By Brandon Smith
There are considerable and insidious forces at play when it comes to the development of the war in Ukraine; a swirling mass of think tanks, globalists and bureaucrats are doing everything in their power to instigate an international conflict between the US, the EU and Russia. They’ve specifically been looking for a way to leverage the western populace into supporting direct and open warfare.
At the beginning of the event the propaganda was very effective in herding the political left into cheering for NATO involvement, with leftists calling for the “cancellation” of Russia and demanding boots on the ground to “wipe them off the face of the Earth.” One of those rabid activists (Ryan Routh) even tried to assassinate Donald Trump, ostensibly because Trump promised immediate peace negotiations with Russia should he become president again.
The Democratic Party, once considered the “anti-war party”, is now the warhawk party. Add to that a gaggle of frothing Neo-Cons (leftists and globalists posing as conservatives) like Lindsay Graham and Mitt Romney, and it’s difficult to see how we will be able to avoid an escalation. There are people on both sides trying to trigger greater bloodshed and anyone who calls for peace comes under threat of assassination.
Russia and Vladimir Putin have culpability of their own and one could argue that the east vs west paradigm is itself a brand of theater. However, the evidence for now leans heavily towards globalist think-tank instigation, leading to the Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, the flood of NATO weapons and “advisers” into the country under the Obama Administration and the deep involvement of Lindsay Graham, John McCain and The Atlantic Council in attempts to secure EU and NATO membership for the country; a red line which Russia consistently warned would lead to confrontation.
Keep in mind, the promise made by NATO to Russia in the 1990s was that they would not attempt to move east once Russia tore down the Berlin Wall and unified Germany. NATO activities in Ukraine violate that promise in numerous ways.
In January of 2022 I predicted that open war in the region was highly likely given the ultimate failure of the covid lockdowns and mandates (The Great Reset plan). The establishment needed a new global crisis to instill public fear, and they also needed a scapegoat for the ongoing stagflationary decline in the west. It’s only natural that they would turn to the classic fallback of world war after their previous agenda failed to get the results they wanted.
In September of 2022 after NATO flooded Ukraine with weapons and foreign “mercenaries” I predicted that Russia would adopt an attrition warfare strategy with increased attacks on Ukraine’s power infrastructure. This has been their strategy ever since and now Ukraine faces a winter with an 85% loss in their power grid as Russian forces roll forward mile by mile on the Eastern and southern fronts.
Russian forces are taking long standing Ukrainian strongholds with complex defensive works and Ukrainian troop strength is dwindling. Ukraine is losing the war by every metric and I now predict they have a year or less before complete defensive collapse.
The corporate media will not talk about these developments. They will diminish them until Russia is on the verge of gaining a vast amount of ground and then they will act indignant, saying “How could this have happened?” Then they will call for western troops to enter the fray (it’s already starting).
The only thing that might stop this outcome is Donald Trump’s promise to force negotiations between the Kremlin and Kyiv on day one of his administration. The problem is, that’s another two months away and the globalists are using that window of time to sabotage any future peace efforts. Their goal is to turn the proxy war into an open international conflagration.
In August in my article ‘Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election’ I outlined a theory on what was likely to happen if the establishment saw a possible shift in US and EU sentiment towards continuing support for Ukraine:
“But how do they turn the proxy war into a world war without looking like the bad guys? That’s the trick, isn’t it?
The proxy (in this case, Ukraine) would have to take actions that provoke Russia into an explosive outburst. Russia would have to utilize tactics or weaponry that puts a vast number of civilians at risk, requiring greater NATO involvement and perhaps even UN intervention…”
I noted that the greenlight for use of long range missile systems provided by the US and Europe could be the trigger the globalists were looking for:
“Long range strikes into Russia, I believe, will set in motion more Russian strikes on major cities in the west of Ukraine where the majority of the population lives. These areas have gone largely untouched during the duration of the war. Putin, despite what the media claims, has been careful to limit the targeting of larger civilian centers. That will end if NATO missiles hit Russian cities…”
“The idea that ballistic volleys into Russia using NATO supplied missiles won’t result in Putin using MOABs or nukes is truly insane. Keep in mind, long range strikes into Russia will do nothing to change the conditions on the ground in the Donbas…”
I outlined why this strategy was beneficial for globalist think tanks in light of an impending Trump presidency.
“Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap. They already tried to do the same thing with the covid pandemic and the inflationary crisis.
“The timing of the Kursk offensive and the call for missile strikes on Russia is not a coincidence. Trump claims that his intention is to end the Ukraine war as quickly as possible once he enters office.”
