By Brandon Smith
It’s been a wild ride. After years of near total leftist control of every significant social and governmental institution in the US and abroad the American people have said enough is enough. The progressives have once again been slapped with the ultimate lesson of our era – Get Woke, Go Broke. This time they’re not just broke; they’re broken.
I don’t think I’ve seen such an electoral bloodbath in my lifetime (maybe the Reagan landslide in 1984, but I was only a child). The conservatives control the Oval Office, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court. Regardless of what you might think of Trump, what’s important is that he ran his campaign on anti-woke and anti-globalism and the US population voted for that agenda en masse.
The American people want an end to the madness of the leftist/globalist regime. They want an end to establishment corruption. They want an end to US involvement in foreign conflicts. They want the woke indoctrination of their children to stop. They want an end to open borders. They want an end to perpetual debt spending and inflation. And, they want reassurance that events like the attempted covid coup against our constitutional liberties will never happen again.
Over the past several months I have been predicting a Trump election win based on the clear sociopolitical shift in popular sentiment. However, my concern has always been that Trump will not make good on his campaign promises, either because he is being thwarted by Neo-Cons within his own team or because he did not intend to follow through in the first place. We all saw what happened after 2016 – The status quo was mostly maintained.
To be fair, in 2016 Trump’s team was mostly chosen for him and that team was comprised of many snakes in the grass. This time around I have a bit more optimism. Trump’s coalition is significantly better than his first term and many of the people involved seem to be dedicated to their particular cause. If this is the case and Trump really means to change things for the better, I have a few ideas on how he can ensure that America never again deviates into the path of globalism.
Some of these actions have already been promoted by the Trump Administration in recent days, some of them have not. Obviously none of these changes are easy but they can be done with the proper enthusiasm and pressure from the American people applied to their representatives in the Senate and Congress. Here’s what we can do as a country to keep our society free and prosperous well into the future.
1) Recess Appointments For Cabinet
The first time Trump tried to appoint his cabinet the amount of Senate interference that took place caused delays of almost 4 months, and that was with appointees that represented no threat to the status quo. This time around it is clear that Neo-Cons within the Senate will work with Democrats to outright reject choices like RFK Jr and Matt Gaetz. They WILL try to sabotage any nominee that presents a legitimate threat to the establishment order.
With this is mind, and per the Constitution, Trump has the option to call a recess of the Senate and make his appointments while they are away and without their approval. There is also a little known rule that allows him to force Congress to adjourn. Candidates for the Senate majority leader position all agreed to support recess appointments before they were voted on, which means there should not be any interference to a call of recess from Trump. Multiple presidents have used this emergency option to fill their cabinets.
2) Federal Voter ID Law
It’s seems like a no-brainer. Every state (except one) that the Democrats won in the 2024 election was a state with no voter ID laws. That’s not a coincidence. Correlation is not always causation, but it’s highly suspicious none-the-less. Many developed nations around the world have strict ID laws when it comes to elections. Why do we not have them in the US?
With the advent of electronic ballots and large scale mail in ballots, a voter ID requirement is more important than ever to prevent election fraud. One of Trump’s top concerns after entering office in 2025 is to pass a federal voter ID requirement for all future elections. This cannot be left to flounder for years, it must be done by 2026.
3) Total Border Control And Mass Deportation – The Details
One of the key agendas of globalism is the forced establishment of open borders in the western world, along with mass migrations of third-world aliens cor cultural saturation and replacement. The goal is to destroy the west from within and then replace it with am economically Marxist and morally ambiguous civilization. Stopping this scheme will require aggressively enforced border laws and deportation laws. This requires multiple steps…
Immediately Establish Texas-Style Border Controls
Despite constant interference from the Biden Administration, the state of Texas and governor Greg Abbott have been incredibly effective in stopping illegal border crossings using expanded patrols and razor wire barriers. Encounters with illegals on the Texas border have dropped by 86% through Operation Lone Star in the span of a year. That’s impressive. Texas methods should be used across the entire border.
