Issue #112 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on April 30th. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures along with more passive strategies.
A lot of people spend hours per day in or around their car or truck and well away from home, yet, a lot of them don’t have an emergency survival kit stored in their vehicle just in case they run into a crisis situation. It doesn’t have to be used for a grid down event or a civil collapse, a car kit could be handy for weather dangers, highway wrecks or roadside medical emergencies. Then, there’s the growing problem of crime on the roads and the need for an EDC in your vehicle to deal with potential muggers, car jackers and shooters.
In the worst case scenario where there is some sort of major collapse event and you are trapped away from home, do you have enough gear and necessities in your car to get you to your house or to a retreat location? In the next issue of the Wild Bunch I will go over my list of recommendations for the kinds of items your should have handy for a car-based survival kit along with your self defense EDC.
What Items Should You Have In Your Car Survival Kit
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Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market.us
Great article. I also think having pepper spray, cash, change of clothes and tools are necessary. I work 18 miles away and I keep a foldable scooter in my truck bed. I’d get home 2 or 3x faster than walking.
Reading your paper made me re address my stuff. For sleeping, since its warming up, I’m opting for my ranger roll instead of a bag. one wool blanket, wobbie blanket and a poncho, which can be for a half shelter. I’d love to have a PVS14 night vision, but I’ll settle for my PVS 7 for now. I’ve had them a long time. looking at my GPS, well its over 20 years old, its time for a new one lol.
Great list
Any night vision is better than none. My only concern with the PVS7 is that they cover both eyes which can cause problems when you’re moving through partially lit areas. It all looks the same under NV, but you might be walking through a moonlit area or street light that makes you stand out. I would just be careful and check with your naked eye every once in a while to avoid being backlit. Regards.
3 fitted sheets and a wool blanket, I have tent camped in freezing temps
The fitted sheets I jokingly call “self tucking” as they stay wrapped around you. And three layers to trap warmth between
Easy to pack and carry
This would have been a great issue to have had a group discussion on. Think of the different ideas people would have. I get what you said about carrying a rifle. But I think a Ruger 10/22 takedown or a Henry US survival .22 could easily be stashed in a pack. I own both so I’m gonna try it.