“They need to escalate the war into something bigger, something that can’t be undone. Right now, the war can be ended – All it takes is some diplomacy and forcing Ukraine to understand that they’re not going to get the Donbas or Crimea back no matter how many lives they sacrifice. But if there are massive civilian casualties on either side, the situation becomes irreversible.”
I want to point out that you don’t need a crystal ball to predict the path of this conflict; the stages and outcomes are relatively clear if you understand the hidden motivations behind the war. Most of the events I outlined in August have now happened, but only because these are the events that MUST happen in order to get to the end game of WWIII.
After Trump’s landslide election win this month the Biden Administration responded by giving the greenlight for Ukraine to use long range ATACMS deeper inside Russian territory. The decision was reportedly made to “Trump-proof” the Ukraine war and prevent a quick resolution before he entered office.
The ATACMS would do nothing to change the immediate conditions on the battlefield. ATACMS are precision guided munitions designed for surgical strikes on high value targets, they are not very useful in winning a war of attrition. The reason these weapons are so controversial is because they CANNOT be fired without help from NATO technicians and satellites. Meaning, Biden’s decision represents an open declaration of war on Russia.
In response, the Kremlin reportedly fired a nuclear capable IRBM (an RS-26 Rubezh missile) on the city of Dniprio. The weapon had multiple warheads and video evidence shows all of them apparently striking the target. Luckily, none of those warheads were carrying a nuclear payload.
The strike occurred right after Putin changed Russia’s nuclear defense policy and this appears to be a final warning. Globalist think tanks like The Atlantic Council continue to claim that Putin’s red lines are a “farce” and that he will never use nukes. I think that they know Putin is not bluffing and that they intend to poke the bear until they get a limited nuclear attack. I believe the chances are very high for at least one nuke strike within Ukraine if conditions continue to deteriorate with NATO.
Some will argue that there’s no way this will happen because Russia would be obliterated by nuclear retaliation. I suspect that in the face of a nuke strike in Ukraine, NATO will do nothing. They certainly won’t escalate to a global exchange of ICBMs.
The globalists have little to gain by incinerating decades of work building the mass surveillance systems and digital economic infrastructure they need for their “New World Order.” Ukraine just isn’t worth it. What such an incident would do, though, is open the door to wider war on multiple fronts between the east and the west.
If the war is escalated beyond the zero point before Trump gets into office, then Trump may have no other choice than to commit the US to the conflict despite vast public disapproval. It would be disastrous for his administration, disastrous for conservatives and disastrous for the western world at large. The majority of the public will NOT volunteer to fight for Ukraine and conscription would be an invitation to civil unrest.
Leftists hate Russia because the media tells them to, but they aren’t going to risk their lives for Ukraine. Conservatives definitely aren’t going to submit to a draft and most of us would rather go to war against the globalists instead.
Putin is savvy enough to wait for Trump to enter office and start negotiations, but my greatest concern is that something is about to happen which will sabotage any eventual peace plan. A long range attack by Ukraine on a major civilian center, a nuclear power plant, or the assassination of a political figure using NATO weaponry would be the only spark needed to light the powder keg. Putin will be required to show Russia is not weak and follow through on his red line threats.
There’s a good chance that we will see a mushroom cloud over Ukraine (or adjacent region) in the near future unless there is serious intervention to defuse the conflict. The next two months will be key.
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Brandon, what do you think of this quote? NATO is discussing the possibility of preemptive precision strikes on the territory of Russia in the event of an armed conflict with the alliance countries. This was stated at a conference in Brussels by the head of the Military Committee of the bloc, Admiral Rob Bauer.
He called positive the fact that NATO has changed its attitude to the essence of the organization as a defense alliance, as well as the perception that it is necessary to “sit and wait for us to be attacked” and only then react.
It’s likely a bluff. NATO countries have to appear as though they are the victims or defenders, not the aggressors(they have their own populations to worry about). They’ll continue to use Ukraine as a proxy until Russia reacts with something big (MOAB or nuke).
It is being reported now that Russia is going to retaliate due to recent attacks against them. French and British authorities have transferred weapons that are to be used against Russia as well. The situation is deteriorating very quickly now. Germany is looking at where the bomb shelters are for their citizens. Sweden and others are encouraging their citizens to get prepared for WW3. The inertia is moving in the direction of WW3. Last night, I received a message from the US Air Force about their new entry requirements and how they have lowered standards for those wanting to join. Looks like a mass email went out to people under 35 or so.
