard times such as wars and economic collapse ahead. People were generally pulling in the same direction and being an American was seen as the greatest thing in the World.
Our Nation today is not functioning as it was intended to by our brilliant Founding Fathers who clearly warned about the dangers of becoming involved in matters beyond our shores and surrendering our sovereignty to others who do not have the best interests of our Nation at heart — and those who do not understand how to preserve the National framework that gifted to us. But that was and is of no concern for those who serve The Perverse State.
“America… never has been a melting pot.”
The America of much of the 20th Century was a collection of proudly-ethnically distinct neighborhoods all around the Nation who brought cultures and ways from other places. But this colorful quilt of many ways and patterns did collectively form a kind of melting pot in that it was possible to both retain some of what one was before… while expanding and adding to that something new from being a New World. People, and America became both different and yet together. It was the best of both worlds.
But for generations now… the Dark State has sought to destroy and erase the United States and We the People. The Dark State took aim at legacy values of having pride in Nation and having a good work-ethic and being proud of your own personal family history while at the same time lifting up the Nation as a whole. The generational Americans who have been here for a good while and the new arrivals from Europe found common ground with a set of ethics and values that were quickly seen in the World as being distinctively new and American… and valued and admired.
Immigration – just anything else in our World – can be a good or bad thing. It’s all about how it is done… why it is done… who it doing it… and what the end result for The Whole will be. The short answer here is that immigration before and during the Industrial Age has been a good thing for America… while the weaponized immigration of allowing illegals to saunter into our Nation at will and for their own purposes has been a disaster. The seeds of destruction being sowed now will bear really bad fruit as the years go by – and the things that once constituted America and ‘Being an American’ are fully demonized, erased, and obliterated.
America has greatly benefitted from many of the immigrants from Europe, Mexico, and African nations. America has also been greatly harmed by immigrants from Europe, Mexico, and African nations… and today from South and Central America who are flooding into our Nation hoping for big handouts and ready to purpose their own agendas with little regard for or interest in becoming American Citizens in spirit.
It’s not when you came here. It’s not where you come from. It’s not about how rich or poor you are. It’s all about what kind person you are. It’s about what’s in your spirit and what your intentions are for yourself – and for our Nation. And also, coming into our Nation legally and by the book as the many who came before did. That’s what determines whether immigration is a good or bad thing for America.
And that – more than anything else – will tell you if America is going to be a place to live to have a healthy, prosperous, and cohesive future. Or whether our Nation will become a full mockery and abomination in the sight of our Founding Fathers… and all Americans who came here the right way and who have loved our Nation as their own.
Even in the early 20th century the majority of migrants were from western nations with similar religious backgrounds, free market principles and morals. That’s not a “melting pot”, it’s just more westerners joining a western culture. The immigration of the past few decades is entirely different – third world migrants represent a completely alien identity, many of them with a socialist slave mentality, or valuing savagery as a means to personal advancement. America has benefited very little from migrants coming from third world nations. Many Europeans are starting to realize now why America has always had such a high homicide rate; they are experiencing firsthand the “benefits” of demographic upheaval.
Brandon: “That’s not a ‘melting pot’, it’s just more westerners joining a western culture.”
It’s all in how one looks at what a ‘Melting Pot’ is. Merriam-Webster says: “The meaning of MELTING POT is a place where a variety of peoples, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole.”
Well then… what can we say a ‘Cohesive Whole’ is?
One version would be that everything just melts down into a singular mixture remnant of some kind of substance (or people/Nation) and there is little to nothing left to identify what all went in there in the first place. (No Nation anywhere can ever achieve this in totality).
Another way to look at it is that it’s like a soup that has clearly distinct vegetables in it – carrots remain carrots… celery remains celery… onions remain onions… and yet that all comes together to make something ‘whole’ that tastes different from what any one flavor inside is. That ‘Soup’ version is what I was getting at. We still have our ethnic neighborhoods and national and racial differences (even though sometimes its an entirely new group in those old neighborhoods from who was there before) that ‘assimilate’ into our National Body Whole physically if not socially.
Yes Brandon, there certainly was much basic social agreement among the European Peoples who came here that today’s incomers do not share at all. And that is the danger that we see here. People coming in with vastly different motives, aims, and agendas.
What all of us here want to see is the best of our legacy American values to survive in the generations ahead – the exact opposite of what the Dark State wants for us.
Somehow it’s ‘OK’ for places like Israel to keep people out — but that is called ‘bad’ for America! — and American leaders won’t do that? Well if it’s ‘bad’ for America then why isn’t it ‘bad’ for Israel? That’s mainly a rhetorical question because the answer is found above.
