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The “Monkey Wrench” Sabotage Of America Begs For An Authoritarian Response

January 18, 2025

By Brandon Smith

Accidents and crime happen, all the time in fact, and generally the American public barely takes notice of the number of such events that occur on a monthly basis. The reason for this is because the vast majority of incidents don’t lead to economic and infrastructure damage on a large scale.  A disaster has to be pretty extensive to get the attention of the public and usually that attention doesn’t last long because most people are still able to go on with their day without much inconvenience.

But let’s say you are a villain; a terrorist or a social engineer (same thing).  Let’s say you are a person or group with malicious intent and you have deliberately set out to destroy a country, or a society or a civilization.  Do you try to do this with a single elaborately planned event?  Probably not.  Instead, you would coordinate and encourage thousands of smaller acts of sabotage that go largely unnoticed by the population until infrastructure breaks down and the country is in ruins.

The concept is actually rather common – We see it in the covert instigation of civil unrest and color revolutions throughout history.  We have seen it in the US with groups like the leftist/communist “Weather Underground” in the 1970s.  Such plans were executed broadly by western governments in Europe under Operation Gladio, which was exposed in the 1990s.

An interesting fictional example of this idea is the movie ‘Invasion USA’ starring Chuck Norris, about a communist network using America’s open borders to sneak thousands of foreign agents into the country.  They then coordinate a series of infrastructure and terror attacks nationwide in order to expedite a civil breakdown and economic crash.

The point is, the public doesn’t know they are under attack because all the incidents seem to be far apart and unrelated.  I believe that such a strategy is well underway within the US and parts of Europe right now, but instead of covert agents or terrorists working at the behest of some foreign adversary I argue that our OWN GOVERNMENTS are engaged in this sabotage.

I call this strategy “Monkey Wrenching”, based on the book ‘The Monkey Wrench Gang’ written by Edward Abbey and published in 1975.  I touched on the concept in my article ‘Open Borders Have Created A Terror Attack Time Bomb In The US In 2025’ published last December, and then again in my article ‘Terror Attacks Kick Off In 2025 – It’s Only Going To Get Worse So Be Prepared’.

I want to go a little more in-depth on the “monkey wrench” concept because, as I predicted last year, 2025 just started and already we’ve seen multiple terror attacks including the car attack in New Orleans and the car bombing in front of Donald Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas.

These events follow some strange and disturbing incidents in 2024, including the armed invasion of Venezuelan cartels into multiple US neighborhoods and cities, two assassination attempts on Donald Trump by leftists as well as the assassination of an insurance CEO in New York by Luigi Mangione (identified as politically ambiguous by the media but widely applauded by leftists).

Then there’s the natural disaster issue.  The government displayed what appears to be total incompetence during the horrific fires in Maui, the lack of adequate federal response after Hurricane Helene in states like North Carolina, and of course there’s the absolute neglect of practical fire precautions in LA leading to one of the worst disasters in US history (more and more evidence is being released showing that these fires were, at least in part, started by a flurry of arsonists).  But what if government apathy and inaction in the face of fires and floods are just another deliberate form of monkey wrenching?

And let’s not forget about human-composed disasters like the mass illegal immigration created by the Biden Administration.  Dropping tens-of-millions of third-world aliens into the US economy in the span of a few years is a calamity bigger than anything Mother Nature could possibly produce.

But how are any of these things connected?  Aren’t they just the natural random noise of civilization?  It couldn’t possibly be maliciously planned, right?  Well, it depends – Chaos is not always directly created, but it can be encouraged into being through policy.

Is this conspiracy theory?  We’ve seen many conspiracy theories proven true over the past couple years, from the covid pandemic lockdowns, mandates and death numbers being exposed as a sham, Twitter and Facebook now outed for colluding with government officials to censor conservatives, the US government and Ukraine blowing up the Nordstream gas pipeline to Europe.  Conspiracy theorists are racking up an impressive list of wins lately.

