By Brandon Smith
For the past six months I’ve been writing about the clear uptick in civil war rhetoric within the establishment media in the US, and we all know that the coming presidential election is the reason for it. The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass violence, but most of this violence will be reserved for the possibility of Donald Trump’s return.
Set aside the recent attempted assassination (and how the Secret Service made it possible) for a moment and let’s consider the common leftist response to it – Around 30% of Democrats believe the attack was “staged” (virtually impossible given the circumstances and evidence). The rest are enraged that the shooter missed. No event has exposed the political left for what they truly are more than the near-murder of Donald Trump. We are dealing with bloodthirsty mental deficients that will do anything to win.
The “false left/right paradigm” is dead, at least when it comes to average American citizens. The political left is not just an innocent subset of the population being led astray by false leadership – They are a big part of the problem. They are willing participants in the destruction of the west. Globalists would get nowhere on economic centralization, the DEI agenda, the trans agenda, carbon taxation, anti-2A legislation, open borders, etc. without help from a large portion of leftists.
I have long cautioned that the political left is slowly but surely becoming a happy cannon fodder army in service to globalism. And sadly, leftists tend to engage in warfare while conservatives tend to engage in politics. Leftists use any means necessary and feel thoroughly justified. Conservatives color within the lines for fear of being accused of “fascism.” We don’t have to abandon our moral compass, but the sooner we realize that war is being waged on us the sooner we can defend ourselves against it.
As we have seen in Europe (in France the past month), any perceived shift towards conservative influence in government will undoubtedly result in riots and chicanery from socialists. The media has so infected the minds of progressives that they truly believe they are the “good guys” and that conservatives intend to “end democracy.” Thus, in their view all violence or sabotage against conservatives (and independents) is justified.
In the long run the left’s violence and hysteria is only inspiring conservatives to respond with aggression in kind. This is where the potential for civil conflict arises. Leftists argue that only they are virtuous enough to be allowed to dictate policy and law. Yet, their ideology also embraces moral relativism, so you can see where this thing is headed…
They will continue to press for the erosion of western heritage and principles and, eventually, regular people are going to fight back; they have no choice. Leftists and globalists expect resistance, to a point. I believe part of their strategy is a classic communist provocation; for patriots to react with violence thereby giving the establishment fuel for a demonization campaign (much like January 6th). It’s not going to go the way they think it will next time and the response will be far larger and more swift than they anticipate.
Meanwhile, if Trump enters office again the rioting America dealt with in 2020 will be a cakewalk compared to 2025. Progressives claim they are “protecting democracy” but you will see very quickly that as soon as democracy doesn’t go their way they will abandon it in a heartbeat and seek to prevail using other methods.
This means a campaign of “monkey wrenching” followed by riots, looting and disruptions in major cities.
One rising trend that should have all business owners and preppers on alert is the use of social media apps to coordinate seemingly spontaneous riots. These events can be organized within hours, encouraging some of the worst people to congregate and strike a business block without ever meeting each other before. What I worry about is that these methods will expand beyond business districts and local government buildings.
Travel routes will come under threat, freight could be targeted and we may even see looters and rioters move into residential areas further away from the city center. Supply chain issues will surely arise. At the very least there will be concerns among freight drivers that they are taking a risk carrying truckloads of goods into places where they could be surrounded by an angry mob and hijacked (or worse).
Large scale crime in general is bad for the economy. As we’ve witnessed in cities like Chicago and San Francisco, unchecked crime forces companies to move out of a region and leave those places barren. They call it a “food desert” – A place where tens of thousands of people have no close access to groceries or retail goods. Looting and rioting are an accelerating catalyst for this scenario. Once stores are looted or burned, they may never try to rebuild.
What I am describing is a much larger number of incidents with a longer duration than 2020. I’m talking about prolonged civil unrest and I predict this will become the norm going into next year. Don’t count on the government to provide sufficient aid. Don’t count on FEMA rations or a national guard response that does anything other than exacerbate the problem. Don’t rely on outside help – You’ll regret it.
There are different levels of civil unrest. Sometimes it starts as a less malicious redress of grievances, but often it becomes a vehicle for random destruction. The best way to counter indiscriminate violence is with directed and focused self defense, along with the proper supplies to keep you going until things calm down.
