By Brandon Smith
Years ago when the woke takeover of government and popular media was hitting a crescendo, I often struggled to put the horrifying development into the proper words. That is to say, woke isn’t just about DEI or blaming the “patriarchy” – These things are tools that leftists use, but the goal of the movement has always been the destruction of the western world. Woke represented the perverse inversion of every aspect of western society and human morality – To explain such evil requires a concise analysis.
In the movie ‘Platoon’, directed by Oliver Stone, Charlie Sheen’s character is a young soldier cast into the nightmare of the Vietnam War. Regretting his decision to volunteer, he makes a disturbing observation:
“Hell is the impossibility of reason. That’s what this place feels like. Hell.”
This description perfectly summarizes the core aspirations of the woke movement; to create a world where all reason is impossible. A world where all logic and critical thought are admonished. A world where lies are celebrated and the truth is treated as treason. A society that’s not allowed to claim its own heritage because it has been labeled “racist”. A culture perpetually walking on eggshells as leftist hall monitors loom over us, gatekeeping our every moment. What we witnessed as a society over the past decade has been a calculated nuclear attack on the very fabric of the human soul.
Some of us saw these developments within the PC movement coming. However, it’s a very different experience to predict a calamity vs living through that calamity. To see a living breathing monster in action can be daunting.
There was a point, I believe, in 2021-2022 where we came within a razor’s edge of civil war. You could feel it in the air; millions of Americans were fed up and ready to wipe the political left off the face of the Earth (such a conflict might still happen). I don’t think progressives realize how lucky they are that conservatives are patient.
At bottom, the outcome of the 2024 election represents a total condemnation of the woke religion. Even if you don’t like Donald Trump or the GOP in general, there is no denying that the Democrats lost because they embraced far-left zealotry. Kamala Harris, a DEI candidate, is the ultimate example of Get Woke, Go Broke (her campaign spent over a billion dollars, putting them in the red, only to lose the presidency anyway).
In light of this great turning point in our cultural history and because 2024 is quickly coming to a close, I just want to relate a few observations on why the woke cult lost and applaud some of the much needed changes that are happening in our nation’s return to normalcy.
Celebrities And The Media Don’t Matter Anymore
The worship of corporate icons has ended. Hollywood is dying. Most studios are now scrambling to get rid of their DEI programs and put out content that appeals to conservatives (or at the very least, content that doesn’t piss us off). Actually putting out products that make your customers happy instead of acting like the customers owe you something? Imagine that…
For generations Hollywood and the media have treated Americans like a captive audience beholden to the establishment. In recent years, though, a new trend developed in which companies simply stopped trying to cater to audiences and began acting as if we are REQUIRED to consume their woke content. Communists despise the free market, not because of wealth inequality, but because the existence of consumer choice forces the elites to serve the public rather than the public serving them.
This behavior has destroyed the old celebrity edifice and made such people obsolete. So-called “journalists” have also met with a dire fate as their kingdom of spin crumbles. They can’t control the news if no one listens to them anymore. It’s truly a beautiful thing.
Democrats Realize Abortion Is Not A Winning Issue
During the election campaign the vast majority of Democrat Party focus was fear mongering over the loss of access to abortion. I’m not sure when killing babies became some kind of sacred liberty for progressive women – For the longest time it was treated as a shameful but convenient way to avoid responsibility for one’s actions; because that’s what it is.
It’s not “health care”. It’s not bodily autonomy (because the rights of the baby are ignored). It’s not a safety net to prevent death during childbirth because abortion laws don’t interfere with that option anyway. It’s always been about birth control for irresponsible women who refused to use preventative measures or close their damn legs.
The sexual revolution and abortion go hand-in-hand. You can’t encourage sexual promiscuity as a social norm without the consequences involved, unless you also allow people to kill those consequences. But I’m getting the sense that newer generations are starting to see the circular destructive nature of this dichotomy. I think they are getting sick from it and they’re looking for a little purity.
