By Brandon Smith
If we accept the fundamental truth that Ukraine is nothing more than a proxy battleground between Russia and the west, then you might say WWIII has already begun. The powers-that-be have been content to keep the situation contained primarily to Ukraine so far, but a recent event suggests things are about to change. There’s something very strange happening on the nuclear front between NATO and Russia and I believe it might be time to consider the possibility that a false flag threat is in the works.
In the past two weeks Ukraine has taken credit for at least two separate strikes on peculiar targets – Russian “over the horizon” radar stations using drones with an impressive flight range of at least 1200 miles. Until this point, long range attacks into Russian territory have been exceedingly rare. So, why these specifics radar stations?
The Voronezh-DM stations were positioned outside the city of Orsk and the region of Krasnodar (Armavir); far away from the front lines in Ukraine. The strikes are being hailed as the furthest Ukraine has attacked into the heart of Russia, but the corporate media has ignored the wider implications of the situation.
It is likely that the drones used were of US or European origin. NATO has (until the past couple of days) enforced tight restrictions on how their weapons can be used by Ukraine. Long range drones and cruise missiles hitting targets deep in Russia invites major blowback, including the threat of a nuclear response.
That said, it’s not so much the weapons used that concerns me, it’s the specific targets that Ukraine supposedly chose.
Russia’s over-the-horizon radar systems have a detection range of at least 6000 miles (the real range is classified) and scan specifically for high altitude ballistic missiles. They are not designed to detect lower flying medium range cruise missiles (ATACMS) and drones. Meaning, the two stations destroyed by Ukrainian weapons are meant to act as an early warning system for nuclear attack.
The Ukrainians supposedly defied NATO restrictions, not once, but twice, to target radar systems that have nothing to do with them. In fact, the arrays sit in permanently fixed positions and neither array was actually aimed at Ukraine, they were aimed to the North and Southwest of Russia. The Armavir radar was constructed in 2009 to close a gap created by the loss of radars in Ukraine, and was also meant to replace an older Daryal radar in Gabala. Interestingly, Armavir and Orsk “search fans” watch the skies primarily above the Middle East, including Israel, and a large chunk of Europe including Switzerland.
Instead of attacking vital strategic resources like oil refineries or ammo depots, Russia’s nuclear defenses are being systematically hobbled. Why?
It’s important to understand that a strike of this kind deep into the center of Russia requires complex planning and logistics. It cannot be achieved without covert intel on the ground as well as aid from satellite surveillance. Ukraine relies completely on NATO satellites and intel; no such strike would ever be possible without NATO involvement. Furthermore, the drones used would need to have the ability to evade early detection systems and remain hidden for thousands of miles. This kind of technology comes mainly from the west.
In other words, there’s no way that these attacks were accomplished by Ukraine without extensive help and approval from the US or European command. I question the notion that a Ukrainian pilot was even remotely flying the drones. We’re talking about some of the most closely defended radar stations in the whole of Russia.
Why does any of this matter? Let’s consider the ugly realities…
First, the targeting of Russian nuclear defenses might make the Kremlin believe they are being prepped for a nuclear strike. Why else would their ballistic radar be singled out? This means they will be on high alert for a possible nuclear exchange. Not good.
Second, the Voronezh-DM stations are used to identify FALSE POSITIVE alerts of nuclear attack. Meaning, if there a weapon is used against Russia that mimics a high altitude ballistic missile, their ability to detect that it’s NOT a nuke has been reduced. They might launch their own warheads in response to a non-nuclear strike (a fake strike or false flag).
Third, Armavir and other stations could be used to record ballistic missile activity well outside Russian air space (in places like the Middle East). It’s possible these strikes were meant to blind Russia and stop them from detecting missile events that are unrelated to the Ukraine war.
Fourth, it’s possible that NATO and Ukraine believe dismantling the radar sends a message that if Russia threatens nuclear attack, they might be hit first. All this means is that Russia won’t give a warning, they’ll simply launch.
Fifth, the attack on Armavir alone meets the conditions the Russian government laid out publicly in 2020 for actions that could trigger a nuclear retaliatory strike. Russia’s early warning network is part of the country’s broader nuclear deterrent posture.
“The conditions specifying the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation” include any “attack by an adversary against critical governmental or military sites of the Russian Federation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions,” according to the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence the Kremlin published in 2020.
