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Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Everything – Now What?

February 19, 2025

By Brandon Smith

For many years alternative economists and “conspiracy theorists” have argued that, according to the evidence, there has been an organized criminal cabal operating a long running agenda to exploit and eventually destroy western culture. We have suggested that much of this agenda was being funded with our own tax dollar while using government institutions and NGOs as vehicles for social engineering.

In the 20 years since I started work in the liberty movement (or patriot movement), I have seen corruption beyond imagining and it all culminated in 2020-2023 when many of us battled against the imposition of total medical tyranny and mass woke indoctrination. Even after that startling Orwellian period we were still called conspiracy theorists, but public awareness is changing rapidly.

I’ve see enough to know that what is happening today is truly unprecedented. We have entered a crossroads; a time when reality is no longer discarded for the sake of collective comfort and “conspiracy” becomes historic fact. It’s an exciting time to be alive, but also potentially hazardous.

My running theory has always been that once the house of cards came crashing down and the truth was revealed to the wider public, a whole lot of skeptics that used to call us “fringe crazies” and “tinfoil hatters” would suddenly claim they “saw it coming all along”. Yes, the conspiracy theorists were right, about EVERYTHING. The truth is coming to light in a big way, but what does this mean for the future?

Can America Handle The Truth?

The recent dismantling of USAID and the open investigations into numerous federal agencies has opened a Pandora’s Box; the covert funding that these institutions are involved in (including millions in pay-offs to various news media outlets and propaganda platforms) is, I believe, just the tip of a massive iceberg that could very well sink the US system faster than the Titanic.

Elon Musk’s DOGE group has only just begun dipping their toes into the dark waters of the Treasury, Medicaid, Social Security and the Defense Department. We all know there are some horrifying monsters lurking in those depths. This doesn’t even take into account the hidden activities of the controllers of the Federal Reserve.

The establishment media argues that USAID represents only 1% of the total federal budget, as if that makes the budget waste acceptable. But if there is that much mismanagement and gerrymandering in a smaller organization like USAID, imaging how much fraud there is in the rest of the federal government? .

Over the years many of us in alternative economics have wondered if our nation would be able to handle the revelation that almost everything about our system is fake. Half the country has suspected as much, but what would happen if we had hard proof – A smoking gun?

USAID is that smoking gun, the proof of death, but it’s only one of many buried bodies that are about to be uncovered. The real revelations will come when DOGE discovers how much US policy is directed and controlled by entities OUTSIDE our own country.

What happens when they investigate the numerous financial and political networks connected to the WEF, DAVOS, World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, and international think tanks like the CFR, Tavistock, the Atlantic Council, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Open Society Foundations? What about the investment influences of Black Rock,Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc.?

When the globalist hand behind the revolving door of cash is revealed, when the shadow government becomes a concrete and undeniable fact, is the public going freak out?

The political left is an enemy of freedom and morality, yes, but the greater issue is that they are a useful tool for more powerful elitist interests. It’s a cartel, an oligarchy working together to bring down the west from within and replace it with something new. A new ideology and a new economy that would effectively turn the majority of the population into unwitting serfs.

Only four years ago the WEF was boasting about the coming of the “4th Industrial Revolution”, the rise of the “cashless society”, the “Fifteen Minute City” and the “Sharing Economy”. And, as we now know, many of those projects were being paid for with our tax dollars. The globalists were so convinced that they had the populace dead to rights. They thought they had won.

It was only through the tireless efforts of liberty movement activists and conservatives around the world that the plan was disrupted and the globalists were sent into retreat. However, the fight is far from over. There are some important problems that need to be addressed as we enter the era of transparency. Here’s what will probably happen next…

Rabid Sabotage By The Political Left

The government is effectively being audited by the Trump Administration, and the Democrats are enraged. Why? Because they (and a handful of Neo-Cons) know full well what that audit is going to find. Activist judges and progressive politicians are going to obstruct and interfere with the process as much as they can. Their entire power structure depends on the steady embezzlement of tax dollars and the constant churning of the fiat printing press.

For those people who don’t understand what the big deal is with USAID, I suggest they research ESG programs and what they do. USAID was basically a vehicle for global ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance; a meaningless acronym designed to hide a program for global socialism) and it was spending incredible sums of money to spread woke propaganda into every facet of our society.