Also, don’t think just because you live in the suburbs or a rural town that these threats don’t concern you. In Argentina during their economic collapse in 2001, gangs of looters stalked rural areas with impunity while cities ground to a standstill. Once the cities are hollowed out, where do you think the worst people will go next?
In the US we have similar circumstances to Argentina in which economic crisis has the ability to feed directly into preexisting divisions. Politically motivated bad actors could be inspired to sabotage normal services in the face of limited law enforcement opposition. There are people who will do anything to get their way.
Organize accordingly and keep your own supplies ready. There are plenty of people out there that think they are owed something. They think they are owed a political win, or social power, or maybe they just think they’re owed access to other people’s stuff. Right now the US is a powderkeg waiting to go off and the coming election period will be the fuse.
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My favorite line from the movie Civil Unrest: “I’m an American. What kind of an American are you?”. In Michael Rupert’s movie collapse, he opened the movie by saying that Thomas Jefferson said we need a revolution every generation to preserve your vitality and your freedom.
Yes, this is all heading for full blown, potentially very civil unrest because the Left have shown their cards and conservatives and freedom lovers want no part of the hypocrisy and moral depravity of the Left.
I find it ironic that the Left claims the Trump assassination was staged and yet it is the same group that accused and bankrupted Alex Jones for pretty much the same thing.
A Nation divided against itself, cannot stand. – Abraham Lincoln
Hey Rodster, I’m on the Right, but ironically, I also think the attempted assassination of Trump was staged. Here’s a few reasons:
1. Trump had a line of blood on his cheek. If he was shot and grazed just above the lip and then along the cheek, then wouldn’t the bullet have travelled deeper in his cheek due to the crease? And that same bullet then turned and hit his ear?
2. Wouldn’t Trump be left deaf in his right ear? https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=70301
3. His own secret service allowed the shooting to happen? As FJB would say, “Come on, man.” https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=70313
4. How does the bullet miss Trump and hit someone else when that person was at a totally different angle?
5. Trump has given all of the typical freemason hand signs: the “ok” 666 sign, the awkward facing-forward fist sign, the devil’s horns, and the triangle on numerous occasions.
Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, Trump’s a RINO.
1) The line of blood was spatter from dropping to the ground.
2) No. That’s not a thing in ballistics.
3) Yes, they did. And they’re not “his” Secret Service, they are Biden’s Secret Service.
4) Multiple shots were fired at Trump. Of course they’re going to hit other people.
5) Seen leftists use the same argument about conservatives using “hand signals” to indicate they are white supremacists. Hand gestures mean nothing, except perhaps the “horns” gesture and people do that all the time without thinking. It depends on the context.
Trump’s policies and his cabinet will determine if he’s a RINO or not. My belief is that the globalist view him as a catalyst for unrest in more ways than one; assassination is one way, economic collapse another. His mere presence in the White House is used as an excuse by the left to riot. He might be aware of this, or he might not be.
Brandon, there are rumors that Trump will pick Jamie Dimon as his treasury secretary. If true, well…
Not really the point. The point is, there’s ZERO evidence that the Trump shooting was staged, and all the talking points I’ve seen so far parrot leftist nonsense.
Brandon, love your work and hope you never stop.
However, with all due respect, and I do respect your work a lot, I disagree on some points. I’m not a forensics expert, but I know that blood doesn’t spatter in a perfectly straight line. At best, it could be curved due to gravity. At worst, it would spatter outward from the point of impact (ear). Also, the amount of blood on his face doesn’t trail off but is fairly consistent.
I agree with you that Secret Service allowed it to happen. It was more of a rhetorical question meaning that they laid down because the puppet masters at the top told them to allow a staged shooting to happen. They want drama. They want conflict. That’s their divide and conquer.
I’ve seen the overhead/bird’s eye view of the layout. The victim who was shot was nowhere near Trump…not a slight few degrees off.
