By Brandon Smith
Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles Americans are dealing with today. From early disagreements between various Founding Fathers on hot button issues like the Sedition Act, central banking and standing armies, to epic and disastrous conflagrations like the Civil War, America has never been “of one mind” on everything.
Overall, though, the longstanding assumption is that even when we slip and fall into disarray Americans will find common ground and move on towards the future together. It’s a nice sentiment, but what if this ideal no longer applies?
There are some people that argue there was never a golden era for the US; that we’ve always been destructive, or exploitative or “imperialist.” Of course, it’s very easy to examine any given time period through the lens of modern sensibilities and pass judgment. How we would do things today is not necessarily how we would do things yesterday. We can’t easily condemn the men and women of the past without at least recognizing that we will probably never see the issues of their day from their perspective.
The political left is the most egregious violator of this principle. They have a bad habit of trying to rewrite history according to their current ideological cultism and applying their taboos to time periods when civilization had very different views on how to function. The progressive philosophy is partially rooted in “futurism”; the idea that all old ideas and ways of doing things must be abandoned to make way for new methods. In other words, they think everything “new” is better and must be embraced.
Frankly, this theory has never proven correct. Not every old idea should be left behind and not every new method is better. In fact, most ideas that leftists think are new are actually very old. There’s nothing ground breaking about DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), it’s just another form of Marxism based on personal identity rather than the traditional class politics.
Do you want to know what DEI really is? It’s a vehicle for forced association.
Forced association is used to leverage populations into a homogeneous soup, a hive mind with no individual thought or right to discriminate against destructive groups and ideologies. But if America is experiencing an agenda of forced association today then we have to ask – What is there to be gained? Why pressure people who fundamentally disagree with each other on every level to coexist within a society? Why do the people in power want this so badly?
Well, for the central planners (usually socialists/globalists), tribalism is a big no-no. People going their own way is unacceptable. If the populace thinks they can divide and separate and live differently from each other, then how can the establishment continue to exist? For a one-world government to be achieved ALL divisions must be erased and everyone has to either love or fear the purveyors of “unity.”
Separation must, therefore, be demonized. The problem is, there’s no way to blackmail a population into association, not in the long term anyway. A group is an abstraction without form; it means nothing until the individuals involved share a unifying principle. When I look back at political disagreements in history I find that there is a vital factor that existed during past conflicts that does NOT exist today.
Even during the worst of times including the Civil War both sides of the division held the same basic principles and morals. They had a lot of the same values, a shared religion and a shared understanding of reality. They were people connected by the same American soul, they merely disagreed on singular issues. The goal for each side was for America and its fundamental heritage to survive, even if they didn’t always obey every aspect of the Constitution or the existing leadership at the time. This is not how things work in 2024.
In terms of surface level politics its obvious that there will never be peaceful reconciliation between woke progressives and conservatives/independents. One side or the other has to go, and I think the majority of people in the US want leftists to go.
To be clear I’m not saying that all people on the political left are exactly the same. There’s definitely a political spectrum from traditional liberals to extreme activists. But there is no denying that, for now, woke zealots control the levers of power and influence within the Democratic Party and the leftist media. They also have the explicit backing of every major institution from corporations to NGOs to government.
You don’t see a whole lot of average Democrats with the guts to stand up and criticize their own side even when they know there’s something very wrong happening. They go along with the program either out of laziness or fear. With conservatives the reverse is true. Conservatives can’t seem to organize a damn thing because we constantly disagree with each other when it comes to solutions.
And let’s not forget the fence riders out there. It’s sure nice to always be out of the fray and in the rear with the gear while pretending as if you’re “above it all.” That’s a very comfortable place to be because it allows a person to avoid risk while appearing as if they’re taking the high road. Much like a slippery academic who never defines his position in a debate so that he can change his arguments on a whim.
The issue is that, even though fence riders don’t want to admit it, there are times when one side is right and one side is utterly wrong. Sometimes there is no middle ground.
A lot of moderates are finally waking up to the horrors of the collectivist movements in our midst. Maybe it was the pandemic lockdowns or the attempted trans indoctrination of children or the unhinged nature of far-left activists in the streets but somewhere along the way moderates finally realized conservatives were RIGHT all along about a lot of things. We were fighting to save their freedoms years ago while they were acting cool and wondering what all the fuss was about.