This is why abortion ranked near the bottom of almost every poll of most important issues to Americans during the 2024 election. Leftists claimed there would be a societal uproar over abortion rights once Roe v Wade was overturned. It never happened. They said there would be a massive “blue wave” of Democrat election victories. The opposite occurred. In the end, abortion access just doesn’t matter that much.
The Transing Of Children Is A Red Line For Most Americans
Conservatives said it over and over again – Leave the kids alone. The leftists refused to listen. The effort to introduce gender ideology into schools and children’s entertainment was expansive. Not only did they try to confuse children about their basic genetic make-up and biological roles, they also tried to expose kids to sexualized discussions to the point of grooming.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the moment the left went after the kids was the moment they lost the culture war. That’s when the mask came off and centrists realized that everything conservatives were warning about when it came to progressives was true. That’s when the Democrats alienated the middle-road voters and the independents.
It does make sense in a Machiavellian way; a large percentage of woke activists don’t have kids and probably never will. In order to pass on their cultism they have to steal YOUR kids and brainwash them. It’s the only way progressives can perpetuate their species.
Nobody Cares About Making A Woman President
Would people vote for a woman for president if she was honest, forthright, intelligent and logical? Probably, but the Democrats don’t have such candidates and the idea of overlooking basic competence and honesty just for the sake of having a woman in the White House is not appealing to the public. They don’t care about identity politics, which is why Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris were both crushed by Donald Trump.
The political left has long sought to force their own made-up social taboos on the rest of us, from personal identity to race to gender to sexual orientation. What they don’t seem to grasp is that people want candidates with a plan. Nothing else matters and “victim status” is irrelevant.
Have ancestors that were slaves? No one cares. Are you gay? Irrelevant. Do you think you should win simply because you’re a woman and women are historically less represented in government? Maybe you’re special, maybe you’re not, but there’s nothing special about a career victim.
Open Borders Ideology Is Dead
Along with the economy, the border crisis issue was the most important factor on the minds of Americans during the election. Housing expenses are going through the stratosphere. It’s not surprising that the public doesn’t want a bunch of third world parasites using government subsidies to snake homes out from under native Americans and drive up rental costs.
Illegals sneaking into the country also work for lower pay, often under the table, driving down wages for citizen workers and craftsman and making industries like construction less enticing. Yes, Americans would do these jobs, just not for a 30% to 50% wage cut. And since tens of millions of migrants have flooded into the US, the fact that they work for less doesn’t help with prices. The massive extra demand actually sucks up supply and inflates prices further.
The progressive notion of the “American melting pot” no longer holds any magic for the average citizen. The “migrant dream” of the 1920s is empty today. We don’t want other cultures flooding the west, and we don’t want millions of people that don’t intend to assimilate. Leftists still don’t understand that their open border narrative has failed. Nationalism and protectionism are the winning positions. No foreigner is entitled to American access. If they get it, they should be thanking their lucky stars instead of acting as if it’s something they’re owed.
Comedy Is Making A Comeback
Remember when calling your friends gay or retarded was normal and no one threw a tantrum over it? Remember when comedy equaled tragedy + time and people knew how to laugh in the face of adversity? Well, we’re bringing that tradition back and there’s nothing the woke pearl clutching losers can do about it.
It might not sound very important, but anyone familiar with the writings of Erasmus, including his ‘Praise Of Folly’, knows the problems that arise when an ideological movement is incapable of laughing at itself. Humor often requires self examination and a truthful eye, which is something authoritarians greatly fear. If you can laugh at the establishment, then the establishment loses power.
There have been times when Christianity was incapable of self reflection and humor and it hurt conservatives as a whole. Today, though, most humorless people reside among progressives. They have dominated our cultural institutions for many years because they used to respect humor. Finally, thanks to the independence of online content creators, the cultural power has been taken away from leftist elites and is returning to the people.
I’m noticing, with great relief, that most people are starting to smile again. It’s slow and it’s subtle, but comedians are far less inclined to walk on eggshells these days. It’s a big change from only a few years ago. Never forget, the left tried to take our laughter away and control what we’re allowed to make fun of. Without humor, society crumbles.