“The Democratic Party, once considered the ‘anti-war party’, is now the warhawk party. Add to that a gaggle of frothing Neo-Cons… The proxy (Ukraine) would have to take actions that provoke Russia into an explosive outburst.”
Little kids who toss the game board over when they’re losing. Yes, that’s the mentality and intelligence level and (lack of) maturity of those who currently rule The Indispensable Nation. And right now, The Indispensables and the Dark Staters are losing in the sad, death-and-blood-stained grounds of Ukeland.
Me!…Me!…Me!… What’s in this for ME?! Screw the best interests of the American People and the World at large. I want what I want! And if I don’t get it I’m going to have a FIT! And You won’t like that!…
When Resident Biden was selected by the Dark State to do his residency at the White House in 2020… did anyone realize that this was like taking some kid out of pre-school and handing them the Keys to the Kingdom? (And theoretically, the Nuke access codes?).
The damage that he and his fellow Sad and Sickly Blues have done to America and the World is beyond measure. And included in that wreckage is the complete bankruptcy and moral and ethical vacancy and utter lack of competent leadership vision or ability of the Democrat Party. And that moral and ethical bankruptcy and lack of vision is what They want for the future of the entirety of America.
The Democrat Party of today cannot survive as it is currently infested. They either have to stop being the sickly radical Democrats that they have developed into and go back to being the Old Democrats like the used to be when they stood for working people… or they will just deteriorate into nothingness and oblivion. Either way… America will benefit from the Democrats taking either one of these roads ahead.
That is, if there even IS an America in the coming days and years. We may not have to worry about any of this very soon as none of us might still be around to think about this – or anything else…
The final and most tragic beyond words End of Days as executed and carried out by the Democrat and Dark State Pre-Schoolers who run America and our World. The Last and Final Empire?
These cretins and misfits and malformed life forms should not even get drivers’ licenses let alone having nuclear codes and horrific weaponry to unleash.
At this Thanksgiving Season … take a generous moment of thanks that we have not yet been incinerated by the insane depraved actions of Neocons and Dark Staters. That is… IF we have not already been incinerated by their sickly desires of World Empire run forever by THEM.
Hard to enjoy a nice dinner with one eye on the window to watch for a billowing Mushroom Cloud…
‘I’ll have another slice of Stuffing and good helping of SANITY, please!’
I believe the most dangerous thing that plagues us we are being run by hordes of people who have NO knowledge of violence. The elites are totally quarantined off from the masses. This has been happening for generations. Would be willing to bet those old school barons could still get their hands dirty. They were probably a lot like Trump to be honest. They could still connect with the common man.
Look at these war colleges and think tanks. They’re run by faggots and feminists smh. I wonder how many of the upper brass in the military have ever been in a bar fight. I have a lot of them under my belt (none too recent). It’s always scary when the adrenaline starts flowing and when you know violence can’t be avoided you have 2 options. Fight like hell or run like hell. If you choose option 1 you better be ready to incapacitate your enemy before he does you. I have failed to do that more than once and you pay a price.
I don’t see this kind of war being too much different. Lots of people think it will go tit for tat in a measured general upwards trend. I call bullshit, it will go gradual and then BOOM all at once. There will NOT be a limited nuclear war except in the rarest of circumstances. And if a nuke ever gets used can you imagine the level of tension on the planet from that point forward. You will be able to cut it with a knife.
Luke: “… we are being run by hordes of people who have NO knowledge of violence. The elites are totally quarantined off from the masses.”
Elitists hate the masses. They have no respect for people. That’s why we are called “Garbage” and “Deplorables”. So Tey do indeed make sure Tey are fully insulated from the ‘contaminating’ affects of the non-Elite. But putting a little fear of God in someone can sometimes do wonders for how they treat you.
Elitists believe They are gods-upon-the-Earth. They do not even view Themselves as human but rather as elevated beings far above filthy humans.
“It’s always scary when… you have 2 options. Fight like hell or run like hell.”
This is the classic Fight-or-Flight response that is hard-wired into humans. And as situations arise in Life it is wise to choose the better one of these flexes over the other.
Otherwise known as, ‘Know When To Hold ‘Em and Know When to Fold ‘Em”.
“Lots of people think it will go tit for tat in a measured general upwards trend. I call bullshit, it will go gradual and then BOOM all at once.”
Our problem of course is that those who will make these decisions are basically deranged and unhinged. You can never trust their judgment or sanity. We have been lucky up until now that They have not already blown up the Planet. But it’s never a good bet to believe that our luck will hold out forever.
