This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group
With the death of the woke movement well underway and most mainstream discussion focused on DEI, it might be prudent to remind people where all the this Cultural Marxism came from. What was the original source? Well, these programs have been spreading like a plague into modern academia for decades, but the impetus for near-total takeover of the majority of our social institutions was the launch of ESG programs under the UN and an army of NGOs.
The majority of ESG related entities were, as we now know, funded by western governments using taxpayer dollars to fuel an astroturfed leftist revolution. As I noted in my article ‘Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To “Inclusive Capitalism” Agenda’, published in September of 2023:
“ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) was intended to be the tool that globalists and governments would use to force companies into the stakeholder capitalism model…
The goal was to incentivize corporations into bombarding the public with woke messaging 24/7. Every movie, every TV show, every book, every comic, every children’s cartoon, every commercial, every product, every major social media site, every employee handbook, every social interaction would be tainted with the poison of woke propaganda. There would be nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape the messaging. And it worked, for a little while…”
A couple years ago I argued that ESG was dying after the Federal Reserve began to raise interest rates. There was an observable decline in financing for woke programs and propaganda across the board. In other words, there were a lot of NGOs and other entities that were receiving government funds and they were recycling those funds into far-left ESG, DEI, and CRT projects. When the central bank started hiking interest rates, the lending cost more and the money started to dry up.
The exposure of ESG by the alternative media and the strangled flow of cheap cash signaled the death knell of a decade long agenda to “wokify” the west. It was so exposed, in fact, that Lynn de Rothschild, a leader in ESG and the head of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, admitted the idea was sullied and needed to be changed or “re-branded”.
I don’t think many Americans realize just how pervasive the ESG agenda truly was. The recent exposure of USAID by Elon Musk and his DOGE team is shining a light on just a portion of it. For example, the USAID spending millions to prop up leftist propaganda machines like Politico (through ultra expensive “subscriptions”) is quite the eye opener, but what about the billions of dollars that went into ESG venture capital projects to fund dozens if not hundreds of liberal online media outlets, movies, TV shows, video games, woke advertising, etc. The extent of the influence was massive.
And, it is likely that most of the cash supporting this enormous social engineering project came from the Federal Reserve and the pockets of US taxpayers. We were paying for our own indoctrination and economic demise, and I’m sure the people behind USAID and other rogue institutions had a good laugh about that.
Of course, they aren’t laughing now. Now they’re out of a job. But is the damage already done? Is there no going back?
The excessive spending through ESG was not only designed to change western culture, it was also designed to hide glaring weaknesses in the current system. Since before the elections I have continued to warn that Trump’s greatest adversary is not the Democrats or the “deep state” or leftist activists; rather, his greatest adversary is the US economy. Trump has inherited a system in stark decline, but much of this data is unknown to the public at large.
The Biden Administration used creative accounting to hide much of the damage. They were unable to obscure the greater effects of stagflation on retail prices and the housing market, but the inherent weaknesses in the labor market, wages, GDP, energy markets, national debt and the US dollar are all less understood by the public.
The Biden Admin is gone but they have left a ticking time bomb behind; the data they were suppressing is about to be unleashed and Trump’s first year is going to look like a financial disaster unless he addresses the problem immediately.
I outlined this problem in detail in my article ‘Smoke And Mirrors: What Happens After Biden’s Economic Manipulations Disappear?”, published in September of 2024. In that essay I predicted Trump’s election win, but I also explained why the presidency could be booby trapped with an economic crash that is ultimately blamed on conservatives.
It’s important to keep in mind that as the truth is revealed there is always a chance the public (and the investment world) will panic. A lot of alternative economists, myself included, have discussed the possibility that if the truth about our economy was ever made widely known, the entire global edifice might come crashing down from the weight of the revelation. If people knew how much corruption and fraud was a part of our daily lives, our economy and our national framework, what would happen?
It’s not enough to simply draw the curtain and unveil the ugliness underneath, a solution must also be offered. The answer might actually come from the very ESG projects that were designed to destroy the US in the first place.
ESG was drawing its money from unprecedented debt spending and taxpayer dollars. That’s not going to work for obvious reasons. However, Trump’s tariff measures may hold the key. In other words, make corporations and importers pay for the rejuvenation of domestic production and perhaps even breath new life into an America-based cultural renaissance.