As a first generation American from both sides, I can comment that things now are not as they were when my parents and other family members came to the US. The stories I heard about applying to come to the US was difficult if not impossible and much depends where one was from. There were quotas in place and many like my mother and her parents could not come here directly because they were born in China. And for the Chinese the quotas were closed. Instead, in the early 50s, they left the newly uprising Mao’s communist China for Brazil because that was one of the only countries willing to accept people. Although we are not Chinese, my family was considered Chinese because they were born there.
Brazil was gladly accepting new residents with skills. My grandfather was managing import export in China and spoke Russian and Mandarin fluently. Although those languages were of no help in Brazil, his skill set apparently was. He ran a warehouse in Brazil. My grandfather also had to prove he was able to support his family for two years without assistance. My mother got a job in the PX and very quickly became fluent in Portuguese – to the point she served as translator to her mother and my grandfather. Mom will be 88 soon and can still hold a conversation in Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and English. And she still remembers some Mandarin having learned it in China.
For so many White Russians who left Russia and/or China, the US was an opportunity to live freely. The San Francisco Richmond district was full of White Russians who brought the old Russian culture while embracing America as their new home. Many were highly educated and talented people who went to work as janitors, machinists, woodworkers, seamstresses but were happy to scrub toilets in America and not to be under threat of being imprisoned by the communist regime. The things my family saw and experienced in China, multi-generational Americans can’t imagine. My dad’s dad was picked up by the Soviets from his home in China and was taken to a gulag never to be seen again. That makes me a grandson of a slave.
My great grandfather on my dad’s side came here directly from Russia and was a Russian Orthodox priest. The church he started after the war is still going today. It’s about seven blocks from where Anton LaVey’s black house was on California St. but that black house is long gone and so is LaVay. The Church remains!
There is nothing wrong with bringing your culture to another country but you don’t step all over the country that is welcoming you. My first language was not English because of my immediate surroundings from when I was born. I am thankful for those who never gave up and maintained the Russian language at home. I remain semi fluent in Russian even though I never received any formal education in the language.
America gave shelter for so many Russian Orthodox faithful that it became among the cherished lands that was able to maintain the Holy Orthodox Church outside Russia, which was being outright destroyed in Russia (since 1917) and later China. Many bishops from pre revolutionary Russia were able to come here and maintain the unbroken chain of Orthodoxy – the one true Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. For this, I and so many like me, are grateful for the opportunities that America gave us.
It’s interesting to me that, at least in terms of after the fall of the Soviet Union, conservative Americans and modern Russians seem to have a lot in common culturally. And yet, the globalists are trying to pit us against each other in another world war.
One thing to know is modern Russians are essentially descendants of who were left after the intellectual class was murdered or left the country. The best of the best was gone either by murder or by getting out. Those that stayed were forced to comply with the communist regime and some took to it while many did not. Perhaps many played along so as not to get turned in, but at home they secretly maintained their Orthodox faith. Remember that religion was not allowed during communism but for hundreds of years Russia was a Christian Monarchy.
Even though modern Russians share similar cultural values as Americans, in my experience a few I met over the years look down on Americans. Sort of like we are all a bunch of low class bums. Not all but some do. Funny story. A former Russian neighbor suggested I meet one of his coworkers. An attractive nurse. OK sure. We all got together at Igor’s place for dinner and this gal was asking questions like what do I do for fun. What kind of music I like. And so on. The conversation was a mix of Russian and English. It was becoming very clear that we had almost no interests in common but what set me off was when she started complaining about living in America. How America exploits the people. Having to work two jobs to afford a place to live, etc..
After she was done I calmly asked her if she would like a ride to the airport. She looked at me somewhat confused and I clarified my point. You clearly don’t like it here (I said half jokingly) so I’m offering you a ride to the airport. This was maybe 20 years ago. She didn’t like that response and it was safe to say dinner was over. I politely excused myself, thanked the hosts, and calmly stated that I, being American born, seem to have very little in common with Russians from Russia.
Oh, to be sure. Everyone in the world thinks they’re better than Americans, yet, they all want what we have. The funny thing is, in the end I believe it will be common Americans that stand as the only obstacle to the globalists; the world will be thankful for us one day.
Yes indeed. I will add that some of the best Americans are post WWII immigrants who fled the horrors of communism. We indeed share many values as conservative Americans and those who came here in the 50s made major contributions to America as opposed to many now who simply use it as an ATM.
All what my parents and grandparents went through seems to be surfacing in America and has been for a long time. I truly don’t understand the leftist mentality and their embracing of communism – even if it’s under a different name with a pink bow. To me evil is evil.
