This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Prepper All Naturals
One of the most common assumptions I come across in the survival-sphere is the idea that the next world war would automatically necessitate global nuclear conflict and a Mad Max-like outcome. In other words, a lot of people assume we aren’t in a world war until the nukes start flying and the survivors are left fighting in soda can armor over an irradiated desert. This is a dangerous misunderstanding for a lot of reasons.
What people are overlooking is the fact that we are ALREADY in the middle of WWIII. They don’t realize it because they’ve based their entire concept of world war on Hollywood fantasy.
There are many ways in which wars are fought. In our current situation WWIII is being waged through proxies like Ukraine and Israel (and maybe Taiwan in the near future). The war is also being fought on the global economic stage using sanctions, inflation and the dumping of the US dollar as the world reserve. To be sure, these situations can easily escalate into something bigger and that is exactly what I suspect they will do. However, planetary nuclear war is the least likely scenario.
Survival and preparedness communities have a tendency to hyper-focus on the obviously Apocalyptic. We talk a lot about EMP strikes and split-second grid down calamities. We talk about solar flares, overnight economic crashes and nuclear holocaust. I think survivalists do this because it acts as a mental exercise – A way to better clarify what the best preparedness solutions are in the majority of cases, including the worst cases.
But as I’ve said for many years, collapse is a process, not an event.
These things happen slowly, and then all at once. If you went back in time ten years ago and warned people that in 2024 the US would be in the middle of a stagflationary crisis with a 30%-50% average price increase on all necessities, they would probably dismiss you as a doom-monger. Well, guess what, that’s exactly what a handful of alternative economists (myself included) were doing well over a decade ago, and we were dismissed over and over again – Welcome to our world.
The reason people refused to believe us is because the danger was not immediately obvious. The economic threat was not hitting them in their wallet yet. Stock markets seemed to be doing fine. The jobs market was still functioning somewhat normally. They could only view economic crisis through the lens of a total collapse. The idea that it would happen incrementally never crossed their minds.
Even today there are still people who argue that everything is fine. The stock market is “fine.” The labor market is “healthy.” If you suggest all is not well, you’re a “chicken little.” This is the incredible danger of having a Hollywood fantasy idea of collapse. We may never get to 100% systemic implosion; but even a 50% collapse is still a survival situation.
The same dynamic goes for WWIII. We must not overlook the dangers right in front of us simply because intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles aren’t crisscrossing the sky.
Consider the proxy battleground case for a moment.
In October of 2023 I published an article titled ‘It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War.”’ In it I stated:
“Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that. A ground invasion will meet far more resistance than the Israelis seem to expect, but Israel controls the air and Gaza is a fixed target with limited territory. The problem for them is not the Palestinians, but the multiple war fronts that will open up if they do what I think they are about to do (attempted sanitization).
Lebanon, Iran and Syria will all immediately engage and Israel will not be able to fight them all – Hell, the Israelis got their asses handed to them by Lebanon alone in 2006. This will result in inevitable demands for US/EU intervention.”
I also warned on the potential motives behind escalation in the Middle East:
“The timing of the conflict in Israel is incredibly beneficial to globalists, and this might explain Israel’s bizarre intel failure [October 7th]. Just as US and British leaders had prior knowledge of a potential Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 but warned no one because they WANTED to compel Americans to fight in WWII, the Palestinian incursion serves a similar purpose.”
I my article ‘Iran vs Israel: What Happens Next Now That Shots Have Been Fired?’ published in April, I predicted:
“A ground war between Iran and Israel is inevitable if the tit-for-tat continues, and much of it will be fought (at least in the beginning) in Lebanon and perhaps Syria. Iran has a mutual defense pact with both countries and Lebanon is generally a proxy for Iranian defense policy.
Iran will have active troops or proxy forces in all of these regions, not to mention the Houthis in Yemen striking ships in the Red Sea. There are questions in terms of how Iraq will respond to this situation, but there’s not a lot of love between the current government and Israel or the US.”