If it seems to you as it does to me that the frequency of destabilizing events is increasing, that’s probably because it is.  It’s not a symptom of internet “information overload” as the media claims; the internet has been around a long time now and we’re used to the ease of info access.  No, this is something new.

The Monkey Wrench Gang

Edward Abbey’s politically charged book titled ‘The Monkey Wrench Gang’ portrays a group of environmentalist extremists out to stop the “pollution” of the southwestern US using sabotage of machines and infrastructure as a means to grind development to a halt.

The Monkey Wrench Gang has long been considered an inspirational work of fiction for the political left, but it is also treated as a sort of instruction manual for leftists and anarchists – A guide for bringing down the system. It depicts the destruction of minor targets like billboards and bulldozers, up to and including the destruction of bridges, the derailment of trains and the attempted bombing of a dam. It’s sort of like the leftist version of The Turner Diaries.

The idea is that one small attack alone doesn’t do much, but thousands of attacks have an accumulative effect that can result in the downfall of a country or system.

What the book does not address is the idea that a shadow government would HELP or fund these kinds of attacks.  With the government on their side as it remains passive, saboteurs can operate with impunity. They can then commit acts of sabotage in a way that avoids drawing too many questions – In other words, they would have the ability to make the events look like accidents, or commit crimes in a way that looks random.

Leftist Reactions To Losing Political Power – The Rise Of Marxist Terror

Leftists throughout modern history have a habit of engaging in destabilization efforts when they don’t get what they want.  They view their motivations as sacrosanct and beyond criticism, be it “saving democracy” or “saving the planet” or “taking down capitalists and colonists”. 

In every case where the political left had influence over social conditions and then lost that power, they revert to directed exponential disruption and violence from riots to assassination.  They claim to care about the right of the majority to have their voices heard, but in reality they don’t care at all.  When the majority goes against the leftist narrative, leftists go rogue.

If I could come up with one word to describe progressives and their behavior it’s this:  Petty.

That might sound too reserved, but there’s nothing more dangerous than people who are petty; they’re capable of justifying anything.  We saw this on a large scale after Donald Trump’s first election win in 2016 and I guarantee we’re going to see a lot more as he enters office again in 2025.  Establishment gatekeepers in the media and among globalist institutions have conjured an atmosphere in which at least 30% of the country believes that “democracy” is facing an existential threat from Donald Trump and conservatives.

They think they’re headed for concentration camps once Trump settles into the White House and that all their rights are about to be taken away.  Ironically, it’s their pettiness and propensity for sabotage that might actually end up creating the desire among conservatives for putting these people behind bars for a long time.

Establishment elites have fostered an environment in which random attacks are more easily triggered, but they also participate in the direct funding and training of Marxist extremist groups.  For anyone who thinks this kind of thing never happens, I suggest you look into the true history behind the leftist terrorists of the Weather Underground and how many of those people (who were wanted by the FBI) ended working within the government and teaching at major universities.

There WILL be a number of these groups active in the coming years.  These people will not accept failure and they will lash out any way they can.  Some of them will be given help from establishment elites with extensive resources.

The Tempting Authoritarian Response To Monkey Wrenching

The temptation in the face of mass induced sabotage of a nation is to respond with cold and calculated power.  Frankly, it’s hard to see another solution at times.  As most Libertarians will point out, government power is like the Ring of Sauron from Lord Of The Rings – You might think you can wield it for good, but ultimately it will corrupt you just as it corrupts everyone.  I tend to agree.

In the decade after WWI Germany faced a series of Marxist provocations from economic sabotage to armed violence and assassinations.  The German government and traditionalist citizens eventually responded in kind, creating militias to quell leftists and imprisoning or killing some in their leadership.  Germans were well aware of what happened under Marxism in other nations and the havoc it inspired.  Those years of instability in the 1920s and the fear they induced led to the ultimate formation of the Nazi Party and the rise of National Socialism.