So far there has been no indication on how Russia will retaliate, but let’s consider the circumstances at the front right now. Ukrainian defenses are thin and they lack the manpower needed to maintain the most rudimentary of strong points. As I noted last month, Ukraine’s front line is about to be overrun, likely this summer, with Russia opening a new offensive push in the north near Kharkiv.
NATO countries are now say they support Ukraine’s use of long range weapons inside Russia. This means major metropolitan areas of Ukraine will be on the the table for Russia’s own long range strikes, a measure which they have avoided for the most part. Also watch for the potential use of thermobaric bombs (vacuum bombs) by Russia; these are massively destructive weapons that have so far been absent from the battlefield (aside from unverified reports).
The west is sending Russia the message that they will not allow Ukraine to lose, they will not pursue diplomatic solutions and if Russia begins gaining significant ground, anything goes. Does this include nukes? It’s hard to say.
My suspicion is that the establishment wants to create a scenario in which Russia is led to overreact to an event, or, the public is led to believe Russia is a legitimate nuclear threat to the west. There is also the outside possibility that Russia is being blocked from monitoring a future ballistic incident in the Middle East.
The timing of the radar attacks comes only weeks before the planned Ukraine “peace conference” in Switzerland on June 15th. Although major leaders from the US, China, and Europe will not be attending (and Russia isn’t invited), the summit is still a juicy target for a false flag and thus unification of western interests around a larger war with Russia. I’m not saying the conference itself will be attacked, necessarily, but a major attack during the conference could be used to sell the idea of total NATO intervention.
If the goal is to expand the war then any perceived hostilities aimed at the conference could also be used as an excuse to rally popular support. The fact that so many world leaders including Biden refuse to show up makes it even more dubious.
I highly doubt the establishment wants to trigger a global nuclear war. They have everything to lose and very little to gain. They just spent the better part of the last century building up one of the most intricate economic and political control grids in the history of humanity. I don’t think they would be happy to see it all vaporized in the blink of an eye. That said, a limited nuclear event might serve their interests well.
As I write this multiple governments including the French government are calling for European troops to be deployed to Ukraine. Some political leaders want them to go as “advisers” and trainers. This is exactly what the US did right before it deployed extensive military forces to Vietnam. Remember the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident?
Something very odd is going on here. I have no doubt that WWIII is the intended outcome of the confrontation between NATO and Russia in Ukraine. The question is, how do they plan to arrange that outcome while convincing the American and European public to join the war effort? They need a serious false flag.
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“… you might say WWIII has already begun… something very strange happening on the nuclear front between NATO and Russia… WWIII is the intended outcome…”.
When you’re seated at the table and looking at your cards and it begins to look like you’re going to lose… you might choose to do something drastic. Even reckless and tragic in its consequences.
So you shove all your remaining chips into the pot and make one last and desperate bet. And you hope without reason or without deserving it that the unseen gremlins that rule the world of chance will smile and have mercy upon you and let you win the game when you really shouldn’t. You don’t deserve to win but you want to win anyway.
That’s where Our World now nervously sits watching this looming catastrophe gamesmanship from the Dark Staters of the West in the direction of Russia. The Dark State West has spent the last thirty years setting the table for one final climactic grand confrontation with Russia so that the Western Empire can rule the World. They have said as much in gatherings and widely-distributed statements of policy coming from groups like the ‘Project for a New American Century’ and those like them that follow.
The fundamental platform of this group calls United State Incorporated, “The World’s pre-eminent power” that must “Challenge regimes hostile to our interests”… and extend a “Friendly” international order to “Our security”.
In other words, ‘Self’ over all things. “Our Selves” to rule the World. And in Their twisted thinking that seems to mean, ‘By All Means Neccessary’.
The West is not about to take what They have left on the playing table and just go home. They are going to make their one desperate and reckless last-gasp play at installing Their long lusted-for New World Western Order over the Planet where ‘Resistance is Futile’ and ‘You Are Either With Us Or Against Us’.
Dangerous, simplistic ideas and thinking and desires. Because in truth… They do not own the World or have any right to do anything to destroy it along with all precious life-forms on the Planet. They are placing bets with things that They don’t own and have no right to gamble with. In other words, a form of theivery on top of everything else.
And They just might blow up our World and send us all to horrible fiery deaths in the process. And none of Them will care in the least.
The Dark Staters have given in to the grand and toxic delusion of falling for the false god of The State… the deification of Self in the form of The State as god and ultimate owner and ruling of all things in the Universe – including all of us. That false god installed and hard-wired into our World to fully erase and eliminate the True God which They have grown to hate and view as Their rival.
