I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of Americans are completely disenchanted with the state of our storytelling culture these days. Our entertainment media has been utterly poisoned by extreme leftist propagandists driven by an ideology which I can only describe as Cultural Marxism. They call it “social justice” or “diversity, equity and inclusion,” asserting that they want people “fairly represented” in media. In truth what they really want is to saturate media with their political cultism until nothing else remains, and they use victim status groups as a shield from criticism.
They certainly have no interest in a fair representation of ideas, which is what really matters.
My thinking has always been that conservatives and the liberty minded need their own entertainment operations, because we are NEVER going to get a foot in the door with establishment corporations. Entertainment is the key to culture. This is a fact.
The problem is that many conservatives have foolishly ignored the cultural fight over the years, focusing only on transitory political battles, and we have almost lost our country in the process. Millions of people are finally waking up to the situation, but not soon enough to fix the existing system. The only other option is to construct our own.
That said, I can’t just go around telling people that’s what they should do – I have to lead by example.
Some of my readers might recall that back in May of this year I announced that I was going to attempt to put together a non-woke comic book crowdfunding campaign (Check the link HERE). I was looking for artists and people with experience in the field. Well, thankfully some people were able to give me tips and info and that got the ball rolling. Over the course of the past four months I have written three separate 40 page scripts for three separate comic campaigns, I have learned most of the workings of the industry and how to build a graphic novel from the ground up
I found a hard working artist, colorist and letterer and we have already started putting the project together. I am now on the verge of launching my first crowdfunding campaign on the website Indiegogo.
But, I need your help. In order to prove that people want something other than woke entertainment, we have to back alternative projects whenever possible to send a message. Also, it’s my hope that the storytelling in my project is worth your support.
The way Indiegogo works, the more people that back a project early on, the higher it goes in the listings and the more chances it will have to be successful. My goal is to launch my graphic novel project on September 1st and that first week will be vital. The more backers I can get at launch, the better. Here is a short description of the comic:
A Horror/Action/Thriller Graphic Novel – The movie ‘Taken’ meets HP Lovecraft and the Evil Dead series.
A small rural town is suffering from a series of child disappearances and bizarre events. The community is in slow decay and town officials are doing nothing to help. Little does the community know these disappearances are connected to a much larger cosmic conspiracy involving an inhuman threat. It’s up to an adept survivalist with a mysterious past to uncover the plot and even climb into the depths of hell to stop it.
The first book will be part of a three part series. It will be 80 pages of story and art (40 pages front and back) and I will need 1000 backers willing to purchase at $25. This will raise the money necessary for paying the artists and getting the books printed. If 1000 of you are interested in getting your hands on some non-woke entertainment, then be ready on September 1st. I will post an announcement here at Alt-Market with a link to the crowdfunding campaign. (Warning: There will be violence and gore in this comic, it is not meant for very young children.)
We are well on our way with the art pages and several of them will be available for you to read once the campaign page goes public.
Storytelling matters, in some ways more than politics and more than preparedness. It is how we reach newer generations and share with them our values and ideas. We don’t need to be overtly political like the leftists, all we have to do is tell good stories with characters that embody what we stand for. I hope you can stand with me in this endeavor; it will be launching soon, so stay tuned.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market
I’m in! Can’t wait to see what your comic looks like.
I and my son will want to read and critique your new comic! Great idea to counter “woke” entertainment.
My wife and I are definitely in, Brandon. And our no-longer-children children are comic and anime fans.
Awesome! Thanks for the support, it makes a huge difference at the start of a campaign. I think you guys will like the story for this book.
Don’t care about comic books, but I’ll buy it to support you.
I appreciate that. Check out the story, though, you might be surprised.
Ready, post the link and let’s do it !!
Definitely will support you. Thank you for all that you are doing.
I’m in.
“… the vast majority of Americans are completely disenchanted with the state of our storytelling culture these days.”
True storytelling takes imagination… freedom of thought… a free public space to allow for free expression. All of these things are in very short supply these days and are on life-support.
Imagination? Being hijacked by very unSmart Devices that grab our attention and command our thoughts and emotions and lead us around like lost puppies with big eyes and confused looks on a leash.
Freedom of thought? Free thinking is now considered bad taste at best and existentially threatening at worst in many places.
A free public space to allow for free expression? All such places have been Cancelled or otherwise neutered or rendered mostly empty vessels.
And even worse? Many people today do not even think in terms of freedom of thought. They have been told what to think all their lives and they know no other way to be. And they want everyone else to be as empty and controlled in their thoughts as they are.
BUT… the other side of the coin is that there are still millions of people that CRAVE creativity. That luxuriate in imagination. That are captivated by compelling storytelling. That thirst for the energy and vitality of unencumbered thought and expression.
“Storytelling matters, in some ways more than politics and more than preparedness.”
‘Politics’ and ‘Preparedness’ are but two manifestations of Storytelling. Politics is selling to the public a contrived story to advance the causes and agendas of politicians and those own them and who pull their strings. And Preparedness is a response to the story of threats and dangers to our lifestyles and our future. But Storytelling is the great big house that these two rooms dwell within.
There is great power in Storytelling. Everything from The Bible to The Constitution and countless other foundational stories. The greatest power in the Universe is found within The Story You Tell Yourself. And the one you write every day.
Been following you for a very long time. You have my support!! I remember the first article I read of yours about bugout bags, this was all the way back from the neithercorp days.
Count me in!
The recent “Top Gun” movie was a huge box office success. It instilled the virtues of teamwork, giving 100% effort, and dedication to a cause more important than self.
I think what’s left of the sane world is hungry for this type of entertainment. Something that you genuinely want to cheer instead of feeling coerced into clapping for.
If stuff like this became popular with kids, then maybe there is some hope for the future.
I’m in!
Your storyline may actually contain more truth than most are aware or willing to admit. Look forward to supporting you on this Brandon and thanks for all you do.
👍happy to support. 😄