Leftist legal actions won’t make much difference in the long run, but they’ll still try to delay. These delays will be used to buy time for media spin. They’re going full force to misrepresent DOGE as some kind of totalitarian entity “destroying democracy”, however, authoritarians have never and will never pursue government transparency; this is not a thing.  Authoritarians ALWAYS pursue obscurity and occult secrecy around their activities. The leftists, by their own actions, are exposed as the true totalitarians.

Democrats and establishment NGOs will continue trying to foment civil unrest and they will use woke dupes as cannon fodder in this fight. Anything to distract the public from the evidence of their criminality.  Violence and terrorism should be expected.

Economic Downturn Is Inevitable – Trump Will Be Blamed

Broad budget cuts are essential to saving the economy in the long term, but they are also a double-edged sword in the short term. For example, US GDP stats rely greatly on government spending in their calculations (they shouldn’t, but they do). Government spending accounts for around 36% of our nation’s GDP – It’s a methodology used in recent decades to make our economic health look stronger than it really is.

As Trump executes extensive cuts to government spending, this will in turn make it look as if GDP is plummeting. Leftists will claim that Trump’s policies are crashing the financial system.

On top of this, I’ve been warning for some time that the Biden Administration has been engaging in complex data manipulation. Now that Biden is gone the real data is already coming out and it’s not good. Inflation numbers and employment numbers from the Biden era are being “adjusted”, as I predicted, showing a much weaker economy than originally reported. Retail stats and GDP are next.

The American public will need a crash-course in how the economy works and who is behind the downturn, or the leftist media will have a field day with the revised stats.

Can The Investment World Handle The Truth?

When the level of fraud within the US system is fully exposed, will the investment world panic? Will they pull their money out of US markets that have long been supported artificially by government funds and central bank intervention? These are valid questions we need to consider. The truth needs to come out regardless; nothing can be fixed until the source of the rot is uncovered. That said, the mantra “ignorance is bliss” is one that America has been living by for a long time.

I think Americans are desperate for the truth and desperate for reform, but change on the scale we are facing always brings chaos with it. I suggest that conservatives and patriots prepare accordingly.

Cutting Ties With Globalist Run Governments

As the process of transparency moves forward in the US we have to take into account that Europe, the UK, Australia and Canada are all still well under the hypnosis of the cabal. Things are changing overseas; the UK, Germany and France are starting to see conservative movements blossom, but globalists are determined to stop them from gaining political traction.

I suspect we will see strained or broken ties with many former allies in the coming years as they crack down on their own citizens and show their true authoritarian colors. We’re already seeing this happening in the UK, Germany, France and Romania among others.

The Most Dangerous Time Is When You Think You Are Winning

Establishment elites are like vampires. In fact, I suspect the whole mythology of vampires from centuries ago is actually based on the very real and evil crimes of the elites of the past. They use their wealth and influence to gain a foothold in your country, city or village. They use subterfuge to gain trust and exert authority. They spread darkness and corruption like a cancer, then they feed on the population at will while pretending to be benevolent leaders.

But these parasites must be invited in by the people. The public has to, in some ways, give consent to their own victimization. We have to willfully ignore their activities; our apathy is seen as consent. Sunlight is the primary remedy and the vampires flee when it’s unleashed. Finally, if all else fails a stake through the heart is required to end them. It could be a proverbial stake, or a very real one.

Audits of the corrupt system are the sunlight. Independent patriot rebellion is the stake through the heart if all else fails.

Just because the evil is exposed does not necessarily mean it will stop or disappear. Often these cornered creatures fight even harder and their mission is to take you down with them. Great truth often precedes the darkest of days and the collapse of epochs. As the shadow government faces uncertainty for perhaps the first time ever, who knows how the leviathan will react?



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Brandon Smith

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  • Steve B February 19, 2025 at 7:19 am

    Spot-on every step of the way! Great piece Brandon, keep up the great work🇺🇸

    • Luke February 22, 2025 at 7:04 pm

      Going to piggyback off you Steve B. Yes sir, we are in unchartered waters. Very exciting!

  • Exmarine268 February 19, 2025 at 7:48 am

    Without arrests and convictions for treason, theft, fraud, etc, nothing will change. Without true accountability, justice will not be restored, and the bad actors will cone back with a vengeance in 2029 (dejavu 2021). Without arrests and convictions, what we see now is just fluff.

    • No Thanks February 19, 2025 at 9:18 am

      I totally agreee – thousands truly deserve to literally HANG to death period in downtown DC for us all to witness and clap and damn enjoy. Enough is so far beyond Enough with the bullshitting around with all of these cancerous criminal shit bags.