Disturbingly, fascism was presented as the counter to Marxism, but even Adolph Hitler admitted on multiple occasions that fascism was inspired by Marxism. The German people, in a desperate effort to return to normalcy and prosperity, embraced a Marxist inspired political system in order to undo the chaos created by Marxist revolutionaries.

We stand at a dangerous crossroads in 2025, but this does not mean we sit back and do nothing (which, unfortunately, seems to be a common Libertarian response).  Do we form citizen militias like the Germans did and take down leftist agitators?  Or, do we let the government under Trump flirt with unconstitutional measures?  Do we arrest Democrat city or state officials that refuse to fix infrastructure problems?  Do we remove them by force if they continue protecting illegals from deportation?

Recent surveys show that nearly HALF of all federal employees plan to resist or obstruct the plans of the Trump Administration, which means they will be actively trying to sabotage the implementation of policies that most Americans voted for.  They’re telling you that the will of the voter doesn’t matter.  What should be done about these people?

These are the kinds of questions that are going to come up frequently in the next four years and we need to consider them seriously.

Some would argue that any violence of action whatsoever is authoritarian in nature, but I see little chance of reversing the damage done by globalists and leftists without some form of violence.  For example, mass deportations of millions of illegal immigrants will be presented by critics as authoritarian in nature.  Yet, this strategy is entirely necessary if our country is to be saved.

Do the ends justify the means?  In this case, yes.  When your civilization is under attack it is morally acceptable to defend it.  The problems arise when the act of retaliation against an enemy results in the loss of the very freedom and prosperity your society hopes to protect.  This is the conundrum created by the monkey wrench:  It’s an internal war, with internal enemies, and to strike at internal enemies you sometimes take the risk of striking yourself.



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Brandon Smith

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  • Shay January 18, 2025 at 9:00 am

    Brandon, great article. This is why we need to be careful of going along with anything Trump might say- there are a lot of religious trumpers out there.

    Another question: what are you views on the crypto/bitcoin craze? Trump appointing pro crypto individuals, touting official US bitcoin reserve and a SITTING US PRESIDENT just launched a memecoin last night ($Trump) that just did a 5 bagger in less then 10 hours (I literally had to check if his twitter account wasn’t hacked but it’s real lol).

    We have to be living in a simulation at this point.. haha..

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      Brandon Smith January 18, 2025 at 9:07 am

      I think the dilemma rests more in the possibility that Trump does something that people say is “authoritarian”, but it is also necessary. For example, I will applaud the rounding up of illegals and shipping them out of the country. I really don’t care if they think their “rights” are being violated. I also honestly don’t care if they arrest Democrat leaders that try to get in the way of deportations. That said, I realize that there is a domino effect that can happen when we get too comfortable using pure government power to achieve our goals. It’s not a black and white issue like many Libertarians seem to believe, it’s far more complicated.

      I don’t have much to say on the meme coin stuff. If people think they can make money on such investments then more power to them. Personally, I think all crypto is a scam that will do nothing to solve our economic issues, but I understand the public fascination…

  • Patricat January 18, 2025 at 9:39 am

    If the govt would concentrate on cleaning out its own traitors, and then take a “hands-off” approach to the civil conflict, the leftists could be readily cleaned out and the govt wouldn’t be the direct perpetrator of “govt violence”, thus avoiding the undesireable spectre of tyrannical crackdown.The people themselves could do the clean-up, but they need assurance that the govt won’t arrest them for it. The people know what they want, if govt would just quit protecting the enemy.

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      Brandon Smith January 18, 2025 at 9:46 am

      True. Though, getting that kind of agreement in writing would be difficult.

    • spud January 20, 2025 at 6:38 am

      When was the last time the govt cleaned out it’s own traitor’s?

      And with Theil, Musk, Bezo, Fink, and friends influencing Trump, we will see more technocracy not less.