There are many other shifts in America that are making daily life bearable again and I can’t cover them all here. My point is that these wonderful steps away from the woke chasm are worth celebrating. To be sure, there is more work to be done and a lot of damage to be mended. However, take heart in the knowledge that most of the country is finally awake and we are, in one great chorus, opposed to wokeness.
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About their DEI programs or propaganda, do not forget Netflix.
Netflix is not just a media but a weapon to pervert and ultimately help destroy Western societies.
At the moment, times are hard for wokism.
“The progressive notion of the “American melting pot” no longer holds any magic for the average American. The “migrant dream of the 1920s is irrelevant today. We don’t want other cultures flooding the west, and we don’t want millions of people that don’t intend to assimilate.”
Exactly, the “melting pot” was when the vast bulk of immigrants were coming from Europe – i.e. culturally and religiously similar. Not hordes whose intent (and allowed purpose) is destruction of our culture in favor of theirs. (And of particular note, if we’re honest, Islam needs uprooted from anyplace in America it’s taken hold – Europe is way farther down this road and it’s beyond an obvious problem at this point.)
Spot on, brother! Muslims are not compatible with western society.
Where is the responsibility of the men to use condoms or keep their damn penises in their pants?
Yes it boils down to the woman making the choice of abortion but it takes two to tango and there’s no baby without the wild oats that men are freely sowing without care.
They have none. As Patrice O’ Neal wisely stated – Safe sex is a WOMAN’S responsibility. They control it all. Men don’t.
I disagree with that premise. Wokeism tells men they are not responsible. It’s wrong – as god fearing men, we must lead the way back to abstinence til marriage and responsibility to our offspring.
False. Woke tells men that they are responsible for EVERYTHING; that men are the cause of every problem and that women bear no culpability for anything they do. The entire basis for the woke movement is feminism. Where have you been living, under a rock?
If a woman gets pregnant, 100% of the time (except for sexual assault) it is because she didn’t take precautions and because she wasn’t practicing abstinence. Only a woman controls pregnancy all the time. If a guy turns her down she’ll simply find another that won’t because that’s the kind of women that have “unexpected pregnancies” and then abortions. Your sentiment is a product of delusion and being raised in a feminist world in which the fallback is to always somehow blame men, or force men to share the blame.
… woke isn’t just about DEI or blaming the ‘patriarchy’… the goal of the movement has always been the destruction of the western world. Woke represented the perverse inversion of every aspect of western society and human morality…”.
WOKE boils down to one thing: Woke finds its genesis and blueprint in the ancient idea of Sin.
What is sin? It is anything that goes and works against the Will of our Creator. And what can we say that the Will of our Creator is? Our Creator Itself makes that clear: The Giver of Life. The source of Order and Good Purpose… A belief in our human spirit and soul… The betterment of ALL people and life-forms… not just some particular group of purportedly aggrieved.
‘Patriarchy’ represents Order… Leadership with purpose. VIsion. Steadfastness. Honor.
The Western World has been about innovation and freeing the human condition – a belief in Life, Liberty, Happiness. Building things. Striving to make things better for your children than you had them. Having hope in the future and endeavoring to make that kind of future happen. Rewarding creativity. Achieving things through merit and not by any other (phony) measure whatsoever.
And the Woke World? Hates and detests all of these qualities. And They work to destroy and erase these states of being in our society-at-large in favor of appealing to and promoting the worst and base-est instincts and drives and negative compulsions in the human psyche. Destroying the Good and elevating the Bad – and trying to make that the operating software of the human condition.
And the thing about Woke? It will never, ever completely go away. It’s just comes back in various eras in various guises because the darkness within the human spirit never goes away. It’s just all rehashed, re-packaged… Sin. Evil you could call it.
And let’s face it. There is large group of people in our World – and many institutions – who benefit from Wokeness. Those who can’t or wont earn things by merit. Those dark power centers that profit by keeping humans weak, confused, divided, and on the wrong course. Deranged humans that live to sow disorder, pain, and hurt in the human social body.