The original NAFTA agreement (and similar policies) removing most trade barriers between the US, Mexico and Canada was an incredible betrayal of the US economy by a coalition of Neo-Cons and Democrats, facilitated in 1992 by George H.W. Bush who was obsessed with globalization.
Bush (and others in government) wanted a European Union-like arrangement in North America, a supranational body that would eventually dissolve borders and operate as a single economic and social entity. NAFTA didn’t go into effect until 1994, but then President Bill Clinton certainly ran with it. Within six years US manufacturing jobs and industry collapsed.
Any return of tariffs is consistently demonized as a trigger for financial catastrophe (much like any attempt to freeze the debt ceiling is portrayed as the end of the world by Democrats). The example of Herbert Hoover and the Smoot-Hawley tariffs is always brought up in comparison to Donald Trump’s policies.
The establishment has already tried to blame Trump for the existing stagflation problem. Even though the crisis broke out under Joe Biden’s presidency, they still tried to scapegoat Trump and conservatives for the event. Luckily it didn’t stick, but it might this time if Trump isn’t careful.
For now it appears that Trump is using tariffs as short term leverage to force countries to correct geopolitical imbalances (like the illegal immigration issue). This is the best use of tariffs under the current conditions, and so far Mexico and Canada have folded quickly. That said, lesser long term tariffs will be needed to correct longer term trade imbalances and the US just doesn’t have the industrial base anymore to do that effectively.
If the president hopes to stop the avalanche of national debt and money printing while also freeing the common American worker from the tyranny of the income tax, he’s going to need an expertly established tariff system in place along with revamped manufacturing to prevent high inflation.
Tariffs will ultimately require the US to become a producer nation again. But how can this be accomplished quickly? I would suggest, as mentioned above, that Trump implement an ESG-like program which is designed to partially subsidize businesses that establish new manufacturing on US soil. I think this program could also be used to offer grants or low cost funding to cultural projects with a pro-western stance. And, it could all be funded through a percentage of revenues from the Trump tariffs instead of through income taxes.
In other words, make corporations and importers pay for the rebuilding of the US economy and the American culture that they tried to destroy over the past ten years.
Would this action represent government interference in the free market? Well, yes and no. Let’s not pretend like there’s a market for anti-western propaganda and woke corporations. The past several years have proven that consumers don’t want what the woke movement is selling. The government would simply be subsidizing the parts of the economy that US consumers actually WANT to survive.
In the end, if we’re going to reverse the damage done to America by the ESG coup and corrupt institutions like USAID, we need to follow the laws of physics – Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. They used ESG for evil, and we’ll use ESG (or something similar) for good. I can’t imagine a better way to incentivize a manufacturing boom and a cultural boom in the US and avoid a stagflationary death spiral all at the same time.
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“With the death of the woke movement well underway and most mainstream discussion focused on DEI, it might be prudent to remind people where all the this Cultural Marxism came from.”
The deadly Woke Virus is currently in retreat but it may not be possible to rid ourselves of it completely. There are too many unhinged people in our World that still fully believe in it. And as we are learning every day, countless people who have profited handsomely from this mental illness. These people allow movements such as the Woke Disease to become core parts of their own personalities. They do not wish to abandon Wokeism because to do so would mean they are also giving up their own chosen core default ego structure. To give up Wokeism would be akin to giving up their very lives. We see this with various religious cults over the years as well. The cult belief system becomes that of the cult believer – and there becomes little to no separation between the two. That’s way so few people ever leave cults. To do so takes personal strength and clarity of thought which most cult believers do not have or gave up in the process.
What the Trump revolution today is doing of course is to work to rid much of the Woke Virus from our governmental institutions – and hopefully by extension, some of the corporate and education-complex Wokeism that we have been subjected to and abused by for several years. It’s not going away completely though – as spending just a few minutes to watch television can quickly confirm. Lots of ‘Diversity’ and other society-polluting messaging out there still hanging on and not interested in giving up.
All of this Woke Virus stuff is of course to degrade, undermine, and eventually replace the legacy foundational values that have served America well for so long. As we have seen.. the goal of Wokeism is to blow up the moral fabric of America so it can be erased and remade into a hideous replacement that denies basic realities such as actually living as the sex you were born as… destroying the work ethic… achieving through merit and not by the darkness of your skin or the perversity of your sexual escapes, etc. And of course, the attack on free speech which seeks to silence forever any voice that dares to challenge the Woke Insanities.
