By Brandon Smith
Yuval Harari is best known as a globalist “philosopher” or “guru” closely tied to the World Economic Forum. He is infamous for his Ted Talks and summit speeches declaring the coming abandonment of personal individualism and independence while elevating AI as the harbinger of a new technological religion. He joyously preaches about the fusion of AI technology with the human body to give certain elitist groups the power of “gods.” His notions of the supposedly infinite abilities of algorithms to influence culture and politics are so overblown they enter into the realm of children’s fantasy.
I mention Harari often in my work because I believe he is a kind of litmus test for the true intentions of globalists. He’s a lot like Henry Kissinger in his New World Order zealotry – He has a hard time keeping his mouth shut about the greater agenda and this works to our advantage. If you really want to know what the elites plans are, look up past discussions by true believers like Harari. When they start preaching their dark gospel they can barely control themselves.
Harari’s writings are replete with calls for digital authoritarianism and global government. I examined his power-obsessed philosphy and his moral relativism last year in my article ‘Governance By Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny.’
It’s important to understand that Harari’s ideology is common among the globalists and the only thing I can accurately describe it as is “Luciferianism” – A narcissistic belief system that claims CERTAIN human beings can become gods and should be worshiped as gods. Harari and many globalists seem to think AI is their ticket to godhood. I would compare them to the corrupt high priests of ancient cultures like the Aztecs who used their secret knowledge of mathematics and the movements of the planets to predict solar eclipses and terrify the peasants into compliance. AI is the new solar eclipse; the great serpent eating the sun.
Combine this corruption with elitist desires for a one-world government and you can see the incredible danger here. In his book ‘From Animals into Gods: A Brief History of Humankind’ in a passage that has recently been removed from newer additions, Harari says this:
“As the twenty-first century unfolds, nationalism is fast losing ground. More and more people believe that all of humankind is the legitimate source of political authority, rather than the members of a particular nationality, and that safeguarding human rights and protecting the interests of the entire human species should be the guiding light of politics. If so, having close to 200 independent states is a hindrance rather than a help. Since Swedes, Indonesians and Nigerians deserve the same human rights, wouldn’t it be simpler for a single global government to safeguard them?” (From Animals into Gods: A Brief History of Humankind (2012), p. 244
Keep in mind that when Harari talks about “human rights” he is referring to human desires. He has stated on numerous occasions that he believes freedom and individuality are fantasies, constructs of the mind with no importance in the real world. For globalists, “human rights” are special privileges used as leverage to buy popular compliance. They are a gift from government, not a gift from God.
In the past couple of years Harari has suddenly shifted his rhetoric and argues that global government is not the ideal. He also talks about AI as a danger that needs to be contained by bureaucracy rather than a deity that needs to be worshiped. I suspect this is because there has been a sea change in public awareness since 2012 and now he has to be more careful about how he talks in the media. I have been working within the Liberty Movement since 2006 and I can say with some authority that many MILLIONS more people are aware of the threats posed by globalism today compared to 2012. This puts the globalist agenda in peril.
With the failure of the pandemic lockdowns I think the power brokers have been left stunned. This was clearly their big play to get the global governance they have long lusted after and it fell apart. Attempting to induce mass fear over a virus that 99.8% of the population would easily survive did not work out well for them.
Everything was riding on medical tyranny: They thought they were going to get vaccine passports which would have given them total economic control of the populace. They thought they were going to introduce CBDCs (digital currencies) and create a cashless society. They thought they were going to leverage the covid lockdowns into perpetual “climate lockdowns.” They got nothing and their agenda was fully exposed. The patriot movement in the US has exploded in popularity in response and now they have millions more rebels to contend with in the future.
In response to their failure, many of the prominent names during the lockdowns have faded into the background. Klaus Schwab from the WEF was EVERYWHERE during covid; now he is gone. Anthony Fauci has slipped into obscurity. Authoritarian leaders like New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern have stepped out of the political limelight. Where did they go?
I think they know what’s coming. I think they fear a populist backlash, a rising of torches and pitchforks, and they are going into hiding. This is where we must address the issue of Donald Trump and how he is viewed by the globalists…
In light of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump I think it’s important to revisit the long running globalist narrative on the “world order” and Trump’s position as scapegoat for any and all calamities that befall it. Their primary assertion is that any movement that values national interests over global centralization is an evil movement that must be suppressed or destroyed. This very rhetoric has permeated leftist political organizations (including Joe Biden’s administration) and the corporate media; it is being used as a justification for subterfuge and extreme violence against conservatives.
In an interview earlier this year, Harari suggested that the return of Donald Trump would mean the “death of the global order.” He then gaslights, claiming that there is no fight between nationalism and globalism and that the idea of a “globalist conspiracy” is entirely a fabrication of populist movements. These people truly expect us to forget the censorship and oppression they attempted during covid.