Increased Fines Against Companies Hiring Illegal Immigrants
This is a strategy being used by some European nations and it makes sense; a lot of illegals jump the border because they know there’s under the table jobs waiting for them. Trump must make it financially untenable for companies to hire migrants without proper work visas, and greatly increasing fines is the best way to do this.
100% Tariffs On Mexico Until They Secure Their Own Borders
The Mexican government is absolutely corrupt and often uses the US border as a pressure valve to get rid of their poor and their criminals. Instead of fixing the problems within their own country they export those problems to America. This needs to stop.
End All Asylum Requests From Third World Countries
Until the immigration problem is solved the asylum loophole needs to be closed. Save for a few citizens from countries where very real asylum protections are needed (like oppressed dissidents from China or North Korea), there’s no need to take in most of these people and their asylum claims are fraudulent.
Increase Efficiency Of Immigrant Worker Visa Program
Democrats often argue that America cannot survive without migrant workers. I say this is a lie designed to prevent legitimate immigration reform, but if there really is work that needs to be done in our country and migrants are somehow the only people that can do it, then we can have both.
If Trump streamlines the work visa program to speed up the process while vetting applicants, then we can have controlled borders AND migrant workers. To pay for increased efficiency of the program, double the application fee and reduce their legal work period in the US to 1 year or less.
Mass Deportations Of Illegals
This was a key plank of the Trump campaign and it looks like he plans to make it happen. Starting with ALL the migrants that entered the US illegally in the past four years and all those relocated through Biden’s shady visa program. This can be achieved by cutting off existing subsidies to migrants, fines for companies that hire illegals, citizenship verification for home buying or home rentals, ending federal subsidies to Democrat sanctuary cities, etc. Ultimately, most illegals will leave the country on their own.
4) Shut Down Globalist NGOs
Globalist NGOs are the primary source of corruption within the US government and our society at large. NGO’s have all the rights of individual citizens with none of the limitations. They can generate billions of dollars for influence campaigns. They can lobby politicians (bribe them) to get legislation put in place. They can use their incredible financial resources to fund activist movements and create civil unrest from thin air. And, they can even fund programs to control education and encourage mass illegal immigration.
NGOs should be banned from lobbying. And, any NGO’s caught engaging in the funding of woke propaganda in schools, violent activist groups or illegal immigration efforts should be immediately shut down. Some NGOs feed on government funding (like George Soros’ Open Society Foundation) while others are privately funded (like the Ford Foundation). If they are receiving subsidies, that money should be cut off. Stopping the operations of globalist NGOs is imperative to saving western civilization.
5) Immediate Peace Negotiations On Ukraine
Here’s the bottom line – Ukraine is losing the war against Russia. Their eastern front is collapsing due to attrition and in another year or less Russia WILL take the entire country. The war is also being managed by proxy by NATO. We are swiftly plunging into open conflict between the east and the west. This must stop. Even if the situation doesn’t go nuclear, a world war at this time would cause a catastrophic economic collapse, for the US, for Europe and most of the East. Only the globalists want this to happen.
Ukraine is an irrelevant territory not worth fighting over. Americans don’t want to fight over it. Europeans don’t want to fight over it and I doubt the average Russian wants to fight over it. Vladimir Zelensky must be forced to accept the loss of the Donbas to Russia. A DMZ must be established and the fighting must end for the sake of the world.
6) Investigate Covid Corruption
There should be an in-depth investigation into the Biden Administration’s handling of the Covid mandates, including the attempted censorship of information contrary to the government narrative. There should be a real investigation into the viral laboratories in Wuhan, China and Anthony Fauci’s involvement with those labs to develop coronaviruses using gain of function research. Americans want answers.
7) National Ban On CBDCs And The Cashless Economy
In tandem with open borders, globalists at the IMF and BIS have been quietly building a massive global central bank digital currency framework (CBDCs). The erasure of nationally controlled economies and currencies would be required in order to create a globally centralized economy with a single world currency. And, in order to force populations to accept such a system, the globalists need CBDCs.