Yes, agree.
Great essay, Brandon!! I’ve been looking into the problems in places like Springfield, Ohio–at first, humorously and then seriously as more information came to light. I write on Substack now and then. In “ARE HAITIANS OUR NEW AMERICAN PSYCHOS?”, I expressed sentiments quite similar to what you wrote above.
“You know what? If federal, state, and city governments and American business who are, purportedly, so desperate for these workers, want to import massive numbers of unvetted, uninterviewed migrants with no background checks, then here are the conditions:
1. For every dollar spend on an illegal immigrant, one dollar will be spent on a disadvantaged (handicapped; PSTD; etc) American.
2. For every dollar spend to house an illegal immigrant, one dollar will be spent to house a homeless American.
3. The rules all imported, unvetted illegal immigrants will observe will be a strict adherence to learning and adopting the language and customs of the United State of America. For example, our country doesn’t eat cats; therefore, immigrants aren’t allowed to eat cats. If the immigrant throws a mattress on someone’s lawn, the immigrant will be prosecuted for illegal dumping. The immigrant will be given six months to learn basic English or they’re deported.
4. Immigrants should certainly enjoy celebrating their own culture, food, and heritage but not by replacing the acknowledgement that they are present in a foreign country where they are allowed to work; send money home; and live in relative safety given the conditions we currently see ongoing in countries like Haiti and Venezuela. They will not fly their country’s flag while enjoying the largesse of the U.S.A. If they wish to fly their country’s flag, they can return home.
5. Most of all for the citizens of Springfield, Ohio, all Haitians (immigrants) must take a rigorous driving class and obtain a certificate showing they passed that course before they are allowed a license.”
In “The Real Reason for Job Replacement in Western Nations,” I took a deep dive and connected the whole replacement phenomena back to those who wrote the Earth Charter (1992) saying they wanted to replace the “affluent middle class” because their lifestyle was unsustainable. (!!!)
Yet tyrants prefer foreigners……
Why is that……?
This is what happens when you import the “Turd World” into your country.
“A member of Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang was arrested in a tiny Wisconsin community for allegedly sexually assaulting a mother and abusing her daughter after he had been arrested and released earlier this year in Minneapolis.”
Brandon, great article and great points! You hit the nail on the head every time.
Read Madison Grant ou Stoddard or even Lovecraft. They were furious too against european immigration :
Of the various odd assemblages in The Street, the law said much but could prove little. With great diligence did men of hidden badges linger and listen about such places as Petrovitch’s Bakery, the squalid Rifkin School of Modern Economics, the Circle Social Club, and the Liberty Café. There congregated sinister men in great numbers, yet always was their speech guarded or in a foreign tongue. And still the old houses stood, with their forgotten lore of nobler, departed centuries; of sturdy colonial tenants and dewy rose-gardens in the moonlight. Sometimes a lone poet or traveller would come to view them, and would try to picture them in their vanished glory; yet of such travellers and poets there were not many.
Just like individual people, some ideas are better than others. Therefore, some cultures are better than others. By ‘better’, I mean those that promote individual liberty and equality of opportunity (aka meritocracy).
There are reasons why some nation states are absolute dung-holes. Outside of some very few cases, depredation by the governments and industries of Western Civilization is NOT one of those reasons.
For most of the history of the United States, the vast majority of immigrants to this country WANTED to become Americans. Not just in the sense of citizenship, but in their mores and practices.
I don’t know about today, but once upon a time, the path to citizenship included required schooling and tests of knowledge about the United States system of governance, the English language, social mannerisms, etc.
If we do not stop or severely diminish illegal immigration and demand cultural assimilation, the American way of life is doomed.
If you want Trump to win share this essay with everyone. This essay exposes how the Harris-Biden administration has set up a “Opportunity for Illegal Aliens Economy” that is displacing American jobs and destroying American cities. It is important to watch and read the videos and links to fully comprehend the essay. The media is not sharing the real story I just updated it at 9:00 AM (09/20/2024). To me the solution is clear. Every single Illegal Alien, that came in during the Biden Administration, must be deported. And after that absolutely no more Illegal Aliens should be allowed to enter the country. What is required is a “carrot and stick approach.” The “carrot” is we will pay to have them sent home. The “stick” is absolutely no more money will go to Illegal Aliens, period.
Don’t ignore Springfield as the Illegal Alien “Great Replacement” is coming to your city next
The only viable solution is mass deportation
Here is a question I posed to a citizen journalist about a year ago. I think most of you will know where I am going with this. If the answer is indeed “No” as I was advised it is very telling and also very ominous.