There are a lot of factors that set conservatives (and a many moderates) apart from the political left, but the core disconnect is so deep and disturbing it’s hard to quantify. I can only summarize it down to this:
1) The unifying principle of the left is deconstruction. They find their meaning or purpose in the act of tearing down and destroying what other people have built.
2) The unifying principle for conservatives is to build and protect what has been found to work.
Humanity’s best bet for success is liberty with responsibility, free markets and meritocracy. All things we are trying to preserve, and all things that leftists want to blow up.
For progressives the most important question is: What happens when they’ve destroyed the last edifice? What comes next? If dismantling systems is their unifying principle what will they do when they have nothing else to dismantle? What happens when every plate in the china shop is broken? They are incapable of creating a new and functional society so they would need an outside foundation.
In this regard I set globalists apart from typical leftists. Globalists are indeed leftists at their core but they are also builders, and not in a good way. Globalists don’t build societies, they build prisons. Once the useful idiots on the left have finished the job of deconstructing America the globalists plan to come in with a new ideal, a new religion, a new foundation based on worshiping THEM.
Here is where we find the greatest split of all – The spiritual nature of our impasse.
Liberty can indeed be a unifying principle, but it has to be freedom combined with wisdom and moral compass. Meaning, liberty alone is not enough.
I’ve definitely never been one to promote the concept of theocracy and I have many scruples when it comes to “Earthly” religious organizations. Anything governed by men can be corrupted. But I also accept that America was built by a majority Christian society following integral Christian values. I don’t think every American needs to be Christian. The Founding Fathers understood that religious freedom is essential. But we must acknowledge and embrace the fact that the country works best when Christianity is at the forefront. At least there is a unifying moral code to hold the framework together.
Furthermore, it would be far easier to reconcile Christian social systems with science and critical thinking than it will be to reconcile freedom loving Americans with far-left collectivists. The woke cult is much more hostile to science today than Christians are; they even refuse to acknowledge human biology. I also think Christianity is growing along with newer generations of conservatives with a greater respect for skepticism. We could see a renaissance following the paths set by great Christian thinkers like Thomas Aquinas or C.S. Lewis.
I’m seeing a lot of the old blind devotion to the Republican Party fall by the wayside and a greater focus on what politicians achieve rather than what they promise. I’m seeing people on the right embrace the value of comedy and pop culture more, which has always been a problem for conservatives. And, I’m seeing science open doors to religious thought instead of trying to close them. As humanity delves deeper into quantum physics, cosmology and even the mind sciences, our relationship to the great beyond requires consideration of the physical AND the metaphysical.
It’s the kind of thing that would make progressives rage and foam at the mouth. For them, science must always be in service to their causes or it ceases to have value, and one of their primary causes is the erasure of Christianity. They’ll never allow a world where science and religion work together to build a future in which discovery is balanced with ethical responsibility.
Then there is the issue of moral imperative. Many of us see the targeting of children for indoctrination and exploitation. We see the promotion of subjective reality and degeneracy. We see the inclination towards lies as a tool for political power. We see leftists caring more about winning and less about the truth.
For the globalists and the woke mob morality is nothing more than a social construct, but we know that these ideas are inborn and inherent for the majority of people. If they weren’t, humanity would have gone extinct ages ago from self destruction. Leftists don’t agree with the concept of a basic moral code. Leftists don’t even agree that morals are a necessity. They think they can manifest their own reality from thin air. How can we possibly live side-by-side with people who despise every pillar that holds western civilization together?
The answer is – We can’t. For now I see no path to peace. Peace would require a unifying principle, a mutual respect, and that does not exist.
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Nailed it, as usual. Thanks Brandon.
As always Brandon short, concise and straight to the point. I live in Florida and I think it may take another secession from these states and people who hold nothing of our values. Trying to reason with them is as foolish as kissing a strange untethered Pitbull.
As you know there is only two ways…reason or force and one is already useless. I watched a vid with Charlie Kirk at a college try and reason with some young woman about her identity/ideology and it was maddening.
