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The Wild Bunch Dispatch Volume 2 Collection Now Available!

January 6, 2022

It’s hard to believe the Wild Bunch newsletter is already closing in on 70 issues. I have been very happy to share the preparedness and tactical knowledge I have gained over the past couple of decades and the feedback from readers has been great so far. There are many people that missed out on the early editions of the Dispatch,…

Is There A Way To Prevent Psychopaths From Getting Into Positions Of Power?

January 6, 2022

By Brandon Smith Despite a growing resurgence of interest in the science and psychology of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths it seems as though society today has lost track of how these people can sabotage the core fabric of a civilization or nation. It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and forget that…

The Fall Of The Mainstream Media And The Biggest Lies They Told In 2021

December 30, 2021

By Brandon Smith If the past year has confirmed anything it is that the mainstream media is thoroughly dishonest. Yes, most people already suspected this, but the last 12 months have provided more confirmation than the past several years combined. 2021 has made it clear that the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of political and corporate elitists, from big…

CIA Experimented on Hundreds of Orphans, Torturing Them to Reveal Psychopathic Traits—Report

December 30, 2021

This article was written by Matt Agorist and originally published at The Free Thought Project According to a new documentary out of Denmark, which interviewed former victims, the Central Intelligence Agency secretly carried out experiments on 311 orphaned children. The experiments were meant to reveal psychopathic traits and map out the link between schizophrenia and heredity. According to the report,…

The Fed’s Catch-22 Taper Is A Weapon, Not A Policy Error

December 24, 2021

By Brandon Smith Back in 2018 leading up to Christmas the Federal Reserve began publicly flirting with the notion of ending asset purchases, reducing their balance sheet and committing to an all around taper of stimulus. I wrote about it extensively at the time along with my position that the Fed could and would taper, at least for a short…

Tripled Vaxxed 4.5 Times More Likely to Test Positive For Omicron Than Unvaxxed

December 23, 2021

This article was written by Paul Joseph Watson and originally published at According to figures released by the UK government via the Office for National Statistics, people who are triple vaxxed are 4.5 times more likely to test positive for Omicron than those who are unvaccinated. The numbers also illustrate how the double-vaccinated are 2.3 times more likely to…

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