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China Locks Down 15 Million People For 100 Cases Of “Delta Variant”

June 10, 2021

This article was written by Mac Slavo and originally published at The ruling class in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong is carrying out mass testing and has locked down entire areas of the province to try to control a “flare-up” of coronavirus cases in Guangzhou. The “flare-up” consists of 100 cases of the “Delta variant” and 15 million…

Houston Methodist Nurses Rally As They Lose Their Jobs For Refusing COVID Shots

June 10, 2021

The following video was produced by Derrick Broze and originally published at The Conscious Resistance Network On Monday June 7, 2021, hundreds of nurses and supporters gathered at the Baytown Methodist campus east of Houston, Texas to protest the hospital’s firing of nurses who say no to the COVID shots. Derrick Broze documented and interviewed nurses and a doctor. Thanks…

Two Big Problems Are Plaguing Our Economy, New Small Business Survey Reveals

June 10, 2021

This article was written by Brad Polumbo and originally published at With pandemic restrictions finally being wound down around the country, the economy should be roaring back to life. But we’ve seen much more muted job growth than expected, and we have a record-breaking 9.3 million unfilled job openings while millions of Americans languish on unemployment welfare. What’s going…

Is the United States on The Same Calamitous Path as Yugoslavia?

June 4, 2021

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group Of all the inflationary disasters in modern economic history, Yugoslavia’s is the one most ignored by the mainstream. To be sure, the collapse of the Eastern European nation was a slow burn, but with a big explosion at the end. Most people are familiar with the…

Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: If Foreign Nations Wanted To Invade The US, How Would They Do It?

June 3, 2021

Issue #57 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Market’s exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to be released on May June 6th. The Wild Bunch is a place to explore subjects and solutions to centralized tyranny which are rarely if ever covered by the rest of the alternative media. Meaning, we talk about direct action measures,…

Another State Introduces Covid Vaccine Lottery with $10 Million in Cash Prizes

June 3, 2021

This article was written by BN Frank and originally published at Activist Post Four states are currently holding controversial COVID “Vaccine Lotteries”; however, some legislators in Ohio are trying to get theirs cancelled immediately.  Nevertheless, today the State of New Mexico has announced they are offering one for their residents as well. From Newser: Biggest Cash Vaccination Prize Announced New…

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