There is a reason our bodies have outer skin. We are meant to hold certain things IN– and keep certain things OUT. So this is with the human family and our thoughts and minds. We are to embrace life-giving thoughts and ways of living… and to keep out all things that are toxic to healthy living and thriving. And Wokeness is one of the big dangerous toxins that must be kept out if we are to maintain a body and mind of healthiness.
We can be happy that for now our Nation has dodged a dangerous bullet in that how close we just came to falling victim to total and perpetual Wokeness by the hands of deluded and demented Democrats — and their apologists.
But we must never let down our guard. Wokeness never goes away. It will try again. It will repeat itself… again and again in our future.
And the irony is that what we know as ‘Woke’… at its root is anything but being aware or awakened. It is falling asleep to the spiritual toxins of disconnecting from Our Creator and descending into the hell of our worst impulses.
But, Wokeness does actually serve us with something: Being a primary and radical root example of how our World… and our own personal bodies and minds… must NEVER, EVER live. A turn into a dead-end, dark alley that we must never take.
The only way to truly be AWAKE and AWARE is to NEVER. GO. WOKE.
Great article and I couldn’t agree more!
Recently J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) came under extreme fire by saying there’s really, IN REALITY, no such thing as a trans person… and she’s absolutely correct! A man can put on women’s clothing, have his wiener cut off, take hormones to grow boobs… but guess what? At the basic DNA and cellular level he’s still a man (can you say XY chromosomes?). Her premise is that being “trans” is a mental construct not based in reality, but an absolute essential cog in the “woke” agenda!
There’s been some people I see in Walmart that I honestly can’t tell what sex they are as they’ve so disfigured themselves… my pronoun for them is “it”. That’s the only pronoun I’ll use besides “he” or “she” to describe someone.
Thanks for a great article that pretty much sums up where we are right now!
For me the mask was fully removed during the Olympics. Many around the world commented and asked if The West had lost its mind and moral compass?. The total perversion of the Last Supper was more than enough for anyone even if they didn’t consider themselves religious. It was disgusting and revolting. The whole thing was not only anti-christian, it came across as Satan worship.
Great article, very well written. I hope the best for your country because it has been a source of evil and debauchery for a long time. The Lord wins in the end , in His timing
I think the turning tide was kicked off when Kid Rock massacred that pile of Bud Lite cans.
On the other hand the satanic forces that work to destroy moral civilization aren’t going to just roll over and play dead. A more esoteric but no less pernicious effort has been long coming. And it has been discussed here before. That is the inevitable end game of using debt notes as currency. The outcome is baked into the cake, it is a mathematical certainty. The only uncertainty is what the chaos will ultimately look like. It may yet prompt a civil war. After all, a recent poll showed half the young people questioned felt the murder of that Insurance CEO was justified. The mindset is there, it seems. Will Trump be able to slow the slide?
Greetings sir,
This is the best article of the year that I’ve read on zerohedge by far . You absolutely nailed it! God bless and god speed sir!
Sorry for breaking protocol here but wth. I wanted to comment about your newsletter instead. The other night I grifted (jacked firestick) the movie Civil War. I actually liked it, it got me thinking anyhow. I don’t believe the movie was that far fetched. I suspect if it happens it will be because a couple of states splinter off along with the military forces loyal to them (FL & TX Guard, etc).
The movie follows a team of adrenaline junkie journalists to DC as the Western Forces move in and gut the entire city of DC. Before the team of journos arrive in DC they stop in one town and it’s remarkably normal. Probably not much realistic about that but the journos are shocked as well.
I bring this up because it fits perfectly with what you talk about in the newsletter. As I watched the movie I couldn’t help but think what every other town might look like. They don’t dig into that tho.