All we can do as the sane people of the World is to invoke the good graces of Our Creator to help keep the suicidal impulses of the deranged under control.
Oh! But Ukraine is worth it. Blackrock thinks so. And Russia will be the survivor of a nuclear exchange. They have shelters for 40 million of their people. The US… ZERO – except for the bunkers that the rats will run to and the Russian Bomba will take care of them. NATO bluffing? Would you bet the farm on Russia not launching nukes if provoked? Nobody on the Neocon-side takes this seriously. They may take this seriously when smoking holes appear in their backyard.
It’s not worth it for the western public, but yes, the globalists usually benefit from war. I seriously doubt they intend to nuke themselves, though.
What people dismiss is that Putin by all accounts is a Globalists, he wanted to join NATO. His problem is one he created as Paul Craig Roberts alluded to as the Russia/Ukraine war kicked off. He repeatedly said that if Putin doesn’t end the confrontation quickly with overwhelming force, it will invite the US and the West along with NATO to control the narrative and they will drag out the conflict as long as they can. That’s pretty much what has happened.
The problem is Russia has their own versions of Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Victoria Nuland etc. Putin according to Paul Craig Roberts has been restraining them. Eventually he will either have to act forcefully or he might face a coup and the hardliners and neocons in Russia will take over. That’s the wildcard.
One bright spot is that following that advanced missile strike, everyone involved in the West have paused their escalation in further provoking Russia.
This is what you call blowing smoke up people’s butt. You can’t make this up, you gotta love the hypocrisy. NATO has been expanding and moving closer to Russia for the last 30 years and this idiot, Jean Noel Barrot decides to accuse Russia of that. That’s what Paul Craig Roberts said would happen if Putin took a soft line towards Ukraine.
“French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot declared that this move is in the “logic of self-defense. The top French diplomat continued, “We will support Ukraine as intensely and as long as necessary. Why? Because it is our security that is at stake. Each time the Russian army progresses by one square kilometer, the threat gets one square kilometer closer to Europe.”
Russia is not our enemy!
Problem is Trump is saying nothing, nor is Tulsi Gabbard. Instead, Trump’s selected goons like National Security Advisor Mike Waltz is a pro-war party schill. He just stated that he and Anthony Blinken are “hand in glove” and that policy will not change regarding Ukraine because that would give the “adversary” a chance to strike.
What a bunch of baloney. Marco Rubio is another pro-war guru, and the comments by Trump’s advisor from Sebastian Gorka calling Russia and Putin everything under the sun, is more Biden and Lindsay Graham war hawk stuff.
The more Trump or Tulsi stays quiet, the more it looks like we need to get fast tracked to prepare for WWIII. Nothing will change.
History lessons, the last time a President stood against the war party, he was killed in Dallas, think about that.
Another point, during the Cuban missile crisis, we had diplomats from both nations talking with each other. Today, we have NONE! Again, on a war footing, folks.
Putin called our reckless bluff, and it has not stopped the evil war mongers. Russia is winning and has the advantage, Russia is calling the shots, not Trump. Their will be no negotiations, because that would mean Ukraine will lose almost everything.
Not going to happen.
To be fair, Trump has been very active on the Ukraine situation, including talks with Russia even before he takes office. Not everything is done out in public.
Yeah, totally agree! I’m not convinced by the Neocons he chose, however it appears Putin is restraining himself and his Neocons until Trump takes office.
Kellogg was selected by Trump to initiate “peace talks” but if you listen to his neocon stance regarding Ukraine before, I am wondering if peace will ever come? The terms he is suggesting is for Russia to give up more than Ukraine.
Not gonna happen.
If this is a feint, or something, must be a good one by Trump. Maybe to keep the CIA assassins away until he gets in, who knows.
WWIII continues up to nuclear threshold.
Let’s hope Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is wrong!
“Trump’s Appointments have Destroyed Hopes for Peace”
if they are suicidal leave the rest of us out of their self destruction.
Hi Brandon,
Have you heard that all London webcams have been offline since September 2024? They are possibly preparing a false-flag with a detonation, which they will blame on Russia. Just check this post by Alex Crainer. Sharing this information can prevent such an evil plan: https://open.substack.com/pub/trendcompass/p/are-they-planning-a-false-flag-attack?r=1i7v2f&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
The only intervention that can stop this headlong rush by psychopaths to war is to take out the psychopaths.
We citizens of the United States are the most heavily armed citizenry in the world. Our Founding Fathers specifically said an armed citizens militia is the final bulwark against tyrants and tyranny.
