Issue #52 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on March 30th. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures, along with more passive strategies.
With new pandemic lockdown measures inevitable, along with mass censorship of conservatives and an attempted federal gun grab, it is only a matter of time before certain states and counties defy mandates and start separating from draconian controls. Politically and ideologically, leftists have gone so far off the rails that they have nothing in common with conservatives and moderates any longer. We have no shared principles because, well…..because they have no principles.
The violent push for globalism and the “Great Reset” is the prevailing threat looming in the background. And it is clear, at least to me, that millions of Americans have no intention of submitting to this agenda. So, we need to examine how this situation is likely to escalate and which areas of the US are most able to break away. This is not necessarily an analysis of which states are “safe”, because safety is relative. Rather, Issue #52 will be an analysis of which states will be most secure for freedom during the coming conflict.
Secession – Which Areas Of The US Will Separate And Why?
If you have not yet signed up for The Wild Bunch Dispatch and would like to subscribe, visit our SUBSCRIPTION PAGE HERE for more information.
Also, back issues of The Wild Bunch are available to ANYONE for an additional $3 per issue. Just be sure to leave me a note or email when you make your purchase indicating which back issues you would like to purchase. For additional information you can contact me at:
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us
P.S. Thank you Brandon for your initiative!
Some of us would like to relocate…to be around more ‘like minded’ folks.
We are considering MT, ID, SD, MI, UT, FL, MO, WV, etc…
Any suggestions would be MUCH APPRECIATED ?
Thank you Again!
I would definitely delete MI!!!!!
The way cracker box apartment complexes are going up (here in western NC) and the potential for rapid influx of illegal aliens, even to norther border areas, it is safe to say that you argue to be mobile and plan to be able to move in a few years from wherever you may happen to live. This prospect may make all the homesteaders / preppers upset, but we have to get rid of our normalcy bias. We are not going to like the way things are heading.
That won’t be an option if you hope to survive. Organizing your community, county or state to separate and deny entry to those that would harm you is the only option. Wandering around like a refugee is a recipe for instant death.
FL may not be more like-minded but there are fewer people trying to force their opinions on others.
It’s a big state not all parts of it are the same.
I suspect Florida will be inundated by hurricanes (geo-engineering) in the coming years.
@ Simple Victory, I live in North Idaho and to let you know we have thousands of people that have moved here and are attempting to move here recently, there are very few properties available and the builders can’t build apartments and cookie cutter homes fast enough to meet the demand, prices for property have soared. So I recommend if your going to make a move you better move quickly.
Sounds like you are being overwhelmed.
New home construction can be limited or stopped by city or county governments, if enough residents demand it.
Developers just can’t build homes whenever or wherever they want. They have to get local government approval, right?
Good day Simple. I imagine you will of already done what I’m going to suggest. Research the political status history of the state you’re favoring. Then the county even the history of the folks in office. Next the gas price. Then a gallon of milk. Then the property management, rent prices per sq. Ft. Same with home prices. Be sure to live beneath your means. Once you’ve research. You do this with each state you’ve mentioned. Then Head on over to the state, county you’ve zero in on. Visit for a week or two. Talk to the folks at the grocery stores. Read their town news. Do you own your own business can you make a living. Or is there employment possibilities? Do the same research with the county you live in. Other counties in your state. Thing is and what worries me is the Shadow government is shuffling in ileagal people to turn all red states blue. Then take into consideration Sarge’s comment. You’ve got to take your time and research before you make your move. Like asking your question. You got good info from Sarge and Marty. Keep goin’. ?
As a firm supporter of the Texas Nationalist Movement, I’m definitely looking forward to this one.
I have been flying around the country checking things out. Am so looking forward to this newsletter episode.
My own state, NC, a southern state, has become NJ lite. Even in the red counties you will see high masking, social distancing, and vaccination rates. Pathetic. Local health care corporations push daily for your vaccine. The gubner and his lackey medical advisor constantly harp on the extinction level covid crisis. A once-conservative American blood red state has morphed into the cyanotic blue hue of death.
brandon has this been released yet?
I thought California was bad until I went to St Louis Missouri this weekend. In St Louis county if you go to a restaurant or bar, masks and contact tracing are required. You have to give your name, address and phone number. If you don’t, you will be asked to leave, so I left.
Almost any major city is going to have draconian mandates regardless of the state, because major cities are run exclusively by democrats and leftists. Stay away from the cities and stick to more rural areas.
Here in the SF Bay Area we have a pretty healthy number of people not wearing masks. Not in the SF area, but the suburbs etc. are fairly resistant. I never wear a mask outside, only inside to respect the business establishment. So far, no one has bothered me. Restaurants are packed, people are running around and everything is busier than ever. People are just done with the covid thing.
That’s good to hear. I suspect Biden is going to try another scare campaign with the covid mutations in order to engineer a national lockdown, but I don’t think it’s going to work out for him and his globalist handlers. Another problem is the mRNA vaccines, which I fear are designed to cause infertility in a large portion of the population (as the former VP of Pfizer warned). We must ensure that people do not take these untested vaccines and that people never accept the medical passports.