America lost its way when radicals with bad ideas took over the education system… when pastors and priests decided not to live by the words of the Bible but to embrace much of the Woke virus doctrines… when our Nation’s great industrial base was leveled under by the savage attack of offshoring American factories and jobs… when Nixon took our Nation off the gold standard to allow unending faking of currency to the point now where Monopoly money has about the same purchasing value… when America’s State Media solidified itself under a handful of global corporations pushing bad programs and worse ideas and values… on and on it went.
There’s that somewhat silly commercial that still runs where an unfortunate man or lady says, ‘I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!”.
Well, that commercial could be describing the United States under Leftist rule for the past four years from hell (and it does go further back than this as well). America has fallen and we’re now trying to get back up.
The Wokesters are still around and they still want to keep us down. The sane among us are trying to get ourselves and our Nation back up on our feet.
We can’t push a button and summon help like the commercial claims. It’s hard work with so much that has to be done. But at least now we have a CHANCE to get back on our feet and to put our shoulders back and stand proudly instead of hurt and beaten down on the floor in the fetal position.
We may have fallen… but we’re getting back up. And as more Americans get back on their feet and remember who they are and what America is supposed to be… the Woken will indeed become more — Broken.
That’s Lady Lynn De Forest something something. Remember the first I saw that mug was on Neil Cavuto. She was pushing her other puppet Mitt Romney. I thought to myself Oh this seems important. Boy was ass backwards in my thoughts.
Take a moment to take in what Brandon said “Ending Woke.” I can’t believe it. 4 short years ago I was ready to pillage and plunder. Haha still am just don’t know who. Seriously, I was scared to death of where we were heading. It’s nice to have a bit of respite from the dark.
To piggyback off my comment; I posted this on Brandon’s piece form 2/5/25.
I have a sneaking suspicion DT is also working on a plan B. He’s getting the nation ready for potential violent conflict. He’s a smart cat and I suspect understands the Globalists and Left are willing to break the nation all to hell if they can. It’s evident he caught them off guard. Trump has already crossed the Rubicon in my opinion. There’s no going back now.
The PRIMARY reason I was adamant we get him elected was because I believe he is the best hope we have in CW2. He’s quickly taking apart their institutions at blazing speed. If there is a breakout of violence having Trump in office or after being there for a couple of years greatly increase our odds of making it swift and impactful. Any kind of long term conflict will most definitely finish us. Other nations would dogpile on the prolong it. This could lead to societal collapse which nobody should want unless they’re psychopathic fools.
Here’s the funny thing. Many on the right keep looking over their shoulder wondering where the left is? “Why aren’t they out destroying things?” For starters they are right to be concerned but here’s what I suspect happened. And It’s righteous lol.
Think about it carefully, who did the left turn to every time they needed to get out of a jam? Who could they manipulate at will and on a dime? Blacks are nowhere to be found. Last several years the left traded them in service to migrants. Most of them got dumped on their communities because it would cause less of an uproar. Hearing the stories about fancy hotels and jacked up EBT’s has gotta leave a mark. Especially when you towed the line your entire life.
Lol they were like little dial up terrorists and they got sold down the River. So that’s what happened IMHO!
This guy looks like he’ll be taking the mantle from Trump in the next 4 years. The dude sounds like the real deal as he destroys Europe, Davos, immigration, censorship and the Orwellian State in less than 19 minutes.
I don´t know, maybe we should compliment Trump after he finishes the job, not before. There´s a “long and winding road” ahead.
All he´s doing is signing papers. Now has to make sure that the executive orders will be enforced. In some cases, involves international agreements, which is complex.
About this USAID stuff, someone has to check if the money flow was in fact blocked. We saw in the past the “just say it, and people will love it” politics.
Not sure what more proof you need. The results are evident in the shutdowns and the firings, not to mention the exposure of where the money has been going all these years. We should compliment when political leaders take individual actions that liberty advocates have been demanding for DECADES; not simply wait around until the very end of the ordeal when we suddenly get to stand over the entire struggle and give our high and mighty approval from the comfort of our La-Z-Boy chairs. If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s when people don’t give credit where credit is due, especially when they’ve done nothing much to speak of for the movement in the meantime.
Hi Brandon, thnx 4 this article! You wrote “we need to follow the laws of physics – Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction.”
Just as Isaac Newton said “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
Keep on the good work!