Unfortunately, I disagree about the hand gestures. If you and I give a thumbs up, it has no hidden meaning and it just means we agree or approve. But I believe hand gestures mean everything to the Luciferians. You can literally find about a hundred pics of Trump in different situations doing the upside triangle and I’ve seen him do all of the other hand gestures I mentioned. Trump’s past policies (Operation Warp Speed) and his former cabinet in my mind already determined he’s not on our side. HIs current pic for VP is also a deep state insider.
And why is his image apparently so obviously shown on 2 Illuminati cards? I believe he was groomed a long time ago. And the general population was also groomed a long time ago to vote for him. All the commercials, his Apprentice TV show. It was all to keep him in the spotlight. The puppet masters are simply holding their cards and playing them when they see fit.
Anyway, I do agree that the globalists view him as a catalyst for unrest, but it’s a weapon they’ll wield, not us. It could be to stage actually taking him out if he’s elected and then saying we need to ban and confiscate guns (and then whisk him away like Epstein maybe was). It could be simply to claim that Trump’s capitalist perspective is what led to our economic / financial collapse and that’s why we need socialism labeled as ESG or whatever label they want to stick on it. It could be as you say as an excuse by the left to riot. Anyway, I think that when he signed up for this role (with them), he was fully aware of the part he would play, and that his role is simply to do whatever the hell they tell him to do.
1) Blood didn’t spatter in a perfectly straight line, is spattered and also ran down his cheek as he was laying on the ground. Perfectly normal. He also probably wiped his ear or cheek when he checked to see if he was hit.
2) Don’t really care about hand gestures, I care about policies and actions. Hand gestures prove nothing.
3) Illuminati cards? Not familiar with that. I would worry far more about his cabinet choices.
4) What I’m saying is, there’s no evidence so far that Trump had anything to do with the shooting and I think it’s unwise to jump to conclusions until more information is in. For example, it appears that the shooter was on Gab and was VERY pro-Biden. We need more info.
And have you seen this pic of Kamala Harris and Lisa Simpson? To me, this shows that all of this was scripted decades ago.
Any way you slice it, this picture doesn’t add up to a lone gunman working by himself.
Hey Jay, I haven’t seen this video, but it argues that there was more than one gunman.
Guantlet33, You have a lot of good points. I have one too.
Why does Trump depend on the Secret Service for protection, it’s like asking the fox to guard the hen house, especially when his request for more protection was refused. Shoot! Why didn’t he hire his own personal security, instead of leaving himself wide open. Perfect example of, if he doesn’t look out for himself! What about us? Which brings me to believe it was staged too. One of the biggest ploys a self absorb person uses, to win folks over is victimization, it’s why he didn’t hire his own protection. He wanted to appear to be victimized by Biden.
‘5. Trump has given all of the typical freemason hand signs: the “ok” 666 sign, the awkward facing-forward fist sign, the devil’s horns, and the triangle on numerous occasions.’ Right in front of our faces. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is an empolyee, of the globalist. He works for them. The staged even was to manipulated us.
The theory has far too many holes to be viable. No man is going to allow a shooter to fire that close to him and trust that they won’t hit him. No one is going to try to fake a shooting with that many people and camera’s around him. Also, in order for the plan to work, EVERYONE around him would have to be in on it including the Secret Service. It’s simply nonsense. Trump was already winning the election by every available metric, so risking his life gets him nothing extra. Sorry, but not buying the conspiracy theories on this one.
And that would explain why the female SS agent just sat on the stage looking at her phone while it was happening while everyone else was scrambling for cover.
If you’re talking about the woman who MIGHT be the head of FBI, she was filming – Perhaps to get a good shot of Trump’s dead body. Maybe because she was oblivious to the danger. Hard to say.
The question would be, “which agents had live rounds and which ones had blanks? Somebody had live rounds to kill the man that used his body to shield his little girls, but a rifle round likely would have penetrated both depending on the angle and caliber, which was different from the supposed angle that was used on Trump. And then we have the staged photo op with Trumps fist in the air saying “fight, fight, fight” long enough to see if anybody else in the crowd wanted to try a shot at him. I saw the footage when Reagan was shot and the SS slammed him in the Limo so fast it looked like a fourth down across the line NFL game in the last 3 seconds. But there they stood for a photo op with blood running down his face and they expect us to believe it was real.