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      Brandon Smith February 19, 2025 at 11:28 am

      Agreed, the globalists need to be removed from the equation. However, what we are seeing now is not “fluff”; the revealing of the truth is NEVER fluff.

      • some dum guy February 22, 2025 at 7:53 am

        I agree with this statement. We are still in the beginning phase of exposing it all to the masses. We need to know all the players on the board otherwise the cockroaches will just scurry under their rocks only to rear their heads once the dust settles to try again.

    • james leible March 4, 2025 at 11:41 am

      absolutely correct, people have to go to jail if guility, sooner the better!!!

  • Aldtrao February 19, 2025 at 9:37 am

    Been down this road already when MK Ultra was declassified. You will never get an apology from the people who called you “batshit crazy”.

  • Hannibal247 February 19, 2025 at 11:36 am

    It’s time for them to blow up the system and Trump will be blamed. When we think we’re winning, that’s when a twist happens and we see that we’re still far from the goal…like in all bad Hollywood scenarios.

  • nwpatriot February 19, 2025 at 3:06 pm

    Brandon: As usual, your commentary and insight are spot on. How many of your readers have ever heard of, or read, None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen? That 1971 paperback publication, a condensed version of a 1300-page, 1940s volume entitled Tragedy And Hope by Georgetown University professor Dr Carroll Quigley (who supported most of its tenets and aims), served as my initiation into the reality of the Deep State and worldwide shadow government. Since then I’ve been reading up on the Woodrow Wilson Administration and his proxy, Col. Edward Mandell House; FDR; Henry Kissinger; and others today who remain active in their quest for power and control. These shadowy men comprise the basis for the group known as The Syndicate in the popular TV show The X-Files. Such men do exist. And they no longer fear exposure. Indeed, they think nothing can stop them. It’s up to us to prove them wrong.

  • Roundball Shaman February 19, 2025 at 4:36 pm

    “… conspiracy theorists were right, about EVERYTHING. The truth is coming to light in a big way, but what does this mean for the future?”
    The first thing that must be recognized is that it is damn hard for the Dark Side to stiffle and kill off Truth forever as They have long lusted and tried to do. They have pulled every trick in the book and every sickly mental psy-op on the Sane. Yet, the Dark Siders proved once again that you can fool some of the People some of the time, but not all of the People all of the time. (This might be fine tuned a bit to say that you can fool All of the Leftists or other insanity all of the time… but maybe a bare few of Sane and then hardly at all.
    “Can America Handle The Truth?”
    Sane America lives the truth. Insane America never did, and never will.
    We still might have the same American boundaries showing on maps as we did before. But in reality, we’ve had two separate and distinct Americas for a good long time now – Sane America, and Insane America. And there is little to no points of intersection and commonality between sanity and insanity.
    It has long been preached by sages that darkness dies in light. And these days, we have a lot of light being shined in all kinds of dark places that is revealing lots of ugliness. But before you can sweep and clean out a room you have to see where the dirt is… and that’s what the DOGE group and others are doing right now.
    “Just because the evil is exposed does not necessarily mean it will stop or disappear.”
    After all the years that humans have been on the Earth, I think we can conclude that evil will never go away. As such, our ongoing quest for Truth and the pursuit of The Good are heroic journeys that will never end. To know Light is to perceive The Dark. We can see evil… resist evil… even hate it. But evil is just as much a part of our reality as are the Sun and Moon.
    “As the shadow government faces uncertainty for perhaps the first time ever, who knows how the leviathan will react?”
    These are not deep or creative thinkers. They will do what they always do… Strike out against those who resist them with anger and heavy boots upon our throats. They will seek to gain everything for themselves and leave nothing for us. They will continue to hate the human family as they seek to erase it from their sight. As they see themselves as gods… they will act as if they are anything but that.
    As has been said in other similar times… the cornered animal is at its most dangerous. They will regroup… reconsider… plan new methods of attack. The Dark Side has been around for centuries. They are masters at perverting and distorting. But most of all, at surviving.
    There’s a lesson here for the Sane among us. The key to the future on Planet Earth is in doing one thing The Dark Ones do very well. And that is – to survive and live another day.
    We are in just one inning of a long-running baseball game that never ends. And just because you hit or homer or two doesn’t mean the game is over…

  • gauntlet33 February 19, 2025 at 6:11 pm

    Brandon: “But these parasites must be invited in by the people.”
    I appreciate your knowledge of vampire folklore. Also, great article in general! 🙂

  • corolla February 19, 2025 at 9:28 pm

    Whole World is run by organized crime who have audacity to call themselves Government.

