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Recent Events Prove Western Nations Are Highly Vulnerable To Cyber Calamity

August 27, 2024

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Prepper All Naturals

As most people are aware, this month there was a sweeping internet outage across the US which led to a failure in roughly 8.5 million Microsoft Windows devices. Disruptions included banks, airline networks, emergency call centers, online retailers and numerous corporate networks. The outage is estimated to have caused at least $5.4 billion in profit losses and it only lasted about a day.

The alleged cause of the breakdown was Crowdstrike, a cyber-security company that uses large scale data updates to Microsoft Windows networks to counter cyber threats. Instead, the company uploaded bugged code and caused a cascading outage. Mac and Linux machines were not affected.

The scale of the shutdown was immense – Over 25% of Fortune 500 companies were frozen. Travel essentially stopped. Business transactions for many companies ceased. Some banks including Bank of America, Capital One, Chase, TD Bank and Wells Fargo could not function and customers could not access their accounts.

The event reminded me of the panic surrounding the Y2K scare 25 years ago. Of course, that was all nonsense; US systems were definitely not digitized to an extent great enough to cause a disaster should there be an internet crash or a software crash. But today things are very different. Nearly every sector of the American (and European) economy and many utilities are directly dependent on a functioning internet.

The fear that prevailed during Y2K was unrealistic in 1999. Now, it makes perfect sense.

I often hear preppers talk about the impending danger of an EMP leading to a grid down scenario. However, this kind of attack is highly overblown. Even major solar storms have not caused the kind of electrical breakdown that theorists suggest might happen. Instead, I would recommend worrying a lot more about cyber threats. I believe these events will become far more common in the next few years for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, there is the potential for random error like the Crowdstrike incident. Then there’s the potential for a foreign attack on US and European digital infrastructure. Then, there’s the potential for a false flag event BLAMED on random error or a foreign government in order to foment war or economic collapse.

In 2021 in my article ‘Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe?’ I warned that if the pandemic crisis failed to achieve the centralization goals of the World Economic Forum and other globalist institutions, they may use a cyber crisis instead. WEF head Klaus Schwab incessantly compared the idea of a “Cyber Pandemic” to the covid pandemic. He suggested that governments would have to respond to both in a similar fashion (i.e. lockdowns and extensive controls on individual freedoms).

In the past I have mentioned a very interesting event that was barely covered by the corporate media called the “Fastly Outage.” I examined the implications of this and more in my article ‘Obama’s Weird New Movie And America’s Extreme Vulnerability To Cyber Attack’.

In June of 2021 there was an internet outage that led to large swaths of the web going completely dark, including a number of mainstream news sites, Amazon, eBay, Twitch, Reddit, etc. A host of government websites also went down. All this happened when content delivery network (CDN) company Fastly experienced a “bug.” Although Amazon had its website back online within 20 minutes, the brief outage cost the company over $5.5 million in sales.

A content delivery network is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. They make up what is known as the “backbone” of the internet. Only a handful of these company’s support a vast majority of internet activity. All it would take is for a few to go down, and the internet goes down, taking our economy with it.

The recent Crowdstrike situation is perhaps the worst web disruption of all time, and that was just a bug in a software update. Imagine if someone wanted to deliberately damage internet functions for an extended period of time? The results would be catastrophic.

With supply chains completely dependent on “just-in-time” freight deliveries and those deliveries dependent on efficient digital communications and payments between retailers and manufacturers, a web-down scenario for more than a few days would cause an immediate loss of consumer goods. Stores would empty within hours should the public realize that new shipments might not arrive for a long time.

Keep in mind, I’m not even accounting for payment processing between customers and retailers. If that shuts down, then ALL sales shut down. Then, whatever food you have left in your pantry or in storage is what you will have to live on until the problem is fixed. If it is ever fixed…

Network attacks are difficult to independently trace, which means anyone can initiate them and anyone can be blamed afterwards. With the increasing tensions between western and eastern nations the chances of an attack are high. And corrupt government officials could also trigger an internet crisis and blame it on foreign enemies – Either to convince the public to go to war, or to convince the public to accept greater authoritarianism.