Earlier I read a substack from Amy. She’s been having a bitch of a time getting her Thai husband over here. Have been reading her for a while and can vouch she’s not exaggerating. One of the biggest hang ups they have had was that it was mandatory to get the covid vax per US immigration. She even considered bringing him in illegally.
So I asked her the question that I had asked a year ago to one of the guys who goes to the border and documents the influx of illegals pouring across. I wanted to know “If the new arrivals were being force jabbed?”
If one thinks on it the people and NGOs behind this mass migration push are most likely staunch leftists. In 2021/22 that damn shot was their absolute darling. It should not have been challenging to tell a new comer “Take the shot or take a hike.” I contend you would have had very little pushback. At that time I would have expected the detention centers to have Pfizer & Moderna flags flying over them. Ok, I’m being a bit facetious but I don’t think it’s a stretch if you remember the atmosphere back then.
The answer I have received has been a definitive NO the jabs were NOT being forced on them. Amy had wondered about it too based on her own personal experience with her hubby.
I cannot fathom why these left wing NGO’s and their groupies had not demanded it. The only reason I can come up with is that the real power behind this push told them to stand down for some reason.
Michael Yon was the guy I am referring to. He saw the importance of the question and did some asking around. He got back to me and said from everything he could dig up the answer was that the jabs were down there but NOT mandatory. Well all of you know the sheer insanity involved at that time around making sure EVERYONE got the vax.
And I am curious as to the reason. I certainly can’t think of any comforting answer. Look at who AI is supposed to replace. The middle managerial class to my understanding. Many of them white but not sure it matters as much as the class of people themselves.
Kind of a spooky story right in time for Halloween.
Luke: “I wanted to know ‘If the new arrivals were being force jabbed?’… The answer I have received has been a definitive NO… the real power behind this push told them to stand down for some reason… And I am curious as to the reason.”
You know the reason, Luke. The Dark Side wants certain people to live… and some others to die and die quickly. There isn’t much else needed to explain beyond this.
“Kind of a spooky story right in time for Halloween.”
Our World today is one continuing Halloween day after day. With the Grim Reaper wielding his needle of death everywhere and Leftists looking on with sickly smiles of approval and hatred of all others. And flags depicting Doctor Death right below their DEI colors flying high.
The only thing about having this kind of perpetual Halloween is that we get nothing but Tricks… and no Treats. The Wicked Witch From The Bay is flying high and cackling all the way. And We the People are treated like crap in our own Country while invaders and handed the Keys to the Kingdom.
At least Charlie Brown could come home with a bag full of rocks. Even that would be better than what they are giving us.
The problem is that America is not perceived as a nation or a people by its rulers.
It is perceived as a marketplace.
The ideal way to run a marketplace is the way a duty Free zone in an airport is run.
Whoever pays the most rent is the best.
That’s not the way a monarch runs his country. He considers that he and his descendants own the country, so it is his obligation to leave it in good shape for his and his family’s descendants.
We are now being run by a bunch of fast-buck artists and con men.
As for being a melting pot?
We’re not a melting pot – we’re a septic tank.
I lived through the Mariel boat lift.
Most of the really horrific stories from that period have never been made public.
If you were an Hispanic drug dealer hanging out in the Mutiny Club with your Donzi parked at Dinner Key, life was swell.
Beautiful, stylish waitresses (Lee Iaccoca married one!) and excellent food- still the best brunch I’ve ever had.
But if you were the average American, when the Marielitos were cutting women’s fingers off with garden shears so they could steal their wedding rings, not so much.
It’s like living through busing.
Making white kids go to school with blacks is a form of child abuse. But how many people have ever seen, or even heard, of a book, a movie, a newspaper article, or a magazine article about what living through busing was really like?
Except for one movie, “Halls of Anger” in 1970 or so, I’ve never seen or heard of anything else.
Have you ever seen an editorial about how blacks ruined neighborhoods?
What you will find are articles about how “White’s fled and that’s the cause of everything bad”.
America will first have to get its collective head out of its collective ass before we can begin to fix things.
Making the elite suffer is going to be a huge part of our strategy.
It’s unfortunate that wealthy innocent people will be caught up in it as well.
But the sad fact is no one gives a crap about what happens to poor people or middle-class people. When the elite start to bleed, then things might change.
I’ll be poolside.
Finally a world leader speaks up about he truth….
UNITED NATIONS, New York – Argentinian President Javier Milei, in his first address before the United Nations General Assembly, blasted the organization, saying it “has transformed into a Leviathan with multiple tentacles that intends to decide not only what each nation-state should do but also how all the citizens of the world should live.”