  • Steven Rowlandson February 20, 2025 at 5:18 am

    The anti conspiracy theorists now have the privilege of wearing a dunce cap.

  • Black Cat February 20, 2025 at 5:58 am

    Thanks Brandon for your great efforts and most of all for your perseverance all these years.
    It is easy to loose faith and fall into despair and I am certainly not immune, article’s like this restore strength and conviction to the truth, reminding me/us that we are not alone.
    Cheers to you all in the long haul!

  • FlashNewsAlert February 20, 2025 at 1:21 pm

    “What Now?” Lately nothing at all. Apathy and ignorance is everywhere, but if even 10% of Americans see the horror of what’s been done to our country – well, it could take a decade of relentless preaching to reach the boiling point. Hot enough to flush out the cornered rats destroying us.

    Meanwhile, despite the best efforts of Trump or Musk or anybody, nothing can stop the coming harvest of consequences. The reaping begins, and we get what we sowed. Moral consequences, of course, but the financial consequences alone will change the world. The parabolic everything hyper-bubble must be fed exponential sums of fiat currency. Until….

    Shifting metaphors, our bill is marked “Past Due.”

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      Brandon Smith February 20, 2025 at 3:12 pm

      I don’t see that at all. The vast majority of Americans support the effort for transparency. 30% of American adults are preppers. 65% support secure borders. Around 70% want to prevent war with Russia. Blackpillers only see what they want to see and ignore every positive development so they can stay in their little bubble of doom.

      • FlashNewsAlert February 27, 2025 at 3:11 am

        Thanks for the reply Brandon. Guess I overstated things? Sure, folks are waking up and all’s well that ends well. After this “4th turning” is over, that is. After the convulsions end. You’ve seen the news – the loan defaults, repos, evictions, small businesses closing – and that’s just financial stuff. We’re only getting started.

        But everything can work out for good. “Hard times make strong men,” etc. Remember too that the black pill wears off when we come through on the other side!

  • Hannibal247 February 21, 2025 at 1:05 am

    Hi Brandon, could you do an article on the consequences of a Trump administration control of the real gold stocks of Fort Knox? Isn’t this a pivotal moment for a breakup of the current monetary system?

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      Brandon Smith February 21, 2025 at 1:13 am

      If you are referring to the impending audit, it’s hard to say. If the gold is all there then nothing happens. If the gold is NOT there, then gold prices will probably skyrocket, but since the dollar is no longer attached to gold I doubt there will be a significant effect. The purpose of gold reserves is to act as a potential counterbalance in case of hyperinflation, but the existence of the reserves does not actually prevent hyperinflation.

      • Hannibal247 February 21, 2025 at 3:42 am

        In 2 weeks, 2,000 tons of gold were repatriated to the United States. London is having a lot of trouble delivering the ingots (8-week delay). There are shortages in Japan concerning silver. The paper gold market is collapsing… It seems that something is brewing.

        • james leible March 4, 2025 at 11:48 am

          As you and everyone posting knows, the SEC has done a horrible job of regulating paper precious metals contracts. Allowing the big banks to manipulate precious metals for decades, especially silver. The silver futures contracts by a ratio of 379oz -1 physical oz control the physical silver that can be delivered. Most don’t know how much silver is used in the munitions industry for rocketry. So, guess what, another reason to keep prices down with paper contracts.

  • Dennis February 21, 2025 at 3:45 am

    Hi Brandon, this is one of the most profound article I’ve read in times. Thank you for sharing your concerns and this thoroughly written masterpiece! It reminds me of the creation of the term Conspiracy Theorist, here is some reading forage. Take care and keep up the good work.
    In 1967, the CIA Created the Label “Conspiracy Theorists” to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the “Official” Narrative

  • pete papageorge February 22, 2025 at 2:58 am

    Well, here’s a problem, we still have a corrupt Justice system of Federal judges that are blocking efforts by Trump’s team to accomplish eliminating waste and the fatness of our government.

    The lawsuits are led by leftist Attorney Generals in blue states.

    Trump cannot even fire federal workers and cut USAID funding. Until We The People fix this, we will never accomplish anything.

    Regarding Ukraine, we still have many of the We The People still buying the globalist and leftist views by supporting Ukraine against bad, bad Russia. Seriously, these people need to wake up.