There’s no evidence that anyone had dummy rounds, and there’s stop motion photos of the bullet vapor trail zipping Trump’s head, so, no, zero chance it was a conspiracy to stage a photo op. It might have very well been a conspiracy to kill Trump, though. The problem with some conspiracies is that they perpetuate without evidence. Anyone can hypothesize about any scenario. I only take theories seriously when there is proof to support them.
Mornin! 🙂
conspiracy |kənˈspirəsē|
noun (plural conspiracies)
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful:
Theory – noun – A supposition
I don’t think the investigating agencies will give Brandon or his readers any proof. It seems we are stuck in the position of Hercule Poirot, having to use our little grey cells.
No evidence of balnks? Flipside – no evidence of NO-blanks…
Choosing between the science of ballistic trajectories versus a picture with a bullet vortex on? It might be easier to photoshop in a bullet vortex than faking an actual bullet trajectory.
Looking at scientific facts it seems the most likely conclusion is:
– The real shooter is up on the water tower
– The patsy is recruited and paid to “test security” and given a rifle with some blanks
– The patsy is allowed to climp up the provided ladder, crawl up to the roof-line (with many people pointing and calling for the security services to do something), and allowed to fire off a few blanks
– The Pied Piper hits the deck and is swamped with agents dabbing some blood on his ear
– The real shooter fires a shot into the podium, hitting two people and a hydraulic line
– The real shooter shoots the patsy, who is below the roof-line from the sniper behind the Piper, but wide open from the position on the water tower
Don’t you need to spill some innocent blood to get a seat at the table? Does the Piper want a seat at the table?
I think Brandon was spot-on in his Pied Piper article. No need to doubt your analysis of the Pied Piper, Brandon. As you said, there should be conservative resistance to the liberal/Satanic agenda even without the Piper. Rather doubt a leader than follow a Pied Piper.
If the “deep state” wanted him gone they coud just zap him with a heart-attack DEW any time they wanted. And what did he mena with “maybe this is the calm before the storm”? Seems the storm is coming and he knows all about it.
It’s impossible to prove a negative – The burden of proof is on the person making the accusation of conspiracy.
For example, you can dismiss the mountain of evidence that Trump was shot by saying it’s all “fake” or staged, but you can’t provide any proof to the effect. Hercule Poirot relied on concrete evidence. There is ZERO evidence to support any of your claims. None. Zip. You’re not using your “grey cells”, you’re simply being lazy. Your argument is exactly the same kind of argument used by Flat Earthers: “Show me proof that my theory is NOT correct…” They show you proof, and then you say “That proof is fake!” It’s a never ending cycle.
Also, pointing out that Trump was indeed shot and all the evidence shows that does not mean I trust Trump. Two things can be true at the same time. Not sure why that’s so difficult for you to understand.
As to be expected, there are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around. Why can’t the attempted assassination of President Trump be as it appears: a mentally ill kid who was able to penetrate a very poorly executed security detail? We will never know the truth anyway.
It’s because people NEED to believe that the establishment is all powerful and infinitely clever. When in reality they make mistakes all the time. It feels better to think that world has gone to dystopian hell because the enemy is so ingenious, when the real reason is that the average person is so apathetic. The primary thing that is suspicious about the Trump shooting is the fact that the SS ignored almost every single security protocol that day. It is as if there was a plan for Trump to die. What would happen after? Total chaos.
I definitely agree with your assessment that security protection was thin and suspect. It may have been intentional or the result of an incompetent staff (or both). It is likely we will never know the truth. Until I hear something tangible, my conclusion is that the assassination attempt on President Trump was as it appears — an amateurish attempt that got as far as it did due to faulty security. Usually, the simplest conclusion is the correct conclusion. For now, paying attention to the events unraveling today is more important and a better use of my resources than focusing on yesterday.
1)The bullet only hit his ear. Blood just ran down. It didn’t hit his lip or cheek.
2) Why would he be deaf for getting shot in the top part of the ear?
3) It was either incompetence or there were 1 or 2 that, yes, let it happen. Have you heard of jfk? Come on, man!
4) There was more than one shot. And they are now proving more than one shooter. One on a roof & one on a water tower and the number of shots is like 6 now, when listening to the audio.