My personal assumption is that if a massive undertaking was going like that “Any Town USA” would be a complete hellhole. I told the story about my dad being a butcher and how much the supply chain changed since it was in his family. My grandfather ran it before that. The cows and pigs went from being slaughtered at a local level to wheeled in on trucks (even from Mexico in some cases for crap cuts) by the time I was a tike. It’s easy to say “Hey we will just revert back to doing that” but that’s easier said than done IMO. That system was slowly refined over the years. Now it no longer exists.
I bring this up ALSO because the title of your piece here “Celebrating The Death of Woke and a Return to Common Sense.” We MUST root for this to happen. Even if we don’t get everything we want. We need to keep our nation sane because I fear we will not do well if shit goes down like that movie.
Happy New Year’s Everyone!!
I haven’t watched that film but I’m aware of the basic plot. I think that the woke movement was largely astroturf, a fabrication that was made to appear bigger than it was. That said, it had the backing of almost every corporation and powerful institution in the US and is still dominant in Europe right now. I continue to believe that civil war is inevitable, but perhaps not in the way we might imagine today. The progressive cult has suffered a great loss, but the elites that funded and created the cult are still around. They’ll try again, with a new plan. Until they are gone the world will continue to destabilize. For now, we can take some solace in the fact that Americans have rejected woke as a monstrosity.
Yes, they don’t ever stop. Trump merely represents a pause, a pause to their “great work”. It’s why I keep thinking about the years after these four, when their plan will resume full speed implementation, as was happening under Biden. Still, there’s time to enjoy this victory.
Their plans don’t stop, but they also fail often. I think time is running out for them and they know it, which is why they will probably be a lot more reckless and dangerous in the next few years.
While that movie won’t ever make my top 50, like I mentioned it did get me thinking. You said plot but I honestly don’t think it has one lol. You can certainly multitask and watch it without too much trouble. Not really sure if that movie had any purpose whatsoever. If they were trying to warn us I think they should’ve explored more about what everyday life had transformed into from both an urban and rural standpoint.
PS….if you want to watch a movie/series and go into deep thought I HIGHLY recommend True Detective Season 1 (8 episodes). I have watched it 100’s of times and it never gets old.
I will certainly agree with “Gavin swain” and say too that this is the best article of the year, and perhaps for awhile longer, after going the rounds of the conservative websites that I visit. Thanks.
An article straight out of my brain. Perfectly said. Bravo and please, sir, may we have some more!
Thanks for enumerating the visible changes, including a return to comedy = seeing the forest.
A hope filled way to start this new year.
Brandon, thank you for being able to talk about waking up from being woke. The left has destroyed so much of our language that just talking about the problems they cause is not easy. You are a master of words and I appreciate it.
If I had to pinpoint what leftists want, it’s for everyone to be miserable and die.
“I think that the woke movement was largely astroturf, a fabrication that was made to appear bigger than it was.
“…it had the backing of almost every corporation and powerful institution in the US…”
But I’m still at a loss insofar as understanding what drives corporation heads to put themselves “out there” when it can only translate into a fiscal disaster for them.
In this case, I’m referring to the Allstate CEO, so obtuse as to be unaware of the, likely, majority political base he attempted to lecture at the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans.
Brandon, thoughts on Mike Johnson being speaker again and Trump/Elon all supporting him? Thomas Massie and Ron Paul seem to be the only ones against him and the only ones with balls
Well, he’s Ukraine’s bitch, we know that. However, it appears that he’s the ONLY choice that the Senate is willing to approve and Trump only has two weeks to get something together. I think Trump is trying to avoid the long drawn out cabinet process that the neo-cons and Dems used against him in 2016. I really think he’s going to have to do recess appointments if he wants to get some of these guys in because there’s just too many Rinos trying to sabotage any change in government. We’ll have to wait and see if Trump actually follows through on his promises, but I don’t think the Speaker appointment is any indication of his intentions.
I agree. Little Rubio is another one to be wary of I suppose as Sec of State.
How ironic! Kamala Harris certified Trump’s victory and at the same time her own defeat this January 6, 2025…
P.S: more sad news for wokists (and globalists?) : Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has just resigned