By Brandon Smith
Remember the last time the globalists took the mask off? It wasn’t that long ago, but some people might have already forgotten how the western world almost lost all individual freedom under the guise of an over-hyped health emergency. When globalists are honest about what they truly want, it usually coincides with an engineered calamity.
In the two years since the failure of the covid pandemic narrative I have argued that globalist organizations are trying to regroup under a new plan. The evidence suggests that these people suffered a shocking revelation after their attempt to implement perpetual medical tyranny. They’ve realized they don’t have as much control over the flow of information and public discourse as they originally assumed.
Even with full-spectrum censorship using algorithms to bury contrary data, even with the full force of the government partnering with social media to silence dissent, even with the threat of economic exile for anyone refusing to take a steady series of mRNA jabs, they still failed. The truth about covid’s minimal Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) still spread, along with data proving the uselessness of the mandates and lockdowns. There was nothing they could do about it.
Their golden ticket to total control was pushing the vaccine passport concept; the alternative media crushed that agenda like a pestilent cockroach. If the passport had been successful we would not be having this conversation now. Everyone would be in fear of having their passport rescinded. Everyone would be afraid to lose their economic access for saying the wrong thing. Everyone would be afraid of being forced into covid camps (which were indeed a real agenda). Or, we would be in the middle of a bloody civil war.
The events of 2020 were meant to initiate the ultimate coup against humanity. The globalists admitted to their plans over and over again. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum proudly declared covid the catalyst for the “Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” They asserted that the lockdowns were just the beginning and that the sweeping restriction on our freedoms would be extended to climate change as well.
They thought they had won without firing a shot, but it’s not that easy. Far more people are awake and aware of their motives than they realized, and, at least in America, over 50 million of those people are armed. The lockdowns are now gone, almost no one took the vax boosters, far fewer people took the vaccine than the CDC claims, and the vax passports were defeated. This victory was made possible due to the efforts of alternative media platforms circumventing Big Tech censorship. It’s that simple.
This is why the next event will probably be far worse in scale and consequence, and the globalists are already attempting to rectify their previous mistake of underestimating citizen journalism. They will try to silence us if they can and they are openly admitting to it in recent conferences and mainstream articles. The mask is coming off once more and this suggests to me that something very bad is about to happen.
As I noted in 2023 in my article ‘From Covid To Climate Change: Vehicles For Global Authoritarianism’, the globalists seem to have shifted their more tyrannical efforts away from the pandemic and into the climate discourse. If you really want to know what they are up to these days, you have to watch the climate conferences.
At the end of September there was a host of climate change summits including one held by the WEF in New York called the Sustainable Development Impact Meeting. It was held by the WEF in tandem with the United Nations General Assembly. Not surprisingly, discussion often veered away from climate into “threats to democracy” as well as bitter complaints about the “spread of disinformation.”
John Kerry, former Democratic presidential candidate, former Climate Czar under Joe Biden and a longtime participant in the WEF, said the quiet part out loud at the summit. He argued that the 1st Amendment was a “roadblock” to proper governance and was preventing the elites from controlling public consensus.
His statements are quite blatant.
First of all, consensus is highly overrated and often poisonous. The very basis of science is that it is always up for debate according to the evidence. Once you have forced a “consensus” you have abandoned all due diligence under the scientific method.
This was made obvious during covid, where the “consensus” was exposed as utterly fabricated and most of the claims made by governments and puppet “medical experts” have been proven false. Keep in mind, these were the same people that tried to ban YOU from going to parks and waterboarding at the beach in the name of “flattening the curve.”
I mean, how retarded do you have to be to believe that outdoor activities will lead to viral transmission? That’s not science, that’s hysteria promoted by people claiming to represent science. The same thing goes for the mask mandates, social distancing, the lockdowns, etc. Not one measure they enforced was legitimate.
If we are talking about the concept of man-made climate change, the claim of consensus in science is a lie. The data suggests there is simply no such thing as man-made climate change. There is no evidence of causation between carbon emissions and global warming. No evidence that global warming causes extreme weather. No evidence that our current warming cycle is significant or unique compared to any other warming cycle in history.
In fact, the Washington Post recently and accidentally proved the alternative media’s point on climate change when they tried to map the temperature history of the Earth over 450 million years, only to discover what I have been saying for the longest time – Today’s temps are far lower than they have been through most of the Earth’s history.
