This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group
The underlying strength of economics is that (when approached honestly and with respect to the data) it can give us a relatively accurate measure of progress versus cost. If the rewards outweigh the costs after careful calculation then that economic endeavor will bear fruit. The ability to gauge production, innovation and prosperity with an unbiased eye is essential to true economics.
The problem is that economics is not only a mathematical science, it is also, for lack of a better term, a social science. One has to understand individual psychology and mass psychology. You have to be knowledgeable in the inconsistencies of human emotion and desire as much as you are knowledgeable in the hard realities of supply and demand. Furthermore, not all people that engage in economic study do so for the benefit of humanity.
There is a contingent of financial elitists that seek to use their understanding of the psychological side of economics to socially engineer political outcomes. We’ve heard it said that nuclear science or genetic science offer a power so terrible that they could wipe out civilization if exploited by the wrong hands. I would argue that economic science in the wrong hands outdoes every other competitor because it can be used to enslave humanity forever.
Case in point: What happens when economics is combined with far-left activism and scientific cultism based on fabricated claims? What happens when a group of ultra-wealthy Fabian socialists combine their resources to strangle the free market and manipulate economic outcomes? What do you get when a vast network of international corporations abandon competition and profit for a long term agenda of power and control?
Well, you get insidious programs like ESG and groups like the Council For Inclusive Capitalism. You get direct cooperation between governments and corporations to force a specific way of thinking and living. They present it as philanthropy when it is really a complex form of tyranny.
These specific efforts have failed, but not without much struggle on the part of liberty voices and the alternative media. ESG is mostly dead and as far as I can tell the Council for Inclusive Capitalism has been abandoned. However, the people behind these programs remain in the same positions of influence.
In terms of the diversity, equity and inclusions subset, the woke model is in popular media is breaking down. You’re going to see less and less progressive pundits and content creators trying to mold public opinion using “social justice” over the next few years. They know their time is over. But, the other half of ESG, the climate change agenda, is still well underway.
The World Economic Forum, the premier globalist think tank, has released more information this past month showcasing their plans to make carbon taxation about “justice, fairness and DEI”. When they talk about “equity in climate change” what they are referring to is a developing project designed to redistribute wealth away from first-world western nations into the coffers of third-world countries.
The narrative is that these parts of the world have been victimized by climate change perpetrated by the developed world. In other words, our success is supposedly built on the backs of poor nations. It’s nothing more than a rewriting of the old Marxist attack on free markets – If someone wins then someone else has to lose and that’s just not fair, so let’s tear the whole society down so that there can be no winners.
But it’s not free markets that have created the wealth gap that enrages leftists. International corporations are, in fact, socialist by definition and by nature. Without protection from governments, without their extensive partnerships with bureaucrats and politicians along with their limited liability and corporate personhood, most companies would not have an edge on everyone else.
Carbon credits will only exacerbate that dynamic and widen the wealth gap even further, because carbon taxation will crush small businesses and leave only massive corporations able to weather the tax burden.
Sure, tax dollars from rich countries will also be redistributed to poor countries, but this money will not be going to the destitute in Africa or Asia. It will be going into the hands of more corporations, more non-profits and more politicians. In the end, the middle class which made the west a beacon of freedom will disappear completely. Everyone will be equal – We will all be equally poor.
The WEF calls this shift a global “reorganization” of how we engage with the economy. At the forefront of this plan are, once again, globalist think tanks and non-profits partnered with the biggest corporations and central banks.
The globalists want to redefine how we calculate growth according to their illusory metrics. How does one quantify happiness, or fairness, or environmental purity and then add that into GDP? It’s not possible, at least not in an unbiased manner.
Flowery terminology like equity and inclusion have nothing to do with production or economic survival. They do, though, have a lot in common with the social engineering ideals of ESG that most of the west is rejecting. They’re giving “inclusive capitalism” a climate change paint job.