We’re lucky to this point that these malformed humans have not already blown up our Planet. We’ve already had a couple of near-misses. And They don’t give a care about taking a lesson and learning from those near catastrophes.
Honest and responsible security for our Nation is one thing. Taking over the World is quite another. But for these irresponsible card-sharks with god complexes who are risking all Life on Planet Earth… not a one of Them seems to understand the difference. Or ever want to.
People in the 1950s used to go to bed at night wondering if they would wake up the next morning. And again, these false gods have brought this kind of fear right back into our homes and into the minds of our children.
Thanks a lot, idiots.
You just about got it right on the ending part. Goading the bear is what this is all about but why? And why now?
Brandon, I think you’re unfortunately right on target.
The Deep State/WEF/NWO know that Dementia Joe cannot win reelection this fall. Trump will stop this garbage quickly if elected.
They are going to do ANYTHING to keep Trump out, even if its means nuclear war.
“… I highly doubt the establishment wants to trigger a global nuclear war. “
I personally believe this is a wrong assumption. I think the PTB are doing everything they can to make this happen! Why? Global population MUST be brought down to a manageable level, say 500 Million like the Guidestones used to say (before the PTB destroyed them). They don’t care one iota about nuclear fallout or nuclear winter as they will be safe and cozy in their multi million dollar bunkers for years… however long it takes. These people are not like us… they’re demonic creatures who live in a human body. The only thing that will interfere with their plans is the return of Jesus Christ Himself. It’s not too long until that happens.
No, they want the Earth nice and pristine for themselves, and they want a system in place to rule it. I highly doubt they would blow everything up and risk it all for population control when economic collapse and starvation accomplish the same goal.
Even if they don’t want it they must be thinking it is inevitable. Why else would they build underground bunkers in remote places?
Maybe because they’re afraid WE will get hold of some nukes at some point and use them against the globalists.
They might want that, but it’s not what they’ll get. Don’t forget, we’re talking about globalists and neocons here. Their plans always fail spectacularly.
Leftists in general (whether globalist or neocon) have a habit of overestimating their abilities. The problem is that they rarely face consequences for their action because of the way they are protected by the system. If they fail they can simply try all over again, and they know this. This pattern needs to change soon.
Another great article, Brandon!
“I highly doubt the establishment wants to trigger a global nuclear war. They have everything to lose and very little to gain. They just spent the better part of the last century building up one of the most intricate economic and political control grids in the history of humanity. I don’t think they would be happy to see it all vaporized in the blink of an eye. That said, a limited nuclear event might serve their interests well.”
100% agree with you.
One more word: living in Switzerland, in Geneva (like Klaus Schwab and the headquarters of the WEF and other globalist organizations such as the WHO, the WTO, Bill Gates’ GAVI, etc.), to my knowledge, this country has never been hit by a major, real-life terror attack. If it were to happen, it would be unprecedented…
P.S: A summer false flag? Most probably during the Olympic Games in Paris (France) or in another European country; Poland?!…
Hi, Serge. I’m in Switzerland too – Lausanne region. It’s a weird place right now, ain’t it? So many of the most evil globalists organisations are located here, and yet the Swiss go on quietly with their lives. Great cheese, though!
@ Hello Robbo. I agree with you.
Another large and powerful globalist organization is the BIS (Bank for International Settlements, aka “the central bank of central banks”), in Basel. Few people (even in Switzerland!) know about this key organization for the globalist Agenda. Surely its advice was taken into account in the handling of the Credit Suisse collapse last year.
P.S: The swiss chocolate is also excellent!
Also Cyber Polygon is scheduled for Sep 11 2024……World Wide Cyber Attack incoming……
Excellent summary. It certainly seems like the adults have left the room, and things are getting very dicey. With all the other problems the US and Europe have to deal with right now, it only seems logical that the “Ukraine Project” is part of the overall plan – for our future. There’s certainly no sound reason why the West needs to be involved in that region.
If Polish Army forces dressed up in Russian uniforms start creating havoc on the border like attacking a radio station, then we’ll know the Big Show is under way….
Ha! Good Gleiwitz connection, Doc. If you look at Lavrov’s expression these days, he looks pretty haunted. He’s always had a bit of a hangdog expression, but recently you can tell that he’s thinking, “Geez, these guys really are crazy!” Unlike in 1962, there are no voices of reason in the room. Scary times!