But the more important issue here is John Kerry’s assertion that governance requires public information control. Kerry’s fundamental disconnect is his notion that it’s the job of the elites and the government to moderate information for the greater good. No one gave them permission to do this. The government does not exist to create consensus.
The people are in charge, John. As a politician you are just a public servant, nothing more. Your opinions on free speech don’t matter.
Some of the most egregious disinformation is often released to the public by the government and their approved media sources in the name of “saving democracy.” They lie constantly. John Kerry is just angry because now the public has the means to expose him and his cohorts. If a “democracy” requires censorship in order to survive, then it’s not worth saving.
Finally and hypocritically, Kerry suggests that democracy is “too slow” in implementing the changes to society that he views as necessary to create consensus and “unity.” If the 1st Amendment is a “roadblack” to more effective information control and governance, then he and his slimy brethren must intend to remove it. In other words, he believes tyranny would work better because it’s much faster that trying to manipulate the public with propaganda.
He doesn’t explicitly say this, but that’s exactly what he’s implying.
Besides some of the speeches made by Klaus Schwab at the height of the pandemic, Kerry’s statements might be the most open declaration of globalist authoritarian intent I have ever heard. He’s pulling the mask off and this has me concerned.
His arguments fall in line with a number of articles published in the past couple months from establishment media platforms. The New Yorker just posted an article asking ‘Is It Time To Torch The Constitution?’ The New York Times published a treatise titled ‘The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?’ They also wrote an article highlighting the potential positives of despotic governments in countries like Brazil threatening to shut down public access to Elon Musk’s X (Twitter) in order to force the site to censor citizen accounts. These people are on a war path to convince the public that free speech is a threat.
When political elitists and their lackey’s start attacking free speech it’s usually in preparation for a major crisis that they hope to use as a vehicle to eliminate public freedoms. Free speech is the most important liberty because it enables the populace to discern through debate what the truth is and what to do about it.
The globalists thought they had a lock on information during covid and they were wrong. They won’t make the same mistake again. Whatever the next crisis ends up being, they will definitely seek to silence the the alternative media and any rebellious social media platforms before they move forward.
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Mr. Kerry and friends really should revisit JFK’s statement of what happens when you make peaceful discourse impossible.
Add Hillary Clinton to the recent rants about free speech.
Funny how all of the tyrants just happen to be Democrats.
But then, look what happened to JFK. 🙁
I don’t worry about their plan because history is on our side. People will only take SO much before they snap and there way too many guns in the hands of US citizens. All their plans will do is to start a Civil War.
What Globalists fail to understand is that humans gravitate towards freedom. Humans tend to resist being herded into tyranny. It’s just human nature.
Freedom and tyranny will always be on opposite sides. They are polar opposites.
I knew the COVID science was utter bullsh*t when I saw pictures of Tony Fauci sitting between his friend and his wife at a Washington Nationals game during the height of the mandates.
Just like Gavin Newsom doing something similar and Boris Johnson holding a private COVID party while he had a mandatory lockdown of the UK.
These people are simpletons that don’t and thankfully will never understand human nature.
Spot on.
Agree Rodster.
But I don’t see “civil war” in the usual sense of the phrase occurring.
It will be more of a Revolution and a spiritual war against Evil.
The People know where Evil resides.
The Globalists are few and we are many, and we are armed to the teeth.
I see a decentralized hybrid war, guerilla kinetics, targeted assassinations, arson, power plant outages, cyber attacks, and kidnapping for dollars.
It will be ugly, and it has become necessary (in remebrance of Jefferson, JFK, and H.L. Mencken).
If a few leftists, democrats, Marxists, socialists, progressives, deep state government thugs/bureaucrats, or (whatever the Vehicles of Evil are called) get in the way of justice and become collateral damage, then the Earth is better off anyway.
We don’t know for sure how a Civil War will play out but the more these Globalists show their ugly and desperate side the worst it will become for them.
Corner any animal that feels threatened and look out. Humans are NO different.
As Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal likes to say: “When people lose everything and have nothing else to lose, THEY LOSE IT!”.
That’s what history has showed us for the last several thousand years.
Thankfully, we are dealing with academics and theorists who don’t know their history and never understand how human nature works.
That’s why those who love freedom and liberty always Win!