Not surprisingly there was a contingent of people that argued these things would “never happen” and talk of war between Iran and Israel was “doom mongering.” Those people were wrong (yet again), and I was right. Iran and Israel have now essentially declared war on each other and are exchanging missile barrages as I write this. The ground war will begin in Lebanon and expand from there.
Just as in Ukraine, the looming danger is that war between Israel and Iran will draw in larger military powers like the US and Russia.
People dismiss this outcome because their modern conception of global war needs to change; this world war will not be fought exactly like those in the past.
This time the weapons of mass destruction will be financial and resource driven instead of nuclear. If Iran moves to blockade the Strait of Hormuz (which I believe is imminent), Americans can be harmed financially through energy shortages and gas price spikes even without our soldiers deployed to fight.
There’s also the question of our wide open borders and how many potential terrorists slipped into the US during the Biden Administration’s illegal immigration bonanza. How many attacks (or false flag attacks) are being organized right now?
The regional conflicts could spread and go on for a decade or longer. It all adds up to a world war, but it may never be officially declared a world war. Perhaps there will be a limited nuclear event somewhere; maybe a false flag or a limited strike. But a nuclear war is not necessary to create the kind of chaos the globalists are looking for.
People also need to understand that the powers-that-be also have a lot to risk should a war devolve into nuclear exchange. If it was really that easy for them to launch warheads, wipe out the majority of the human population and then establish a global dynasty, they would have done it a long time ago.
Global war on such a scale is inherently unpredictable. The elites have spent trillions of dollars and the better part of the last century constructing the most complex surveillance and control grid in history. It would be foolish to turn it all to ash in the blink of an eye and I highly doubt that’s the plan. They would be putting themselves and their legacy at risk of being erased forever.
Does this mean I will be ignoring the potential for a nuclear event? No. I will always keep it in mind and have preps ready just in case. A single nuke set off anywhere west of your home could result in radioactive fallout that would take around three to four weeks to dissipate. That said, the danger of these sceanrios might be overstated.
Here’s an interesting fact to ponder: The US government has tested at least 1050 explosive nuclear devices over the decades. Around 216 of those were atmospheric tests that resulted in massive fallout across the country. Some people in close proximity got sick over many years from these tests, but they didn’t result in an overnight mass death event. Perhaps, at a moderate distance, these weapons are not as dangerous as we’re led to believe?
The greater effect of nuclear weapons comes not just from the resulting damage to national infrastructure, but also mass psychological disruption. The economic system would take an immediate dive from even one strike, and it could be anywhere in the world. A single nuke in Ukraine would send shockwaves through already unstable markets. The supply chain and food supply could be quickly disrupted.
If the globalists wanted to accelerate a worldwide collapse, they wouldn’t need a nuclear war, just one well placed device.
The biggest danger from WWIII is not nuclear exchange, but the disturbing changes societies go through when conflict inspires mass fear. Totalitarianism is much easier to institute during such a war. Freedom of speech is often suppressed and criticism of the government is often criminalized. People who rebel against this are accused of “working with the enemy.” Military conscription is usually enforced and young people are sent off to die overseas over a conflagration that makes little sense.
The economy nose dives and the supply chain tightens. Price controls and rationing are initiated. Black markets flourish but those who participate are aggressively targeted by the government. In the case of the US, armed revolution in many states is a certainty.
Public planning should focus far more on these eventualities and less on Hollywood images of Apocalypse.
One survival food company, Prepper All-Naturals, has proactively dropped prices to allow Americans to stock up ahead of projected hikes in beef prices. Their 25-year shelf life steaks currently come at a 25% discount with promo code “invest25”.
Excellent and sobering summary of the world stage today. WWIII is indeed underway, is a new kind of war, and the battle is over resources. You’re also correct that Hollywood’s ideas about how this plays out have been mostly far off target for what’s more likely to happen. And certainly the human element and how countries will respond to the multiple crises ahead sure tosses a monkey wrench into figuring out how it all plays out.