5) I’m not into all those secret signs and if someone video’s you all day, bet we could see you make some gestures that we could interpret as something shady. I think people read too much into silly things like this IMO.
Anyway, I’m not a huge Trump fan myself but definitely don’t believe he is a Rino – that’s funny to me – he doesnt want war. All Rinos want war. Trump is definitely a Patriot…and I will be voting for him.
Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation;
and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.
Matthew 12:25 KJV
Now that Trump has had a taste of the popularity that comes with a near death experience, Revelation 13:3 takes on a whole new dimension. Can you imagine the global rockstar status he will have if he survives another one? And if you read the rest of the chapter, you find that the beast was given a mouth speaking “GREAT THINGS.” While I certainly don’t support the perversions and unabated Communism of Kackling Kamala, I don’t think we have any good options left.
The beast is given a mouth to say great things. To me all I hear is the computer was given a voice (AI). A voice that can talk to anybody, in any language. If I were going to be going to the Revelations style apocalypse theories my theory would be AI is the Antichrist. Sorry I know this has absolutely nothing to do with the previous discussions that were being had here I just couldn’t resist throwing that in there.
Have a look at this article: https://alt-market.us/artificial-intelligence-a-secular-look-at-the-digital-antichrist/
Great article, the system is broken, rotten and decayed from within, moral equivalence is rampant and the population has been destroyed by inept government policies and laws designed to destroy societal norms. Oligarchs have been in existence since time immemorial and finally see their plan coming to fruition…total power and enslavement of the serfs. The Central Bank system has enslaved humanity in one form or another since Babylon. The same evil cabal still runs the show; if you want to know who your master is look to those you can’t criticize…the Khazarian proto-Jews, a.k.a. the Jesuits.
Take one last good look around at your country because God is about to destroy this feminist, homosexual baby killing mess. It’s gonna burn just like Sodom.
In that vein, God will be doing the same to almost every nation on earth.
Yes, but remember that the ships captains sat offshore at a distance and wailed as Babylon was burning and all the world watched in amazement. Revelation 18:17-19.
“the sooner we realize that war is being waged on us”
indeed. when only one side is at war with the other, and the other barely even acknowledges something is wrong, GENOCIDE is the result.
the ignorant center cannot hold much longer.
America thinks women should have the right to vote and hold public office. You cannot reason with a nation of people who are that depraved and foolish. It will just have to travel the road to destruction that all nations eventually go.
The purpose of suffrage has always been to suppress wars and all things of a martial nature. It does appear to work. When Japan capitulated following WW2 Douglas MacArthur almost immediately granted the women of Japan suffrage. This was to counter the testosterone laden Samurai tendencies that had prevailed in Japan for many centuries. It worked.
American men today are so pussy-whipped and effeminized that I think any attempts to quell or foment any such efforts would be short lived. For good or ill, there you have it.
The feminists do in fact say that women’s liberation chills men’s aggressive tendencies and stops wars, but quite the opposite is true. We have more crime now than ever before and more war than ever before for the last 2 centuries. It might liberate young promiscuous feminists from the expectations men would have for wives and mothers temporarily, but as we are seeing with men completely leaving women now after 70 years of female hostility, entitlement and disrespect, women are now hungry, childless, older and men will have nothing to do with them and we have even more wars because everyone is angry and about to go hungry and homeless.
Oh my God! Lordy! I can’t believe you said that Jay! I couldn’t agree more! Women have done a piss poor job of stepping up to the plate, if they wanted to be equal to men. They’ve been given every opportunity to do so for going on at least like you said seventy years. They don’t see they are being useful imbeciles by the like of what Willian said, ‘Oligarchs have been in existence since time immemorial and finally see their plan coming to fruition…total power and enslavement of the serfs. The Central Bank system has enslaved humanity in one form or another since Babylon. The same evil cabal still runs the show; if you want to know who your master is look to those you can’t criticize…the Khazarian proto-Jews, a.k.a. the Jesuits.”