  • AL January 18, 2025 at 10:14 am

    Great article! And thanks for pointing out what led to the NAZI party. Not that I’m a NAZI or praise the regime, but they get way too much attention as the go to bad guys of our lifetime. I think the purpose is to sweep the horrors of communism under the NAZI flag.

    I’m born and raised SF Bay Area and the problems I have seen in plain sight are somewhat recent and exponential in both material and social damage. The homeless camps are engineered by the gov’t for (what I think) is the purpose to destroy property values in older industrial areas. The goal as we are told is housing but no doubt there are multiple things going on using the same crisis. Simple crisis, reaction, solution method.

    The fires are another issue that has gone exponential since 2017, and conveniently under the Newscum administration (since 2019). At the time I did an overlay of the fire map and the CA Megaregions and found that all the fires were outside the Megaregion and mostly in redevelopment zones.

    Bottom line. Nothing is an accident. When the public has to ask – while seeing this blatant destruction and apparent incompetence of gov’t officials – how this is possible, that means it’s deliberate.

    As this is allowed to continue; I agree there will be an escalation. However, the response needs to be directed at those responsible and in such a way as to not evade the existing laws. Just enforce what we have, unless the laws were altered in a way that allow this destruction to go on. We are dealing with corrupt politicians and lawyers here.

  • Roundball Shaman January 18, 2025 at 3:46 pm

    “Let’s say you are a person or group with malicious intent and you have deliberately set out to destroy a country, or a society or a civilization. Do you try to do this with a single elaborately planned event?”
    What you do is control State Media and use it as a weapon against The People.
    What you do is to demonize legacy values and turn the Nation… Woke and perverse.
    What you do is let an unelected group of bankers control your Nation’s finances for Their own benefit and purposes.
    What you do is pervert the Nation’s education system and teach children to hate their Nation… maybe hate their race… maybe hate their own families. And the sex they were born as.
    What you do is to make people weak and dependent on Government to become their perpetual Mommy and Daddy so that people stay juvenile and never grow up.
    What you do is buy off all the Nation’s politicians so they do the work of those who purchase them rather than the work of The People.
    What you do is tell People they are free… and then use every means to enslave them.
    What you do is to soil the Nations’ food supply so that food no longer has any nutritional value and you get people hooked on foods that destroy their health.
    What you do is allow forces like Big Harming Pharma to inject millions of people with toxins that will further degrade their health and well-being.
    What you do is get people dis-spirited. Make them angry, frustrated, fearful of the future rather than hopeful. And fighting with each other.
    What you do is take away a person’s privacy and dignity.
    What you do is to work against People’s Rights and turn them into Privileges handed out to those who follow orders.
    What you do is to hide God from people – and turn the Devil loose on them.
    What you do is create threats everywhere so people go fleeing into the arms of Government.
    What you do is allow a certain self-privileged Middle Eastern Nation to virtually run all important affairs of your Government rather than your own people doing so.
    What you do is pervert the theory of Government which states that power comes from the People. Instead, you convince people that power is the sole property of politicians, technocrats, self-proclaim experts, cultish new religions like ‘The Science!’ – any place and anywhere but in and from The People.
    What you do is turn Good into the Bad… and Bad into Good.
    What you do is Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste. Use crisis to further dark agendas… and generate more crisis to further your warfare against The People.
    What you do is to not serve God as the First Commandment instructs… but turn other things and people into false gods that you offer up your lives to.
    And then… you think up MORE ways to do people in.
    And you get People hooked on being used and abused and begging for more.

  • Hubbs January 18, 2025 at 4:47 pm

    “Violence in the face of tyranny is often necessary.” One of your best articles, complete with the introduction of Sibelius, the Finnish composer, the scenic overhead view of the Karelian Penninsula and the re enactment of the 1939 Winter War. I wish I had that orginal link and it should be reposted, “because sometimes you just have to fight!” Even when the odds are stacked against you as they were against the Finns.