I always use the zombies metaphor. When the zombies come things will change only the zombies are really your neighbors after two weeks without power, water and twentieth century accoutrements.
Plan accordingly and trust in your savior-no one gets outta here alive.
The next step – Communism. During the period of ‘High Stalinism’ in Eastern Europe after WWII, the communist parties now felt it was not sufficient just to scare opponents. They had to be publicly exposed as traitors or thieves, put through humiliating show trials, subjected to extensive attacks in the media, and placed into new, harsher prisons and specially designed camps (the latter has not yet happened in the US).
It also created a vast system of education and propaganda designed to prevent more enemies from emerging in the future. In theory, they hoped to create a new kind of person, a citizen who was not capable of even imagining alternatives to the communist orthodoxy. A Homo Sovieticus.
These theories would be explained, expounded, and discussed in kindergartens, schools, and universities; on radio and in newspapers; mass campaigns, parades, and public events. Every public holiday was an occasion for teaching.
In Poland, the secret police went through their files and identified 25 categories of “enemies.” Eventually the enemy categories grew to 43.
Nothing changes. The old playbook is updated and modernized to fit the world it wants to change (or destroy, in our case). Hat tip to Anne Applebaum’s book, “Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956.”
You clearly understand and what you wrote resonates with me. I’m a first gen American from both sides (Russian/Ukrainian) and my parents were born in China.
My dad’s dad was taken from his home in China in about 1947 and put in a Soviet gulag never to be seen again by his family. That makes me a grandson of a slave by the way. My mom as a little girl growing up was taken from the school in the convent that was closed by the Soviets and sent to a public school where they tried to remove her baptismal cross but she would run away. They made all the kids wear a red bandana and called them pioneers. My mom’s dad became a wanted criminal overnight and was lucky to get out alive with his wife and my mom, who is an only child. My dad’s mom and sister were able to get out. A good portion of my family, who were not able to get out, went back to Russia and I have no idea who they are beyond knowing I have cousins somewhere.
My mom’s dad’s business partner was last seen being paraded through town on a flatbed military truck. All the prisoners were forced to kneel with arms behind their backs and a noose around their necks. My mom’s mom recalled how an old Orthodox church was burned to the ground. Priests were imprisoned and eventually tortured and murdered.
Three generations of my family escaped two murdering communist regimes. My childhood was not about grandpa building hot rods after WWII or other American success stories. Rather it was a trip halfway around the world escaping communists and landing at many ports on the way to Brazil and eventually the US. All I can think of is America was the place to be for my family and others who suffered the similar escape. This includes the Russian Orthodox Church, which was preserved here in the US (and other places outside of Russia) while being destroyed in Russia.
But now America is slowly slipping into communism but in different colors of you will. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. The difference that I see is brute force is not the first option as it began 100 years ago. These days it seems people will voluntarily walk into their 5G prison cells and close the door. Society is is being shaped in a way that entices people to take the easy and luxurious way out (or in to prison). You catch more flies with honey, right?
This is a very good read that explains how modern society is failing.
Excellent perception and your story resonated with me as my parents fled Cuba in 1961 with a similar story. Thanks for sharing.
Great article, it gets to the core of a lot of issues. Much of this stuff goes back a long way, to the core issues of people’s view of the world. The Darwinian idea of constant “progression” toward something better may not have much hard science supporting it anymore at least biologically, but the ideas it spawned are alive and well. Conversely, the supposed conflict between religious beliefs and science (while occasionally real) is overblown and if one were to have a true understanding of both theological and scientific issues they do work together.
Unfortunately there are a lot of falsehoods in both realms so it takes quite a bit of untangling.
It’s important for people to study and get at the truth of these issues, but takes more effort than most are willing to make. Its easier to throw memes back and forth on social media but that has ultimately not resolved anything. These issues are much deeper as you allude to and we need to really tackle them.
Very well though out and written article.
It would be like you versus some psychopath who wants to murder you and take everything that you have. There’s no reconciliation. You can’t convince them to not be that way.
Brandon, I have never read your work before but I am truly impressed with your insight and wisdom. Your article spoke to me and expressed what many of my observations have been as well. Great minds think alike :>)
Thank you for telling it like it is.