The last couple of decades has been like watching the classic train wreck in slow motion. The globalists have demonstrated they do not have total control of their plans, but things will most likely get very messy before they’re knocked backwards a bit. The turning point will be when leaders begin public discussions which accurately describe the predicaments, mitigations, problems and solutions while striving to restore freedoms and rights that have been taken for granted and lost. The lies, propaganda, and those without honor or integrity will need to be replaced in whatever political system we evolve into….
It’s gonna take a while.
Paul Craig Roberts posted an article yesterday stating journalist John Helmer has reported that Putin is preparing Russia’s surrender to the West.
I’ve been married to a Russian for thirty years. They never surrender.
However, Putin is a Globalists. If he weren’t, he would have given the West, the middle finger and wiped Ukraine off the map. Instead his slow drip approach has allowed the US and NATO to dictate the narrative. The Russians i.e. Putin, Lavrov and others have consistently referred to the US and NATO as their western partners. The only badass in the group is Dmitry Medvedev and he has been put on a controlled leash by Putin.
Putin, cutting a deal with Ukraine would work for the globalist narrative.
If Putin really has the weapons he says he has and is not using them to defend Russia right now against America, it sure makes it look like all the heads of state are globalists and are all working together.
Haha! I’m a first gen American from Russian heritage and you are correct. And I will add to the post above: “You haven’t met my mother.”
You know what they say. “A woman convinced against her will, is really of the same mind still.” That’s also true of other women. Not just Russian women.
Here’s a tip for you. Another old saying is that “the best marriage is a deaf man and a blind woman.”
Wow, missed this one from PCR, thanks for the link, this will prove what Brandon has said about the east/ west Kabuki theater, and will be the end of Russia as well.
God knows what will happen, but will release the pressure of a shooting, (probably nuclear war), at least in the near future. Very uncertain times for all, in deed.
For a long time I’ve been saying that global nuclear war is off the table for the globalists for a few main reasons.
#1 being that it would eliminate their precious power and internet infrastructure which is necessary for their CBDC and surveillance grids. So that’s a deal breaker for them right there.
#2 being it would probably eliminate them too, or at least put them seriously on the defense. They may not care about that since they are suicidal psychopaths.
#3 being it would pollute and decimate the value of their physical land assets.
They may not care about that either, but money is their most precious possession.
While intentional nuclear war may be off their table, there could easily be an accidental launch as a knee jerk reaction or something similar.
i find this assertion HIGHLY suspect.
Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Russia is crushing Ukraine and their NATO assets right now on every front. There’s no reason for Putin to surrender to anyone.
? I highly doubt that. Russian have it in their blood to NEVER surrender. And why would they? Makes you wonder where other people get their information from. I will go out on a limb and state that Ukraine will probably NOT exist in another 50 months…..
I have listened to and read PCR in the past and found him not to be fully credible. He certainly possess some knowledge, but nothing current. I believe he makes his statements based on past associations.
I read it too. Certainly this was satire. I am not sure. Followed PCR for over 20 years. He is getting old. Very negative, especially concerning Putin and his policies of perceived appeasing of the West and the USA. I for the most part disagree with his criticisms. Putin does not want and has avoided World War. He knows his enemies and has refused to be baited by their traps. I remain very concerned of the scenarios laid out by RCR of this strategy, but I believe Putin is right and correct. I sure hope so.
That’s a pure BS Story…..
To add to Brandon’s point about an all out Nuclear exchange. I don’t see that happening either because it’s bad for business if there’s no one left to kill. The main export business of the United States is war, violence, death and destruction and the culprits behind the scenes is the Military Industrial Complex as Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned us about in 1960. That’s who blatantly runs the US Government today.
It’s much better for their business to have an enemy than not to have any enemies. Their yearly $1 trillion dollar budget depends on that.
