Crossing over into other areas of public interest is a difficult process, but it’s exactly what the Liberty Movement needs to do to get our message out to more people. This means not only focusing on the political or economic side of things, but also delving into the cultural side of our nation. There is a distinct disconnect between liberty movement analysts and cultural projects, it’s clearly visible.
I’m hoping to bridge the gap in the limited ways I am able. I’ve launched a graphic novel story project about a survivalist hero (I’m tired of seeing us portrayed as slack-jawed villains by Hollywood), but I need help from Alt-Market readers to support the campaign and make it a reality.
I realize that many people that visit Alt-Market are not the “comic book types,” so I’m going to make you a deal – Support my entertainment project for $25 on Indiegogo and I will give you one of two options for free:
You can get a free copy of Volume 1 or Volume 2 of the Wild Bunch Dispatch back issues (around 20 issues are included in each volume). Or, you can get six months of NEW Wild Bunch issues for free. The Wild Bunch Dispatch is a newsletter providing survival knowledge I have accumulated over the past two decades, as well as exclusive commentary on the threat of globalism.
If you already supported the comic campaign for $25, then email me to get your free Wild Bunch offer. If you already have a subscription to the Wild Bunch, this deal will add six more months to your subscription. Plus, you get a well written and exciting graphic novel after we go to print.
If the campaign does not make enough money to go to print, then all Indiegogo backers will be refunded, so it’s a win-win. I would prefer we get this book made, though. So, give my story ‘Mountain Hollow’ a chance and get some free Wild Bunch Dispatch in the meantime. What do you think?
To get a copy of Mountain Hollow, visit the LINK HERE and click the options button – Then purchase the physical copy for $25.
Once you have done this, email me and let me know which Wild Bunch deal you want – Back issues or new issues.
I need AT LEAST another 100 backers in the next week to keep this campaign going. Lets make it happen and prove that the Liberty Movement has the ability to expand.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market
Email: [email protected]
As living in europe, I can’t buy the 25$ options, but I’ll buy the digital version to support you.
Yes, unfortunately the shipping overseas is extremely complicated, with high costs and often items being held by customs for weeks or months at a time. Digital is the only practical option I can do for anyone outside the US.
We’re currently at 87 backers which I greatly appreciate. If we can hit 100 backers in the next couple of days this project will keep it’s momentum.
We have hit 91 backers this morning and 30% of the funding goal so far! Thanks to all the readers who have supported the campaign already! Only 9 more backers to go before we get to 100. This a major mile-marker for this project, and we might even be able to reach it today.
IMHO The graphics shown in your sample look very good and rivals any comic book I have read. It would be great to get these into the hands of both youth and adult.
Does anyone have an idea on marketing to reach a wider audience?
I’m doing my best through different avenues including social media. Anyone with a social media account could share the campaign link with friends and followers; that would be a huge help.