He added, “This is how we moved from an organization that pursued peace to an organization that imposes an ideological agenda on its members,” according to a Reuters translation.
He then took aim at the world body’s latest offering, calling its “Pact for the Future” “twisted,” saying the policy was the “wrong course” to follow.
“The adoption of this agenda is fully in line with these privileged interests, and, looks beyond the principles that were set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and it is therefore twisted the role of this organization and set it on the wrong course,” Milei said during his impassioned speech.
Milei accused the U.N. of turning into “one of the main proponents of systemic violations of freedom,” citing the organization’s support for the COVID pandemic lockdowns and allowing “bloody dictatorships” such as Venezuela to sit on the Human Rights Council “without reproach.”
“For this reason, I’d like to officially express our dissent on the pact for the future that was signed on Sunday, and I invite all nations of the free world to support us, not only in the U.N. in relation to this pact, but also in the establishment of a new agenda for this noble institution that is the agenda for freedom,” Milei declared.
“As the ‘Pact for the Future’ purports to dictate, this long list of errors and contradictions has led to a loss of credibility for the United Nations before the citizens of the free world,” Milei said. “I’d like to issue a warning here we are coming to the end of a cycle: Collectivism and moral posturing and the woke agenda is coming up against reality. There are no further credible solutions to the real problems of the world.”
The “Pact for the Future” was the centerpiece of the Summit for the Future, which kicked off the high-level week for the U.N. General Assembly this week. The pact serves as the culmination of policies and mission statements issued by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres over the past few years.
The pact aims to expand the scope and focus of the U.N. and its members to handle “global shocks,” such as “disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance.”
Milei compared these new policies, which he alleged amounted to overreach by the organizations, to the original mission and achievements of the U.N., going on to blast the celebration of countries who “punish their women just for showing their skin in this same house that have voted against the State of Israel, which is the only country in the Middle East to defend a liberal democracy.”
Israel’s returning Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon applauded Milei’s challenge to the General Assembly and Guterres’ pact, calling Milei “a true friend of the State of Israel.”
“In this hall where they slandered Israel all day, you expressed courage and supported Israel!”
Milei insisted that if the current agenda should fail, the U.N. members must ask “whether or not this was an ill-conceived program from the outset.”
“We should accept this reality and change what we’re doing,” he argued. “The same thing always happens with ideas that come from the Left … When individuals freely decide to act otherwise, they have no better solution than to restrict, repress or cut off their freedom.”
“In Argentina, we’ve seen with our own eyes what they have done at the end of this path of envy and sad passion: Poverty, anarchy and a total lack of liberty,” Milei said. “We still have time to choose another direction.”
Milei ended with his often said slogan, “”Long live freedom, damn it! Thank you very much.”
I agree with everything you said, small disagreement on one point: “at least a 5 year moratorium.”
Let’s make that starting point 20 years with the goal of extraditing 99% of those who have entered the country by other than the lawfully mandated processes.
Any leftist/communist sympathizer gets deported as well.
Frankly, the collapse has to be complete with the resulting war(s) on American soils has to be won by white people. Otherwise, our extinction is nigh.
That’s why I said “at least” – 5 years would be the bare minimum to fix the border problem.
United Nations Directive 001, The Start of The New World Order, In our Calendar Year of 4 July, 2025.
“As of 17 March, 2025 the former United States of American has turned over their military and police forces to United Nations for control and responsibility, and they will be disbanded or integrated into our Global United Nations forces, as soon as possible. The former United States of America, being the last nation to cede authority over to the United Nations Security Council, has created untold problems and delays for our United Nations plans, and will soon feel the brunt of rapid and decisiv
“We acknowledge that some armed resistance from some police, military, and veterans groups, as well as from groups and individuals of various other patriotic beliefs or even anarchists, is to be expected. These people or groups will be eliminated either by your own forces, or by those forces assigned by our United Nations Military Command. All nuclear, biological, and chemical weaponry are now under Untied Nations control, and will be used in those areas where resistance proves to take too long, or becomes too costly manpower wise. Those who believe they can take a 30/30 rifle or .22 pistol/rifle and oppose us, are sadly mistaken, as biological and chemical use is authorized for all areas of the former United States of America
Source? This sounds fake. Also, the UN would be wiped out easily. Their military is pathetic.
I can hardly wait for freedom to prevail once again
America was a nation for white Europeans until the 1965 immigration act. America was created by white europeans for white europeans. Without white europeans, there is no “America”.