Progressives often condemn the free market profit motive as a “disease” that will destroy our species, but believe me, the worst thing that can possibly happen to the western world today is for corporate moguls to decide they don’t care about money anymore. When groups of mega rich narcopaths discover ideology and start seeing you and I and society as their pet project, the world is in deep trouble. What is most disturbing is that they scratch and grasp for greater power while pretending as if they’re doing it “for our benefit”.
Will a few of them do good? Sure, that happens at times. But, usually when elites try to influence culture through carrot or stick methods the results are disastrous.
We need to understand this reality first before we can ever understand the motives behind the “net zero” movement. The persistent globalist push for carbon taxation has nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with changing the very soil of the economic landscape. Keep in mind that globalism is just a modernized form of feudalism posing as socially conscious governance.
These people don’t actually care about the environment or equality; they care about environmental taxation and “equity”. These are very different things.
And lets not forget that climate scientist claims are based on data derived from the 1880s onward, while they act as if millions of years of the Earth’s temperature history doesn’t exist. Temperatures in the past have been far hotter (and far colder) than they are today, and atmospheric carbon content records going back millions of years show there is no causational relationship between carbon emissions and warming conditions.
The moment you look at the Earth’s climate outside of that tiny sliver of 140 years that climate scientists use for their data, the entire man-made global warming theory falls apart. We barely just exited an ice age and these people are doom mongering about 1.5 degrees Celsius!
Let’s instead consider the short term ramifications of using an equity model for the global economy. What will happen when fairness becomes more important than merit and net zero becomes more important than prosperity?
The more self sufficiency people have, the more free they can be. The more dependency they have on the system, the easier they are to enslave. Carbon controls create an economic environment in which self sufficiency is impossible because they centralize all production into the hands of a select group of self appointed high priests in charge of climate change management. They get to choose the tax burden arbitrarily and they get to choose the conditions of production. Therefore, the elites will control the means of production, all while telling us that those in poverty are the beneficiaries.
The carbon scheme seems to be the last fallback of globalist organizations to create a rationale for wealth redistribution. What will they do if it fails? That’s hard to say. I suppose they will try to start WWIII (I would argue that it’s already started). The point is, much of what the globalists do is a rehashing of old-hat centralization and oligarchy. Call it ESG, call it carbon taxes, call it DEI, the goal is the same – The destruction of the west to make way for a new dark age.
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Nothing like trying to send humanity back to the lowest Common Denominator, where no one will have to compete because governments will print all the money they need to support those too stupid to have any viable skills. They consider worker bees to be no more than a nuisance who need to be re-educated to be good dumbed-down citizens under a Communist-style rule, which we saw actually was crippling Russia. It didn’t improve for Russia until it dumped Communism in favor of Democratic Socialism.
DEI and ESG are two of the stupidest concepts to come down the pike and it is all because Good Christians believe we need to help every human being get into a new unaffordable home because everyone needs a chance line of BS, which has been decoupled from the Meritocracy that generates bright minds who are in positions to further the advancement of humanity.
Eh, DEI and ESG have NOTHING to do with Christians. Christians view charity as an individual decision, not a government or globalist enforced policy. The people supporting DEI and ESG are mostly atheists and Luciferians. No Christians support these programs.
Then why does the government allow them to be tax free? It’s because Churches tow the government line!
Your logic is flawed. Churches don’t have to support DEI or ESG to get 501C3 status. Now, if you want to talk about fraud churches like the Unitarians or Portland based woke churches with female pastors (fake churches), then that’s a real issue – But the issue there is more about woke agents posing as Christians, not real Christians supporting DEI.
One wonderful exception is Pastor Chuck Baldwin in Montana. His site actually has a list of non 501c3 churches in the country.
“What happens when economics is combined with far-left activism and scientific cultism based on fabricated claims?”
Far-Left activism – like Woke and DEI. Fabricated claims – like ‘Embedded Cultural Racism Against Blacks today’. (Back in the ‘50s, sure. But not now. ‘Racism’ is now just an Industry unto itself even though that kind of racism died off years ago).