What I find most interesting is Harari’s take on the next few years, in which he offers what I would interpret as a thinly veiled threat. He argues that war is coming on an expansive scale unless nationalists (defenders of sovereignty) end their rebellion and return to “order” (the centralized control of the globalists). He ties this threat directly to Donald Trump.
The thing is, Trump is just a reflection of a larger movement against the globalist regime. Getting rid of Trump would change nothing. In fact, getting rid of Trump might make the populace commit to full bore revolution even faster. And, if it ultimately turns out that Trump doesn’t benefit the cause of freedom from the elites, that same revolution will eventually happen without him.
I have my own concerns about Trump, primarily what kinds of people he will place in his cabinet. But I have long said that above all else Trump is the most likely scapegoat for an international collapse that the GLOBALISTS CREATED. They set the stage for these crisis events by encouraging economic instability and geopolitical conflicts (Ukraine being one of many). I don’t see any globalists vying for legitimate peace. I do see them pushing to escalate various conflicts into WWIII.
The trick is, by blaming Trump they think that all conservatives and “nationalists” will be blamed by extension. It’s an obvious but somewhat clever ploy; by making conservatives into the villains behind a planetary catasrophe the elites can deflect suspicion while operating with impunity in the future. Anyone who questions them can simply be labeled as “nationalist terrorists” as history is rewritten.
But is the “death of the global order” really a bad thing? I would say that it is only a negative if the globalists are left alive to continue to manipulate the chaos that follows. The real culprits behind war and economic collapse should be punished. They should be removed from power, imprisoned or done away with forever. Bottom line? The globalists need to go if real peace and order is ever to be established.
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Are you saying that you believe Trump will purposely be allowed to win in order to be the fall guy for global war and/or collapse? I have suspected this for a while. Thanks for the great articles.
I’m saying that whatever happens, Trump and conservatives will be blamed for the aftermath. That could happen by Trump winning and leftists rioting. It could happen with economic collapse after a Trump win. Or, it could happen with Trump’s assassination and the country entering civil war.
I agree whole heartedly. I just keep trying to figure out how tied to the globalists Trump really is. In the end, it probably won’t matter.
Also, the fact that Vance is so pro Israel and anti Iran/China makes a war with one or both look probable if Trump wins. Either way, the future looks grim.
Thanks again.
“Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order.”
Well, good…
A true faith will stand on its own without it being mandated. A false doctrine will get just the comeuppance it deserves… Anyone who knows their history can see where “globalism” is headed…
A great friend and mentor once said to me “ there’s no fool like an educated fool “ I have found it to be the absolute truth over the last 25 years.
Remember my friends, the system, the agenda is made up of people with names and addresses 😘
Yuval Harari Is that wicked smart educated fool.
Hey Yuval, f#ck off back to the city with all you other gentrified douch knots, we don’t need you mate 🖕.
Little Yuvi is what dumb people think smart people sound like.
I strongly agree
Saw this video, that little cock smoker is right lol.
Brandon please check this out from John Carter. He’s one of the greatest writers we have. This piece is called “Right Wing Cancel Squads.” I laughed my ass of at the title when I saw it today.
JC is a former Theoretical Physicist who exclusively writes on SS now. I think he’s our Thomas Paine sir. His piece last Sunday was fabulous too. But please read this one from today 7/18/24.
Tell me if this doesn’t move you Gents 😉….Spread far and wide!! 👍
Do you refer to John Carter, the war lord of Mars ? The same John written of by HG Wells, one of the greatest of Britons fantasy futurist ? I realize school children are told his adventures are fiction, but we gentlemen of the world, are fully aware that these tales of heroism are based on real life adventures, are not fictional, at all.
John’s article was funny. “Sicks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”, has devolved, mutated to the point where people feel they’ve received injuries demanding a Purple Heart Medal when anonymous assailants assembles letters into words, transmit them through ether and finally breach their defenses and attack them through their eyes.
If humans are so predictable that they can be hacked, then the scientists and experts that he tells us to obey are vulnerable too.
And of course that is what globalists rely upon.
They think that we can be hacked, so they plan to hack the hackers.
Yuvi, the globalist twinkie, is in love with 50’s science fiction and would love to convince his master’s slaves to follow along with him as he joyfully skips along the yellow brick road to insanity. His twisted knowledge of history is only surpassed by his lunatic love of life extension myths. Long live little Yuvi and his loving daddy surrogates of the wonderfully wicked WEF.
“Off topic”…: Major digital breakdowns are currently occurring all over the world.
A drill/test before Cyber Polygone?!
More trauma, more programing, more mind control. Sheeeesh!
The Ongoing (True) Pandemic of Death and Disorder on our Planet properly known as Globalism or The New World Order will never go away. This is a disease that has fully infected the human family host on a Planetary scale and will never be fully eradicated.