We ARE in the midst of a civil war, its just not being fought the way people think. As I believe Brandon and others have mentioned in the past its an information and ideological civil war: The two side are freedom lovers and the other side is comprised of globalists. We Patriotd are fighting our own battle while the globalists are using media shills and purple haired dupes who can’t figure out which bathroom to use as their soldiers.
Right on. Thumbs up!
Their digital gulag can and always will be prone and susceptible to hacking. You don’t have to be Nero in your Matrix to understand that. Recently the cardboard cutout WEFer and retarded NAZI clown Klaws Schwab has been under attack from Larry the Fink’s filthy media organs; apparently the Schwab is another of those Harvey Winestain type perverts and rapists. Obviously the psychopaths are not as united as some of the deplorables had imagined. “If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.” Murphy’s Law still holds even if you are a transgendermutant loving retard psychopath. Onward.
That is obvious. What concerns me also very much they are designing robot soldiers. For the purpose to keep the populace in check. Robots will do as they are operated and will not hesitate to shoot at humans. Found on armstrongeconomics.com.
Sure Marty also says that 2025 will be World War 3. Ok. We shall see.
The robots have critical weaknesses too. They are power and programming.
They can be hacked to kill each other and their makers, just before their batteries run out.
Just sayin’
WWIII started in 2022. Armstrong might be running a little behind on the situation.
Not everyone has the same definition of “World War III”…
I think for many it’s a direct confrontation between great powers with their armies.
Yes, which is exactly what started in 2022. Don’t think for a second that Ukraine is fighting Russia by itself. NATO runs that war. Just because they don’t declare direct confrontation doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
great artwork
the right kind of scary
Get yourself a Yellow Vest…
The 3 tacks:
1) micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority;
2) destroy surveillance apparatus; and
3) publicly name, collectively locate and attack individual murderous billionaires one at a time.
The whole point of the Declaration of Independence is that people are independent of government and can choose to ignore it or even dismantle it. The whole point of the US Constitution is to create a body of rules by which a government can be structured and voluntarily granted limited powers and authority by the people, precisely because governments are inherently tyrannical, but useful in certain ways if held in check. The Amendments of the Constitution are explicit legal and inalienable) rights and conditions upon which the government can be held account. The First and Second Amendments are to provide the means to control the government and to dismantle or change it as deemed necessary by the people. The Second Amendment is to guarantee the ability to protect one’s self from the government and to dismantle it if necessary.
The greatest fear and danger for government (or any propagandist organization) is the lose of control, which means the lose of compliance on a mass scale.
Hopefully enough people have learned that “covid” didn’t make them do anything but make a choice between compliance and liberty.
“Remember the last time the globalists took the mask off?… When globalists are honest about what they truly want, it usually coincides with an engineered calamity… the mask is coming off once more and this suggests to me that something very bad is about to happen.”
There have been many plagues upon the Earth. Real plagues, not stuff like the Three Stooges-like COVID Plandemic Social Mind Warp Cartoon Orgy. Our Planet has suffered actual plagues that have taken many lives and done uncounted harm to we people who call Earth home.
Well, guess what? None of those prior plagues measures up to the plague that is the Globalist Vulture Class itself. They themselves are the most dangerous plague and have done the most harm to the human family than probably all of Earth’s prior plagues combined.
Why? Because They not only employ every strategy to destroy our freedom and our bodies and our minds… but they also disempower and sap our spirits. They make us feel weak and powerless. They steal our joy and our hope. They rob us of a belief in a useful and prosperous future. So we bring our children into a World that is already rigged to make them confused, unhappy, powerless, and empty of hope.
These Vultures work tirelessly to take away all the things that are the best about being a human being fashioned directly by the hand of Our Creator. They in fact have nothing but hatred for the human family because they do not even see themselves as human but as gods-upon-the-Earth. With the entire Earth being their sole and exclusive property with we humans as an intrusive and unwelcome pest and plague.
Globalists ‘engineer calamities’ when in fact it is They who are our greatest calamity of all. When a group of ‘persons’ (?) has way too much power and influence and money and way too little sanity or humanity left inside them… nothing but nothing good can come out from that.
And that is what a real plague looks like. And standing six feet apart is nowhere near the distance we all need to get away from this true threat… this Real Earth Plague.
There’s absolutely no shortage of clues about what’s coming next. I believe the mass censorship was already supposed to have happen. In January 2021 I assumed we would have been completely squashed by now. They were on a roll after the 2020 election and then with the 2021 vax mandates.