I believe a cyber attack is the next most likely global disaster. We weathered covid and defeated the draconian mandates. The economy is in the midst of a stagflation crisis but the system is still operating. But what if the next ploy is a complete shutdown of the web and a fast moving financial collapse?

Figuring out who triggered the breakdown would be nearly impossible. We could suspect, but proving who did it is another matter. In the meantime, western officials controlled by globalist interests could lock down internet traffic and eliminate alternative media platforms they don’t like, giving the public access to corporate news sources only.

There are millions of Americans out there ready for a systemic collapse. According to surveys around 30% of adult Americans now consider themselves preppers. But that leaves 70% of the population in a daze, unaware and panicking should the supply chain break. Will they care who was behind the attack? Probably not. They’ll be far more concerned with simple survival.

What are the most practical solutions to this? As always we can store necessities to protect our families and friends. To protect data, I recommend shutting OFF Windows Updates to prevent something like a Crowdstrike error from affecting your devices. You can also set up a Linux-based device with all your important data storage secured.

You can purchase an exterior hard drive and clone your computer data, then throw it in a closet or a waterproof case. Then there is the option of building a completely offline device (a computer that has never and will never connect to the internet).

These options protect you and your valuable files, but there’s not much that can be done to prevent a national scale cyber attack and the damage that one could cause. Organizing for inevitable chaos and violence is all you can do.

With a cyber-event there is the distinct danger of communications disruptions – No cell phones, no email, no social media, nothing. So, having knowledge in ham radio and radio communications is a must. I’m a general class ham and I’m still finding there’s more to learn, but a basic knowledge of radios, frequency bands and repeaters will help you to at least listen in on chatter and get important information outside of controlled news networks.

The people who used to claim it’s “doom mongering” to examine the threat of cyber attacks have been proven utterly wrong this past month. We just witnessed one of the worst internet implosions of all time and more are on the way. Prepare accordingly and remember that technological dependency is a double-edged sword. Use your tech wisely and don’t let it run your life.



One survival food company, Prepper All-Naturals, has proactively dropped prices to allow Americans to stock up ahead of projected hikes in beef prices. Their 25-year shelf life steaks currently come at a 25% discount with promo code “invest25”.

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Brandon Smith

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  • Rob August 27, 2024 at 6:41 am

    Please prepare spiritually as they have plans to enforce everyone to upload their digital ID to access the internet in 2025 as Whitney Webb proves in this short video:

    Your digital ID upload to buy and sell with the beast will be your mark given to the beast!:

  • Rodster August 27, 2024 at 8:41 am

    Thanks for this article Brandon. Yup, I remember Y2K all too well and I was not surprised that the planes did not fall out of the sky and the world did not end. Now we are seeing the effects of the digital world with the recent data breach and the nasty disruption due to CrowdStrike outage.

    In the US, utilities rely on the internet. Imagine what it will be like if they got their wish for CBDC’s and all of a sudden you lost access to your money because of a situation like CrowdStrike or a Cyber attack?

  • digger August 27, 2024 at 9:51 am

    Don’t think the Deep State isn’t a part of the recent onslaught of cyber attacks.

    “If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.” James Madison

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear, the traitor is the plague.”― Marcus Tullius Cicero

  • Kaleidoscoper August 27, 2024 at 10:05 am

    Nice article, Brandon, thanks again. By way of clarification, as a guy still working deeply in this field… the modern CDN companies focus primarily on “performance and optimization” by bringing data to the “edge” – aka closer to concentrations of consumers. they are typically neither the host of the data nor the main routing mechanism, but they participate in both.

    a cyber attack on the CDN’s would probably be a lesser of evils as those things go, because the internet would get around it relatively quickly – but performance would be degraded. while this has its own set of detrimental effects on certain industries, it may not be the disaster that attacking the NSP and ISP infrastructure itself would.

    the cyber attack we REALLY don’t want is against them and/or the internet protocols themselves. there are a relatively small number of NSP/ISPs who run most of the internet routing, a small amount of tech protocols and those who know how to use them (all of which are surprisingly easy to “mess up”)… and an even smaller number of “nonprofit” SUPPOSEDLY neutral bodies who own and define the addressing and routing schemes of the internet. ARIN, RIPE, and APNIC/APRICOT are the main ones.

    in short, the most detrimental cyber attack would be to prevent the passage of the traffic itself.