With a cashless economy in place, elites within governments and central banks would have ultimate power to socially engineer public behavior. If they can take away your money any time they please, it’s much harder to rebel against them. If they can program caveats into CBDCs to prevent spending on certain goods (like meat or gas, for example) then they can pressure the populace into accepting carbon controls and other draconian measures. CBDCs are the end of freedom as we know it.
8) Economic Stop-Gap Plan
I have outlined options for preventing a total economic collapse in previous articles, so I won’t go in-depth here. I will quickly list some of the most important measures that could be taken to revitalize the struggling system. Many of them are designed to bypass the Federal Reserve.
End The Income Tax For 99% Of The Population – Tax The 1%
End Property Taxes On Single Family Homes – Only Tax Owners With Multiple Properties
Remove All Illegal Immigrants From The US – This Will Trigger A Drop In Property Prices And Rent
Create Subsidy Incentives For Married Couples With Children – Home Loans, Education
Bring Back Technical Apprenticeship Programs – Increase Technical Workers Without College
Use Tariffs, But Also Backstop Tariffs With Domestic Production – Focus On High Quality Goods
Domestically Manufacture High Quality Goods With Long Life To Help Fight Inflation
Issue A Gold/Silver Backed Treasury Bond – Offer Metals Backed Savings Accounts
Institute A Moratorium On Debt Ceiling Increases Until Government Deficit Spending And Debt Are Under Control
There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to save the economy in the long run but the options above could help to boost the American worker and consumer and stall a breakdown. Currently, the US faces the highest national debt, the highest interest payments and the highest consumer debt in the nation’s history. We are also still in the middle of a stagflationary crisis. Something dramatic must be done soon, before it’s too late.
Bonus Policy: Institute A Mandatory IQ Test And Mental Acuity Test For All Political Candidates And Leaders
It’s hard to test a person for moral compass but you can at least test intelligence. A candidate should not be prevented from running for office because of low IQ, but I believe the public has a right to know who they’re voting for. If they decide they don’t want a low IQ leader, then that should be up to them.
By extension, independent mental acuity testing should be a regular occurrence. As we saw with Joe Biden, the establishment will happily hide the mental decline of a politician if it serves their interests. The people have a right to know.
No doubt hundreds of other policy ideas could be added to the list above, but these actions are a solid start. If Trump instituted even half of these solutions the US could be saved from perhaps the worst existential crisis in the nation’s history and globalism would be on the ropes.
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“Over the past several months I have been predicting a Trump election win based on the clear sociopolitical shift in popular sentiment. However, my concern has always been that Trump will not make good on his campaign promises, either because he is being thwarted by Neo-Cons within his own team or because he did not intend to follow through in the first place. We all saw what happened after 2016 – The status quo was mostly maintained.”
Trump will fulfill some of his promises and others he won’t because the Deep State Blob and career politicians who don’t give two shits about us and only care to benefit from their position, will see to that. Those in power will continue to throw monkey wrenches at Trump, at every opportunity.
We’ve already seen that with two of his picks, Matt Gaetz and RFK Jr. Career politicians along with the corrupt media have launched a campaign to derail and eliminate both from Trumps cabinet. The MSM is already on a past Gaetz sex scandal. How come they hid the Hunter Biden sex and drug scandal? We know the answer. The government is now so big and powerful that they have the MSM in their back pocket. RFK Jr is already under attack for his vaccine stance. Even though he says not all vaccines are bad, it doesn’t matter to the MSM.
When it comes to the United States Government, we are dealing with a true crime syndicate. By their actions, you shall know their deeds. We have seen how the US Gubmint has treated its own people and how they violently go after anyone who threatens their power.
I firmly believe that America will continue on its steady decline towards oblivion. Have I given up? Nope, we just have to realize that when a patient has Stage 4 Cancer, you just have to let nature take its course. Recorded history has showed us that nothing last forever and the US will collapse like every other Empire, just like Rome, another Republic. Perhaps the best outcome is to let it all collapse, breakup the US and go small and local.