What happens is that more flooring is being installed on the filthy foundation of Dark Sider control over all persons and things – using Race and phony ‘Inequality’. The Dark Side is a One Note Song. Everything They say and do leads to this outcome. They are as predictable as They are evil and transparent. ‘We are Your Gods and Don’t You Dare To Have Any Other!’
“In terms of the diversity, equity and inclusions subset, the woke model is in popular media is breaking down.”
Maybe in some ways. But if you watch the Idiot Box for even a few minutes… you will notice an UPTICK in more faces ‘Of Color’ than was happening even before Trump’s re-election. It is a perpetual parade of dark complexions and persons of light skin tone are getting even more absent.
More news anchors… news reporters… faces on commercials… voice overs… back-tracking music to commercials… features about sports athletes… more and more and more of the darker tones. And not a lighter one to be found.
Look, no sensible person wants to deprive anyone of opportunity. But what we seeing is today flat-out-in-your-face racism against Whites. Period. There is no other way to see this, or say this. If you have a dark complexion today the sky’s the limit. (Have you noticed that most all these new TV Game shows have hosts that are not (shall we say) of the White persuasion?
Don’t pin labels or try to look for unsavory motivations in my making these observations. I’ve had Black friends ever since I was a little kid. I went to kindergarten and beyond College with Blacks. Much of my most favorite music comes was created and performed by Black Americans and that unique beat that’s rooted back in Africa. I admire their talents and energy in pursuits in which Whites find hard to duplicate. I hated the racism I saw around me as I was growing up. I was a friend to and with Blacks before it was cool to do so.
BUT… I can also recognize when Forces out there are now using blacks for an agenda not truly based in achieving equality for blacks and giving blacks and others opportunities – but instead intended as a powerful assault and deliberate sidelining of White persons. And when Whites have been properly de-platformed… these forces will then turn just as quickly against Blacks that they have been using.
Here’s a thought: Let EVERYONE have an equal chance at everything. No tilting of the table in any one direction. Let Merit live. Let achievement once again be our desired goal. Let all persons and all backgrounds be able to find stations in all areas of life..
“… Call it ESG, call it carbon taxes, call it DEI, the goal is the same – The destruction of the west to make way for a new dark age.”
And to destroy the West… you have to push one group of people far aside to facilitate that destruction. And that’s what They are still doing – Trump or no Trump.
The Michael Jackson song “Black or White” has a highly-insightful lyric: “I’m not going to spend my life being a color.”
Well, that’s the way things should be — at least in a healthy society. But today, being a Color is all what some people want out of life. With the Dark Siders looking on with devilish grins.
A minor point perhaps but we are still in glacial period, Pleistocene glaciation, which started just over 2 million years ago. A glacial period is defined as a period when the Arctic and Antarctic poles are covered by ice sheets. Over the past 12,000 years since a retreat of the ice sheet from parts of North America and Northern Europe, we have been living in the Holocene which is a relatively warm period within a glacial period. There have been about 29 warmer periods like the Holocene during the Pleistocene glacial period which is ongoing. As you noted, we are at a point of low global temperatures when viewed over millions of years and the risk is that we could descend into another Little Ice Age similar to that which impacted the world just over 200 years ago. There is no science supporting the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis which has been thoroughly debunked; the greater risk is global cooling at a time when average CO2 concentrations at ~400 ppm in the atmosphere are at geological low levels.
WEF – White European Fagz will fail as usual. DEI – Didn’t Earn It is on the way out in Corporate America & Lost Angels or Los A-holes got what it deserved. Vote for Evil – Burn In Hell.
“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.
Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”
Ottmar Edenhofer
IPCC Co-Chair Working Group III
Neue Zurcher Zeitung, 14 November 2010
No doubt from the non-rich, to the rich.
Can’t wait for globalists to start attacking carbonation (soft drinks and such), due to them having and releasing some CO2 into the atmosphere.
