This article was written by Mac Slavo and originally published at SHTFplan.com
According to several mainstream media outlets, there are over 7,000 coronavirus mutations and some could “pose serious risks.” A scientist in India has now said that among these variants N440K is spreading a lot more in the southern states.
Rakesh Mishra, Director of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, said some of the new coronavirus mutations are a risk. Mishra, who is on a team of the CCMB scientists also published a paper on their findings – SARS-CoV-2 genomics: An Indian perspective on sequencing viral variants, said “There are more than 7,000 coronavirus mutations in [India].”
NBC Bay Area is reporting that at least one variant of the COVID-19 mutations is spreading rapidly in California. The fear is ramping up and we should not expect it to fade anytime soon. Fear is how they get to control and manipulate the masses into their enslavement. We need to wake up.
The study found that cases of the COVID-19 variant first discovered in Denmark have spiked significantly over the past few weeks.
That is a big concern for San Francisco’s COVID-19 Latino Task Force, which continues to see a disproportionate number of new cases among the Latino population.
“We are the majority of the workforce that’s helping keep not just the city running but this country running,” Jon Jacobo with the task force said. “And that is why we see these disproportionate levels of infection.” –NBC Bay Area
The ruling class and propaganda outlets need you masked and to remain away from other human beings while they build this slave state around us. They keep trying to direct our attention toward fear, and there’s a reason.
“It’s something to pay attention to,” he said. “Make sure we practice all the interventions that we know about, exclamation point, but not to let our guard down, but not to get panicked about it either.” And yet, we can all tell this is about panicking the masses and making sure as many people as possible remain in that panicked state of fear. “We’re not out of this,” Jacobo said. “The threat of a more infectious or deadly mutation is always lingering. I think that we have to stick to the basics, which is masking, social distancing.”
We all need to wake up. This is not going to end well for us if we continue to allow these people ownership and “authority” over our lives and property.
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“While they build a slave state around us”
Now there’s an idea!