  • Jay August 27, 2024 at 1:12 pm

    We all complain about computers crashing and data corruption, etc…. But look on the bright side. Those just might be the very things that keep some communist dictator from finding you and rearranging your anatomy for the worse.

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      Brandon Smith August 27, 2024 at 3:19 pm

      That part comes AFTER the cyber attack…

    • Rachel August 28, 2024 at 7:07 am

      Computer crashing and corrupted data might delay gullible normies in handing over all their personal information tied with a pretty bow to Big Brother.
      A lot of Christians I personally know talk about how we should start underground home churches–when they are not scrolling through FB feeds on their cells or asking Alexa to play them a tune. SMH.

  • Roundball Shaman August 27, 2024 at 5:10 pm

    “… there was a sweeping internet outage… The scale of the shutdown was immense… We just witnessed one of the worst internet implosions of all time and more are on the way…”.
    The Grand Plan…
    Get everything in the Universe tied to The Web. Get everyone in the World hooked on The Web like an addictive drug.
    Get people so emotionally invested in The Web that it becomes for many the most important thing in their lives. In many ways… their god and reason for living. Their best friend and lover.
    THEN… crash the whole damn system. All gone. The Empty Screen of Death.
    People begin to lose it. Big time.
    No more (anti) social media. No more access to banking apps. No more parading your life around to others and promoting yourself to the World.
    No more (time-wasting) videos. No more cute Web cats to look at every hour. No more ‘pretty girls’ to gawk at. No more video games. No more on-line betting. No more Amazon shopping. No more sports to watch on The Little Box of Magic Dancing Pixels.
    In short… YOUR LIFE IS OVER.
    It isn’t of course, but that’s what They want you think and feel. And you’ll do anything They tell you so you can get your daily drug-like ‘hit’ and ‘high’ off The Web again. You’ll do… anything to get your most favorite pal and friend and lover in the Universe back… that little Weapon of Mass Distraction back alive in your hand again.
    Whatever They tell us to do… most will do. They have to. They can’t live without The Web. The Web that captures your soul and doesn’t let it go.
    We do not own The Web or That Box. It owns us. And the Dark State loves that – and has a big daily laugh about it.
    It was all so easy for Them to capture the World. And so easy for Them to keep it – and us – right where They want us.
    Begging for The Web to give our lives meaning again.
    Honestly, The Web is amazing and great. Until the day when — it isn’t.

    • Rachel August 28, 2024 at 7:16 am

      The same folks who fell for the “pandemic” insanity will go nuts. It won’t help that they irreparably damaged many human supports during their beloved lockdown.

  • Serge August 28, 2024 at 1:52 pm

    “The event reminded me of the panic surrounding the Y2K scare 25 years ago. Of course, that was all nonsense; US systems were definitely not digitized to an extent great enough to cause a disaster should there be an internet crash or a software crash. But today things are very different. Nearly every sector of the American (and European) economy and many utilities are directly dependent on a functioning internet.”

    As a lot of us we know, WEF Klaus Schwab’s warning in early summer 2020 about a cyber pandemic wasn’t a coincidence or “prediction”, it was a threat; a threat and a catastrophe worse than the “false health crisis” of 2020-2022(cf. vaxx and a lot of companies/businesses destroyed with a huge social cost):
    There’s no doubt that the globalists do not have many options left to subjugate the people. They must act quickly and “decisively”. Chaotic times are coming. Get ready.