We are ignoring our obligation to preserve Liberty for future generations. We’re all wringing our hands watching this play out, but doing nothing.
I’m no soldier, zero training, I’m 70, but someone take charge and tell me where to report for duty. I don’t want my precious grandchildren to endure lives of hellish desperation. I enjoy my life as much as the next person, but I’d trade all that’s left of it right now to preserve the blessings of Liberty for them.
It drives me nuts watching this unfold and we meekly accepting it.
After the debate this summer JB went into lame duck status. After Trump’s convincing electoral victory he went to a dead duck one. I took a sigh of relief thinking the margin of defeat was too large to pull too much bullshit. I was wrong. Biden signing off on that was unthinkable. Especially after it had been determined a couple months beforehand that it was too risky.
The most chilling aspect of this coincides with Brandon’s statement about “getting the populace to go along.” I’m afraid that’s exactly what they are doing. The average person isn’t going to know it until their skin starts melting off. I don’t watch Fox News but saw clips of Gen Jack Keene (the Republican 4 star general) encouraging it. We know that in reality he’s a died in the wool neocon. The way the media is handling it is what scares me the most.
Thank God Joe Rogan is speaking out loudly about it. Right or wrong he’s a very powerful voice. It does give me some hope that sanity might prevail. He would have never been able to say the things he has in said in 2024 without having large platforms like X to keep the other ones somewhat honest.
I have a very good memory. I tell people it has been both a blessing and a curse. I remember what it was like when the only people we could reach was each other after the big purge 2020 to mid 2022. So this is what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone and God Bless!!
Remove dual-citizens from high positions of power and replace them with American-only born representatives. American-only with no ties to any other nation are the only representatives who should be in positions of influence and power. How many American citizens are in government of any other nation as a dual-citizen? ZERO. NADA.
Furthermore, require members of political pacs/lobby groups in DC to register as agents of foreign nations if they represent another country to any degree.
Thomas Massie has explained this clearly.
The threat of war and US involvement in wars abroad lessens as soon as this happens.
Doubtful. The majority of globalists are NOT dual citizens and would not be prevented from influence over government with your solution.
Doubtful I agree, but it’s a good place to start. It’s very cut and dry too. Regardless, I believe the conversation needs to be had. We have to open that can of worms up to the masses. Just a year ago I don’t think many people knew about it (myself included). At least it feels like progress.
I also agree with Alan’s approach. There’s NO need to be racist or mean about it. It’s just a discussion as to whether or not a person can influence decisions without bias in order to further the advancement of US (ONLY) Interests. I still can’t fathom how much influence these duals seem to have over foreign policy. That’s a big red flag IMHO.
From my observations I think that there’s a very good chance that the following could happen: Trump could get assassination, followed by a financial crash, the US is bankrupted, the deep state would be held accountable for their crimes, Biden is found to be an illegitimate president, there would be martial law to restore order and there is a redo of the 2020 election, which Elizabeth Warren would win.
This will lead to Biden being accountable for his crimes and an being an illegitimate president:
Biden Issues a ‘Full and Unconditional Pardon’ of His Son Hunter Biden
“Russia and fake Putin are playing their part and the east vs west paradigm IS itself theater.”
“Conservatives definitely aren’t going to submit to a draft and most of us would rather go to war against the globalists instead.” – If only Russian soldiers would think the same…
Unfortunately it seems many/ most will rather fight to utter exhaustion, according to the plan Pike explained to Mazzini.
So… the new Secretary of Defense is a literal Temple Knight? Complete with Knights Templar cross on the chest and “Deus Vult” on the biceps? The Pied Pipers face on a coin confirming his support for the rebuilding of the temple in earthly Jerusalem? Crazy “Christians” ignoring that Christ’s Kingdom is NOT of this world, ignoring the heavenly Jerusalem and supporting the rebuilding of a physical temple (for sacrifices) by people who hate/deny Christ? How is all-out war in the Middle-East not assured?
Is it possible that the war with Russia can be escalated via Iran, just as well as Ukraine? A double-pronged approach to make sure?
Russian soldiers are not a threat to Americans (or Europeans) in the slightest. Russia doesn’t have the ability to project military power on a global scale. They are, however, very good at fighting on their home turf – Which is why starting a war right on their doorstep and coming to them is incredibly stupid (or a deliberate setup for western failure).
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, now back to reality, here’s this from Armstrong economics, a dire warning on a very possible outcome.
God help us, if this happens.
Thanks for all you do.