  • DWEEZIL THE WEASEL January 18, 2025 at 7:24 pm

    “An opinion can be argued with; a conviction is best shot.” – H/T to T.E. Lawrence. It remains to be seen how strong the convictions are of the resisting FEDGOV employees, Pentagon generals, and other federal remoras and tax termites. I give it about six months. Then, it will either be a full-on Civil War or business as usual with 2016 redux. And the 2026 midterm elections will be the death knell of the Dead Elephant Party. I’m still prepping as though Kamala won. Bleib ubrig.

    • Amuzed_Traveler January 19, 2025 at 9:32 am

      With DOGE, if it is to be useful at all, I’m hoping Elon and Vivek fire fully half the bureaucracy day 1. Then, continue firing those that refuse to honor the Trump Administration’s goals. Get rid of onerous regulations at the same pace. Enact the tariffs, reduce or eliminate the income tax. The resulting boom time should make the roaring 20’s look recessionary by comparison.

      • David Homer January 20, 2025 at 8:53 am

        Elon is a scam artist. You should expect anything seemingly beneficial to be illusory.

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          Brandon Smith January 20, 2025 at 9:13 am

          Well, Twitter has changed DRAMATICALLY and free speech is generally respected there. So, I will credit Musk for that. Anyone who says otherwise never tried to navigate the site when the leftists controlled it.

  • Richard Ruggiero January 18, 2025 at 7:29 pm

    The president of Argentina just lowered the age to buy firearms and this is a good example of how reaffirming our founding principles of reason, freedom and individual rights can protect us. Abolish the plethora of rights destroying government and even if the CCP has infiltrated and is in control of the deep state their power to effect change will be limited.

  • JTC January 19, 2025 at 8:09 am

    Unless we as a nation repent, and seek God’s face, we are doomed to failure. Without a moral and upright population, a republic based truly on the Constitution is impossible. The Constitution is already ignored more and more as years go by. How long before the First Amendment is gone completely and then they will be after the Second full-scale? The Fourth Amendment is regularly violated by the three most corrupt agencies: FBI, CIA, and NSA. No doubt all three will get generous increases to their budgets, regardless of GOP jawboning. Talk is cheap; action is much harder.

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      Brandon Smith January 19, 2025 at 12:44 pm

      Neither the 1st or 2nd Amendment are going anywhere. If we survived the attempted takeover of 2020 then we can survive anything.

  • Greg B. January 19, 2025 at 5:02 pm

    You could also list the various moral panics like the Satanic Panic of the 80’s and 90’s, the Red Scare of the 50’s or the hysteria over the recent “goonergate” fiasco as forms of monkey wrenching.

  • Jonathan N January 20, 2025 at 7:37 am

    In your discussion of these different books, I was reminded of State of Fear by Michael Crichton, which rips the climate change agenda and “science,” and portrays left-wing environmentalists as engaging in activities to do things like break off a big iceberg and blame it on climate change.

  • Lucas January 22, 2025 at 6:15 am

    Unfortunately, the only solution is the collapse of the system itself. Democracy is the government of Demon. Government is mind (ment) control (govern). We won´t have people like Beethoven and Plato back, unless the system where they flourished come back as well, which means monarchy, slavery and banning of banking activities. Donald Trump is the trump card, he´s beeing prepared since he´s young, for this moment (watch old interviews). At least, we won´t be bored, let´s enjoy the show.

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      Brandon Smith January 22, 2025 at 7:43 am

      Collapse is what the globalists WANT. They’ve been trying to arrange it for decades. The problem is they need a controlled collapse and I don’t think they know how they’re going to make that happen yet. They want to be able to control all possible outcomes. I think covid was their first real attempt at a global crisis/panic but the virus ended up being not as deadly as they hoped.

  • Serge January 22, 2025 at 7:33 am

    Now that Trump is back at office, leftists and other wokists are getting more and more scared.
    Have a look to this “sermon” during national prayer service day after Trump inauguration:

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