    P.S: Not to mention the issue of inflation and future shortages…

  • Linda August 28, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    From Armstrong Economics:

    Prepare For “An Era Of Shock Events”; WEF’s Klaus Schwab Warns
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a well-funded organization many consider terrorists that is permitted to wreak havoc on the global population with no repercussions.
    Klaus Schwab and his “forum” have been proclaiming how they will change the lives of the masses for years but everyone turns a blind eye.
    They told us we will eat bugs, they told us we will own nothing, they’ve been warning of their sinister plans for some time.
    The WEF infiltrated government cabinets and altered the left side of politics in every single Western nation.
    Earlier this week, the WEF recently released an ominous article, warning that we must prepare for “an era of shock events” in the near future.
    Power disperses in a post-superpower era
    The forum stated years ago that one of its goals was to remove America’s title of global superpower.
    “Since the pandemic eased, the reality is we haven’t had enduring global leadership on much, and it’s hard to imagine that changing soon. This is partly because superpowers are terribly burdened with global wars and domestic challenges,” the WEF warned.
    A global government is their proposed solution.
    A big election year won’t stop our recurrent crisis of political legitimacy
    The WEF warns that “disinformation” is threatening “the biggest election year in history,” hence the need for global censorship both on the streets and online.
    The forum warns that democracy is declining, largely due to policies it implemented.
    Civil unrest is rising and the WEF is prepared for the dissent. Furthermore, they already recognize that no one will accept the results of the election.
    “People have fought back in all political systems, driven by a conviction that there must be a better, more effective way to govern. In most countries, even after their vote, citizens will continue to challenge their leaders, questioning whether they have the capacity to tackle our many post-pandemic risks,” the article notes.
    In other words, the people have become unruly and are turning on governments. The World Economic Forum is prepared to crush any rebellion before it occurs.
    A more complex global mental health crisis
    Countless studies show that mental health drastically declined among every nation that implemented lockdowns.
    Two years of 24/7 fear mongering, business and school closures, job losses, and isolation have permanently changed our society.
    The World Economic Forum now that’s that there is ‘new type of anxiety “leading to a sense of alienation that makes it hard to function and even suicide.”
    Those who believe the claims that the world will end every few years have become ill. The climate change hysteria is wreaking havoc, as intended so that governments can continue to spend on an unidentifiable problem without the masses questioning their perpetual spending.
    Then we have the claims that 50% of the workforce will be replaced with AI, leaving human being utterly useless and disposable.
    Again, both of these fears have been orchestrated by the same organization that wants to ease them.
    These are the three major shock wave events that the WEF plans to orchestrate:
    1. A new global extremist group emerges
    The world will be “distracted with multiple major wars and leadership in decline,” providing the globalist cabal with an opportunity to install a “new extremist group.”
    2. A cyber pandemic – that is intentional
    The forum believes this group will implement AI in its “new phase of terrorism.”
    The massive global IT outage in July 2024 led to $5.4 billion in damages.
    Was that a test?
    The forum warns that we should expect a “grander scale” of cyber-attacks that will attack BANKS, hospitals, and retailers and lead to a halt in worldwide services.
    Flights will be impacted and the people will be forced to stay in place.
    3. Climate change claims its first island nation in the post-pandemic era
    Last but not least, the forum believes an island nation will soon be lost to climate change.
    “The COP28 plan to phase out fossil fuels may take decades and it’s unclear if world leaders will follow through,” the cabal notes.
    They are willing to orchestrate an event that will lead to mass death and destruction.
    A clear, identifiable tragedy that can be blamed on the changing climate, forcing people to believe that the hysteria surrounding climate change is justifiable. What world leader can question climate change if or when an island nation is lost?
    Klaus Schwab’s organization is promising civil unrest, economic collapse, World War III, and the evaporation of a nation.
    They will use all of the aforementioned fear tactics to drain the people of their power.
    The globalists are willing to batter the masses with a series of attacks that will act as a staunch warning that there is nowhere to run.
    The government will come in to save the day from the crises they create.
    Which government?
    A global government that is capable of assembling to control the entire human population.

  • Nigel August 28, 2024 at 9:17 pm

    I’ve enjoyed reading your well-researched articles for a few years now. Your analysis is always well reasoned, and your predictions have more-or-less been accurate. Thank you. I just hope you’re wrong on this occasion because the fallout from such an event would be horrific. :/

  • Rodster August 30, 2024 at 2:11 am

    I found this article quite interesting and ties in with this article.

    “NATO believes Russia poses a threat to the West’s internet and GPS services”

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