That will only be the outcome if we do nothing. There are other ways…
I would counter that has always been the way even we we do something, Brandon. Nothing lasts forever including the US Empire. This playbook has played out for centuries. All Empires are born, grow, mature, decline and finally die.
Unfortunately many in the US Gov’t believe the US is not immune to a collapse. It will happen regardless of what action we take. John Michael Greer wrote a book on the subject, “Collapse Now And Avoid The Rush”.
No one said anything about the “US Empire”, I’m talking about the American ideal and western civilization in general. The blackpillers and nihilists say nothing can be done to save it. They are wrong (they are always wrong). Some of them WANT to believe this because they secretly crave total collapse. Again, there are other ways, and no, there have been MANY times in which humanity chose to go in the opposite direction. It’s the reason why you and I still have freedom today.
Excellent detailed info, sent this out to many. CBDC would enslave humanity. Short window of time indeed.
And The Deep State won. “Gaetz Withdraws From Consideration For Attorney General”. The crime syndicate along with the Presstitute Media got rid of a key piece. Next on their list is RFK Jr.
Not necessarily. Let’s see who takes Gaetz’s place first.
It’s Pam Bondi, a former Florida Attorney General. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on her.
Word. Plus, Mister Gaetz could always return as a Deputy AG (no hearings) and take no prisoners.
Very true. There are ways around the deep state.
Or if he comes back last minute as a recess appointment.
Now they are after RFK, they are relentless:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/big-food-lobbyists-are-now-discussing-how-undermine/
Regarding CBDC, did Trump say he wanted the gov’t to set up a bitcoin reserve? If so, that suggests he is on the way to help establish a one world currency. Or let’s say the door is open for that?
I completely agree about tech schools, myself not having anything over a few classes at a junior college and no degree. I own a small business specializing in repairing an essential pump used in bio analytical equipment.
Often the argument of the left is “your meals are prepared by immigrants.” Not trying to judge, but how many people on assistance appear to live quite well while not having any job? It sure seems to me the US has a rather capable labor force that can displace every illegal immigrant. Instead those US citizens seem to be preoccupied in smash and grab and other highly profitable and illegal activities completely subsidized and encouraged by the gov’t. Good luck trying to reverse decades of moral decline in our society.
The problem with Bitcoin is not that it’s a CBDC (it’s not), the problem is that there’s nothing intrinsically special about it and anyone can make a cryptocurrency just like it, making its value completely arbitrary. I would argue that Bitcoin is a distraction from real solutions (like a gold backed currency system). Supporting Bitcoin does not make someone a supporter of a one world currency, it just means they’ve bought into the hype for a mechanism that doesn’t really solve our core economic problems. Now if Trump starts promoting Fedcoin, then we’ll know where he really stands.
As far as reversing moral decline is concerned, we’ve already accomplished that. The elections are proof. The issue is that government is currently designed to keep society in decline. The culture has shifted dramatically and now the government must be forced to adapt to the new paradigm. Government is not a reflection of American society.
Right. I didn’t articulate the bitcoin fact. To me it’s what you said and I don’t get involved. But could there be some component of it that can be adopted or converted into CBDC? Since BC introduction I saw it as a prototype for the real deal.
I also agree based on the election that the people overwhelmingly supported a new way of how things should be ran. However, those smash and grab criminals did not change. They are funded by the gov’t as we know. But if and when that funding stops those people are not going to get real jobs. That’s when things get real.
“Ukraine is an irrelevant territory not worth fighting over. Americans don’t want to fight over it. Europeans don’t want to fight over it and I doubt the average Russian wants to fight over it. Vladimir Zelensky must be forced to accept the loss of the Donbas to Russia. A DMZ must be established and the fighting must end for the sake of the world.”
Concerning Ukraine, I largely agree with you.
I’ll be paying particular attention to Trump’s MidEast policy.
Personally, I’m wary of Trump’s “promises”, especially in view of his entourage and the composition of his future Cabinet. What counts, for any human being, in the end, are actions.
