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What Is AI Really? Digital Illusions, False Promises And Mass Reeducation

August 10, 2024

By Brandon Smith Much fanfare has been lavished on the concept of Artificial Intelligence in the past five years to the point that its primacy is treated in the media as a forgone conclusion. The idea that algorithms can “think” has become a pervading myth, a sci-fi fantasy come to life. The reality is much less impressive… We continually hear…

The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived – What Are The Implications For Americans?

August 3, 2024

By Brandon Smith If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast. I still don’t think a lot of people realize how…

Civil Unrest Is The Next Most Predictable Crisis For America Now

July 25, 2024

By Brandon Smith For the past six months I’ve been writing about the clear uptick in civil war rhetoric within the establishment media in the US, and we all know that the coming presidential election is the reason for it. The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass…

Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’

July 18, 2024

By Brandon Smith Yuval Harari is best known as a globalist “philosopher” or “guru” closely tied to the World Economic Forum.  He is infamous for his Ted Talks and summit speeches declaring the coming abandonment of personal individualism and independence while elevating AI as the harbinger of a new technological religion.  He joyously preaches about the fusion of AI technology…

Global Instability And The Rise Of The “Great Resource Grab”

July 15, 2024

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group In the past three years China has accelerated export agreements and industrial operations in Africa, becoming the continent’s largest bilateral trade partner. Given Africa’s complete lack of development and GDP, the Asian rush to cement economic ties might seem strange. However, I would argue that China…

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