Why? Because Our Planet will always be plagued with an embedded, entrenched, filthy rich and highly influential handful of selfish and dangerous individuals that band together in small hidden groups and alliances to further their egotistical, pathological, self-satisfied, self-absorbed, abusive and tyrannical projects and agendas that all call for such a New World Order of Elitists to exist to use and abuse and torment The People. And We the People don’t often know who or where these deluded puppet masters are.
How do you contest with an Enemy that you can’t even see? And one that controls from the shadows the Power Grid… the Internet… State Corporate Media… Central Banks… the Military and Medical and Educational and Religious Industrial Complexes? The food supply? Our water systems? A group that wants to change the sex of our children while further poisoning their minds?
‘They’ have us right where They want us. And They know They do. And They are giddy with delight over that fact. And also the fact that the majority of human race still does not have a clue about what we are truly up against – and why.
Portions of Global Supply Chains can and will break down. Some degree of autonomy will result from the collapse and failure of The Hidden Hand’s ability to fully install the Global System of Tyranny upon our Planet. But those powerful hands and players are still there… still plotting ways to continue to benefit from while destroying The Host.
The New World Order is just repackaged Thuggery. Repackaged Bullies on the Playground.
All those playground bullies you encountered while growing up also grew up. And they became big players or just bit players in the installation and perpetuation of their filthy Globalist New World Order… which at its heart is instead global disorder and social dissonance to the max. Just a bunch of World Bullies that are taking our lunch money and shoving us around and calling us names.
Just goes to show that (as a Globalist) you might have a lot of money and power and influence and like-minded friends… at heart you are still a pathetic little boy or girl on the playground with a sickly need to use and hurt others.
The Bully never likes it when someone stands up in opposition. But it helps the Bully when he and she stays mostly hidden and all those many being abused can’t even see the faces of their abusers. So, the Hidden Ones are cowards as well.
You might like Donald Trump. Or you might hate him. Or not care one way or the other.
But what everyone today can plainly see going on is the much larger story: What happens when someone of his own power and money and influence (and ideas) dares to not fully follow the dictates of our Planetary Bullies.
Some have said we are on a Planet of Sheep that are being led by a pack of Wolves. Well, there are still some Lions among the Sheep. But clearly, never any honor among… Wolves.
Maybe all we can do is find ways to keep our Lunch Money away from the Bully’s hands while we stick out our tongue at him.
And sometimes… maybe that’s of greater value than all of Their dirty money put together.
It’s interesting Brandon since Biden is viewed so poorly in regards to the economy by a majority of voters, don’t you think that an upcoming collapse can be deflected to the Biden administration vs a new Trump administration. I mean if Trump wins it’s because of inflation etc voters blaming Biden for their economic woes…
People generally blame whoever is in office. Dems will say things were more expensive under Biden, but “everything collapsed” under Trump.
So what is that suppose to mean? More assassinations coming? Just remember it works BOTH ways.
“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Jesus Christ
And Malthusians brother. Their answer to everything is diminish the population. Anyone who is against this is my ally right now.
Thought exercise: Do you remember the knots in your stomach and throat 20, 21, 22? I sure as hell do. Elon Musk deserves my gratitude and respect above all others for alleviating that nausea. His takeover of Twitter was monumental and credit where it is due.
I don’t give a shit what he is. I know what he did helped me and my kind. That’s good enough for me. Just my thoughts on the matter.
I will never forget it how I felt.
Wish I could screen cap. Anyhow got a FB post earlier where some douche was making fun of people for wearing bandages on their ears in solidarity with Trump. Plenty of comments remarking about the stupidity of such folk. Shit boiled my blood but I kept it together.
I said “Yeah what a bunch of fools. They look so silly. It reminds me of those people who wore stickers and bragged about being vaccinated. What a bunch of Trump fools. He tricked them into taking an experimental drug in partnership with Big Pharma. That’s Shakespearean Comedy and hilarious watching those idiots.”
Hahaha ….that’s how you burn them motherfuckers to the ground. 😁😁
Yuval’s a jerk that I don’t want anywhere near my govt. as an American, sorry. Trump 2024
“Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’”. Really?!
Never forget Trump’s duplicity. Take a look at this very relevant article:
Whether with Trump or a Dem President (Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama?!) in the White House for the next term, chaos is on the horizon…and who benefits? The globalist agenda; clearly!
P.S: Y. Harari looks like a satanic creature and his voice is unbearable.
I’m not sure of Trump’s duplicity yet. I am sure of the people he had in his cabinet last time he was in the White House. But, they tried to have him killed recently, and it suggests perhaps there was another plan. Maybe sending the country into chaos and then triggering martial law. Conservatives/patriots are armed and ready to fight back, but we certainly aren’t organized on a national scale.
Just plug the air vents in their bunkers.