To my mind, Trump seems to be a “pawn” beholden to those who twice carried him to the White House, and they happen to be mostly Zionists – as his son-in-law Jared Kushner (married with Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism).
FYI: Miriam Adelson, Sheldon Adelson’s widow, like her late husband, is a Zionist and unconditional supporter of Israel and a “fan” of Israeli PM Netanhyahu. She “gave” Trump 100 million $ for his campaign…Other zionist lobbies gave much money to Trump’s campaign..
Yeah, politicians get campaign donations from lots of groups, that doesn’t mean they owe any favors. Ron Paul got donations from a Neo-Nazi organization and he spent the money, then said he has no claim to their interests. That’s fair play. I think certain liberty movement people put WAY to much focus on Israel as if the Israelis run the show (they don’t). A lot of Republicans support Israel because they’re opposed to Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia. That doesn’t mean Israel owns them, it only means that they have a shared enemy. I personally don’t think we should be involved in the Middle East at all, but Islamic fundamentalists are indeed poison to whatever region they end up in, so I get why so many conservatives throw support behind Israel. A far bigger concern are globalist NGO groups like The Atlantic Council which have been pushing aggressively for world war with Russia. If Trump can prevent WWIII, I could not care less about him taking money from a Netanhyahu groupie.
Looks Great!!
Number 4 is want I want to see above all else. If We put the fear of God into these type of groups and media I suspect most of our other issues go away. Certainly they will with much less resistance.
“First the Traitors; Then the Invaders.”
“The progressives have once again been slapped… they’re not just broke; they’re broken.”
This is true at the street-level of the Leftists. At the upper reaches of Leftists a/k/a the Deep Dark State which uses Leftists for Their own dark purposes… these self-appointed
gods-for-our-Time haven’t gone anywhere. They are still enjoying their hidden perches and no doubt have already gamed-out Their next moves against We the People in the event We didn’t know our place and we began to act up.
Caution remains the play of the day. The dangers to The People are just as real and pervasive as they always were. While We have won a few innings in this game… there are many innings ahead and lots of strong arms in the Dark State bullpen at the ready to throw at us.
However, it would be wise and proper for us all to give an extra measure of thanks on Thursday next week for the minor miracle we have just experienced. We the People are not done and finished just yet – and with any luck… we will never be so.
There is so much work to be done. But like the old saying goes… the first step to getting out of deep hole is to stop digging. And thanks to a prevailing majority of American voters who voted out The Weepy Blues in numbers too-big-to-cheat against… America right now has stopped digging and is now ready to rebuild.
“It’s hard to test a person for moral compass but you can at least test intelligence.”
You should test for both. You already have tests for both. Lots of ways to measure basic intelligence. And there are already tests for moral compass that are given for example to ministry candidates who are entering seminary to see what kind of men and women they are… how they think and believe… and to measure what they would do in various ethical situations that call for one’s character to be revealed.
And if a candidate refuses to take such tests… or answers in ways that appear to outsmart or to fool the test… then they have already disqualified themselves just as certain seminary candidates reveal moral and ethical problems and are prompty dispatched out of the system.
We must see and insist that Robert Kennedy Jr. gets to lead America’s health department as he will actually (and for a change) do things to help and better the health of Americans instead of being a whore for Big Harm(ah) Pharma and it’s Deep State bosses as so many others have – with the goal of sickening and terminating Americans for fun and profit and agenda.
And the evidence for that exists in every cemetery in America. And in the broken hearts of countless families who are left behind to grieve and suffer losses that should never have occurred.
America is not a place on a map. Borders have changed over time. America is an idea — a hope and a dream. And as such… it is never fully realized and must always be created and recreated anew in each new generations of the American People.
And for now… that’s what Americans have done. What will be done next?
Moral testing is easy to cheat, unfortunately.
One way that some organizations add to the usefulness of their internal testing is to require candidates to attend things like a continuous three-day-long group session (including overnight) with professionals with whom you interact with and engage in various examination processes. This tends to break down over time any pretenses or ways that a candidate might try to fool the results. Also, when body language experts are added to the mix this also reveals much about the truthfulness of how genuine a candidate is being to the process.