And yet, China is building their nuclear arsenal as fast as they can. There are rumors of a coordinated Russia/China first strike on the U.S.
China is run by the globalists and has been since the Rockefellers started “advising” their government over 100 years ago. They took a short break during the communist revolution and then they were right back in control, sending in the Bush family. China is also tied to the IMF’s SDR system and is begging for a seat at the global currency table. For Russia it’s harder to say, but Putin is long time friends with Henry Kissinger from back before he became president. No government does anything without globalist knowledge, if not their approval.
“… a lot of people assume we aren’t in a world war until the nukes start flying… his is a dangerous misunderstanding for a lot of reasons.”
Here’s a thought: The Human Race has virtually ALWAYS been involved in a ‘world’ war. How? Because just about from the moment our caveman ancestors began to exit the darkness and begin feel their oats and form groups together – some of them began to abuse others. This was the beginning of the Vulture Class of Elitist humans who have waged war on a planetary scale against the rest of the human race. The names and places of these Vultures changes over time… but the principle is the same. A small group of self-appointed faux gods (who are not even worthy of being called ‘men’) thinks they can rule the Earth and turn everyone else into Their owned slaved class.
It always comes down to the Great Spiritual War that the prophets and see-ers among us have always warned of. Perhaps this was never put better than the following from the Book of Ephesians: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness…”.
This is the infamous Eternal Struggle that humankind always seems to be locked in. And why? Because ‘They’ (the current iteration of the Vulture Class) won’t leave the rest of us alone… and Their spirit of darkness does not allow Them to see the evils They do.
Whether it is the conjured-up current State of Israel… or Iran… or Uke-land… or Taiwan… or United State Incorporated itself… or any other place… these are the flashpoints of spiritual warfare. A spiritual warfare that never ends because human nature never seems to change. We live generation-after-generation in a deep rut and we just keep handing that off to the next generation who does the same thing on and on… forever.
And we human are supposed to be the top of the food chain? Hell, birds don’t live like this. No other creatures live like this. They may have their conflicts for food and territory and mates… but none of them seek to totally dominate their life form and rule over all others of their kind. This kind of generationally-abuse behavior is reserved to human beings.
Since this kind of retrograde human nature never seems to change… and the Vulture Class is always among us… our Earth may very well be destroyed one day. The only way it wont be is if enough people wake up and see their peril we are in and change the dynamics of this cosmic game some how. And Vegas wouldn’t be setting great odds on that happening anytime soon.
The answer? Live to the fullest every day. Love your family. Have fun. And if and when the Big ‘It’
finally happens… at least we all went out the right way – with a grin on our faces and our middle fingers prominently raised high.
Or, eliminate the vulture class and see what happens…
If even a few are eliminated, the rest will go nuclear. They’ll rip apart the whole world before they’ll succumb to us.
No they won’t, because they’re arrogant narcissists and they don’t believe they can lose.
The 4th Turning. Human behavior never changes which results in the same thing over and over. A la the “Matrix.”
Very good article that discusses things no one will discuss in the main stream or even on many alternative sites.
So in terms of economics, we now have this port strike. I will add right before the election. And of course the news is all about reporting how it will be the biggest supply chain issue since covid. What are they hiding? As you point out, the economic picture isn’t all roses. Is the port strike somewhat of a distraction from the real cause of our emerging economic problems? I.E. something to blame.
I actually don’t believe that there will be a war I think that it’s tied to the US 2020 election…….
Trump will say that what is happening now is tied to the stolen US 2020 election.
I believe that it’s all happening to create a constitutional crisis in US and bankrupt the US….
BREAKING: Judge Chutkan Unseals Jack Smith’s 165-Page “Immunity Motion” in January 6 Case to do the Maximum Damage to Trump Before Election
I think that Trump will be proven right and there will be a rerun of the US 2020, very soon….
The war has already started.