    Trump blasted the precious Western loving Zelensky and the whole Ukraine conflict. Why? Because he actually reads the actual intel reports that clearly show Ukraine is losing all across the front lines, and has been for quite a while. Ukraine was never, I repeat, never going to defeat Russia. I knew this but some how most of America did not.

    Anything regarding Ukraine, the question was never asked, that is any talk about Russia, or defeating them means you better talk about thermonuclear war. Their is no other way to defeat Russia in her backyard. I knew this since We The People overthrew democracy back in 2014 in Ukraine. USAID funding.

    So now, to watch Trump and his team take down every Western narrative and propaganda regarding Ukraine is truely a sight to see and read. Trump knows the battlefield and the fact Russia does not need a peace deal to win the war. That is why Trump is showing concessions towards Russia, because we have little leverage, less thermonuclear war. Basically, Europe’s problem is Ukraine, not ours.

    Yet, we still have the Hillary Clinton Russia, Russia, Russia morons still claiming Russia is evil, Russia attacked poor Ukraine unprovoked, blah, blah, blah. Now they state, “I am no fan of Russia or Putin, but…” is more of the same Russia, Russia, Russia holdouts like most of We The People that fell for the Ukraine garbage from day one.

    Trump now calls Ukraine with Obama, Biden and eurotrash as the aggressors, not Russia regarding Ukraine. The day I thought would never come, finally the truth is coming out. If some holdouts think it is just a feint or something, well better prepare for that thermonuclear war then.

    Ukraine is done, and for good reason, saving humanity from thermonuclear war. Rumors of 3 weeks for Zelensky to flee Ukraine are circulating. Ukraine is happening fast, but quite easy to see what is going on. Trump sees the battlefield now, where Biden just let the phony intel community run the show for personal gain and profit. Trump is making a move for peace because the truth of what some of us have known regarding Ukraine are coming out. The USAID media lied and always lied about Ukraine with phony intel and garbage media.

    For 3 years, I shook my head at what we were doing and calling out all of the lies. I was practically alone in this assessment as I was getting attacked for being some Russian or Putin puppet, and why don’t I move there, etc.

    Boy, they now see the light and the truth coming out. Now, they change their tune. Ha, they still took the kool-aid.

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      Brandon Smith February 22, 2025 at 3:03 am

      Don’t believe the media hype on those judges, Trump has already fired tens of thousands of government workers so far. Also, he just got the legal greenlight to continue with the USAID shutdown. It’s going to happen. They can cry and scream and use the courts all they want, but the bureaucrats are going down.

  • ArnoldF February 22, 2025 at 4:23 pm

    Thank you Brandon! It is breath-taking to watch it unfold. But the proverb may still be true, that a trapped and wounded animal is far more dangerous. Expect a global 9/11 black swan event to strike from out of the blue.

  • Rodster February 24, 2025 at 1:47 pm

    Two articles of significant note. The first is that DOGE is catching on and appears to be spreading. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is going to use DOGE to audit universities and local governments. Will this catch on with other States? I wouldn’t rule it out.

    The Left is beginning to threaten violence against Trump and people in his Administration. Chris Matthews called for violence on MSNBC, so did several Black leftists and now California State Rep (D) Robert Garcia has called for violence against Elon Musk. This is a powder-keg waiting to go off if any of this happens.

  • Serge February 26, 2025 at 12:59 pm

    It seems that “Trump 2.0” has the “Dream Team” to drain the swamp and “MAGA”…with Vance, Musk, Patel(FBI) and Co. But I remain skeptical about foreign policy (specifically MidEast – Israel/Iran?! – and China).
    Wait and See..
    If there’s one person whose patriotism I have no doubt about, it’s Tulsi Gabbard (DNI):

  • Peabody March 2, 2025 at 1:53 pm

    The press is now inundated with stories of people who regret voting for Trump because they have lost their jobs as a result of the DOGE cuts. It’s made me realize that for the most part, people don’t really believe in the things they clamor for. Maybe “drain the swamp” and “reduce the size of the federal gov’t” is only okay for some people as long as they are not personally affected.
    It also reminded me of this 2min video by Catherine Austin Fitts about the Red Button Problem

    The ugly truth is that deep down inside, in spite of all the complaints about a large and corrupt bureaucracy, the majority are actually comfortable with it and don’t want the status quo to change. Normalcy bias? Super afraid of change? Who knows?

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