Didn’t Aquinas write that need makes all things common?
Quoted from the Encyclical Rerum Novarum:
Par 22:
“It is lawful,” says St. Thomas Aquinas, “for a man to hold private property; and it is also necessary for the carrying on of human existence.”” But if the question be asked: How must one’s possessions be used? – the Church replies without hesitation in the words of the same holy Doctor: “Man should not consider his material possessions as his own, but as common to all, so as to share them without hesitation when others are in need.
Par 33: To cite the wise words of St. Thomas Aquinas: “As the part and the whole are in a certain sense identical, so that which belongs to the whole in a sense belongs to the part.”
This can be translated as: “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
Please reconsider referring to Mr Aquinas as a model proponent of Christian values. He is a popular reference among globalists – who are, as you have pointed out, mostly Luciferians.
Regarding Lewis, all is not well in Narnia and I would not consider Lewis as a model Christian either. If a Christian would be defined as someone who accepts the Bible as God’s Word, Lewis would probably not fall under the definition.
Well, you’re ignoring the time period in which Aquinas lived (1200 AD). The vast majority of people were peasants with no private property. They weren’t even allowed to own land in many cases. The only land owners were the elites. So, his philosophy was tailored to the conditions of the era in which he lived. As noted in the article, you have made the same mistake leftists often make – Applying the ideals of TODAY and using them to judge the ideals of centuries ago. I would recommend far more research into Aquinas before passing judgement.
If he has ever been cited by globalists (which I doubt), then they made the same error you are making by taking his words out of context of the time he lived.
As far as C.S. Lewis is concerned, he was a genius. Read the Screwtape Letters – There’s not a Christian thinker alive today that matches his insight. The problem with Christians today is that many of them think that any skepticism applied to the Bible or biblical history is heretical. It’s not. In fact, the greatest Christian thinkers in history ALL had some skepticism about one part of the Bible or another, or skepticism about decisions made by the Church. If Christians refuse to embrace critical thinking, Christianity will fall.
Points taken.
I view the Papacy as the “little horn” of Daniel 7, the beast from the sea of Rev 13, and the whore who rides the (UN) beast of Rev 17, who received their power and great seat from the dragon, Satan, putting their (pagan) tradition above the word and commands of God.
I believe the Jesuit order is at the top of the globalist pyramid. It is clear to me that they are pushing the pendulum as far as possible to the crazy-woke-left-side, but already prepared to swing the pendulum to the right with unexpected velocity. Ofcourse, to the right they want, being conservative sounding authoritarianism, not to conservative Biblical values. The Papacy, being thetop globalist will use Aquinas – whether accurate or twisted and whether written in 1200 or not – to justify the goals and action of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, meaning, they own it all and we own nothing.
You have accurately warned against the co-option of the right. Using the right to betray their own values. Getting the right to ignore the constitution and embrace authoritarianism. The same goes for the “church”. Which church? The one who persecuted, tortured and killed the saints of God throughout the middle-ages? Or the church of God, meaning the individuals who keep the Word and commandments of God, not the word and commandments of the antichrist. The pendulum is going to swing to the right. People will have to choose between the dictates of God and the dictates of Rome.
This is closely related to your warnings of the co-option of the right. It is the co-option of faith, to the right, but way off the mark of the Bible.
If Christianity is defined as a belief in a historical man called Jesus as a buddha-like figure then that “christianity” will be just fine. If Christianity is defined as a belief in Jesus as part and parcel of the Triune God of the Bible, accepting the Bible as His – Jesus’ Word – then people will need to choose between Papal ecumenical “christianity” and real Biblical Christianity. They are not the same. The one is the antichrist. The other is the bride of Christ.
“… America has never been ‘of one mind’ on everything… I see no path to peace. Peace would require a unifying principle, a mutual respect, and that does not exist.”
One of what used to be America’s great strengths was that we could be a diverse people who did not agree about everything… but still retain a underlying fundamental foundation and structure to survive and thrive as a Nation. Today… while division of many kinds continues to exist… the belief in our National framing structure has been shredded for great numbers of Americans. Many simply have given up on the idea of America as a Nation… an idea encouraged and sustained by the Dark Side in their ongoing agenda to take a wrecking ball to everything America once stood for.