Yes, except it won’t be just one war. The Bible says, “wars and rumors of wars.”
Some guy along the way is behind all of this nonsense and is just waiting for his opportunity to step into all of this chaos with a solution that causes the whole world to worship him. Many resources have been stolen from the American taxpayer and hoarded to be released by this individual at the appropriate moment in order to make the world believe that this guy is the savior. The whole world will think he’s a great guy with a charismatic personality and a big ego. The Bible tells us that “he will be given a mouth speaking GREAT things” and he will receive a deadly head wound and all the world will wonder in amazement when he recovers from it. Does that sound anything like anybody we see in high political office today?
Yeah, sorry, but Trump’s not the Anti-Christ. They said the same thing about Obama for years and it was nonsense. If anything is the Anti-Christ, it’s AI.
AI is the planned and will soon by announced savior of mankind. I have said for at least 5 years that AI is the anti-Christ. I expect that you and I will soon be proven right.
BTW, your article is most excellent. Your predictions in October 2023 were amazingly right. Better than Alex Jones, who apparently will soon be taken off the internet. We will see how those efforts pan out. I will send a copy of the link to all friends and family.
People should listen to those who have astutely followed world events and have figured out. It’s not that difficult if you do the amazing amount of research for an extended period of time and who have a desire to seek the Truth. I will now follow you even more closely than in the past. Not enough hours in the day to follow everyone, but you are now moved up to close to the top of this list. You have my undying gratitude and respect. May God Bless and protect you.
We are already at war.
The U.S. is collapsing under the weight of debt
And bookmark this.
Pensions will collapse
“The greater effect of nuclear weapons comes not just from the resulting damage to national infrastructure, but also mass psychological disruption. The economic system would take an immediate dive from even one strike, “
That’s going to be what does it I’m afraid. “Psychological Disruption” is what gets us from here to SHTF. West Civ is not built to deal with it. That’s how the Deagle forecast came about from how I understand it. Nothing to do with voodoo or sorcery. Nothing to do with inside tips from a cabal. Just some people who could read the writing on the wall.
Anyone of those things Brandon referenced could snap. And when/if it does I lack faith the managerial middle class can handle it without going batshit crazy. Maybe I have underestimated them. I guess it’s possible. I think we shall find out soon enough as the thermostat keeps climbing up incrementally.
Lol PS….don’t forget the Longshoreman strike. That bastard seemed pretty resolute he was ready to take the nation to ground. I thought maybe I could respect private unions but that fucker seems like a real prick. I don’t like him. It’s not like they’re all suffering. Apologies, didn’t mean to make this an anti Union speech but we are in multiple SHTF scenarios. Perhaps he and his men can be more tactical in their extortion plans in the future.
Someone will take him down and replace his union workers if he tries to take the strike to that kind of conclusion. He greatly overestimates his influence and safety. That said, even a 3 week freeze in ports would cause serious supply chain issue for the rest of the year.
There is far more going on here than most people realize and it takes time to accomplish as Brandon points out in the article. But let’s keep in mind that while most of the world is in darkness and deception about the timeline of events, and thus fearful, those who believe the Bible don’t have to live in that darkness. First of all, we have the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse riding forth with war, famine, disease and then death during the Tribulation. But before we ever get to the book of Revelation, we have the Battle of Gog and Magog where the armies of Russia are slaughtered when they attack Israel. But that begs the question of whether America is Babylon or not, because Babylon is not destroyed until near the end of the book of Revelation. On the other hand, we have to ask ourselves if America has to be destroyed before Russia can attack Israel? Even then, the Bible says that only 1/6th of Russian troops will return home from that battle against Israel, Ezekiel 38-39. But the Bible tells us that all nations will come against Israel in the final battle of Armageddon. So that begs the question of whether America is intentionally provoking Russia to attack Israel as we have seen the U.S. government undermining Israel in numerous ways over the last 20 years or so? Or, is America just not mentioned in prophecy because it forsook God and it allowed enemy forces to destroy it from within? Aren’t you glad that we have Gods Word to guide us through these difficult days?