Nothing is totally fool-proof and this process of course not likely to ever be used for political candidates. But if it were… We the People could be spared having to deal with lots of misfits and those with bad intentions right from the start instead of living with their maladjusted personalities and bad policies.
Sure, if you put someone under a microscope long enough they’ll eventually crack if they are fake. I’m just referring to the typical written and verbal psych profile testing used for the military and most alphabet agencies (CIA and a few others are more intensive). Those tests are easy to fool because they’re based on pattern deviation. You just have to recognize the pattern in the questions. You’ll never get politicians to agree to anything remotely more complex unless our entire governmental system is changed from the inside.
What do you think about the notion:
that the only way to deal with the unsustainable debt level, whereby interest payments become too large to pay, would be to default. However, willingly defaulting would be unacceptable, so war with China is the logical way to have a default on treasuries become “their fault”.
That war would have to be initiated before Trump takes office, since he’s spoken out for his anti war views. So Biden’s recent moves with giving Ukraine permission to use missiles, is the go-ahead for making sure war begins in this next month before the inauguration.
Default would cause immediate loss of dollar’s world reserve status and the collapse of our currency, followed by hyperinflation. It wouldn’t save the system at all, but the catastrophe would make way for a new global currency under the IMF and BIS in around 5 years (just in time for 2030).
The situation with US support for Israel and the desire to attack Iran, and also any plans to get involved in a war with China, also need to be resolved – not just the Ukraine/Russia situation.
But I still think the #1 thing we need to do is end the Fed, get out of the UN, and get out of all of the international organizations and their 2030 and beyond totalitarianism and depopulation plans. No more WHO, WTO, World Bank, IMF, BIS, NATO, etc. The USA has to ditch them all and treat support for socialism as treason.
Neither of those issues is anywhere near as important as defusing the situation with Russia. Ending the Fed would be at the bottom of the list, since it is now far too late to make a difference in terms of damage to the economy. The best we can do is mitigate the damage already done using safety nets.
Two items I would like to add to your “list of things to do” for the Trump administration. I write this as a retired Federal Government employee.
1. Every cabinet level organization has what is called the Senior Executive Service (SES). These people are civilians, but equal in rank to General level officers in the military (O-7 thru O-10). During Trump’s first term, he didn’t (Did Not) purge this corps of civilians of the corrupt apples. The corrupt ones fought him every step of the way doing whatever they could to undermine his policies. There needs to be a complete overhaul of the SES to weed out all the Obama/Biden holdouts. This also needs to be done within the high military ranks. Obama did this to the military and made hundreds of loyal patriotic Generals and Admirals retire. If this isn’t done it will be four more years of spinning our wheels and having people like General Milley at the helm.
2. The “anchor baby” problem needs to be addressed and corrected. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, Section 1, reads in part… “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”
This was written post Civil War to help the freed slaves. It was never meant to be a conduit for illegal aliens to have a baby here that automatically becomes a U.S. citizen. This also made its way into the 1965 Immigration Act. The 14th Amendment itself needs to be amended, as well as the Immigration Act. One suggestion would be that at least one parent must be a current provable U.S. citizen in order for their child to be considered a citizen of the United States. Unless amended, this loophole will continue to be used by illegals to have a child here and then use that child as a reason to not be deported.
a Great List, especially the “no property tax” on a house. at present, we are merely renters and can lose a house to a tax lien. how did that tax ever happen? it appears to be in direct conflict with, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects.” secure all right, as long as we pay onerous taxes. and those 86,000 proposed IRS agents? they can all be transferred to the Border Patrol. Oh yeah. IF they can pass the P.T. test, language tests, and shooting qualifications at FLETC. NO SLACK !!
About Ukraine and Russia’s new hypersonic medium range ballistic missile:
I wouldn’t be surprised if the globalists and some neoconservatives “make a nasty trick” on us over the Christmas break. For them, it could be a “window of opportunity”.