Ignoring reality doesn’t stop the consequences of that reality from happening. Thank you for your in depth analysis.
All great points. When I heard about the radars being destroyed I was aghast for the reasons you mentioned. I don’t believe “they” want nuclear annihilation either it’s counterproductive to everything they had in store for the world.
My concern tho is that the prevailing wisdom in the West might be like that of a crazed ex boyfriend. “If i can’t have her no one will.”
Read this piece from Gilbert Doctorow a few nights ago. This is why he thinks Russia has managed to keep its cool. Hate to see it but I feel more relaxed knowing that Russia has the ultimate Trump card. I’m afraid if they didn’t we would’ve nuked them already.
Brandon, please spread it around, our people need a sign. Have said it before, and will say it again. We need a symbol to recognize each other after the fallout.
The Gadsden Flag is the best option. Flags, decals, patches, etc. The people who can snipe me over 100 yards are few and far between. One group that can are people like us. If I saw that patch on someone I just couldn’t no matter what they were doing. In fact I would want to talk to them I suspect.
We need a format of centralization after shit goes to hell. The problem is we are unsure of what comes our way and the fallout from it. Sometimes the best way to communicate is by symbolism.
All the best man! And please don’t blast the man with the yellow patch 😉
Check this out, the narrative continues to build. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/06/mysterious-attacks-across-europe-new-front-russia-war-west/
Two things…
#1 – More likely this would impair Russia from early warning its partner Iran of a “birds in the air” attack from Israel, coming soon as Israel incrementally escalates with Hezbollah. The “rules based order” can’t be seen starting wars because then they lose domestic support, so instead they slowly and quietly “boil the frog” until the frog loses its patience and hits back disproportionately. Too bad these morons are too stupid to realize Putin is a literal judo black belt.
#2 – This narrative that these are long range strikes from Ukraine is a complete psyop and utter nonsense. “Drones” typically have a max distance measured in 10s of miles/km not 100s of mile/km. Why? Because the size of fuel/energy + electronics for C&C/guidance has to scale up to go longer distances, don’t forget the weight of an effective payload. Too big and air defenses can detect and target them. Too small and you lose C&C, their batter dies along the way, or they can only carry a hand grenade. Their smaller size is what allows them to pass air defenses vs a larger traditional military drone or a missile. Lastly the closer the target the shorter the flight time, the less time for defender to detect and defend. So these “drone attacks” are coming from closer distance most likely from inside Russia by saboteurs or in this case across the nearest border like Kazakhstan…10 miles from Orsk, 100 miles from Volgograd OR Georgia 100 miles from Armavir. Both Kazak and Georgia have had State Dept + CIA foreign influence issue since the war started.
How hard would it be to pull a “just right” sized drone out of the back of a truck in one of these countries, launch it over the border to its target, drive away and claim the suckers in Ukraine were responsible?
The media, the politicians, the social media propogandists are all too happy to seed the idea Ukraine has weapons capable of deep strikes into Russia…they do not…any “real” artillery they haven’t already expended would be used to stop the Russian troops advancing on their cities, not as propaganda for western consumption and/or a psyop on the Russians.
1) Since over the horizon radar is only designed to detect ballistic missiles, destroying Russia’s would not help Israel attack Iran with fighter jets. The radar is not meant to detect fighter jets, and Iran already has mid-range radar to detect Israeli fighters.
2) There are MANY drones which can fly thousands of miles without refueling, but most of them are manufactured in the US and Europe. You’re also forgetting that Ukraine took credit for the strikes.
Our democratic masters behave as if they were extra-terrestrial entities, the predators described by Carlos Castaneda :
Indeed we are held prisoner! “This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.”
Adds Don Carlos :
“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest.”
“They” have been spreading the rumour of a terrorist attack during the Olympics, for months now. The Olympics might be a good opportunity to prepare the chaos needed to replace the USD and the EUR with the BIS’ CBDC (see what Glazyev has to say about the 24-hour switch to CBDC). A terrorist attack could even happen in Paris even earlier – right after the NATO summit on the 11th of July. (We could then cancel the Olympics, deemed to be rather catastrophic. )
Obviously the blame will be put on Russia, quickly followed by a declaration of war, certainly. Technically in France, that would eventually trigger the constitutional Article 16, which gives all powers to the president. That would suit the Maréchal’s political goals, I reckon. (Note that the other option, an ‘extreme-right’ Premier, following a defeat at next legislative elections, leads to the article 16 too.)