Well, Revelations has been interpreted thousands of ways by millions of people, all of them wrong so far (Russia is never mentioned in Revelations, for example). I won’t be spending my time looking for signs of Armageddon. For all I know the globalists are trying to simulate such signs to get Christians to do nothing as they establish their world government. If it happens it happens, but in the meantime I will be fighting.
Thank you Brandon. I have read Revelations many times and read books about the end times and Armageddon. They all have different viewpoints about what will happen and when. I am glad you don’t try to get involved in which interpretation is right. Most people have their own opinions and those opinions are basically personal prophecy that are not always based on fact or scripture. I am religious but I enjoy reading your articles because they explain things based on real world observations.
You might want to check out Meshech and Tubal before declaring that Russia is not mentioned in the Bible. Just because some people don’t know, doesn’t mean that no one knows.
It’s literally NEVER mentioned in the bible. Just because there is reference to “feet of a bear” does not mean it’s Russia. It could mean any number of things in any given era. My point is, people need to stop trying to interpret divine prognostications according to their own biases. None of us is qualified to interpret those prophecies accurately.
So are you saying that God wrote this wonderful book to us, and yet He doesn’t want us to be able to read and understand it? Or have I misunderstood what you are saying?
I’m saying you, like the vast majority of people, don’t have the capacity to interpret prophecy, yes.
Brandon, you are absolutely correct. Not that I’m any authority on the subject, but reading what the Holy Fathers in the Orthodox Church say, we are not to interpret Holy Testament in our own way. This is why Christ established the church. Why God gave us the many saints over the years.
Point being, we do not have a roadmap of what to do. It’s not that simple. Christianity has been perverted by humans over centuries but one message that needs to remain clear is to have faith in Christ and love for thy neighbor. The component of faith is the most difficult because we have to sacrifice in order to have salvation. It’s the sacrifice we have a problem with. Read about the lives of many saints and understand their sacrifices that are impossible to interpret when using human logic. This is because human logic can not comprehend the power of God.
For anyone interested, I find this very educational and comforting. St. Gabriel’s edifications. Please take the little time it takes to read this.
I posted this on a site that openly discusses Christianity and the Bible and I got thrown out (blocked) as a result. I find it ironic that I posted something that is truly what Christ taught and the site owner blocked me. To that I say: Glory to God for all things!
half these guys have been saying that when the Bible says “trumpet” its Trump… like, english… so yeah, i would not take the 1001st interpretation very seriously.
It is heartwarming to see that there are people who accept the bible as the Word of God. Unfortunately, like Brandon says, there are many people who deliberately twist scripture or just misinterpret scripture with good intentions.
As Brandon says, there are many interpretations. Here is another one:
– 2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
Perhaps it is best to use the deifintions given in the book to explain terms used in the same book.
– Real scholars (in my opinion) explain that “rosche” in the phrase “roshe naw-see'”
נָשִׂיא נָשִׂיא
is properly translated as “chief”, as in “chief prince” and that it has NOTHING to do with “Russia” (or the Scythians).
– The royal Assirian court records contain references to ALL the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39. Magog, Meshech, Tubal and Togarmah were in Asia Minor, modern Turkey.
– “Ma” is properly interpreted as “land of”, with “Magog” referring to the land of Gog. Gog, identified as Gugu, king of Ludu, being Giges the king of Lydia, which was based in the East of modern day Turkey.
– The text of Ezekiel 38 itself places it after the regathering of Israel (documented by Ezra and Nehemia) after the Babilonian captivity:
— Those of Israel who wanted to return to the then land of Israel were laden with gifts, treasure and cattle, but they were relatively few and the walls of the cities were still in ruins. The nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 wanted to go and take an easy spoil.
— The WOOD, for BURNING:
Eze 39:9 And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years:
Eze 39:10 So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire: and they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord GOD.