In fact, people now seem to totally get off on having division. They get off on it. Many would do anything but have a consensus about even some of the simplest and most basic notions of things. To such people… consensus is seen as weakness or capitulation and failure. A truly twisted notion that millions of Americans now relish in.
There is such a thing as going your own way and in your own group but agreeing on some basic understructure that serves everyone. That idea is mostly absent now as groups today exist to cancel and obliterate other groups. No more Live and Let Live but Only We Live and You Don’t Get To. An institutionalized sickness.
People won’t admit it today to themselves. But politics today is about the biggest waste of time that anyone can do. Not that political divisions and stands are not important but that everyone is stirred up about everything… and nothing useful ever gets done. Furious emotion and energy that is wasted on endless drama and serving to amuse the Dark Siders who laugh at all those who have adopted American politics as their new religion. A sad religion, indeed.
Take the abortion issue, for example. People are missing the main point about abortion. The source problem is not whether you should or should not allow abortion. The true underlying issue that the people are doing a horrendous job of preventing unwanted pregnancies. If you properly prevent a pregnancy you have no need of facing the choice of needing an abortion or not. But most folks just want to have their fun and not think about the consequences. And that is the real issue… one that most people will do everything to avoid facing. In short, the American people are doing a lousy job of managing their sexual activity. And have for a very long time.
You can do with Wild Thing. Just be smarter about it and keep it away from politicians who just want you to be angry all the time and get your vote.
Do the Wild Thing the right way and still have fun… and you won’t need The Riled Thing. Or the sick new religion.
I agree with your article. This has been on of the most important ones you have written, imo.
Coming at this chasm from a different angle:
One either accepts the knowledge of a Supreme Being / Creator
Believes themselves to be the highest expression of random evolution, which was naturally occuring not the design/implementation of a Creator.
One is going to be held accountable one day for their life
There is no one who can truly hold you accountable, as long as you can justifiy yourself.
Prior to 1870, all believed one way or the other that they would/probably give an account of their life to a Supreme Being. This was another common thread that held all societies together.
I think the destruction of this thread has caused some western societies to unravel.
I was once told in essence by a fellow conservative and Christian that curiosity for its own sake is evil. What he was really saying is that scientific discovery simply for the sake of discovery and not in attempt to solve some problem in the human condition is evil.
That was the nail in the coffin of my quest to find some niche within Christianity to fit into. What my friend said to me is fascist dogma, not universal truth. I knew at that moment, based upon that and upon the many other absurdities I had found within the dogmatic teachings of groups of so-called Christians, I was not one of them and I never would be one of them. I would never be able to love my enemy or turn the other cheek, although I understood quite well what the Christian Apostle Paul meant by the kingdom of God being within.
I do not find the unifying principle of Christian conservatives as a whole to be building and protecting what has been found to work. Instead, I find what unifies them is a belief that the natural world is evil and humankind is sinful. What they do not agree upon is exactly what to do about it. At one end of that spectrum is ‘hate the sin but love the sinner’ and at the other is burning pagans like me at the stake. Most of these folks fall somewhere in between.
The dogmas of so-called Christian conservatism brought us the hated “War on Drugs”, the PMRC (Tipper Gore’s attempt at music censorship), the so-called Moral Majority (which was neither), and endless neo-con wars of overseas aggression. These might not be on the banners of every so-called Christian conservative, but they are banner issues for enough of them to call religious conservatism, yes even western religious conservatism into question as being beneficial for humanity.
I will not tolerate fascism or communism in any guise. I will not have the current brand of tyranny replaced with yet another.
Well, you clearly have a bias that needs self examination. Sorry to say, but you might not have a choice in the system that eventually arises. This fight is coming down to either a luciferian end game, or a spiritual counterbalance (which is Christianity). I (and most people) would much rather have Christianity. Not as a theocracy, but as a dominant ideological framework for everything else to build on.