Then what you said, bout feminist, ‘It might liberate young promiscuous feminists from the expectations men would have for wives and mothers temporarily, but as we are seeing with men completely leaving women now after 70 years of female hostility, entitlement and disrespect, women are now hungry, childless.’ Not realizing it women have kicked to the curb long term happiness because of their egos, attitudes, about motherhood, the greatest gift bestowed to women. They will be having some serious bouts of loneliness and regrets, by not having a protective, providing awesome man who fathers their children, creating their long term happiness, into motherhood, grandmother hood and her crowning glory of great grandmother hood. I know, I was duped too, I started too late to have long term happiness. Aight, nuff outta me. But thanks for being so certain about your thoughts to put them out there. Some serious strength, intuition, ya got there. I’m with ya.
However, the fact that women are about to be humbled and are beginning to pay for the feminist way they have acted is not all good news. They were led into it by the same Antichrist globalists that will bring them the consequences and whip them back in line. You see, the Antichrist plans a few steps ahead and he knows that society can’t function when women are liberated because it destroys everything constructive, especially the family and marriage. Now that he has gained power and is ready to reveal himself, he has to have a system that works and brings him the credit. So he can’t have a bunch of liberated feminists talking back and standing in his way. So now that the consequences are setting in, he will again set the tone of public discourse that makes both men and women follow his lead. He broke society down and now he’s going to remake it in the image of the Antichrist and the Bible tells us that the whole world will take his mark and follow him. The basic gullible nature of women has not changed at all. It’s just that their minds will now be pointed in another direction to follow the Antichrist directly instead simply being impossible for men to get along with.
Brandon great article. Yes we are now in the most pressing moment of this generation.
It makes sense for the elites to allow Trump back into the presidency and to usher in their civil war.
I don’t see how Kamala or any democrat for that matter “winning” helps them go forward for their agenda of total chaos. It will be at the hands of the democrat party after 4 years of Biden and a new administration for everything to collapse under them doesnt seem to be in the elites paradigm.
They need their scapegoat. They need their fall guy. That’s where Trump comes in.
I believe they replaced Biden with the full intention of trying to make the election look closer than what it would have been.
I remember in 2016 when you went on record way before anyone, I think you did it back in January of 2016 and correctly predicted Trumps victory and Brexit.
I think they give Trump a bigger electoral college victory then in 2016, it can’t be a nail biter, they have to make it seem like Trump and the Republicans own the crash and unrest.
Hey Hugo, great points. However, picking Trump to win in 2016 was easy. I did just that by winning my bet on predictit.org with great odds…I believe I won 3-1 on my money. It was easy because of his popular appeal, just like when Reagan won.
However, Kamala is a curveball this time. Trump will again easily win the popular vote and the REAL electoral college vote, but the deep state can rig it again and CAN declare Kamala the winner, just like “The Simpsons” “predicted” long ago. At this point, they can even stage a Conservative revolt, and use that as fuel to go after gun-owning Americans.
Not that easy. Virtually EVERYONE including most people in the Liberty Movement insisted that Trump would lose in 2016.
You predicted Brexit too
Brandon you should actually tell us about the most important election in 2024…the election In Montana 😂😂
Do you think fake moderate Tester will win or be rejected just like Bullock was.
I think Tester is out. His entire campaign seems to be focused on character attacks against Tim Sheehy, and he is constantly having to pretend as if he opposed Biden when he didn’t. If he stays in office I will be shocked.
If Kamala “wins” the upcoming collapse is owned by her and the Democrats…why would the elites want that to happen? Genuinely curious.
It’s going to be a Trump Landslide. The real question will be what is the October Surprise going to bring this time.
There comes a point in time when so many bad decisions have been made that there are no good or easy answers.
The drawback to provoking a violent response from someone is the possibility that it won’t go the way you wanted it.
What you say is true and probably right on the money but what bothers me is nobody wants to enforce the law. I can understand this happening with the left but the RIGHT?
So that’s where the problem lies.
I think we’re well beyond the ability of the legal apparatus to stop what is about to happen.
Agreed. We are definitely beyond the ability of the legal apparatus, but there are much larger forces than just the police.
Civil war. Violence. Anger. Disorder. Frustration. Loss of faith. Loss of hope. Rejection of logic and sanity.
Sadly, all of these and more afflictions have reached pandemic levels in our World. And especially in The Indispensable Nation.