I must give a lot of credit to Musk on this one. It’s a helluva risk he took Imo. If you recall he had remained fairly apolitical until recently. I have a crazy theory that TPTB let the Twitter deal go through thinking it could be managed in a much stricter fashion. My hypothesis is that the primary reason was to stop Trump Media (Truth Social) from becoming a mainstream powerhouse of right wing dissent. I have not went back and looked at the timing of these things, like I said just a hunch but nothing more.
It’s very unlikely what is coming next will NOT be of a medical nature. They have shot their was with that and all but a select crew of ardent leftists would seal clap for lockdowns and vax mandates again.
Some of the clues in recent years have been perhaps of a cyber attack nature. I think I can tell you how we may know who’s behind it. Right now I would bet on West elites but can’t rule out the fact there are plenty of nations who hate our guts (can’t imagine why lol).
Pay attention to the COMMS situation. I think this fits the puzzle as well quite nicely. If it has been perpetrated by our own leaders I suspect certain Comms will still remain up. Then select other ones will come online quickly. Here’s a hint sites like Alt Market and Gab will NOT be amongst them.
In that movie Leave the World Behind everything was pretty much toast. That’s exactly what I would anticipate from an attack from a hostile foreign nation. But if Globohomo is up to no good they will no doubt make sure they have a method to control the masses. This makes sparking color revolutions and civil unrest a real concern. They will also no doubt have a way in which to deliver supplies and reward those who behave.
Honestly I am thinking now as I type this will probably be the most likely scenario. Probably should war game this. I have no clue how they could pull it off in a nation the size of the US. Europe should be a breeze but Idk about over here. Also one must consider the ramifications to other countries and what would happen if our entire economy just stopped on a dime. It’s what scared me the most during covid. I don’t think magic money will work this time around.
The point we all know the current system has run its course. At some point we can no longer service the debt. Of course we are never going to pay it back but the interest must be paid. I’m half tempted to run up my credit cards. I am thinking that a giant debt jubilee will be part of the schmoozing process to bring in their IDs and CBDC. They may even tell conservatives that the ID will be mandatory to vote in an effort to win some support.
Whatever they say; NEVER forget it’s a trap.
The masks have been off. Problem is, no one is paying attention. I live in California and mask mandates are back. I told everyone over two yrs ago, this won’t end. I had family members, friends, some neighbours telling me, ‘yeah, well, i’m not complying!! yeah, i’m over that…”
Well, I just found out that people who said they were never going to…. are! And a family member just wrote me and said,” you do you. don’t worry about others”
I will say this again. We HAD a chance to push back. You can’t have ten people doing it you need TEN MILLION people….. out on the streets, screaming no, pushing back.
But we won’t. Why?
EBT cards
Other welfare payments
I am an older woman and never thought, ever, at least in my lifetime I would see such demoralized, lazy, apathetic people everywhere…
So disturbing…….
Well, just to be clear, California is NOT the rest of the country. The masks are dead everywhere except maybe NY, LA and a few other far-left cities. Even at the height of covid most red counties were dropping the masks. It’s over. The globalists lost.
Maybe they wear masks in those places thinking it will help prevent all the exotic diseases coming across the border from all over the world and gathering in their neighborhoods.
Good point. I know migrants have a far higher rate of TB than the native born population. And, AIDS cases are skyrocketing in the towns they are flooding with Haitian and African migrants. Migrants make up almost 20% of all HIV/AIDS cases in the US and they’re sending thousands of these people to places where the medical resources can’t accommodate the illnesses they have. The media continues to lie about this situation, calling it “racist” if you point out it’s happening.
These are the kinds of things that bring about revolutions or civil wars. We are now just starting to get the burnt of the Globalists madness.
Europe has been dealing with this problem for some time. In France, Marine La Pen has identified the migrant problem but the Globalists do all they can to marginalize her.
All this does is percolate the problem with the public. It will cause the public to realize that their government is the enemy of the people. It’s the government that is ruining their lives and it’s the government who is now demanding taxation without representation.
This is the kind of stuff that causes governments to topple. The fools in their ivory towers don’t realize they are repeating history when the pitchforks and torches come crashing the castle gates.
Try not to get too frustrated at the sheep. You will just end up with high blood pressure for no reason. These events last several years have been nothing short of stunning. I think we have reached a saturation point tho. If you are not paying attention by now chances are it’s because you will be in the next wave.