Eze 39:11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamon-gog.
This refers to ACTUAL WOOD. It is NOT a figure for cooking food and warming themselves by burning METAL TANKS and APC’s.
Also, the Valley of the Travellers WAS filled with bodies. It DID stink. People who passed by ON FOOT or ON HORSEBACK neede to stop their noses. This does NOT apply to driving past the valley on a highway or flying over it in an aeroplane.
The reference to Gog and Magog in Revelation 20 refers to anti-typical Gog and Magog – the wicked of all ages – who will be permanently destroyed AFTER the second resurrection, when the wicked will approach the NEW, HEAVENLY Jerusalem, which will DESCEND FROM heaven, to attack it. The wicked of all ages approaching the city is referred to as the anti-typical Gog and Magog.
Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
Rev 20:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are IN THE FOUR QUARTERS of the EARTH, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Rev 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
The thousand years BEGIN at the first resurrection, the resurrection of the righteous on the great and terrible day of the Lord, when the earth will be burned up:
Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Rev 20:5 But THE REST OF THE DEAD lived not again until the thousand years WERE FINISHED. This is the first resurrection.
Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Apologies for the long comment, but I am fed up with the misinterpretation of Ezekiel 38-39.
The Bible was written by men. It is alleged to be the INSPIRED word of God, not literally. The 10 Commandments were told to have been written by God.
I believe I’ll just stay with what Gods Word says. Thanks anyway.
But God’s word doesn’t say what you are saying. That’s the point.
All it takes for prophecy to come true is add the Faithful.
Create a few events, then lead the followers.
I agree with your assessment. I’ve seen others mention this. It’s sad so many can’t see what’s happening.
Thanks Brandon
Sorry, this is off topic. All of you should know that many people in Appalachia that were affected by Helene are suffering — no water, no food, no meds, no shelter. Many are trapped and cannot help themselves, even if they wanted to. Meanwhile, the useless and bloated organization that is supposed to “help” in these situations — FEMA — is out of money so, they are offering $750 (useless at this point I might add) to SOME people affected by the storm.
Meanwhile, our representatives, House and Senate, are off until November 5th tending to their election planning. In fact, they are so busy that they can’t seem to make it back to Washington D.C. to vote to add funding to the FEMA budget to help these people. Why does FEMA need to be funded? All of the funds that FEMA had were spent feeding, housing, providing health care and transportation and $25,000 each for illegal aliens. Oh, I forgot about the cell phones and cell service.
This is the contempt that the people have for us in Washington D.C. Just remember this when you go to vote.
Bongino has a link to an article wherein ButtJudge is demanding people stop using drones to find stranded people, lol.
with all due respect, if you are in position to possibly find and help people, DO NOT COMPLY with this shit, illegitimate government.
I have said before over and over, just the money spent on a CAMPAIGN for office can be used to help so many in need. But the show must go on. Meanwhile Zelinsky has his hand out.
It has gotten SO blatant what the government is doing. They are actively punishing people for trying to help their fellow neighbor. Meanwhile the government is ignoring their own citizens while giving priorities to illegals so they can vote Democrat. Here’s a video interview by Sean from SGTReport.com https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/10/a-devastating-betrayal-of-america-callender-vliet/
In the clip who shows how migrants are getting two years free rent, free utilities in brand new nice apartments, fully furnished with appliances and flat panel TV’s. Guess who they’re voting for in November? The residents of North Carolina without power will have to wait because the electrical transformers damaged in the Hurricane and need to be replaced, have been sent to Ukraine. In the US, it has become “direct taxation, without representation”.
As the saying goes: “He who votes decides nothing, he who counts the votes, decides everything”. The Uniparty is responsible for all of this.
Will we see an “October surprise” made in…Mideast?!
Here’s a very interesting article with many relevant comments:
If we are at WWIII right now, then we have to agree we are in a Civil war likewise.