So how can we frame this problem? The greatest way to set up a game is so one (favored) side wins regardless of the outcome of the ‘Game’. That is one great sleight-of-hand trick and is basically just another form of lying and deceiving and mocking your opponent.
Such this is with the whole idea of civil unrest.
If We the People do nothing – the Dark Siders win.
If We the People rise up and actually DO something – Dark Siders haul out their many thugs-in-waiting-at-the-ready to crack skulls and obliterate freedoms.
See? Nice, right? Either way, We the People didn’t stand a chance and the Dark Ones get Their way. This was not a Game but a trap… a joke… a cynical exercise in dehumanization and ridicule of others by those who run the Game.
So where does that leave us? You remember the old story about those workers who threw wooden shoes into machinery gears to protest their grievances? Guess what. We, too, have got our ‘shoes’. Maybe lots of them. Maybe different forms of them.
And thanks to those inspired workers all those years ago.. we know what to do with all that ‘footware’ if and when circumstances call for it.
We don’t exactly know what’s ahead but we know that some bad ingredients have already been tossed into the National Cake Batter. And you don’t get good cake when you start with a bad recipe.
Don’t try to figure out what’s around the next bend. It could be anything when you are dealing with an adversary that’s always four steps ahead of you.
Take a lesson from classic 1961 movie, ‘The Hustler’ with Paul Newman.
Newman (as the Hustler) is ready to take on the great challenge of playing Minnesota Fats. He asks his manager, “How should I play that… Play it safe?… Play the percentage? Well, here we go: fast and loose!… How can I lose?”.
We can learn great truths from a movie (sometimes). And this is one of those.
We all must live “Fast and Loose.” Be ready for anything. Never letting your ‘opponent’ get in your head or throw your game off. And one more important thing…
We need to keep our shoes within reach and ready for action.
And maybe on put earplugs to keep us from all that noise of gears grinding and wailing.
Gov. Newsom here in Ca., just passed an executive order law today 7/25/24 to get rid of all the homeless. He used them to destroy Los Angeles. Santa Monica looks like San Francisco. All boarded up. He is a Klaus Schwab school graduate for the New World Order.
Kamala for president, yeah!
Yeh, that’s almost as good as slamming the door and getting your finger caught in it.
I feel like there’s been a door opened into some kind of evil twin of a parallel universe.
It’s great to give examples. In this case what happened in Argentina. Would love it if you would write about what happened in the USSR circa 1990. Just popped into my mind for some crazy reason. Idk much about it to be honest.
Don’t mean what caused it as no doubt the world’s favorite Hegemony played a major role. I remember being in High School at about that time. You would hear talk about the breadlines.
I want to know what they did to not end up in the Stone Age. 30 years later they end up being one of the biggest thorns in the side of the Globalists. I did read something not too long ago that Russia was technically 85% homogenous (maybe it was at that time; not sure) if you count the White Slavic Nations that immigrated there. They also have a healthy population of Muslims.
The demographics most definitely clashed. The Chechens and Russians especially. But the overall population did NOT eat itself. Not so sure the same will be said about this place. Divide and Conquer is how the West has been run by our betters. Sometimes I have hope; sometimes none at all.
Great Article BTW
Paul Craig Roberts as usual, makes excellent points. This is how you get to civil unrest from a whacked out divided country that is now based on lies and fraud everywhere you look.
My favorite excerpt is this: “It is clear that America is split more decisively than it was by tariffs that led to the so-called “Civil War.” All relations in American society have been damaged by the liberal-left. Feminism has made women unsupportive and even hostile to men. Consequently, men cannot trust women. Families, the basis of society, are weakened. Men’s testosterone levels have dropped so much that you can’t even get into a fight in a redneck bar.
The Republicans point to Kamala’s warchest provided by rich American liberals and ask their working class supporters to help fund Trump’s election. The mismatch of resources between Democrat billionaires and Republican working class “deplorables” is extraordinary. But note that for both parties the election is a matter of who has the most money.
This is the sign of a country that is finished, over and done with.”
Yes, but what man has enough energy for a fight in a redneck bar when your own wife will fight you in your own house, turn your children against you and then bring you another fight in court with her lawyer and an entire judicial system that hates men?
