This article was originally published at Planet Free Will
The Russian government is set to roll out electronic vaccination certificates that will provide proof an individual has received a COVID-19 jab for the purpose of traveling across borders.
RT reports that a series of instructions were published prior to the new year in which Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered policymakers “to consider issuing certificates to people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 infections using Russian vaccines… for the purpose of enabling citizens to travel across the borders of the Russian Federation and those of other countries.”
Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said over the weekend that as of January 1, people who are inoculated in Russia will be issued the electronic certificate. He also mentioned that the ministry will keep a database of citizens who have been vaccinated, similar to the decision made by Spain’s government in December.
The idea of issuing an “immunity passport” is being considered, and even in some cases implemented, by numerous major airlines.
In November, a spokesperson for Korean Air said there’s a “real possibility” airlines will mandate passengers take a COVID-19 vaccine before being allowed to travel.
Lance Gokongwei, President and CEO of the largest budget airline in the Philippines, said in December that ‘COVID passports’ were “essential” for travelers to fly.
Right before the new year, Singapore Airlines became the first to officially launch a COVID passport, which will display the vaccination status and COVID test results of passengers.
EDITOR’S NOTE: For those people that argued with me years ago when I was pointing out that national leaders like Vladimir Putin or Boris Johnson were NOT opposed to the globalists and their Reset agenda and are actually a part of it, I give you the covid pandemic lockdowns and medical passport response. Boris Johnson is instituting Level 4 lockdowns and pushing for strict laws regarding vaccination. And, clearly, Russia is fully on board with the establishment of medical tyranny as well.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market
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I have been following you since your first appearance on USA Watchdog. Your comments above are correct as your assertion that D. Trump was too a globalist plant. People had better be clear that any figure head we see has been placed there by what David Icke refers to as the hidden hand. The point is that the hidden hand is not so hidden.
Even if the actors in place are in opposition to one another, it follows the script that the handlers have put into place. The cabal are masters at controlled opposition. You have made the point for many years that change starts at the individual, and granular level. None of us can rely on a particular figure head or leader to guide us to liberty. This has to be a task each of us take on.
Warm Regards
So i guess the only proper way to travel like a normal human is through flying private and private jets huh? How else does the so-called elites travel without the vaccine passports
Yep, I remember that. Now it is obvious they are both controlled opposition just like Trump.