No, it’s not an April Fools day joke; Alt-Market is working on a documentary on the globalist Reset agenda that will also debunk pandemic propaganda and confront medical tyranny. It will be a comprehensive overview of the situation so far and where our society is headed in the future if we do not change course. Not only that, but it will also cover solutions to the globalist problem.
But, I need your help. This documentary will take time and extra capital. There are two things Alt-Market readers can do to support this project.
1) You can send a donation to Alt-Market to help fund the making of the film. Donations can be made by Paypal at THIS LINK. Or, a check/money order can be sent to:
Brandon Smith
421 US Highway 93N
Suite 209
Eureka, MT 59917
2) I am compiling reference materials on the Reset and the Pandemic, specifically mainstream media video references which reveal the agenda and which expose lies and disinformation. I already have a long list of damning evidence, but I can always use more. If you have come across any news interviews or other materials of elitists admitting to the agenda, please send me a link at:
Any and all help is appreciated. With your support, I believe I have the ability to make an explosive documentary on globalism and the Reset. Thank you for your patronage.
Oh heck yes! I will donate!
Thanks for your support, Chevrus!
Definitely will donate. What is a suggested donation, based on your readership?
If you mean suggested amount, whatever you are able to spare. Every little bit helps. Most of the expense will be for improved editing equipment and I might have to outsource a few pieces of the project, like graphic visual design, since that is not really my area of expertise. The documentary itself is going to be free for everyone. I will not be making a dime off of it, so whatever people can help with I appreciate it.
Yes that’s what I meant. Thank you Brandon!
Extremely excited to see this! I will be donating soon.
Count me in Brandon! Looking forward to it…
Done. $50.00
Hey mate, your analysis is always appreciated, I’m sure this project will be no different in regards to the quality of the content. I’ll donate as well, also let me know if theres anything else I can do.
Sure, great idea, let’s donate some $, so you can do it.
Thanks again for all your hard work.
All the best…Nacho.
These are 2 mainstream sources if you do not already have them. From the UN’s site.
“Around the world we’re closing borders, COVID-19 on the rise
A new world order behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again”
Australian health minister on Sky news saying ” We must treat this new world order, this new world of covid.”
Thanks for all of you do! I just donated. I’m glad you are making this documentary.
Hi Brandon,
my contribution :
To defeat NWO, it’s right now or never..
Starting right around the 2 minute mark from our Canadian PM Turdeau (I spelled it that way on purpose).
Brandon, I just donated from Canada. I hope you can take a look at this:
The road map has been exactly the same as the reality in Canada. It’s all about the global reset.
I’m in. I’ll send a donation as soon as I can.
I am donating to such a worthy cause. Thank you for your work, Brandon.
Brandon.. kudos&respect what you are up to..
Check this out.. no global warming.. or just +0,01 C
No need for this great reset
^edit.. need to put my reading glasses on.. it is minus 0,01..
Thank you so much for your amazing work! Donation sent. I’m sure most of your followers are on the same page already. I’d love to see ways how to encourage those on the sidelines to speak out and act. I agree with you that only a very loud and oppressive minority is stirring the agenda. There are way more people out there watching. How can we encourage each other to show up? I’d embrace any solutions which help to loosen the grip of fear in people and remind them of what’s most important and at stake right now.
I’m in too Brandon, making another donation now – we need you and others like you, good job!
Excellent. They get away with The Narrative because the msm never hold themselves accountable for their lies…..you know….the lies are frontpage across all platforms….the corrections are small print somewhere on the back pages.
A linier timeline of lies, followed by the factually supported truth would be very effective at countering The Narrative. Start with the 3-5 percent death rate lie, and end with the I surrection. Undeniable proof of the lying propaganda machine spinning their narrative for well over a year ( yeah, I know, way longer, but you gotta focus somewhere, I think). They get away with it by creating a non stop drama of “news”, and never go back to revisit their claims. Linear, factual, timeline. Call them out Brandon. We support you.
Donation made. I fully expect this will be among the best documentaries made on the subject. Your research and writing prowess is abundantly evident!
What do you think the time frame is for this, Brandon?
Thanks for your support! Hopefully less than two months. Editing can be torturous and slow, though.
This is Oboma at the Bilderberg group saying we need to surrender our rights to an all powerful sovereign. I kid you
Not sure if it’s relevant but there’s a good documentary about how not locking down worked in Sweden called Another way by Simon Dolan.