The entire climate change myth is based on two things – (1) that CO2 absorbs heat like crazy, which it doesn’t, and (2) that atmospheric composition determines temperature of the planet, i.e. more CO2 or other “greenhouse gases” make the planet hotter, which is also 100% false.
The “science” here (pseudo-science, actually) is all made up for the purposes of the globalist depopulation and enslavement agenda, and has nothing to do with reality. They’ve done everything they can to capture every last source of scientific information that they can, governmental or otherwise, and to force everyone to repeat their narratives and vilify anyone who doesn’t, but no matter how many people are saying and believing it, it’s still BS.
I’ve tried to tell people for years that the Authoritarian Globalists don’t care about the environment. Their goals are being presented using fearmongering for buy-in, to reduce the population, corral the remaining population into internment camps they call Efficient Green Urban Centers, strip everyone of their inalienable Rights and Liberties and use us as chattel labor to produce what they want. A Feudal System…
Trump to be present at Davos 25. “Old boss same as the new boss”. His cabinet picks are also caving in to the Deep State, no surprise. Tulsi Gabbard is now in favor of government surveillance. Nice 180 deg Tulsi.
Outsiders get invited to Davos all the time. Last time Trump was at Davos he chastised them publicly so it’s not exactly the same as being invited to something like Bilderberg. Also, keep in mind that cabinet confirmations are underway and these people will have to pretend they support things like FISA just to get a foot in the door with Neo-con and Dem opposition. Just because Trump was elected does not mean he will be able to implement everything he promised right away; the system still exists and it’s designed to impede positive change. People need to hold back on the accusations before conservatives even take office. Let’s see what they actually DO.
Thanks Brandon for your long effort in critical thinking and the quest for liberty.
What do our current (and historic) dominant governing structures have in common irrespective of their titles?
Top down structures, led by a minority of privileged/connected or newly initiated monied members organizing a structure of incestuous (on all levels) self serving, control minded relationships.
What allows it to happen?
A crisis of irresponsibility and the acquiescence of the people to continually give their power to some perceived authority
(The savior/daddy help me mindset) vs. the far more difficult self governing/organizing foundation necessary for true liberty (it is the ultimate challenge)
Despite the absolute facts of massive globalists influence, a still current majority of people are wanting of their ignorance, love their sloth, cheer irresponsible behavior and doom themselves to servitude and enslavement, voluntarily (all of us struggling with it to some degree right here and now)
Look into the mirror before you point another finger and you will see the essence of the world’s enemy of itself!
Keep up the work mates, it is the only way.
“I would argue that economic science in the wrong hands outdoes every other competitor because it can be used to enslave humanity forever.”…….Very well said!
Something I have learned recently is that “tear society down people” are just as prevalent on the right. They are also just as dangerous in what they propose. Sure changes need to be made but we must work within the existing framework of our reality. It will most definitely not always be fair but that’s life anyway.
I think there’s a fine line between accepting the possibility of collapse, and WANTING a collapse to happen. No smart person wants a collapse; those people that crave chaos are generally too stupid to understand what such an event would entail. I don’t think they want to tear things down like leftists, I think they want the system to finally break because they don’t want to deal with the struggle of finding solutions. I’ve pointed it out before, but whenever I do an article on solutions I usually get far less traffic on it compared to articles about collapse. It’s a real problem among liberty movement activists – A lot of them are secret Anarchists that don’t want to put in the work and think the world would be better off (for them) without any structure. They’re wrong, but these are people that have grown up in the first world and have no clue what real struggle is.
I don’t think that’s entirely true, as the only solutions they seem to consider valid are the silver bullet, one-size-fits-all variety that rely solely on ‘vote harder’, ‘protest harder’, ‘sue harder’,’write strongly worded letters harder’ while disregarding any solution outside of that.
You’re forgetting about the survivalist subset that lusts after collapse and refuses to accept that anything can be fixed. The phrase “every man for himself” pops up often with these people. Trust me, I’ve been doing this work for almost 20 years now and there are lot of these folks out there. I believe in preparedness, but black pill nihilism is for losers.