The Bible tells us that in the last days, a man’s worst enemies would be those of his own household. The guy down at the redneck bar is probably looking for a friend to tell his problems to rather than a fight. It’s a great time to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him right after his wife uses the judicial system to destroy him and leave him homeless.
But wait til sobers up. Otherwise he won’t remember it.
Hahahaha…no doubt. Know that role well. 😉
What happens if Kamala wins? I equally believe that unrest will happen in this case , although slower to come but more widespread. The thinking that the election was rigged and a loss in confidence of voting process, plus the next four years of more intrusions into our lives.
I just see and agree with you that this way of life we have will change for the worse.
Either way, Trump and conservatives get blamed by extension.
Correct, because the Media is aligned with the Left. One of the best quotes I have ever heard was recently from Tucker Carlson. He was at a speaking engagement for journalists in Australia. He was shocked that their Media is quite possibly dumber and worse than ours.
He told them that the job of the Media is to challenge those in power on behalf of the powerless. What they have done similar to other western media is that they have aligned themselves with the powerful against the powerless.
That was just a brilliant observation from Tucker Carlson and got him a loud round of applause from the crowd.
7:25 min mark
I guess, no matter what, stay out of cities post election.
The “civil unrest” is the result of a deeper problem. As the West has moved away from its Christian philosophical foundations (which give understanding, morals and relative peace), various utopian ideologies (Pagan) have returned and taken root in societies. The “Left” would be considered “secular” or non-religious, but its political expression has roots of its own in ancient pagan religions.
Today’s Left is an expression of “matriarchal idealism” that seeks to eliminate all conflict by whatever means possible. This conflicts with the way reality works. This contradiction cause unique failures in society. DEI is one expression of this failure.
For more, read – SOCIETY AGAINST ITSELF: Political Correctness and Organizational Self-Destruction, Howard S. Schwartz, Karnac, 2010.
Another way to look at our predicament is how Oswald Spengler defined a “second religiousness” related to the Decline of the West. Cause and effect are blurred in times like these due to where each person observes the events.
Regardless, I think Brandon has summed things up nicely. There are still many different ways things could unfold, but options are becoming fewer and fewer each day. I would agree the legal and political processes are pretty much off the table. The level of chaos ahead would have the BLM riots of a few years ago as a best case scenario. Worse case? Depends on how long .gov remains organized and effective, and how rapidly other organizational units (like warbands) develop.
One thing seems very likely. Everyone gets to participate in the storm, whether they want to or not.
This is exactly what’s going to happen. I’ve never seen a clearer explanation of the madness that has infected “Our Democracy”, formerly the US Republic; courtesy of the Marxist maggots that are and have been throwing wrenches into the gears of our economy and society for well over 150 years. Honestly, kill off all the Marxists and this nation may survive. Just subscribed to the Wild Bunch newsletter.
Brandon, in a future article can you describe what a breakup of the United States would look like and how it would get started?
And if it would be successful?
In addition to a civil war, the US could face a major war overseas ( i.e in China Sea or in MidEast).
Given the corruption of many members of Capitol Hill and their subservience to various powerful lobbies (specifically the military-industrial complex and the pro-Israeli lobbies i.e NeoCons), this is quite likely.
Take a look at these articles about the behavior of Democratic and Republican members of the U.S. Congress during Israeli PM Netanhyaou’s speech on Capitol Hill last week..Disgraceful!
P.S: The Israeli PM is more acclaimed than the US President and “easily” imposes his voice…:
Re-P.S: I can suggest you and readers this very, very relevant book: “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”(2007), by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M.Walt.
I remember when Ron Paul was running for POTUS for the last time, he took a lot of heat from the Neocons and radio talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity etc when he said, the United States should not be funding Israel or any other foreign country. They should fund themselves.
I’ve been hearing and reading about Biden wanting to set term limits for Supreme Court justices and imposing an “enforceable standard of ethics” on them as well. He’s even proposing a constitutional amendment to strip presidents of immunity from prosecution for criminal acts committed during official acts. On the surface these sound good, but I suspect he and his ilk wants to do this because they realize the scales of justice and power are starting to tilt in the favor of the constitutional conservatives and this is just another attempt to maintain power. What are your thoughts on this.