As noted in the article, whether we like it or not, this is the foundation of western civilization and the inspiration for the constitutional republic. Freedom alone is not enough, there must be wisdom, responsibility and discipline attached. Freedom without discipline becomes hedonism and degeneracy. Also, your criticisms revolve around the CHURCH, not Christianity in general. Christians INVENTED the modern scientific method. The church, at times, has become corrupted and tried to squash it. But that does not mean we throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are many supposed freedom movements that have turned to tyrannical endeavors, that doesn’t mean we stop pursuing freedom simply because something MIGHT go wrong one day.
Thank you Brandon, you always have a good reply for people that don’t understand your articles. The previous commenter showed that he did not understand your article and does not understand true Christianity. There are many false Christians, just as there are many false conservatives. Your articles do a good job of pointing out what is false and what is good.
Partially off topic:
It seems that the Establishment, the globalists and the so-called “Deep State” have definitely chosen this way: order out of chaos inside the U.S. and overseas.
After reading this article, 2 hypothesis come to mind for next fall:
1) a last-minute “surprise”: if Trump can’t run in November, he could be replaced by Nikki Hayley or…Tulsi Gabbard.
2) the presidential election could – as you already mentioned – be cancelled…or postponed due to a major crisis (a new civil war, “WW3”, “cyber-polygon”, etc).
Forgive me, for I don’t wish to be patronizing, but you are obviously young, and cannot remember what has already been. Everything that you use to describe the democrats is (virtually) exactly the same as would have been said of Republicans in the 1990s. What you describe is no intrinsic value of Democrats, but of the intrinsic value of whomever is in power in Washington.
Believe me, peace is very possible; and it has nothing to do with party persuasion. Peace in the US is to be found when the shackles of corporations no longer bind our minds, or control our political perceptions. (Remember, Blackwater ‘owns’ both NBC and Fox (through stockholder shares). Think about that … the same corporation broadcasts both ‘views’.)
Ah yes, the classic “false left/right paradigm” crutch. Sorry, but that theory doesn’t fly anymore, not the way it did in the 90s. And forgive me, but I’m in my mid-40s and when someone uses age as a qualifier it’s usually because they’re trying to dismiss an argument they can’t counter based on logic. Who said anything about Republicans? I mentioned conservatives, but those two things are not necessarily the same, which is why you’re unable to comprehend the points made in the article.
Bottom line – It is the political left pursuing authoritarianism, not conservatives. Covid proved it. The trans agenda proves it. The media propaganda war proves it. The calls for disarmament prove it. Except for Jan 6th, you don’t even see conservatives rioting about these issues, and Jan 6th was triggered by capitol police firing rubber bullets and tear gas into the otherwise peaceful crowd. But you see leftists rioting all the time trying to use violence to force their ideology onto others. The corporations you describe are ALL run by leftists. Globalists are in every way leftists, and around 30% of the US population avidly supports them. So, the only path to peace is for the leftists to go. There is no debate.
“Then there is the issue of moral imperative. Many of us see the targeting of children for indoctrination and exploitation. We see the promotion of subjective reality and degeneracy.”
I couldn’t agree more.
I don’t know if there’s ever been this kind of “show” or “parade” in the US, but in Europe… :
It’s horrific and evil! Some parents fail in their duty to protect their children.
Brandon, I have been praying for you for quite a while now. For a man much younger than myself, you have demonstrated an astute understanding of how things actually operate in this world. You are absolutely right, conservative/liberty ideology alone is not enough to create a framework and cohesive power to hold a nation together. And the problem is more than just conflicting political/economic ideologies. There is a fundamental spiritual root that underlies our world views and moral value systems that transcends our own thought processes. The fact that you identify Christianity as the most plausible, workable foundation tells me that you are on the correct pathway for the discovery of truth. When I say Christianity, as you rightly point out, it’s not a version that has been corrupted and marred by the traditions and biases of men, i.e. the churchianity of denominationalism.
But rather the true, unadulterated faith based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Contrary to what the world may say, one can be a true advocate of science, an intellectual, one who can critically evaluate all things in any field of knowledge, and still be a follower of Christ. Those who don’t believe that is possible, have embraced a caricature of the authentic and belies a certain degree of intellectual dishonesty and laziness.
I will continue to pray for you, and all those who read your columns, that you will totally submit your lives to the real truth teller, that is God Himself, and experience the true freedom that only He can provide.