The attacks on our Liberties, rights and so forth, the inflation, banking cartel running things with an open border, green nonsense, too many issues to write down, basically an inept government on ALL levels with a focus on denying First Amendment rights using “misinformation or disinformation” attacking anything religious (remember covid garbage), must get a permit to assemble and protest, less you are pushing leftist narratives to riot and loot with BLM garbage, to attacks on Second Amendment with weapons restrictions and red flag laws and on and on, we are indeed under attack by a powerful, central government the Soviet Union would be jealous for.
Plus, an activist court system hell bent on pushing narratives rather than the law. One of the new Justices on SCOTUS cannot even define what a woman is, yet she still is on the bench. We the people continue to fail in the face of this monster. We are too comfortable to rise up and fight back, oh well.
So, the grand masters of these scams, tries to put the focus overseas as our biggest threats to distract so they can continue their nonsense.
Iran is one thing (oil supply), but we all know how powerful and controlling the jewish lobby is over our government. But Russia is indeed a dangerous ploy. We are directly attacking Russia proper and killing its peoples. The plans of the Western goons is “victory” over Russia.
That “victory” means defeat for Russia. The only way to defeat Russia is by nuclear weaponry. Who blinks first?
Whenever somebody states “it’s never going to happen” in regard to nuclear war shows ignorance. When you are not only directly attacking Russia and threatening its existence, it will lead to a nuclear exchange. Wake up.
Imagine if Russia was launching drones into American cities, shelling across the Mexico border into southern U.S., had a massive military alliance surrounding its borders and still encroaching and on and on. How would we react?
Say what you want about Putin, but he is the most patient leader the world has known. Our blood thirsty leadership would attack immediately to get those book deals and library plans in order. If Putin is some “globalist” then you need to provide hard evidence. Why would any “globalist” allow its nation to be attacked and threatened as part of some glorious plan?
If that is the case, then he will be removed, and more hard liners will assume power and then the sparks will fly with the West. That is more of a risk towards nuclear warfare, so why would we be pushing for this type of scenario is beyond me.
Russia is currently lowering its threshold to the use of nuclear weapons, moved tactical nuclear weapons into Belarus, just finished another round of nuclear drills near the Ukraine theatre, moved sensitive equipment into Iran, might be arming ansar allah, is active in Syria, most likely targeting Western arms factories with fires and explosions and on and on.
It’s all for the “globalist” show. Not buying that logic. The U.S. thought Russia would give in early to the NATO Ukraine attacks, Putin called their bluff. It is now NATO that is under threat, weakening itself, humiliating itself for the “globalist” scam. NATO is in fact reckless and out of control, a paper tiger, if you will.
Russia is in a good position right now, it’s military has proven itself in combined arms warfare against the mighty NATO alliance, and its economy, a war economy, is growing despite the sanctions. The U.S. master of Israel cannot even attack Iran right now. They disagree on attacking their nuclear weapons program to not even hitting their gas network because of global oil prices as a result. Israel can barely do anything in Lebanon but bomb from 15,000 feet and Gaza is a complete mess for them.
If this is the “globalist” plan, they have some questions to answer. Looks like failure. But out of this failure comes chaos, thus attacks upon innocents in thy name of power and projection.
WWIII is indeed upon us, but who and how will they blink first?
First time reading Brandon, my friend in Madrid, sent this article to me, I am in Costa Rica, and lived in the U. S for a long time, so I follow closely geopolotical matters, it all matters, regardless of location. Will Zoll has written also extensively on how we came to be in the holy mess, from a very interesting perspective, from the Enlightenment . We are and have been in the trenches , I completely agree, it is a distinct type of war. I agree with Brandon and a few here, AI is the Anti Cristo… we can kill the vultures, or parasites, as I call them… and see what we are capable of restore without them…
“Pura Vida” from the trenches in paradise…
Will Zoll from Prussia Gate
Globalism should be abolished and then and only then can rebuild