What would wake people up whereas the last 4 years couldn’t? Well that dovetails nicely with Brandon’s essay. I’m fairly certain we are getting ready to see some examples of hard power soon. I’m pretty sure nothing is off the table. And with the election looming we are almost at the point of a major crisis point.
Agree, I am an older retiree and for decades known most people lack critical thinking skills. I live in a red state (ALA.) and illegals are being bussed in to smaller cities to work in factories, they are laying off the higher paid workers (Mexicans and Central Amer.) and hiring Haitians. They won’t listen to citizens in city council meetings opposing this in the next county west of mine. Property values will go down as crime goes up. They live in local motels. Cell phone addiction is occupying the majority along with a nihilistic mindset. If people aren’t likeminded they are not in my small circle. Who has time for fools and deadbeats. During COVID frenzy, I cut ties (ignoring and blocking calls) with those who went to clinics for shots.
I live in Ca. “I live in California and mask mandates are back.” Have no idea where you got that! Just asking, when did that happen? “The mandates back,” where in ca. and who said it?
They can go to hell, no way no how will i capitulate ever for any reason
I started to write a comment here but was becoming very long-winded for a comment section. So, I decided to write a Substack. Amplified some for the article. Mentioned you, Brandon. https://sunlotus17.substack.com/p/its-midnight-unmask
I don’t have a Substack blog, other good substack folks, so not enough time to start one, and see you on other sites commenting too, Leo Hohmann, J.J. Carrell expose illegal migrants, etc. Doug Hagmann on Rumble, also Redacted on u tube ,etc.
Have you ever noticed that most Climate Alarmist are often War Pigs as well. Doesn’t war leave an enormous Carbon Footprint? Even the logistics of war leave a substantial carbon footprint.
It infuriates me to hear the Climate Change narrative from a War Pig.
They are not and never have been internally consistent. Neither were the communists as they always changed their plans based on outcomes as they lose or gain ground. Never expect a tyrant to be consistent, after all they are just human. Indeed we should be very grateful that are not consistent and especially as group–tyrants eat their underlings as needed.
The tyrant’s necessity for an unconstitutional Standing Army, under federal control by officers rather than under State control, has recently progressed with authorized lethal exercise on domestic dissidents. Allowing illegal invaders into the U.S. military will remove any hesitancy to kill protesters of govt oppression. Ref. Art. I, Sec. 12-16.
It is a surprise the States have not objected. Ref. Art. I, Sec 10, c.3.
If you really want to promote free speech, you need to read the book “The Wisdom of Crowds” by James Surowiecki. There is no equal, no substitute. It is one of the most important books of our time, and contains original breakthrough research on collective sharing of data that we call “free speech,” and why it leads to much better decision making on everything from “where did the lost airplane go?” to “what should vaccine policy be?” Fifty years ago, kids learned in high school civics that “the marketplace of ideas” could be depended on. This book describes why that is so–and the fact that information must be free to circulate for the effect to work. If propaganda, such as 30 different MSM moderators proclaiming the same story word-for-word takes over, then the mechanism is broken, and votes of any kind will yield incorrect conclusions.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts just put this up on his webiste
So if you question anything about the Covid-Scamdemic, claims of election fraud or Trump being reinstated, or things relating to 9-11 or religous holidays the government now considers you a terrorist threat.
I suppose i’m now a terrorist threat for posting this link on Brandon’s website Know your history Globalists and Neocons because 6,000 years of human history says you won’t succeed.
“What good is an AR15 against a Jet?” Brandon
What good is a jet pilot against an AR15?
Great article as always, Thanks Brandon, I ran into this short video from Catharine Austin Fitts, that presents an expert on nanotech, with an incredible summary of the history, development, and future of nanotech in human augmentation” realm, splitting humanity in 3 classes, the tweaked, the freaked, and the normies.
Remarcable research summarized under an hour, dovetails perfectly with the plandemic introduction, also a link to a 6 hr. seminar on the subject, MUST SEE PRESENTATION, really.
Great and sobering education for all.
God help us if we allow that to como true.
Make sure you’re sitting down for this one, thanks to all.
John Kerry, the Skull & Bones member. Like George W. Bush. Like Russell M. Nelson (the LDS Church leader who tried as hard as possible to portray the Covid shots as blessings from God that everyone needs to get and pushed all Covid-related lies to church members).